《Tales of the Demi-Human》Chapter 6 : Joining the mercenary


“Hi, pops! I have some business to do with this guy here!” Hex pointed at Kyran.

“You mean assassination business?” Kyran retorted.

“Sorry mate. I think she was a bit getting carried away” Hex grinned, putting his hands on Carol’s head, urging the dwarf girl to apologize. It’s comical to watch he failed on the first try to touch her head due to their height difference. Only at the second attempt did he manage to reach her head.

“Alright, alright, sorry.” Carol apologize.

“We just want to test your strength and make sure you’re not with the bandits who roamed around recently.” Hex explained

“Well, can’t be helped. Being cautious of a new face, huh?” Kyran sighed, “Are bandits common here?”

“Not really. Bandits show up occasionally, pillaging villages with weak guard. But recently it’s happening quite often. Many villages had fallen victims, several people went missing and business didn’t go well as they targeted carts, especially one that transported slaves. Actually, we get requests from nearby villages to get rid of the bandits. You’re pretty good. Want to join us?” Hex offered.

Razuli butted in before Kyran could answer,

“That’s a good idea, besides, aren’t you short of money? Mercenaries are always busy, it‘s an easy-tipsy money! You still owed me, let’s see, 2 silver and 40 coppers for your meal ,lodging and-" Razuli elaborated.

“What? I should pay for that?” Kyran widened his eyes.

“Who do you think I am? I’m doing business here, brat! Be thankful for the special discount!” Razuli replied.

“Alright, Count me in!“ Kyran sighed. He had his own thought. Maybe he could get clues about demon territory, information about Alice’s origin to help her return to her hometown.

“Welcome to brotherhood mercenary group!” Hex extended his hand.

“Brotherhood…?” Kyran shook Hex's hand.

“Got a problem?” Carol asked.

“No, it‘s just unexpected!” Kyran said.

“You’re noisy, noob! It came from our journey through thick and thin together! We‘re brothers! It’s the coolest name ever!” Carol proudly said.

Kyran decided to end the useless debate. At that moment he really wanted to give her a mirror, but maybe, just maybe, she really thought she was born a bro. What a unique group!


“Brother, are you going out?” Alice asked

“Yes, I’ll play with you later. Be a good girl and wait!” Kyran pinched her cheek.

“Ouch! silly brother!” Alice replied.

Kyran hastened his step as he strode along the wide, empty road. Noone care to bother him anymore. It’s been a week since he joined the group. He’s started to get use of his new life. The scorching heat and occasional dusty billowing streets did not bother him as much now. He treated his daily meal as an exotic cuisine although he hated it. As he walked, he’s engrossed on his thought. This past week, he had learnt a thing about the demon territory. There are three major powers ruling over the demon world: Vixen Kingdom, his current location, ruled by queen Ishtar. Far southwest from Vixen lay Netherheim, a haven for beast-kind demon. The nation bordering Vixen kingdom, famous for their unusual culture was Nine Cloud Territory. At nine cloud territory, various demon-race lived alongside each other and they had something in common, strangely influenced by their custom. For example, it's said they ate with a strange tool made of two pieces of thin bamboo and were widely known for practicing a mysterious battle art found nowhere else. Besides the three giants, there’re many small forces scattered across the demon territory, but none could compare to the major powers.


Kyran stopped as he arrived at a wider road. A cart with a slave sign painted on was ready to leave.

“You’re late! We almost left you!” Carol said from the driver seat.

“Sorry, I overslept!” Kyran apologetically said and jumped to the cart.

As he got inside, he nodded at the passengers. Kyran took the corner seat and glanced at the other member on his side, snickering. A lion, a dog, an octopus, a dwarf. This group looked more like a wandering circus than a mercenary group. This past week, Hex had introduced him to the other members. Goby was a cobold, Hex came from a lion beast tribe. Polbo, the second in command, did not speak much and was of the octopus tribe descent. Their appearances were a bit difference from what he knew from his previous life. A cobold, for example, often depicted as a cute creature with a dog head. Goby resembled the depiction except for the cute part. With his 180 centimeters tall, muscular body clad in armor and a scar on his face, no one would dare to call him cute. Maybe everyone but Carol. Carol, on the other hand, had complexion resembling human, but her 120 centimeters height with ash green hair as most dwarven had, distinguished her from a human. At least today she didn’t wear her green robe like last time. She had somewhat foul mouth, but she’s good in several things, for example in horse riding which is uncommon for a spell weaver. Although it’s a mercenary group, there’s just less than 10 members in total. The goblins he met earlier and the rest stayed around Labuma to gather information as well as helping with village protection. It seems that in the past, there’re more members. Mercenary’s life sure was harshed. Kyran understood and did not ask, intending not to reopen the old wound. He recalled that the other four currently riding in the cart were the founding members. They were childhood friends who grew up together.

The cart started to move. The speed increased as Carol nimbly whipped the black horned stallion pulling the cart. Even without real load, the cart still felt a bit cramped. Kyran was excited and nervous at the same time. This is his first mission. He polished the tip of his spear and checked his equipments, making sure nothing went wrong.

“I’ll be brief!” Hex said. “We’ll be going to Tyrgat, the town far north-west to meet Gofur, our acquaintance. With his help, I’m sure we can get information about the bandits. If we’re lucky, they might assault this cart. Remember to keep at least one alive if we managed to encounter them! Be vigilant, our route is quite danger-“

“Hex!” Carol interrupted.

“Get ready men! We got company!” Hex ordered.

“Troublesome one!” Carol grumbled.

A pair of giant zombie earthworm appeared 25 meters before the cart. Giant earthworms were known of having a huge appetite, from fresh meat to corpse and sometime even toxic waste.


“Never saw that big before. Fortunately it’s an elementary rank, early stage beast!” Goby said.

Sacred beasts were presence everywhere on Lumia, even in human territory. They’re often referred to just “beast” for short. Noone knows where they came from. It’s said that they existed since antiquity, existed before the first demon race emerged. To discern their power level, men created a universal ranking system to determine one’s fighting power including those of human and demon-kind.

There were 7 rank in total starting from the weakest : elementary, intermediate, high, supreme, emperor, sovereign and legendary, the latter of which only exists in myths as noone had ever met one yet. Kyran recalled a history class he attended back then while he’s still a human. The only man ever reached the legendary level were said to be the heroes who saved the world a thousand year ago, but many believed it’s just a made up story created by the authorithy to raise people’s moral in the midst of war. Each power level was divided further into 3 stages : early, middle and late stage. Even someone in elementary stage, contrary to its name, born unfathomable strength compare to normal being without any battle prowess. There’s a valid report that once a village was massacred in one night by an elementary rank, early stage beast. Later investigation revealed that it’s the work of a giant zombie earthworm, exactly what they were facing right now.

Carol pulled the rein and made a smooth stop. Without command, Goby leapt and charged at one of the worm with his giant axe on one hand and a huge shield on the other. At the same time, Polbo bolted toward the other one. They swiftly dodge the acid-like liquid sprayed from the worm‘s mouth, approaching their respective targets. The worms, knowing their attack was ineffective, changed plan. They intended to eliminate one enemy at a time, thus shot a large amount of acid to the sky. The combined acid pool poured at Goby as if it's a heavy downpour.

“Goby!” Kyran exclaimed.

Before it could touched Goby, he ducked and put his giant shield on top, blocking the acid. The splash of the acid made countless small hole around Goby. Surprisingly, the shield, covered in smoke, had no scratch at all. Perhaps it’s imbued with rwach. In the next second, Goby’s axe had reached the target and chopped the worm in two. On the other side, Polbo, using six of his tentacles as if they were swords, slashed the worms to pieces. Kyran nodded. His new teammate got some skills after all. He even did not have a chance to move his finger.

“Not yet!” Hex exclaimed.

The split part of the worms wiggled. The next moment, each part regenerated into intact worms with the same size as before!

Both Hex and Kyran charged to assist. Kyran brandished his spear, pointing it towards one of the worm. The worm was rather sluggish, but the acid was no joke. Every time the acid fell on the ground, it created a hole.

“Thousand deadly thrust!” Kyran roared. With a speed almost imperceptible to eyes, Kyran’s spear blow countless hole to the worm. Annoyingly, the next second it regenerated and divided itself into a new life-form.

“What is the deal with those guys?” Kyran grumbled.

“Carol! How much longer?” Hex yelled as he slashed one of the worm with his demonic claws. They’re already outnumbered in just five minutes. If it took much longer, there’s no guarantee if they could survive.

“Hear my call, ooo mother of nature. May thee cup of wrath poured on the four directions of Lumia. Lightning storm!” as Carol chanted, magical circles appeared simultaneously above each worm. Barrage of thunderbolts raining down, burning the worms until there’s no trace left.

“Phew!” Carol slumped to the ground, seated. It’s understandable that casting a second-tier spell on her current level would exhaust her rwach.

“Above!” Goby exclaimed!

Before Carol could react, a giant talon had snatched and lifted her. A beast resembling giant owl spread its wing, preparing to soar after getting its prey.

“Not good. It’s an elementary rank, middle stage wailing owl! It seems angry because we snatched its food!” Hex said.

Kyran sprinted and leapt with all his might, thrusting his spear before it could get away. Fortunately its skin was penetrable. Kyran’s spear, despite not a high quality one, successfully made its way and stuck on its foot. The owl shrieked in pain and swayed, but soon gathered its strength and continue to fly. With both hands, Kyran strengthen his grip, unyielding to let loose. It soared higher and further, bringing along Kyran and Carol.

“They’re heading to the forest of mist!” Hex said with a grim face.

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