《Bride of the Dark Lord》#19 A Trip in the North


Regalis patted the horse which started moving. For an hour we rode, and honestly, I didn't know where we were headed. I'd have asked when we began our journey, but, at that time, every space in my heart was still filled with immense guilt from Regalis's words.

He was honest and kind to me, while I remained deceptive, counting the days, till I felt I've repaid him enough for saving my life, so that then, I could use my Feeder Gift against him.

I breathed in. Looked around and noticed where we were. Lots of trees and a gated compound.

Protectors of Children. The sign on the gate, read. An orphanage.

Regalis dismounted as the horse stopped. And also, helped me with his hands round me, to dismount.

"This place is beautiful" I said "beautiful and quiet".

He smiled, "you haven't seen its real beauty yet". He held my hand, and we walked through the unlocked gates.

The moment we entered, I heard the noise. The endless sound of running feet. Child-like screams, filling the air.

We reached the playground. A gorgeous playground, I must admit. Magic, must've been used to construct it.

Gosh...it was so beautiful. And colourful.

Rainbow butterflies were in a portion of the playground, as some of the kids, chased after them, trying to catch them.

And on another part of the playground, were swings, seesaws and other objects, children played on. As a kid, I loved the swingset a lot. It threw you into the air and brought you right back, again to the ground.

I chuckled, truly, this was the true beauty of this place. This happy kids. Completely without worries or burdens.

Marjol. I hoped the kids of Marjol, would live like this again, someday. My heart shed a tear.

And then, a gong beside where Regalis and I stood, was hit. Gaining the attention of all the kids at once.


They looked in our direction. I suddenly felt shy. Like, they would be thinking, who're these total strangers coming to disturb our fun time?

And then, the kids started sprinting. Running so fast, towards us. I took a step back. And watched them surround Regalis, as they screamed, "Regalis!"

It was an eardrum-shattering scream.

Regalis covered his ears. And because he was crouching, and happened to be at their height now, they started pinching him. On his arms. Legs. Stomach. And he yelled funnily as though, he was in pain.

"Forgive me" he cried, like a kid.

They continued. Pinching everywhere possible. However, I noticed they didn't touch the parts of his body, like his face, that weren't clothed. They must be quite familiar with him.

"So, you forgot us, right?" One of the kids said. A girl with blond hair.

"Impossible, my princess. How could I?" Regalis answered.

"Lies!" A younger boy screamed. He had to be about five or six years. "It's been over a month, since you came to visit us".

Regalis gulped, "ok. I'll try to be more regular".

"Yea!" the kids howled all together. So excited for more visits from Regalis.

And I wondered, do these kids, know who Regalis was? Did they know he was the Dark Lord, storytellers used to represent villains in children's storybooks? Did they? They were just so comfortable with him, chatting endlessly with him. They were now even arguing!

"No!" Regalis said. "It can't be" chesting out. "I'm the adult here. So, I know more than you all".

And the twenty kids round him burst into giggles.

"What?" Regalis said, dramatically, looking round "you think, you know more than me?" he beat his chest "impossible".

I guess, this was a game he'd played with the kids so often.


One of the kids said, "since, you claim to know more than us. Answer this".

"Bring it on, Derrick. I'm not scared of you" Regalis said.

The boy of seven, changed his pose and said, "I'm something. My father is the sky. My mother, the clouds. Once, I come down from them, I can never go back up to them. What am I?"

Regalis scratched his head "are you sure, your question is complete, Derrick?"

And all the kids laughed.

I smiled. Regalis was acting as if he didn't know the answer, I could tell. Derrick's question was a common riddle.

And then, all together, the kids screamed, "rain!"

"Right. Right" Regalis said "I was thinking about it but..."

"You didn't know it" a girl of ten, Regalis once called, Thalia, said.

"Another question" Derrick said.

Regalis frowned. And some of the kids pinched his clothed neck.

"Make it simple, this time" he finally said.

Another kid spoke, "I'm something. I follow you all the time. And copy your every move. But you can't touch or catch me. What am I?"

Shadow. I thought.

"I don't know" Regalis mumbled.

And the kids laughed harder. Then, they said, "we told you, we are smarter than you. You only have a pretty face".

"Ouch!" Regalis touched his chest. As though, he was deeply hurt by their words.

Then, solemnly, he said, "you see. That's why I always tell you all to study. If you don't" he touched his cheeks "you'll end up like me, a good-looking face, who can't answer simple questions".

They all laughed again. And shook hands with Regalis in a sort of friendly fist-punch.

Then, Regalis stood up, walked to my side "everyone. This is Xemein. You'll be seeing more of her face" he said.

They nodded.

"Is she your bride?" One of the kids asked, noticing the way Regalis's arm was round my waist.

He smiled at me. And then, at the kids, "she's more than that to me" he said, "she's my everything".

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