《StoryMania!》Zombie scheme !


In a world filled with zombies, a few select scientists from all over the world, gathered in one place under the banner of the world leaders, to try and salvage what parts of their dignity as humans was left.

"Impossible ! This virus actually holds the key to immortality, and you want to destroy it ?!?"

An old looking man bursted in the meeting room, and yelled.

'Not again...' A scientist murmured, as he watched the comic show go on.

*Thud* A fellow smart looking scientist smacked him in the head with the papers he was holding on to, as he overheard his small talks.

'The person my uneducated friend, is one of the brightest micro-biolohists in history. In fact he might actually be the only person who has a chance of finding anything worthwhile. Unlike you that is.'

'heh, I know that, but it still doesn't change a thing. For all that I know, he could be one of the 3 terrorists that attacked my country, with the way he is talking.'

The other scientist slightly backed off as he heard that claim.

It was clear that the actions of the 'famed' geezer putted all of them in a hard spot. Especially with what went down a few days ago...


The TV went on a news channel from a kids show suddenly, causing the kids to grow angry and the parents worried. Such a situation displayed itself on numerous households.

'Hundreds of thousands of victims reported a strange illness, with symptoms ranging from hallucinations to violent coughing and longer periods of sleep.

It is currently uknowkn if this disease is deadly or not, but microbiologists suggest that it is a new kind of species of a bacterial family.

The biologist from Sensar university will further present his theories and some precautions, so as to avoid further spreading of this disease.'



A crackling radio sound was headed in an abandoned house.

'The disease has reported over a million victims, despite the first outbreak being only 6 days ago.

The symptoms have started to grow even more violent, even reporting a few deaths.'


An old man reminiscing with a tear in his eyes.

'30 million infected people with the disease, with over 1 in every 4 out of them dying.

I wonder what is the government doing about this. WELL ARE YOU ?

Join us at the protest this Monday, as we demand the explanation we deserve !'

His only remaining family was a child.

A month old child, infected with the disease child.


*Fzz* *Fzzz* a few droning sounds were heard from an beaten up TV.


'A reported amount of over 50 million victims of this terrible outbreak.'

'Biochemical poisoning proved to be the disease. The terrorist organization behind this tragedy has yet to make its appearance.'

"Spreading through the air and so on... blah blah, don't they have anything new ?"

An angry teenager spoke through his teeth, trying to control his anger.

He lost his friends over this shitty disease, and even had... had... had to kill them with his own hands. Ever since he's been having nightmares at the moment he falls asleep.

'EMERGENCY NEWS: The virus has been detected, treatments for early stages of it are bearing fruits. As for the dead walking, many biologists, suggest the corpses aren't very dangerous, so long you can walk, they can never catch you, aided with the fact that they probably have only a few more days of life left as they are half corpses, and that the virus can't survive in the air for more than 4 days, the quarantine will soon be putted to an end, from about 4 months from now.'


And as that kid heated that, he jumped so high from his excitement that it was like he got wings and flew.

"Yesh ! I have a hope. My sister, she... she can, NO she will survive"

His eyes burned like fire, as he went to check on his sister.

A lifeless body, was all that greeted him.

And soon the lifeless bodies became 2, as the teenager slashed his own throat with a pocket knife.


*4 months later *

'The out brake incidents has been historically recorder as the worst one yet, with over 48 million deceased.

Houses left abandoned, and ghost towns became the norm in US, England and Turkey...'

"Hah, they think that's all it is gonna be from us ?

They must be dreaming, beacause that was only phase 1.

Ready to gather new data about immortal virus ?"

A shady looking beggar spoke to some high class persons full with suitcases and business suits.

"Yes sir, this time they will truly be lucky if they escape with a few hundreds of millions dead."

One of the suited guys spoke, and the rest just agreed.

A new era was about to begin, and this was just the prelude.


"The zombies proved to not be a big threat, and government has been taking measures to prevent future attacks of this kind."

A bright child said, trying to calm down his brother.

'But, but...'

The small child spoke face full with tears,not being able to form even a sentence.

"Not buts. Everything will be all fine."

He once again spoke with a soothing time.


*3 Terrorists suddenly appeared on the TV on every Chanel*

'Hi guys...

I don't expect you to be that much welcoming to us, considering the small virus we released, but we want you to understand that all those sacrifices weren't for nothing.'

The person beside that guy took over and starting speaking

'Each and every one of the deaths that occured due to the I-virus has been a helpful hand that will allow us to finally take the next step to evolution, after so many thousands of years of stagnation.'

Finally the last person started speaking, and as they expected him to finish faster, and sooner he..

'Yea. That is exactly so.

So you wouldn't mind being the lab rats once more, right ?'

Those 3 finishing their speach suddenly looked up, as if the were trying to watch a nice show.

12 immense planes started flying above the citizens heads a few seconds later, releashing large amounts of a greenish gash.

Panic took seconds to explode.


In the conference room of the scientists, the 2 of them exchanged a few words, and went back iminding their own businesses.

The old scientist thinking inwardly

'Yes, this is just the beginning.'

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