《Can a holy hero be born from such a person?》Chapter 12: Adventure guild


"You can at least give them a chance you to retaliate you know that right?" [Alfin]

"Well in my defense controlling 10 shark golem simultaneously will drain my mana and my movement will become sloppy after that" [Azumi]

"then wait for a few minute and give them chance to strike" [Alfin]

"no, they have to learn the harsh truth of the world, muahahahaha" [Azumi]

"that is a bad joke and Don't bother imitating an evil lord" [Alfin]

Alfin and Azumi are currently having a conversation while Mrs Usagina dismiss the students, however, Guz and his friends come to meet them before going back to class

"""""Teacher Azumi, thank you for today""""" [Guz, Blanc, Blade, Lydia, Emma]

"Teacher huh, that is far better than calling me sir, and you guys did a really good job, just ask what to improve from your homeroom teacher, they knew you better so they will give more solid advice, as for my parts, the blinding light and the magic circle that cause homing effect was splendid, but you guys should also prepare a spell so that you guys can see in such blinding light or train to fight while closing your eyes" [Azumi]

"""""yes""""" [Guz, Blanc, Blade, Lydia, Emma]

having said that, Azumi give a firm handshake to Guz, Blanc and Blade while Princess Alfin hug both Lydia and Emma, they then proceed to go to the classroom leaving behind Azumi and Alfin

"Now then, I believe we should head out to the adventure guild" [Alfin]

"Yes, don't want to make the guild master to wait" [Azumi]

The guild master for the capital of Raflesia is a male dwarf call Karonlir, or better known as the Karonlir the earthquake as his hammer and unusually high affinity to earth element combine can cause mini earthquake on each impact, he is one of the strongest adventure having reach a SS rank at his peak before retiring to focus on his family


The adventure guild have a rank system to better sort out their adventure and for request purpose, the rank are divided as follow

SS - Saga, only one person can hold the title at one time

S - legend, currently 10 people are holding this rank

A - Expert

B - veteran

C - Experience

D - average

E - learned

F - novice

G - learner

I - newbies

SS rank are treated as if they are a myth as it is very unusual to get it and those who got it are sought by every nation, it is a testimony of the adventure strength, the same can also be said true to those with S rank

To rank up they not only need to accumulate points, they are also test need to be done in accordance to the level, though the guild master can rank an adventure up with his permission but a strong reason is needed

There are also unofficial rank within the rank itself where they are divided into most lower, lower, middle, upper, most upper however those are only to distinguish between several adventure of the same rank, it doesn't affect their official rank and doesn't affect the list of job they can take

Currently, both Azumi and Alfin are going to meet the ex-saga, being a fellow warrior, Azumi have nothing but respect toward Karonlir, he also have ask Karonlir to teach him about earth magic several time in the past, making them also having student teacher relationship for a while

Currently, both Alfin and Azumi are heading to the guild so that they can ask about any update on the Artificial dungeon that Alfin created, once again the name of the dungeon is Alfin dungeon purpose by her "traitor" and likewise, in the name of democracy she loses the vote


Once they are in the guild, the adventure recognise both Alfin and Azumi, for them who are the creator of the dungeon and also someone who have a good reputation among commoner and non human, they are well receive by every adventure

one of the receptionist who see them quickly guide them into the guild master room, with a knock they enter the room

"Sir Karonlir, it have been a while, ohh, Kucin and Captain Aurora is still not here?" [Alfin]

"Princess Alfin, Azumi, welcome, they should be coming soon so I guess while waiting for them we can discuss about the update of the dungeon" [Karonlir]

""sure"" [Alfin, Azumi]

With tea being serve, they discuss about the dungeon until Captain Aurora and Kucin come

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