《Businessman reincarnated in fantasy novel》CHAPTER 17: ANSWERS


The dragon lord was highly respected among most of the people and divine beings that also included the forest spirit. Leon was his successor so it was natural that those who believe the dragon lord, respected him and worship him, would most likely respect Leon too. That was also the reason why the forest spirit appeared in front of Leon. Her appearance was very rare as she only appeared when there were some important matters.

“I greet the dragon lord’s successor. May I ask for what purpose did you summon me” the forest spirit said with a calm expression on her face.

“I wanted to meet you to get answers to a few of my questions and I also want to make a personal request to you” Leon replied to the forest spirit.

“I will make sure to help you as much as I, but first can I hear what are those questions and the request you were talking about are?” forest spirit said.

Before Leon could say anything even without getting aware in a blink of an eye he was at another location. Nothing as further as one’s eye could see just white background surrounding him.

“Please be at ease. Sorry for surprising you, but I thought that if the matter is important we should talk in private.No one can hear us here as this place is created by my magic” the forest spirit said.

“That’s fine. I think, I just had to get used to it. But the reason why I wanted to meet you is to get some information about the demon lord — lucifer” Leon said.

As soon as Leon said it the forest spirit was a bit startled hearing it. It was natural for her to have such a reaction as the demon lord was someone who terrorized the world as long as he lived. His enormous power makes it seem impossible for the world to defeat him. Was it luck or did he admit defeat after the war between humans and demons no one knew but one thing the world knew was that his disappearance was good news to all.


“Demon lord, it’s been a while since I heard anything about him. After the war between humans and demons, he just disappeared and after that many years had passed by, he never appeared again and there was nothing about him no news at all” the forest spirit said.

“Is that so but what if he appears again, I mean what if for all these years he was hiding somewhere regaining his powers or supporters to reappear and attack again?” Leon asked.

“As long as I know, looking back into my memories I could tell that the demon lord was not someone who could wait patiently. He was someone who would declare an all-out war just because he was bored. He never liked sitting around without doing anything. But the case might be different and there could be many possibilities behind his disappearance different people made different theories about it. Hearing you, I could say that if he was in the forest I would have known and if he is somewhere else it might be the case that he is regaining his powers and army or something had restricted him for all these years to take action otherwise we should assume that he is dead” the forest spirit said.

“Hmm... restrictions huh” Leon said while making a profound face.

“But all of a sudden getting information about the demon lord is everything all right or something happens with you that made you look into this matter,” the forest spirit asked.

“There is something that is concerning me but let's just save that talk for the time being. I will share it with you when the time is right” Leon said.

Although there was no harm in telling about the encounter with the demon lord to the forest spirit but Leon decided not to share it as he wasn’t clear about the whole situation, although he get some information from the forest spirit the mystery wasn’t solved yet and more importantly he still lacked power in comparison to the demon lord. If the demon lord is still alive then Leon had to be prepared even to face the worst and he was aware that the time is not right yet.


“As you wish,” the forest spirit said.

“Now that I got the answers to my questions. I want to request to you. Please allow me to enter — the cave of eternity” Leon said.

The forest spirit was surprised to hear that name from Leon.

“How did you find about its existence? And even if you know I won't allow you to enter it” the forest spirit said in a serious tone.


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