《Raven’s Castle [The Raven Disciples Series] Book 1》Chapter 6
‘I got it almost immediately after the sceptre touched my forehead. I felt extremely terrified and it really hurt. It felt like a lightning hit me from feet to head. My guess is that those who die have a weak heart and there is nothing else behind it. It’s something like survival test-if you are able to stand it or not. A wizard should be tough and strong as hard work is waiting for him. On the other hand, the school training is focused exactly on it. There were four of us graduated not only because the rest were unable to do that or something of that sort. Remember, there are no friends but rivals and enemies there. Blood of two of them is on my hands but if I had not done it they would have taken my life. On the other hand, you should remember that if your killing somebody without a good reason for it will be proved you will be in a big, very big trouble. So, either do it officially as fights between studentuses are not forbidden or mask your enemy’s death as an accident. Another option is to cast the blame on somebody, why not?
Wow,’ I said still examining a small round tattoo on Master’s chest clearly realizing that a man could not be able to do it as the pattern was very fine and sophisticated. ‘What can be the reasons for that hatred?
There can be many reasons but knowledge is the first,' briefly explained the wizard. ‘The moment when a dominie chooses those with whom it is interesting for him to work suddenly comes, the chosen ones receive the majority of knowledge and the rest get what is left. Therefore, the less students are selected, the better. Then goes personal animus. Wizards are humans as well and so they can dislike and be at enmity with somebody and sometimes it leads to mutual hatred. I shall tell you more than that. Sometimes it lasts during centuries and becomes rather annoying. Once I felt sorry for one stupid girl and didn’t kill her. As a result of that she has been taking her revenge for the second hundred years already.
He probably meant magistress Evangelina, the one Agrippa mentioned in the barn.
‘Your fate in future is another reason,’ continued the wizard. ‘When you graduate from school you will have an offer to build up your own carrier. Each of you will be examined by some influential people after the end of the third year. Formally speaking, we should not serve in royal courts but some crown-bearing persons neglected the ban long time ago. Besides, rich trade houses are willing to hire young and ambitious wizards. The problem is that the number of vacancies is less than those who want to take them. One day it may become clear that the employer simply doesn't know whom to choose and to hire your friend or you. And that means the end of friendship between you first and burial of one of them at the castle wall later.’
I guess it was a part of his biography though.
‘I have a question,’ I said as I decided to make use of the pause. ‘It’s clear that nobody cares about the people like me and how about the noble ones? Their parents are unlikely to be happy when they learn that their offspring has been sent to the kingdom come?
Any parent while sending the offspring to the school like that is ready not to see them at all,' said Gaius and shrugged his shoulders. ‘It is the payment for their child’s opportunity to fly very high and it is determined by the gods with whom nobody would ever argue. Once your offspring entered the castle gates, no claims are allowed. However, if you are going to claim anything or require something worse than that be ready to open the door to troubles. Fire, the royal disgrace, epidemic and plenty of other things of that sort may happen. Everybody knows that and does not send heirs to such places. The third sons, nephews, ugly-looking and portionless daughters go there, that is those who have miserable chances to receive anything in that life anyway. Sometimes parents send them there on purpose to get rid of their responsibilities. And when a child is Johnny Head-in-Air or his parents do not need him for some reason they are sent there too. Sometimes life is a complicated thing.
I have never heard of that,’ I said in a surprising tone. ‘And what about ordinary lads, how do they come there? How does the news about the school travels around the country?
Accidently,’ replied the wizard. ‘The news travels accidently but those who should hear it will do that. It is impossible to explain but believe my words those who are destined to enter the school are highly likely to do it. However, there is a certain percentage of bad luck but it is extremely low. Something like the case of your… predecessor. He was killed, poor thing. But who knows, perhaps he was killed exactly because you needed to enter the school. Do you agree with it?
Everything is not so simple,’ I gave a deep sigh. ‘The murders, and the staff…
Too many different nuances. You will understand everything yourself soon,’ the wizard giggled and buttoned his camisole. ‘And I would like to believe that you would reach the rite of passage at least and probably would go further. You are a strong lad, can firmly stand on your feet and bite the bullet and besides the gods generously provided you with wit, so you have good chances to survive.
And you are lucky,’ added Agrippa. ’You should have died in the barn or in the street in some way or other. You were a street dirt and nothing more than that. Now the fate has provided you with a chance which is given to one out of… I don’t know of how many of people though. You have been given a chance to change your fate, you should understand it. It is a very, very expensive gift.
I understand it, all right,’ I said and nodded in agreement.
‘But Master…what it was all for? What did you find the baron for… me, I mean? You did it all not because of charitability, didn’t you?
Of course, not,’ said Master Gaius, stood straight and his eyes sparkled in the fire. ‘I need to have eyes and ears at that school. My own eyes and ears, the ones devoted to me completely which will not keep silence or cheat me and you are them.’
Frankly speaking, I had such a version in my head and now it became clear that I was right.
You see, Erast,’ the wizard was speaking extremely steadily and it was clear that he wanted me understand each of his words. ‘The castle on Raven Mount will open the gates for the first time to accept studentuses and that makes me and some of my colleagues worried. Its owner and your future Dominieis an old friend of mine and he received the sceptre only this spring. Nobody expected it to have happened as he was the least possible person to do it. He is actually very unpopular among his peers because of ignorance, extreme, even according to our standards, cruelty and excessive expansivity. However, the most important thing is that we don’t know what to expect from him because of his unpredictability. What is he going to teach young people? What has he accepted the sceptre for as he showed no desire to become a dominie before? Will there be a new Vitaliy as a result of that? You will watch him and tell me about everything you learn.
Did the baron agree to do that?’ I asked surprisingly. ‘He was of a noble origin and their code of honour does not allow to sneak. It’s nothing in my case and besides it’s not new to me either. But the Erast who was killed, how did he agree to do that?
If you happened to be born the third son in the baron family in the middle of nowhere, you would know the answer,’ replied Agrippa instead of the wizard. ‘His career choice was rather limited. He could become a freelancer or a soldier of fortune in the neighbor’s army. His father would kick him off the house as soon as he turned eighteen. According to the law of Forest Area…
The firstborn son receives everything.’ I said and nodded my head. I was told about it already but I forgot it though. However, if I were him I wouldn’t be upset. It’s better to be the third son of a baron than a homeless thief in a large town. At least you will not be hungry going to bed.
‘So, he didn’t hesitate for a long time when I offered him a job,’ said the wizard and took the initiative to his hands. ‘A prospect, residence permit in a good kingdom and a reasonable fee, what else does a young man from a wild area need? As for the moral principles…Who will remember them when big towns, available women and a sack of gold expects you in future?
Could you be more specific about it?’ as the latter made me rather curious. ‘A sack of gold is what you said?
It was promised to him,’ heavily said Master, ‘and he was a baron.
‘I’m him,’ I said insolently and loudly being somehow scared and surprised with what I said. ‘You told me about it yourself.
You have your own fee, my friend,’ said the wizard and produced the tube with multicoloured dust inside from his pocket. ‘Here it is. I shall pay you with your own life.’
All right, the baron should be given gold and for the street dirt his own life is more than enough. That’s the way it should be, fair enough.
‘Don’t worry,’ said Master Gaius and winked to me. ‘You will get something extra if everything ends well, I promise.
I wish it were so,’ I sighed. “I have another question, Master. How did I learn that the man, the ignorant one, was recruiting disciples? Just imagine the distance between Forest Area and Raven Mount castle? Besides, you have said nothing about the letter yet.
Good boy,’ said the wizard approvingly. ‘Didn’t forget about it. A so-called wizard Fratin the Gray told you about it. He was hanging around asking for trouble and there would be no doubt about it. He finally happened to come to stay at your father’s house who was known as jolly baron Joachim von Rut. He got acquainted with you there, got to like you and saw a glimpse of prospect in you or maybe simply felt sorry for you, who knows. Anyway, he wrote a letter of reference to his old friend Gerhard Schwartz whose nickname was the Raven and who had told him a short time before that he was going to recruit new disciples. The letter is authentic so there is nothing to worry about at that point.
How about Fratin?’ I wondered. ‘The one who is the Gray. If he is a friend of Gerhard he can suddenly drop into the castle to see his old buddy and all that staff, you know.
It won’t happen,’ assured Master Gaius, ’he died at the beginning of the summer and died a sudden death. The wizards also die, alas. Old age, you know and besides the way of life he led was the wrong one to say the least.’
Oh yes, the way of life you say. Guess he kissed off as soon as he wrote the letter. Guess you did him in… or why has Agrippa grinned?
‘Could you describe him to me?’ I asked the wizard and articulated what I had in my mind without giving a second thought. ‘I guess, I should know with whom I talked to. I mean his appearance, habits… Maybe there were some words he used to say from time to time?
It goes without saying,’ said Agrippa and threw some brushwood to the fire. ‘We shall tell and explain everything to you.
Here is one more thing,’ said Master Gauis and stared into my eyes. ‘It is extremely important and you should remember it. Never ever under any circumstances you must tell anybody that you know me. Forget about me once you enter the castle gates. Forget until I remind you about my existence.
All right,’ I said. ‘I got it. Doesn’t Gerhard like you?
Probably I don’t like him,’ mumbled the wizard, ‘and I haven’t like him for ages. Once he crossed my path, f***ing fool. He might have forgotten about it but not me. Anyway, I’m not the only one to make a tough claim to him.
I see,’ I said laughingly.
‘You understood nothing,’ said Master Gaius in a suddenly wicked tone. ‘Personal enmity is one thing and safety of our guild is a totally different one. If I wanted to do a lot of harm to him I would not conjure up such wild combinations and would find other ways or methods to do it. All what I am doing now is a crying need. The Raven is uncontrollable and therefore dangerous. None of us wants the three-hundred-year-old events come back. The wizards who taught me at school were brave and smart people, who were capable to stop the march of time for a short while at least in a limited space, but even they got pale when they remembered the fires of those days. Son, just imagine that the three-fourth of fellow wizard were burnt during a couple of years! The three-fourth of us, just imagine! Even mad Vitaliy did not screw over like that.
Oh yes,’ echoes Agrippa, ’that lad can easily put the chestnuts in the fire.
That's what it is,’ exclaimed Gaius and flung his arms up. ’I can’t make head or tale of how he was entrusted the dominie sceptre. What are the gods thinking of? The Order of Truth can’t help waiting to start a new massacre, this is not a secret. And this time they will not stop until they burn everybody and damned Gerh will try to make different wizards out of you. He will not teach you simple subjects as it should be and I am sure he has invented something new, a new method or anything of that terrible sort which a normal wizard will not even consider as a theory, believe my experience. I know him pretty well!
I got it,’ I said peacefully. Suddenly I began to feel ill at ease. The old man was getting too much hot about the things and I wish he didn’t drop dead. ‘It’s clear for me, I shall watch him and will inform you just in case. But there is one more thing to consider. Why have you covered half of Ragellon accompanying me? What if somebody tells him about it?’
The question was quiet serious as there will be no Master Gaius next to me in the castle and I can easily get into hot water.
‘Stop that nonsense,’ said the wizard and there was a nasty grimaced on his face. ‘Gerhard is not fond of long trips and he hasn’t got spooks either. He is too much finicky about such issues. If I had been confident in different state of things you would be with other people, just believe my words.
It’s good if that is so,’ I said, breathed heavily and asked yet another burning question, ‘how can I share the information with you?
There is an inn in the village of Krannenherst,’ said Agrippa and looked at the flied into temper wizard who was still mumbling something waving his little dry fists. ‘It’s a typical village pub, there is nothing special about it. The innkeeper’s name is Johann n Litke and you can never confuse his face. It is huge, round and flat as if somebody hit him with a frying pan. If you have some information for us, simply tell him that the baron needs to tell a few words to Agrippa. Don’t forget that you need to talk to him in private and there should be no one around.
And?’ I hurried him.
‘The next time you come there he will explain to you what to do next,’ said Agrippa and shrugged his shoulders. ‘I mean in which house you can find me or something of that sort. Also keep in mind that he can give you our regards and a kind of instruction.
‘How would I know that it is your instruction?’ I asked doubtfully. ‘I know the innkeepers, they are real scoundrels.
It will not be an oral one,’ said the wizard and stretched his hand to me. ‘have a look here. ’
What was interesting there? I noticed that crest ring long time ago and even was thinking of how to steal that piece of beauty during the first days of our trip which was against my will, of course.
‘The piece of parchment with a message for you will be sealed with wax,’ explained Master Gaius to me. ‘And the wax should be stamped with that crest ring.
It’s safer that way,’ I agreed, ‘I don’t trust those innkeepers…
And are doing something right,’ approved Agrippa, ’they all are scoundrels, each second of them and those who are not are even worse.
Listen,’ I said hiding a yawn. ‘Who actually will allow me to go to the inn? I am going to be a studentus, aren’t I?
‘Sunday is the holy day for you,' said the wizard and giggled probably because he remembered something. ‘They will let anyone out, I mean those who would love to, of course. Besides, the Raven will not keep you in the castle, I am sure in it. I guess you will run around the villages a lot, try not to wear out your legs.
‘This is good,’ I joyfully said and made another yawn, ‘I don’t like to be within four walls.
‘It’s time to go to bed,’ said the wizard, ‘it’s almost sundown and we haven’t had a rest yet.’
The remaining two days just flew by as they were richly seasoned with my expectation of the coming school entrance which attracted and scared me simultaneously along with Master Gaius’ stories which topic was history of magic instead of the history of the world. He started from saying that he would not provide me with extra knowledge which is harmful for me but told a lot of interesting things anyway.
By the way, the prohibited ritual was witchcraft at the junction of two or three kinds of different magic. In my case it was the magiс of life, the magic of fire and the magic of death. I didn’t have any idea how complicated it was to hold that ritual but it sounded rather impressive and gloomy. It is not so pleasant to find out that the magic of death has been used towards you, is it?
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