《Tales of the Demi-Human》Chapter 9 : Guardian Spirit Leviathan


The shaman abruptly cast a spell. In just a second, a magic circle appeared under Kyran’s feet.

“That’s earth bind, a tier-two restriction spell! And he could cast it in a mere second?” Carol gasped. Although drained, thankfully her vigor was still alive and kicking.

The ground below Kyran cracked and made him sank a bit, entrapping his feet. Before he could react, several vines rushed from the crack, binding him starting from his feet up to the upper body. He mustered his strength trying to break free but to no avail. The shaman cast another one on Carol, then releasing the bind on their feet. As the shaman ordered them to move, four of the Euri came forward and walked by their side. Judging from their efficiency, It seemed that this is not the first time they did this kind of thing. Aren’t they a bit too cautious? Even without guards by their side, there’re still roughly fifty of them. The possibility of them escaping was almost non-existent. Kyran realized they didn’t intend to kill them, at least not for now. While walking, soaked in the yet unceasing rain, he scanned the surrounding. The shaman and the beastmaster were the only one riding a beast and leading the way. What really caught his interest was the beast they’re riding on. Back then he could only catch a glimpse of it. Now in closer proximity, he could clearly see the creature. It’s almost twice the size of an Arbaros and had an appearance similar to a tiger with crimson eyes and two long fangs protruding from its mouth. Its silverish fur made an opponent difficult to perceive them in the rain and mist, putting it in the top of deadly predator.

“It’s a silver saber-tooth tiger. Don‘t ever think to fight one. It’s on the late stage of elementary rank,” Carol said, seemed to know what’s on his mind.

No wonder it looked imposing and could kill an Arbaros with ease. But the Euris was even more frightening, capable of taming such a beast.

In fifteen minutes of walk, they had come across several groups of ten to twenty Euris, some even had a saber-tooth silver tiger mixed in. In the group with a saber-tooth tiger, Kyran noticed it was carrying an Arbaros tied on its back. In a closer look, each of the group actually had beasts of various size tied on alive, like a hunter carried its prey home, heading toward the same direction.They’re all, like Kyran and Carol, somehow being let alive for an unknown reason. He could do nothing at this rate, and could only comply until they reached their destination.

The downpour turned into drizzle, indicating hunting time had come to an end. The tree slowly thinned, as though being dispersed by setting the sun bathed the land with a hue of orange, then tangerine, until they reached a meadow. The leaders in front halted, followed obediently by others. Before them, countless tents were scattered as far as eyes could see. The Euris were bustling around , indulging in their daily routine. Some were making fire, the other were enjoying the last chunk of meat in their hand, and the rest idled around. As soon as they saw their leader had returned, they stopped their activities and cheered loudly until it shook the ground.

The captives were soon gathered at the center, encircled by the tribe. One of the Euri came forward and passed a wooden bowl filled with blood to the shaman. He immediately took the bowl and put it in his mouth and drank the content without hesitation, accompanied by the eerie chanting of the tribe. Then, the shaman sprayed the blood from his mouth toward the captives, one by one, including Kyran and Carol. Kyran peeked at Carol, hoping to find some explanation, but Carol shook her head in response, as clueless as he was. It seems that they’re taking part in a certain ritual.


After the procession they’re forced to walk again toward the edge of the meadow. The rain had stopped, but as they’re approaching the edge, each step felt even heavier than before. Some beasts even began to berserk and dashed madly in random direction, howling in agony, but soon was controlled by the beastmaster. The suffocating air-not because of the breeze left behind by the rain but by inexplicable phenomenon, could be felt from quite a distance. What awaited them afterward was a large, dark blue pond covered in thick mist. The surface of the water was so calm not even a ripple was formed, and the mist dancing over the pond added an ethereal feeling to it. Kyran concluded the uneasy feeling was permeated from the pond. There’s something resided deep in the pond, something far more dangerous than any beasts he had ever encountered.

The shaman stepped forward and released their binding spell.

“Purify! Purify! Purify!” the tribes endlessly roared in unison.

As though answering to their call, a guard riding a silver sabertooth tiger threw an Arbaros into the pond. The beast fell with a struggle, followed by a heart-breaking scream that lasted only for a while before it sank and went silent. Twenty seconds later, the beast resurfaced, got out of water and staggering. No obvious change could be seen on it, yet its behaviour differed from before as if it’s another creature. It lost his aggressiveness. The most notable thing, the light in its eyes were lucking luster as if its will to live ceased to exist. The next in line were suffering the similar fate.

He felt as if they’re lining for the journey to netherworld. His heart was racing. It’s their turn at last. He had escaped death several times before, was his fate finally stopped fooling around with him? At this point, Carol slumped to the ground, shivering. He could not detect rwach with his current condition, yet he felt such a pressure. He couldn’t imagine what she experienced.

Yet the guards were indifferent, throwing them into the pond with a huge splash.

The moment the freezing water touched their pore, it seeped into their very existence. It’s quite dark and bottomless here. Kyran calmed himself and observed the surrounding. He had difficulty to see beyond two meters in the gloomy water. On the side, Carol seemed to be struggling desperately, trying to push himself out of the water with his arms and hands. It took Kyran a while before he realized that Carol couldn’t swim! She submerged fast with water as if it’s swirling around even if no current was present, plunging her even deeper before she fainted. Kyran descended like mad, trying to save her. As he managed to grab her hand, suddenly the familiar pressure from his back terrified him. The shadow of the creature stretched out and filled most of the space, waving in the water toward them lightning fast like a nimble serpent.

Kyran turned and gritted his teeth. The only way for him to fight underwater was by depending on his spirit spear. He strengthened his resolve and took the bet, trying to channel his rwach. Unfortunately, he still could not felt his rwach’s circulation, yet he mustered his willpower once again to try harder. A minuscule rwach fluctuation finally jumped inside his body but soon disappeared before being stopped by the agonizing pain as the last time. At the critical moment, the creature halted by a hair‘s breadth from Kyran. He could clearly see its black, enormous nostrils that had almost the same size as him.


“That rwach, who are you?”

Kyran was shocked. He just heard someone talking in his mind.

He stared at the shadow of the creature before him and hesitantly asked, “Is it you?”

“Yes, I speak directly into your mind.” the creature said. As its word finished, Kyran felt his conciousness was fading in a split second before returning back to normal, as though a frequency of a radio waves being interfered.

All of a sudden, the surrounding change. The murky water became transparant as if it could even reflected the mist and at the same time all the suffocating pressure was dissipated. He could even breathe in the water! He widened his eyes and gaped. With better visibility, the creature before him was obviously projected in his eyes. It’s a gigantic water serpent with immeasurable length, mystical blue with greenish hue in colour and adorned by scale as hard as steel. A pair of long, irregular horn as if it‘s a crown, seated on its head. It permeated an aura of majesty just by looking at it.

“I see. So you are the chosen one of this time.” The creature said without opening its mouth.

“What do you mean?” Kyran confusely asked.

“Your fate will tell.” The creature calmly replied.

“Who are you?” Kyran asked

“I am called Leviathan. We are guardian spirits that have overseen the balance of this world since ancient time. A thousand year ago when the great war errupted, we were caught in the turmoil. Some of us even perished. I , in order to survive, left my abode and hide in this place. I cast a special barrier to conceal my presence and recuperate, and can’t go outside since then.“ The creature elaborated, as if he could predict what he wished to ask before he could utter his next words,

Leviathan waited for Kyran’s reaction. After that, it continued, “Several years ago, the nomadic rain tribe found this place and made it their settlement. They’re worshipping the rain god, and since I can call forth the rain, they believe that I am the servant of their rain god. They are actually a fanatic. They hunt only when it’s raining because they believe it’s the time when their god favors and will bless their hunting. They’ll conduct several ritual before feasting. The prey would be purified in this pond. Actually, I’m just taking their rwach and soul power, while the physical body remain intact for them to feast later. After that, the prey will be bring forth before their god for a full day, symbolizing an offering that their god shall take the best part first before anyone else.”

This explain why they insisted on keeping us alive, Kyran thought. Now it made sense. A dead body will be deemed insulting to their god.

“This is also fate for us to meet here. Now I shall impart my soul unto you. It will merged with your rwach and aid you in battle when the time come” Leviathan said.

It opened its enormous mouth and shot out a bubble glittering in golden luster, engulfing Kyran in it. Kyran felt that the bubble sipped into every cell in his body.

“Can you help me with my rwach?” Kyran asked after a brief silent.

“Unfortunately not. It’s the restriction power of the seed inside you. It’s still dormant, but when it’s awaken, you will be able to release your rwach again. It will be soon enough. But be careful-“ Leviathan stopped, staring deeply into his eyes as if pondering something and continued no more.

“You shall return now. May you fulfil your destiny!” Leviathan’s final word reverberated inside his head.

He still had many thing to ask, but he knew he won’t get any more answer. A strong current suddenly flowed, swirling around and taking them to the surface.


Kyran and Carol spent a full five minutes underwater, much longer than anyone else before them. The Euris were waiting at the surface, some were seen whispering to each other, being confused why it took them so long. After waiting for another minute, they resurfaced and got out of the water. Carol finally opened her eyes and coughed unceasingly. The shaman paid no heed, once again cast a binding spell on them and lead the way impatiently into the forest where the final ritual would take place.

The sun had long gone to rest, the moon took his place as the darkness began to surround them. The night breeze penetrated even the toughest bones, and the enveloping darkness was so dense it could almost be touched and not even the rain tribe could withstand. The Euris ignited some torches to lighten up the way as they walked toward the altar of sacrifice.

It’s a relatively short walk. The guard led the soon-would be-offering preys to the middle of the altar. It’s a wide round-shaped slightly higher platform seperated only by a short stairs of several steps. Large torches was set at the four corner of the altar. The Shaman once again led them in prayer, and all the Euris unisonly chanted. Wind billowed for a short time, as though their god was pleased by the offering, making them chanted even more rigorously.

To honor the gods’ sacred feasting time, no one should get too close to the altar. Even the guards stood a bit farther away. They would be left alone with the beasts until the morning. If they wished to escape, now was the last chance. But it would be difficult even if they’re not closely watched, remembering that each of the guards encircling the place were accompanied by silver saber-tooth tigers. Not to mention their movement was currently restricted.

The flame flickered, fighting the cold without fear. The beasts let out a low growl before turning silent, seemed to be already given up their lives since being ‘purified’. Kyran thought hard to figure out a way to escape from the predicament.

It’s a serene night but smelled death to them.

Suddenly, the flames-including ones carried by the guards were gone eventhough there’s no breeze strong enough to blow them off. To be honest, it would take more than a breeze to extinguish such a large torch stood at the four corner, not to mention at a seperate distance at the same time.

Darkness once again prevailed, eerie silence shrouding the place. No fighting sound, not even a scream. It just went silent, as if all the sound of the world suddenly vanished. Kyran and Carol were drenched in cold sweat.

Carol casted a fireball, figuring up the relative position of the torch and successfully ignited it. When the scene came into vision once again, they could see no one. They looked at each other and nodded, proceeding cautiously to check the situation. All the beasts and guards in vicinity had vanished like a smoke drifting up in the air. They even didn’t realize when their binding was dispelled. Not a single trace of fighting was even noticable.

They carried a torch and stealhtily run into the forest opposite from where they came from. Just as they could already breath a relief, they realized there’s someone ahead. Kyran brandished his spear and charge. Wasn‘t word of wisdom described that who strike first, strike for a win?

“Stop!” Carol abruptly exclaimed. Kyran was surprised, but still managed to stop his spear from the figure of only around Carol’s height.

Carol brought the torch closer to the figure to light up the shadow. It was actually a little girl of approximately seven years old! It had a pair of furry ears and fluffy tail resembling a fox’, draped in a strange cloth resembling a kimono which is rarely seen in this world. Her eyes bright, her cheek had a tint of pink on it. Her beauty had been obvious in such a young age, and still being adorable at the same time.

She opened her mouth and said, “This is not the correct way”

Kyran’s heartbeat thumped. He could not sense any rwach from himself, not to mention from others, but any logical explanation would tell that it‘s impossible that any random little girl appearing in such a place would be normal. He peeked at Carol to see her reaction. Carol’s face had turned white as snow. She could felt a purposedly surpressed- but still managed to permeate-pressure from her very existence.

Seeing their dumbfounded reaction, she indifferently continued, pointing at another direction in the forest.

“That is the path you seek for” the girl calmly said.

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