《Sunday Game Sessions》Chapter 18


“Again, you’re just starting to wake up when you hear a knocking at the door.” Gary narrated.

“I cast ‘Sleep’ and put all three bastard’s to sleep!” decides Dave.

“You need to have a clear path to the target whenever you can a spell, so you actually can’t cast it through a closed door,” replied Gary.

“So, this priest is evil and he’s working with the monsters?” asked Anne.

“You don’t know that, but he seemed to stab you in the back during the fight,” explained Gary.

“I have a ‘Detect Evil’ spell, shouldn’t that have warned me about him before he betrayed us?” argued Anne.

“You do have a ‘Detect Evil’ spell, but you’ve never prepared it nor cast it. If you read its description, it’s kind of like ‘Detect Magic’, for a period of time it makes anyone who means you harm to glow in a way that only you can see. Note, it doesn’t let you read their thoughts and it doesn’t NECESSARILY make people with a chaotic alignment glow. It makes people who mean YOU harm glow. An evil priest could cast it and it’d make do-gooders who would harm him glow.”

“So, it works from the spell casters perspective?” asked Margaret.

“Yeah,” agreed Gary.

“Ok, then, Beler opens the door then Nalda and I both cast sleep on them,” decided Dave.

“Sure, you open the door and they’re surprised when you immediately cast a spell on them. Each of you roll 2d8, and… yup, you’ve put all of them to sleep. They collapse to the ground.”

“We kill them all,” Dave said quickly.

“Wait! Still no prisoners?” asked Margaret “It seems like some of them might have some useful information.”

“I don’t want the travelling priest to paralyze us again!” argued Dave.


“How about we kill him and one acolyte, tie up the other one, then wake him up?” suggested Laura as a compromise, which everyone agreed to.

“Ok, you have him tied up but the acolyte refuses to respond to any of your questions. He glares at all of you,” narrated Gary.

“Well, we’ll take you back to the Frontier Fort, but there’s a pretty good chance we’re going to torture you as soon as we get there. So you should prepare yourself for that,” said Dave in character.

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