《The Forgotten Shield and The World Heroes (Remake).》Chapter 10: The Adventure of The Heroes Begins (part 2).
As they were checking their stats, now everyone was focused on Trish and Markus.
- “Huh? Curious, they are both soldiers, but their statistics are very different from each other, Lady Trish has better defensive statistics, while Sir Markus has better offensive statistics, if both train correctly, and if they improve their titles to advance stage or even to elite stage, they could be the duo with the best physical defense and the best physical attack" the prince gave a small signal to his partner Torrent who nodded back with satisfaction.
- “It seems like you are the last one, Uriel. I hope that no matter the result, you lend us your power" Alexander spoke softly while looking at Uriel, she gave him a tiny smile before nodding and looking at the rest of her classmates.
- “It seems that you've already decided to fight... don't worry, I've decided that I'll fight too" the girl replied to Alexander with a serious expression, making him smile at her response, a satisfied and approving nod was his answer.
Name: Uriel.
Level: 1. (0/100)
Race: Human.
Title: Amazon.
- Vitality: 45 (+7*)
- Magic E: 20
- Strength: 47 (+7*)
- Magic P: 10
- Defense: 24 (+7*)
- Magic D: 10
- Speed: 41 (+7*)
- critical: 0%
At the sight of Uriel's statistics, both the king and his generals were surprised, the princess was even frightened for a moment to the point she let out a shriek while some soldiers stepped forward unsheathing their swords and preparing their spears. At the action of the soldiers, the king immediately stopped them by raising his hand.
- “Everybody calm down! Soldiers! Give a step back on this instant, I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable explanation for this... situation” at the serious tone of the king and his dark expression directed to the people around him, the soldiers immediately gave a step back in fear but at the same time obviously uncertain.
- “What's going on? Is there something wrong?" asked Uriel with surprise while Alexander got on guard waiting for any attack, looking around carefully, the rest was fully aware of their surroundings and looking nervously.
- “Hmm... Lady Uriel, I have to ask, do you know about your title? Do you have any idea what it means? How do you have it?” the king asked with uncertainty and confusion, but Uriel was even more confused than him so she only could shake her head indicating that she had no idea what was happening.
Alexander, Ryu, and Hayato were still tense and fully prepared for a fight if it were to happen, while the rest was rather nervous about what was going on. Alexander and Ryu were focused on Uriel, on protecting her and make sure she was alright, Hayato on his side was observing his surroundings, trying to grasp their situation and what they could do in case they might need it.
- “... I’m sorry but I don’t know what is going on, this is my first time watching my stats and honestly, I still don’t fully know what a title is or how they work, so...” Uriel replied as calm as possible, using a firm but soft tone, with that and the way her eyes didn’t waver while talking and looking the king straight to his eyes, it was obvious for the man she was honest, with that he sighs in relief before letting his shoulders fall and making a signal so everyone else could relax.
- “Fuuu... In that case, I will once again ask everyone to calm down, I think I should explain this to the young heroes so they could understand the general reaction of my people. We previously gave you an explanation and examples about titles, we didn’t go into details but the basic was pretty much explained, in any case, something we failed to explain to you is that not only humans have titles, but Beastiale have titles too, their titles aren’t like ours of course, but thanks to their titles we could have a grasp of their power, it’s not 100% exact, but we can have an idea of their power... One of the key differences between humans and Beastiale is that we have titles that we level up... they, on the other hand, focus on “types” instead of titles per se, for example, the title “Amazon” is usually a “Diane” title used by “basic stage warrior types Diane”... fuuu... that’s why my people got tense and on guard, because you, Lady Uriel, have a title that doesn’t belong to the human race, but to the Diane, a Beastiale" this surprised and left stunned the young heroes, especially Alexander and Uriel.
- “... What does that mean for Uriel?" Alexander said, looking at the young woman and then at the king.
- “The truth is that... as far as I know, this has never happened before. Since she is a human and not a hybrid, it’s hard to know... there has never been a human with a beastiale title, maybe the ability of monsters or even Beastiale, but never title..." the king replied nervously while wondering what to do.
- “Hmm... Father, I understand that the Diane are a special race among the beastiale... they are descendants of the gods, and that is why they are more prone to red hair, the young Uriel has red hair, is it possible that perhaps because of that she has a beastiale title and even appeared in the city of the Diane? Is it possible that this is the will of the gods?" the princess tried to calm the situation by putting that info on the table.
- “Hmm... I agree with my sister, this young woman was transported from another world after all, so it is very possible that for that she received a beastiale title, this will be of great help, since her stats seem to be even above her companions except for Alexander, she could be someone very strong, besides, in the best of cases her growths will also be that of a beastiale, and as we know, the base power and growth of a beastiale is far greater than that of a human" said the prince looking calmly at the king. Listening to his children, the king could clear up and recovered his smile.
- “You are right! I’m sorry for the previous behavior of my people, and also my own, I hope you understand that because of the current war, it is not very pleasant for me or my soldiers to see a beastiale title...” said the king giving a slight inclination which was followed by the soldiers and even the princess.
- “Don't worry, it's not a problem" the redhead girl started giving back a small bow and then smiling at the king and the soldiers, illuminating the whole room, upon seeing her smile the king was finally able to calm down completely.
- “Very well, now that everyone knows their conditions and statistics, it's time to provide you with basic weapons, unfortunately, at the moment we do not have much equipment that could be useful for the heroes, in our current situation most of the higher quality equipment is at the hands of our troops that are in stand by... so, in the meantime, while you begin your training, we will provide you with basic equipment of normal level" said General Land with an apologetic smile.
- “For now we have only one weapon of legendary level, which is the "Hero’s Sword", a weapon we are more than sure is perfect for Alexander as he possesses the title “Hero”... bring it!" said the oldest prince as a few soldiers stepped forward with a rectangular box that they opened in front of Alexander before the king would take it and personally handed it to Alexander.
- “Here, Sir Alexander, “The Hero’s Sword”, the definitive weapon to defeat evil and protect humanity... it’s yours now!” with a big grin the old man gives the sword to Alexander who takes it after bowing respectfully to the king. The moment Alexander touches the sword’s handle, this starts to glow and a surge of power could be felt in the place.
Hero’s Sword (Legendary Quality): +100 V. / +50 ME. / +70 St. / +40 MP. / +40 D. / +25 MD. / +70 Sp.
Exp: 100%
Passive Skill: “Second Breath” (Level 5).
After checking the stats of the sword, Alexander raises it letting its glow shine over the others, everyone gasping at the beauty and power surging from the sword that was now in the hands of Alexander.
- “... so this is what a legendary sword feels like” although Alexander spoke as calm as he could, the ghost of a smile, the reflection of the sword on his eyes, and the tone of his voice made it clear that his mind was now completely drawn to the weapon.
- “such a magnificent view... Sadly that’s the only Legendary weapon in our power that you can access at the moment, for the rest of you heroes, since you have only “basic stage titles”, it will take some time before we can get you better equipment, so, as general Land previously said, in the meantime please use the next equipment for practice and preparing yourselves” at the words of the king the four generals of the king stood in front of the heroes, while the soldiers handed them some weapons and equipment.
- “Very well young people, from now on the training begins. Prepare yourselves to face life and death at every moment of the day, only then you will survive in this world" the prince stated with a hard tone while giving a look at the youngster in front of him who were receiving their new weapons.
The looked at each other and nodded their heads, some determined to survive until the day they can go back home, while others ready for whatever might come on their way in this world.
At the training field of the Open Guild.
Several minutes have passed and Feran was still fighting against Liger. At that time Feran was running around trying to avoid Liger's attack.
- “Don't run like that, you idiot! You must get used to facing long-range enemies!" Liger said a little annoyed when he saw Feran running practically in circles.
- “Don't fuck with me! if I don't dodge like that, I'll get hit, and those things really hurt!" the boy replied, pretending to be a fool while he kept on running.
- “Hmm... that's because unlike specific damage and damage based on statistics, the direct damage works differently, which means that no matter your defense or resistance, the damage will affect you and your vitality going through your defenses. Direct damage is especially useful against Shieldman or any defensive based titles, that's why it's perfect against you" the old man said out loud so Feran could hear him.
Even though he heard the old man, Feran kept running around the courtyard like a fool, which made Liger even angrier.
- “STOP!" shouted the young lion, and at that moment Feran stops only to get into a comfortable position, and threw his shield in the direction of Liger, Liger was able to dodge Feran's attack.
- “What do you think you're doing? You, idiot! Don't you see you're unprotected now?" Liger shouted somewhat annoyed, yet Feran simply smiled, ran forward and snapped his fingers.
At that moment, to the surprise of the old man as well as Liger, the shield that had been thrown was returning right to Feran, managing to hit Liger lightly during its return.
- “Aaagh! But... what the hell?" said Liger massaging his head.
Once Feran took back his shield, Liger began attacking Feran again, but before any skill could touch Feran, he appeared out of nowhere in front of Liger and began hitting him using only his hands, and the shield.
- “OOOH! impressive, so all that running around the courtyard in circles was just to mislead Liger, though I wonder, how did he get his shield back into his hand?" said the impressed old man with an excited and curious tone.
Feran kept hitting Liger, and after a few seconds, he stopped.
- “Don't think you can beat me, I'm level 22, you idiot!" when he says that he hits Feran's head with his hands, and then begins to attack fully with his passive magic use, constantly exploding Feran's body.
- “You are not giving him enough time to recover! If you keep going like this you will kill him!" shouted the old man, making Liger react.
- “damn it! I forget it completely" suddenly Liger felt a murderous aura, and a shadow appeared from behind.
- “You almost killed me, you idiot!" Feran said, punching Liger's head, causing him to bend his head slightly, Feran was looking at Liger's side with an annoying look.
- “How dare you to hit me?" Liger shouted in annoyance and raising his head, but Feran hits him again keeping his head down.
- “Stay looking down for a while and think about what you've done" Feran said in a commanding voice.
- “But..." Liger tried to protest and to raise his head once again, but Feran hit him this time smashing Liger’s head on the ground.
- “Consider this punishment! I don't care if you're level 20 or 90, don't think I'll forgive you so easy for almost killing me!" Feran said with a macabre smile and a dark aura coming from him, he was somehow frightening Liger.
- “He, HAHAHAHAHA, what’s the matter Liger? it seems that finally, someone has managed to calm you down, HAHAHAHA" the old man laughed like a child, but Feran was not in the mood and gave him a look full of anger, one that even the old man could not ignore.
- “I'm sorry" the old man awkwardly apologized before clearing his throat. When he heard the old man apologize, the young Liger began to laugh while his head was still near the ground, but it didn't last long as Feran hit his head again crushing the ground.
- “Don't laugh, you're still grounded!" he said seriously with a commanding tone.
The old man approached the young man and decided to ask the question which had brought him so many doubts for a while.
- “Hey, Feran! what the hell was that? when you threw your shield and it came back to you... I’ve never seen that before, or at least not something like that done by anyone in the basic stage..." asked the old man curiously.
- “Oh! about that, yesterday when I was exercising, for some reason I remembered that there was a game in my world in which a disc is thrown, and it turned out that this shield is very similar to the size and shape of the disc... well, it’s actually considerably bigger but is quite light, almost like a feather, so I thought, why not throw the shield as an attack..." the teen said with a relaxed smile, while the old man looked at him somewhat confused.
- “You are such a weird lad. Even if we had such a game in this world, I would never have thought of throwing away the shield... it was interesting though" Feran just shrug his shoulder with a smile.
- “Yeah... I must be honest though, I started throwing my shield around for a while last night, and after several attempts, something very strange happened... I was a few yards away from the shield, and I was stretching my hand to reach it, so the shield began to move by itself, after realizing this, I decided to try stretching my hand to see how it worked, and after a few attempts, the shield came back to my hands on its own" he said with a smile as he scratched his head slightly.
- “Hmm... I see. It probably happened because it was a mystical quality object, some object of the mystical quality and over can be called by their owners, although I’m surprised your shield was one of the objects with that capacity, I had no idea..." said the old man seriously.
- “Maybe that's the reason... but... after watching the shield coming back to me, I decided to keep trying to use the shield to attack, and finally, I managed to create a new technique, it's called "Spinning Shield"... with this technique I can throw a shield to attack the enemy, and then the shield comes back to me, or that’s what it said in the description” Feran had a look of satisfaction as he gave the news about his new skill, on the other hand, the old man and Liger were surprised by the words of Feran.
- “It's really impressive! I never expected you to create your own skill, and what's more, an offensive skill for the shieldman title, I guess all the techniques must start somehow" at that moment the old man looked closely at Feran, to see his skills.
Skills list.
- passive skill “Revitalization”.
- level 2: activates after resting for at least 10 seconds. The user recovers +15 Vitality points every 7 seconds. There’s no cost of ME.
- active skill “Cover”.
- level 1: lets the user choose and “objective” at a distance of 7 meters max, then the user gets transported there immediately. Each use costs 2 ME.
- active skill “Interception”.
- level 0: lets the user “stop” an “action” of the enemy at a distance of 1 meters max, only close combat basic attacks. Each use costs 2 ME.
- active skill “Spinning Shield”.
- level 2: the user can attack with a shield to a top distance of 5 meters, it deals damage +75 +St. and it can make a second attack. Each use costs 2 ME.
- “Wow! you created your skill yesterday and you already have it in level 2, not only that, your specific damage is 75 and you can do a second attack, that's a total of 150 specific damage, plus your Strength stat, quite the powerful skill you’ve got there, CONGRATULATIONS!!!" shouted the old man in excitement at the sight of such wonderful skill of his “discipline”, the skill and the way Feran kept surprising him made him grin like a maniac (which he actually was).
- “The master is right, that's a very powerful skill, especially for someone of your level... you know? this is more than enough for you to start training by killing monsters, even if your strength stat is not high enough, the specific damage of this skill alone is enough to defeat low-level monsters, plus it would be very useful when facing someone else if you do missions or face bandits" said Liger looking at Feran's skills. Feran on his side just gave the lion boy a slight glare.
After a few seconds, the old man began to retreat little by little, and Liger finally realized what was happening, Feran approached him slowly, looking him dead in the eyes, took him lightly by the neck, raising Liger's gaze.
- “didn’t I say you were punished for trying to kill me?” He said, looking straight into his eyes, Liger was trembling, he had some fear, but Feran was very close so he was really nervous, he felt weak and very unprotected, with Feran's hand on his neck.
- “I'm... sorry" that's all Liger could say, as he could barely speak well, he swallowed hard and loud while getting embarrassed.
- “... Hahaha! don't worry, I forgive you!" Feran said with a smile as he stroked Liger's head, Liger just blushed and started hitting Feran to stop.
- “What do you think you're doing? you idiot! I'm not a child, I'm older than you, in age and level, so don't get so arrogant!" he said, turning around not to see Feran as he was now a little angry.
At the same time, just far away enough to not listening to their chat, the old man only saw them acting like a couple of children and sighed deeply.
- “Fuuu... these 2 will end up destroying my guild if they keep acting like that, I can see it, not too long in the future, they will be the ones destroying the place just to have some fun, hahahaha crazy lads" said the old man, looking at the young people with a relaxed look and kind of happy look.
- “Well, I think it's time we got back to training!" Feran stated with an excited smile.
Just at that moment Veno comes and stands next to the old man, so the old man with a placid smile has an idea.
- “Hey, Feran! I have an idea to strengthen your training, this time it will be much faster, and much harder, do you think that you can keep up?" Feran just nodded, while the old man's eyes glowed as he released an evil aura as if he were about to show them hell itself.
Now all the heroes were starting their training, getting ready for the future battles to come, and a fantastic adventure in this new world.
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The Priest of Genes
Meet Seth, acolyte in the Church of Virtue. He’ll be a Priest like his father soon, he just knows it. Sure he didn’t inherit his mother’s preaching power, but he doesn’t mind being the secondary priest at whatever temple he is assigned to. Just as long as he has a library. Meet this genetics textbook. Hmm, that doesn’t belong here. It must have come from somewhere far away, I guess something happened to its owner. I’m sure a studious young man who likes healing could go far with this information, whether he wants to or not. This is my first time really writing anything, so I hope you like it! Please let me know if I make any mistakes; I have a new R&D tech job at a genomics company, so I probably don’t edit as much as some people. I’m shooting for two thousand-ish word chapters released on Sundays, since none of the webnovels I read ever seem to update that day. Underserved Market! Genre is fantasy, possibly progression fantasy. Maybe a tiny bit litRPG if you wait a while and squint really hard, but that’s the most I’m prepared to claim. Hedged my bets on the content warnings, nothing that bad. Cover art from A. W. Gelman
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