《Tales of the Demi-Human》Chapter 1 : Dawn of the Journey


Kyran widened his eyes. His eyebrows slightly trembled. He almost forgot to breath until he felt cold sweat flowed down from his forehead. It was too lucid a nightmare. Kyran had never wished to wake up as fervently as what he felt right now. Sadly, this was one of those dreams he could never wake up from. He was still mesmerized, didn't know what had happened until a moment ago as he watched his mother turned into a puddle of blood. Kryan's limbs felt like boulders, he couldn't move. It was that color, red, the color his mother adored, that made him glued to this spot. The strength and the power, it represented, made his mother fall in love with it and he too once found the color empowering. Now, however, he realized its true meaning. Crimson decorated her body, like a newly stitched dress. And as those crimson eyes with a whimsical glow, watched her die. He felt, dread like no other climb through his bones.

Red, what, a gruesome color it actually was.

Kyran had not recovered to react yet, but a man with a sturdy build, with blood-shot eyes bolted towards the demon with his sword unsheathed, ready to swing it with his utmost power. Anyone could discerned how mad this man was. Regret and helplessness was not enough to describe the agony of a man who failed in protecting his wife. His stroke was filled with a terrifying might, imbued with his powerful rwach as he chopped down his sword. A moment later, the man collapsed, startled. His face turned ashen. He saw both his severed hands, still gripped tightly on his sword, along with a pair of sturdy legs adorned with ragged boots that accompanied him through his younger day as a warrior had fell quite a distance from him.

Even so, the man gritted his teeth, resisted the painful urge to utter a single word as he intended to save the slightest strength left to kill the demon. He was Roan Svenleigh after all, the renowned warrior of Lowell Kingdom. Albeit deep inside he knew it's a futile attempt. Not to mention the demon was not alone. There was another being silently stood in the darkness yet to take any action. What made the demon more terrifying was the calm composure he showed the entire time. It was on a different league compared to any other being he had ever faced. It eerily complemented the demon's young human-like appearance and a gentle smile that seemed to forever plastered on his face. Yet the other companion emits a more malignant aura, making no intention to conceal it. Both of them was equally overwhelming.


"Dad!!" Kyran managed to open his mouth at last. His voice was trembling, yet he charged forward. He channeled his rwach and was about to activated his spirit spear art. A faint light the size of a ball started to condensed above his head.

"No! Run!" Roan shouted.

The other demon walked out from darkness. He raised his hand and a pitch black seed surrounded with evil aura appeared from thin air and flew towards Kyran in an unimaginable speed. The seed disappeared into Kyran's body, seeped into his rwach with little resistance. Kyran felt his body turned heavy and helplessly fell to the ground. An agonizing burning sensation permeated throughout his entire body. His rwach mixed with the dark aura from the seed. In a short time, his body contorted into one resembling a demon. Sharp teeth protruded from his mouth. Black, evilish wing was attached to his back. The purplish-blue hue replaced his former smooth skin. A pair of purplish iris adorned his eyes.

Roan finally screamed in agony. The demons was also, finally, laughed. They were depiction of cruelty itself. They might be nonchalant, but they put a lot of thought in what they did. It was a perfect torture.

What can be more agonizing than witnessing your loved one died before your very eyes, yet witnessing the other one turning into despised demon before your life ended as well?

What would be more tormenting than witnessing your parent's desperate final moment as you were helpless, awaiting unknown fate lying ahead.

Before Kyran completely lost his conciousness, he noticed the scream had stopped. Everything went silent. The brave warrior's legacy, the one who had taken care of his entire seventeen years of life had come to an end. His parent were his most treasured, who brought back the once erased words "family", "love" and "acceptance" in his life's dictionary.

Some said that before you died, your life's journey will played like a movie in your mind. He knew he won't die, yet. But as strange as his own fate, the movie was played inside his head. It's very vivid, from the first time he arrived in this world called Lumia until now. He, a man from modern earth, out of the blue got transported to Lumia.


He had lived an unfulfilled life in his former life. His parent died of an accident when he was in high school and his life took a downturn ever since. He had no one to count on. His other relative took him in, but they had their own problems as well, so he could not depend on them like he did with his real family. In the end with some made-up excuses, he was forced to live by himself. It happened many time as he was transferred from a relative to another due to certain circumstances. His father's job required them to move out to another town often, hence he failed to make a deep, meaningful relationship with friends. When he had stepped into adulthood, he messed up on various workplaces. Although he was quite smart, approachable and a hard-worker, sometime reality just differed from expectation. After a long while, he finally had courage to realize his childhood dream and started his own business, but after a long time he was stucked, struggling to make end meets.

His confident was gradually shredded into pieces. He had no girlfriend not because he was unpopular, but because he determined not to engage into any serious relationship until he could manage his own life. He knew not all woman was a gold-digger, but to certain extent women still needed and deserved financial security from a responsible partner. He was a realistic person, and in other time could transform into a fool who pursued his ideals. Sometime he was just thinking too much and took matters too far. One day, the world around him lost its colour. The sun turned cold, and the wind blew no more. He had no strength left to endure the pressure and a desperate thought flashed in his mind. Before he could decided to do anything, suddenly a blinding light engulfed him. The next moment he opened his eyes, he was born into Roan and Yrina's little family.

Due to his parent's unfaltering love, Kyran gradually recovered his former confidence and self-acceptance. He did not understand why he got transported to Lumia and had struggled with it for a while. Back in his younger days, he had read some japanese light novels and xianxias. He deduced his situation was similar to those cliche scenario of a human who got transported to another world and later became a so-called hero. Thus, he had a high expectation of a more fulfilling journey in his life. He was grateful for the second chance to renew his life.

But life sometimes played a cruel joke. Up until a moment ago, he finally regain the feeling of the warmth of the sun and the spring breeze, but as soon as it came, it was quickly ended like the grass withered and the flower faded.

Once again his world turned dull, then black, for a long time.

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