《Tales of the Demi-Human》Chapter 4 : They Who Gazed at the Night Sky


With a random, ordinary three-feet long branch he found at his previous hiding spot, Kyran gripped it tightly as if he was holding a spear, quickly smashed the back of the unaware goblin. The goblin was caught unprepared and immediately flew through the bushes five meters away. An ordinary branch, in the hand of an expert like Kyran who had indulged in spearmanship training since childhood, could turn into a lethal weapon. The goblin spat out fresh blood and temporary immobilized.

Before Kyran could prepare the next attack, the second goblin had closed the distant and encircled him from behind, swiftly slashed his sword down. Kyran dodged it by leaping forward. He managed to escape death by a hair's breadth, but he still got a cut wound on his back. The goblin followed up with a horizontal slash, giving him no chance to rest. Kyran ducked down and with the branch in his hand, turned around and thrust it to the goblin's chest. The goblin was startled. Kyran intended not to waste the opportunity, quickly smashed the goblin at the stomach. He knew it would be impossible to defeat the goblins with ordinary thrusting technique. There was a qualitative different between a branch and true weapon anyway.

The branch could not bear the impact and broke right away. The goblin growled in pain as he held his stomach. The other goblin had recovered and approaching the battlefield. Kyran dashed toward the carriage where the little girl was and protecting her. He was sweating profusely. He knew he was in deep trouble.

To Kyran's amazement, the goblins were just glaring at him and then retreated. Kyran was relieved. He turned back and look at the little girl. There were still traces of glittering tears in the corner of her eyes as she stared at Kyran. Kyran did not know what he should do. He was afraid that the little girl would be scared of him like the others. Maybe a little act of care like asking "Are you okay?" won't hurt, right?

The girl suddenly jumped into him, hugged him and sobbed again, her body shivering.

Kyran was startled.

His hand twitched. After a long pause, he got on one knee and hugged her in return.

He could feel the warmth of her body and the damped sensation of his cloth wet by her tears. His back was still throbbing, but at that instant all the pain seemed to vanish. Kyran widened his pupil as he realized something. Tiny golden sparkles were dancing like fireflies celebrating the warm summer night, permeated from his back where her palm was placed on, gently washed away his wound. He smiled, finally, after a long time.


A contrasting scene of the two people, one was smiling and the other sobbing, connected by fate in that morning as they embraced.


One week ago, somewhere in an unlit place deep in demon territory.

Two people walked almost side by side with the other one positioned himself slightly behind. He was a young, handsome man with a face full of smile. His eyes seemed slit as the result. They looked very human-like, but the overwhelming, terrifying pitch black aura emanating from them revealed their traits.

After they reached a higher platform, the one leading in front stopped, followed closely by the other one.

"What's the matter Astaroth? You seem to have something on your mind."

"My lord, why did you give him the seed of destruction? I mean, if you just want him to become a demon, aren't there many other methods?" the one named Astaroth asked with a face still plastered with smile.

"Chosen one had become fallen one instead. Isn't that funny?" the other party smirked. He gazed at the sky as if he was mocking the unseen being resides far up in heaven. "Playing by his rules then overthrow him in his own game, isn't that more interesting?"

Astaroth could not deny him, even if he could, he wouldn't. It's not a carelessness nor foolish pride of his lord. He believed that his lord was the one who hold the utmost power to possibly realize it.

"If he's the chosen one, he'll surely cross path with the Abysmal Lords. We'll use him to confront them in our stead." He answered Astaroth's former question.

"What if he isn't the chosen one?"

"Impossible. Didn't you notice what happen that night when he turned into a demi-human?"

Astaroth shut his mouth, recalling the scene. The sky that night was engulfed in utmost radiance as if morning had come. Seven color radiance spread across hundreds of kilometers flew wildly painting the night sky. Image of a colossal ancient bird filled the sky with its majesty. This happened for a short time, but many residents of Lumia had witnessed the magnificent scene. Seventeen years ago, the same phenomenon had occurred at the same place. That was the time when Kyran was born.

"Why don't we just directly confront the Abysmal Lords ourselves?" Astaroth asked.

"If we can use other's sword, why should we bother ourselves?", the other party said. "Besides, if we do it ourselves, we'll pay a great price, even with you here."


Astaroth was astonished. "Are they really that powerful?"

"Yes. What do you expect from my other halves? After all these time, they managed to increase their power even more. Especially that one. As with I am now, even with you here, the chance is almost nonexistent."

Astaroth's smile disappeared. He himself was an Abysmal Lord. Is that other fellow lord really had become so powerful that even with both of them it could still be impossible to defeat him?

"That's why we'll make use of the chosen one. We had nothing to lose either. Even if he fails and perish later, it'll still be of great benefit to us. If he managed to succeed, then after the seed grow, I'll take back my tree with interest." he laughed sinisterly.

Astaroth bowed, his eyes full of devotion towards his lord.


Deep inside the demon territory, in a secret chamber inside Netherheim Kingdom's royal castle. Not too long had passed since the magical phenomenon in the night sky took place.

A bewitching young lady covered in a black, long sleeves lace gown, was standing in front of a mirror. The young lady had a small, alluring red lips that contrasting his pure white skin only to further embellish her otherworldly beauty. Nine white tail resembling fox tail were protruded out from her back, just above her arse.

She seemingly was in the midst of a conversation. The mirror stood before her reflected not her own image, instead an old, short therianthrope creature with bunny head wearing a slightly tattered robe, his hand holding a dull staff. He was a hare sage.

"Did you notice what happened just now?" the young lady.

"Yes, it's the sign. The trial for the chosen one had already begun." the sage hare replied.

The young lady kept silent as if she was pondering something

"So what will you do? Will milady finally make a move?" the sage hare asked.

The young lady was still deep in thought. After a short while, she shook her head.

"It's still too early to tell. I wonder if he is qualified. Let's wait and observe him further."

"Ah, it seems that milady still can't forgotten that person eventhough he's long gone." the sage hare teased.

There were pink blushes on the young lady's face, "Hmph, what about you?"

She's referring to the sage hare's plan.

"Let's see if he's qualified" the sage hare grinned.


Demon territory, somewhere in a mountain range. Three people was flying through the fierce wind in a high speed, unbothered. A layer of powerful rwach covered them. One of them was flying on a sword. Suddenly a fluctuation occurred in the sky far to the northwest in human territory. The three were amazed by the celestial phenomenon even faintly visible far at their location.

They landed on the nearest tall rocky mountain, throwing their gaze at the distant horizon.

"Sect master, is that...." an old man said.

"Yes, finally the time has come!" The middle-aged man in the middle exclaimed with bright eyes.


Human territory, inside Ishgarf the kingdom of magic's royal palace.

A beautiful middle-aged woman sat on the throne. She was Fiore, the kingdom's queen. Before her presence was the kingdom's oracle and some of her aides.

"Is it the sign the great oracle of the past talking about?" The queen asked.

"Yes, your majesty. It's the sign of the revelation of the chosen one" the oracle replied.

"If we can find him, it'll be a great help to humanity. We'll discuss it tomorrow with other officials." The queen pondered. "By the way, where's the princess?"

A guard stood out from the line, replied with a wry smile, "Your majesty, it seems that the princess had disappeared."

The queen sighed and shook her head. "That spoiled girl. It seems that she's bored again."


That night, similar scene could be spectated almost everywhere in human nations and tribes across the land, from major powerhouses like Strovein Empire, the strongest empire boasting its unmatched paladin squad to Lowell Kingdom which was a homeland of mighty bloodthirst warriors. They were making their own preparation. Unbeknownst to them, the central of attention in question was still crawling his way out, striving to defy the cruel fate that befell him.

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