《Alternate Worlds》Chapter Two: Roads Less Traveled but more Explored
A few hours down the road FlameSinger just started levitating along as her feet hurt. The others try to ignore it as the only answer they get is she is not used to walking and her feet hurt.
Melisanda has been unusually quiet since the incident with the false goddess. Brani finally managed to shut up around the new girl as she Finally realised all her flirting was driving the girl away. She does not respond to flirts well.
Aysun is having the best luck talking with her, they seem to have things in common and the fact that FlameSinger knows of Aysuns homeland seems to comfort the foriegn warrior.
Hel is quiet thinking over what they learned and working out ways to fight it.
Da'rune is trying to figure out what other magic the girl may have and what is just Psion power. Really wishing for a horse now to as she is not found of walking either.
That evening the others stop to set up camp and FlameSinger just floats there. Da'Rune spits, "Well you going to help ?"
FS shrugs, "Never done this before, I am city dweller. I need instruction."
Pretty much everyone pauses at what they are doing and looks at her. Hel finally, "Find some fire wood then."
FS nods and floats off toward the near woods.
Da'Rune sighs, "Newbies. "
Melisanda, "She is skilled in combat, knows how to build a fire, but outside of that"shakes her head, "Good thing we came along she would not last long on her own."
Everyone else stares at her, this is the first time in a long time any of them have heard anything from her that was not tinged in anger.
Camp is all set up, no sign of FlameSinger, Hel sighs, "Right, no wood craft. Anyone care to bet she went and got lost." No one takes that bet. Asyun smirks, "I will go find her."
Da'rune "How do you track someone who flies ?"
Asyun, "Sameway you track someone over stone, you look at the side of the trail, not the ground. Also looking up if they got high enough."
She is not 100ft away, when there is a massive explosion followed by two more of the similar strength. The rising fire sign has them running toward it, they arrive as the fire dies down, because it's Snowing. Its Late Spring, it never snows this far south at this time a year.
The snow though turns out to be putting out the fire. At the fire sight are three large burning bodies and one shaking FlameSinger with a Huge collection of wood. Aysun is the first to arrive and she speaks softly to the sobbing FlameSinger, "Hey there, you alright ?"
FlameSinger points at the burning corpses, "They attacked me and I just reacted. I did not Try to do anything, it just happened."
Hel hangs back, looking at the Dire Wolf bodies. Not usually found in these lands but with the elves gone other things are moving in to their lands.
Da'Rune squats next to the shocked girl, "I say nice shooting and good insticts. Those were dire wolves. They attack anything they come across. Not nice creatures. But why the snow ?"
Sniffling, "Did not want a forest fire."
Mel is just Staring at the zone and thinking back on challenging the girl. Inside she runs, outside, nope would not been a fight, she can just see herself there, whoosh, one less angry woman in the world. Ever since the false goddess confronted her on her anger over the god, who she knew did not give healing, how she tried to make demands from a being that did not care. She has come to realize it is not the gods she was angry with, it was with herself for failing her best friend. Staring in to that destruction she can see it all happening again. Fight against some very tenatious orcs who had taken a human walled city. They were supposed to get it back. It was snowing that day to. Their catapults had rained fire orbs on to the enemy forces. Her and Selena both Battle Maids of the War God Shrek Na were leading the charge, hacking down the orcs and giving praise to the God when a ballista bolt was shot at her, Selena had seen it coming and tried to block it with her sheild, it did not work, she died in Melisanda's arms as the woman tried to heal her. Begged the god, any god, to help heal her friend. No help came. It was after that she turned her backs on the gods and started fighting in rage and stupidity. Trying to die herself, for failing her best friend in the world.
But today she saw a real god. One unlike the one she had worshipped, one who cared, for she brought back a total stranger, one not even of her faith or people. She faced against those who are bringing fear to the world so they can bring in their false god. Well not on her watch, she is not going to be That person any more. She has a chance here and now, to do something with her life to make the memory of her friend proud. Her friend who protected others, who gave to her friends and allies of herself, who befriended a loud obnoxious battle happy girl and turned her in to a force to be recond with. Well she is not going to follow Shrek Na any more. She knows his kind have a place in the world, but it's no longer her place.
Snapping back to the here and now the ex battle maid laughs and shakes her head. Everyone except FlameSinger turns and stares wide eyed at Mel, she never laughs, bitches, complains, generally nasty but never laughs.
Mel looks around "What ?"
Brandi, "You never laugh."
Mel shrugs, "Just hit me, that girl has the power of destruction in I don't know how much, but she did not want to start a forest fire, so she made it snow. I just found it ironic is all."
FlameSinger snorts a laugh, looks back at Mel, "Ok yeah, I see what your saying. It was a kind of silly way of putting it. I blame the shock of all this. It's been a strange few days." no one can argue with that.
Though Hel looks at the mountain of fire wood, "Um, why so much wood ?'
FlameSinger looks at it, "I was in deep thought, not really paying attention. Call it autopilot, pick up wood, put it in my tk bubble as I was walking along. I guess I lost track."
The others end up shaking there heads as they get their new friend back to the camp.
The next day finds Mel in a strange mood. She is quiet and pleasant. Its worrying her friends.
FS sits down with Mel, "You seem introspective since yesterday. Thinking about what the gollem said ?"
Mel nods, staring in to the camp fire, "Yeah, well that and that firepit you made brought back memories. See I got so angry when my best friend was killed in battle. She died saving my life and I guess I was angry at myself as I could not save her. Been angry a long time. Never really thought about it, just stewed in my own anger and self loathing. But that event, and your resurrection to. It showed me that there are other gods out there that are not asshats like Shrek Na, that was the war god I used to serve. Done with him now." FS is giggling.
"Ok what is so funny ?"
"Shrek - that is the name of an Ogre back home who married an enchanted princess and ended up becoming a very reluctant king. He was an unusually smart ogre, quick witted good at cracking jokes while in battle and such."
The ex-priestest thinks on it, "Yeah, I could see that old god being an ogre, is obnoxious enough." she smiles at the thought.
FS grins, "So you have decided to not let him win then. To maybe do things to make the memory of your friend proud of you ?"
Mel nods, "Yeah, your good at this. How old were you when you uh you know ?"
FS, "55, never been in a war like you, but I lost people to. Accident, had a favored aunt whose died horrible, strange disease, caused her gut to rot."
Mel makes an 'eee' face, "Oh yeah that is not good. Nothing the priest could do then ?"
"Remember where I am from the priest all think magic is evil. So no nothing they could do. She was scared, went to every church around, but everyone was just a different version to the same false God. Christianity , the ones those Christo to come losers worship. Christians are not bad people, they just don't know how the universe really works and most don't want to know. Makes them easy to fool."
Mel nods, "Yeah I know the type. Me for the most part, at least till yesterday when it all came in to focus."
FS, "So now what are you going to do ?"
Mel thinks, "Breakfast for a start, then take it one day at a time."
FS grins, "Yes food first. Best to have a full belly before facing the rest of the world."
FS pulls out some of her sausage and cheese she saved, "Beef Sausage ?"
Mel happily takes some.
The others all listened, and not one commented. There was a person in that once angry woman and they were happy to see her.
Later while walking Da'Rune snaps because FS is floating again, "You know if you just walked you would get used to it. It's so annoying you just floating along and the rest of us having to walk."
FS turns, "You want to float along to ?"
Da'Rune nods, and with a gester from FlameSinger, Da'Rune is lifted in to the air, "All you had to do was ask."
Hel looks at her, "How much can you carry in that way ?"
FS pulls a strange paper out and looks it over, "Um ah, 1500 lbs. So all of you easily."
Mel, who was walking nearst FS, "What is that ?" indicating the paper.
"Its a list of my new abilities and stats, it's in my native language though. Huh, it updated itself with the gear I got from the secret room. Wierd."
She is reading it over even as Mel leans over her shoulder, "So what does it say you got ?"
"Its, oh wow, ok I got something new I did not even know about. An Item I brought with me is listed as enchanted. Only 2 functions work anymore though. Also list the potions I found, this cloak, oh so that is what that is, Enchanted Shield +2."
FS sits down, pulls her backpack around and opens it, pulling out the kite shield then a long dagger in a nice leather sheath, that she straps on to her leg with the included straps. "Magic dagger, +3."
Da'Rune nods, "Oh that is a good find. +3 is right in the middle of enchantable quality, 1 or 2 are the most common. Still rare of course." the others nod, but let it go because for all her smarts FS is new to this world.
Hel shakes her head, "How many magic bags you got ?"
FS, distracted as she reads the page and compairs it to whats in the bag, "Just the 3, the blue ones are large sized Bags of Accessability, the elven gods gave me those really. This one is a " looks at sheet "Marvel Pack."
The others nod, being impressed as those are very rare."
Brani, "To bad you don't have a bunch of gold in there to."
Looking at sheet, moves fingers toward top, "7690 silver, 2800 gold, 1651 Platinum, 20 copper and 4 electrum and some random gems."
The group is floored.
Mel ask, "You willing to share any of that with us ?"
FS nods, "Well you are helping me so it would only be fare and Brani if you hand gets any closer to my bag I am burning it off."
Brani is suddenly several feet away with her hands behind her back and her best inncoent look in place. The others grin at that.
Hel pulls them back on track, "On that levitation ability, you can carry us all then. But how fast can you do so ?"
Looks at her sheet, "Flight speed maximum by myself is 300 miles per hour, about half that carrying a load. So 150 miles per hour."
Da'Rune sighs, "what do you need us for ?"
Aysun, "We are her guides, she is lost with out us not knowing the culture or where anything is or who to trust."
FS nods, "Yeah that. Also the goddess vouched for you. That went a long way in my trusting you."
Much to everyones surprise Mel says, "Yeah I can see that. Having an Actual God show up and say 'them good people' can go a long way in getting you to trust people. Though you got enough sense to learn how far to trust to." looking at Brani.
The New Mel is going to take some getting used to.
FS nods, "Trust you at my back, trust Brani across the room and away from my goods." general agreement and some snickering.
Mel ask in all seriousness, "You would trust me at your back."
FS squints at her for a moment, "Yes. For all your faults you try to protect your friends and I hope we can be friends."
Mel takes a deep breath and nods, "I would like that." FS Smiles at her. FlameSingers beauty is not lost on these women, but they all know to look past appearances. The thing they are all realizing about this girl, is the nice goes straight through. She is proving to be a beauty inside as well as out. Though not the sort you want to be on the wrong side of. The gods gifted her great power but she does not use it to lord over others, or bully others. She is not trying to pit them against each other to make herself feel bigger. She just handles things one step at a time and tries to be a nice person along the way. She is caustious and careful but can handle herself if she needs to. The fact that she is New to the life of an adventurer is not lost on them either (well maybe on Da'Rune as she can be a little thick), but she is willing to learn.
Hel did not miss that she skipped over listing several items on her list. She may not be able to read it but she recognized the pattern of how it's set up.
Da'Rune raises a hand, "Uh Since she can get us around so fast how about she take us over to Aldrani City, its only 300 miles from here and with her power we can make it in around 2 hours."
FS ask, "What is Aldrani City ?"
Hel answers, "Major mage city, several schools but also a market that buys and sells magical items. Da'Rune has been wanting to go for ages to get a new weapon and maybe some spells."
FlameSingers eyes are all lit up, "Oh that sounds very nice and I do need to rebuild my spell book. " Much hopeful nodding at Hel.
Hel, "Its an expensive place to go. Prices are high there for even the simplist of things."
FS Nods, "Normal for large specialist cities all over creation. Can we go ?"
Hel looks between Da'Rune and FlameSinger, they got the same exact look, hopeful and eager. She just Knows it will be a mistake but well a mage with out a spellbook is not worth much.
Hel sighs, "Ok but we stay in a lower end inn and you will Not spend more than half you have because it is Litterally all you have."
Da'Rune pulls on FlameSingers cloak, "I hate to do this but can you front me some money."
FlameSinger thinks about it the reaches in to her cloak, searches around a minute before handing her a nice purse, "That should do you for a little bit."
Da'Rune looks inside, gold coins of elven make, old ones to. Not sure how many but a goodly amount. "I will pay you back."
FS seems to be listening to something then says, "Just pass on the good fortune to others and we can call it even. Ok ?"
Seeing Da'Runes expresion Mel tells her, "She means help out others, not nessisarily with money but deeds."
Da'Rune slowly nods.
FlameSinger nods, "Its called sharing it forward. Good deeds like that create hope and that makes the world a better place."
The others shrug and nod. Interesting concept sounds like something one of the Gods of Good would say. Hel wonders if Vag is talking to her through that cloak, as it is a holy artifact and all.
Mel saw where the purse comes from and as FS is packing up and the others counting out Da'Runes new fortune, "I saw that. That was just a patch, what is with that cloak ?"
FS looks at her, "you know what a robe of useful items is ?" she says in low tones.
Mel, "kind of. Its a mage thing for carrying stuff that would be to hard to carry normally."
FS sighs, "pretty close, the patches are conjuration keys. each one set to conjure specific Types of items, little random on what you will get, but it will be in the class of what the patch is. like that one was a pouch of coins worth 100 gold. could have been all silver, or a mix or like that one just gold coins, get it."
Mel thinks, "little bit of chaos in the mix then." FS nods, "there are other things in here to. 200 items to be straight. The down side is it takes 3 to 5 days for a patch to reappear. so I use it sparingly. but there are allot of things in here. Because Vag likes me I know what each patch does. otherwise for anyone not in his favor the items are random and some of them can be dangerous if you don't work them right. Even got attack animals in here. The other thing is everything pulled from the cloak is permanent. the cloak is listed as a minor artifact with it's curse being making the wearer look dirt poor and reducing appearent charisma, in my case dropping my appearance back in to the human range or a touch above. of note All artifacts carry curses, some worse than others as they are powerful items, so its how the gods of magic balance things out."
Mel nods, "We all noticed your looks, but we have all known very beautiful looking people that were monsters at heart, so we take it in stride and try not to be swayed by it, except Brani who throws herself at anything even remotely cute." FS nods, "Brani is a bit scary to me, that level of forwardness just makes me want to run."
Mel nods, "Me to sometimes. But I like men in my bed. Brani just likes them alive and willing."
FS, "where I come from she would be labled a Nymphomaniac. That is someone addicted to sex. Its really a kind of mental illness."
Mel thinks, "I can see that. She is one sick girl after all." smirks.
After smacking Brani for trying to help (herself) with the counting of the coins Hel calls everyone together. "FlameSinger when your ready take us up, Da'Rune knows the way so she can guide you. She seems to know the way no matter How far away we get from there."
Da'Rune smiles, "I went to school there, so I made a mental marker so I could find my way back. Just in case of random teleport or the like you know." FS nods as she encases them all in a large TK bubble and lifts them skyward, "Just point the direction and I will try for a straight line."
Da'Rune points as everyone but FlameSinger sits inside the sphere.
She goes from full stop to full speed in the blink of an eye, but no one inside the sphere even feels it. They only know because of everything below them is moving past so fast.
Hour and a half later the great mage city of Aldrani comes in to veiw, with its impossibly high towers, various people on carpets or brooms flying around, flying mounts of all kinds, even a few small dragons, some with riders going here and there. Da'Rune directs them to her old schools landing pad. She has been digging in her purse since the city came in to view, she puts on a laynard with her school pass and item showing she is a graduate. Then she brushes her hair and straightens her clothes, doing what she can to look presentable.
FS brings the sphere down nice and gental like she had been doing it all her life. There are wardens there to see to arrivals. The odd group from the woman in the assassins guild armor to the dishevaled person to Da'Rune wearing her slightly travel stainned mages robe and the others who all stand as the bubble disappears. Da'Rune steps forward and in a cheerful tone, "Greetings I am Da'Rune graduate of the class in the year of the Shining Spear." The warden pulls out a book and looks through it. Looking mildly surprised, "Ah Valivictorian Da'Rune Welcome back. What can we do for you today ?"
Da'Rune looks back at her friends who are impressed, she never told them about this honor, they knew she did well in school though. "Came to see about getting a new weapon and my friend in the bad clothes some gear. She was in a bad accident, lost most of her gear and spell books. Down to item magic." the warden nods but keeps his professional face in place.
Another arrival is not so nice, "Looks like she lost more than that, is that 'Person' even worthy to be here." looking down his nose at FlameSinger. FlameSinger ignores the insults. Da'Rune looks ready to defend, but FS just waves her down, "Not worth it. Ones like him are to closed minded to know anything of import anyway."
The second warden does a covert magic detect run (not only items but the persons potentials in magic and combat prowess) he about drops when the scan of the cloak alone show Artifact level magic. It's so strong its blocking everything else about the woman. He gets the other wardens attention and shows him the read out. Item magic and an artifact so powerful that it blocks all other scans but looks like crap. They hit a hidden stone that alerts the higher ups.
Meanwhile the bully mage is trying to get a rise out of FS and failing. The others, having seen this before knows she will ignore the man as long as he does not try anything physical.
Man, "I don't know how someone so obviously poor could ever be seen outside of a sewer." FS ignores him, choosing to walk around the open area and looks at the city the structures, kind of remind her of some of the towers from home. Good artitectural styles, not as large as some from home but impressive in their own ways. She is moving to the other side when the pompus angry man steps in her path, "You will Stop ignoring me you little dirty bitch!"
She looks at him calmly, "I don't know you from a pile of troll shit, as such your words mean less than nothing. Your just an angry little man who can't stand anyone you precieve as different. You are not worth the time it would take me to wipe my shoes on." and with that she goes around him and looks at the sights on the otherside. Her friends are all snickering, Da'Rune looks to the warden, "She does not care what others think of her and won't do anything beyond talk unless attacked." The warden nods even as the school headmaster arrives. Da'Rune was one of his favorite mages, so talented in the art. He was on his way even before the call about a rare magic item popped up on his communications mirror, which he is happy to get here before the heads of magical research get here. They can be something of bullies to non alumni and pushy with alumni when it comes to wanting to study something new.
Headmaster Par'Nole, "DA'RUNE My girl, so nice to see you again." he takes her hands as he looks her over, "You've grown a bit I see." she blushes at the head master, "I do my best sir. I have a good crew to." she nods at her friends. "Oh wonderful wonderful. Always good to have a compentent group around you as support and such. What is Melvin Potts doing now ?" the little man is screaming obscities at the woman who is ignoring him.
"He is being an asshat. Been jumping on my friend because of her cloaks appearence since we got here. As I was telling the warden, she was in an accident, most of her cloths and gear was damaged or destroyed, including her spell books. Magical carriage, ran over one of those anti priest and caused her to crash."
The Headmaster nods, "Oh that is a shame, How did the carraige do ?"
Da'Rune shakes her head, "Total loss, the whole front in was crushed inward, disruppted the enchantments to the point of total failure."
He shakes his head, "Oh dear. She is the one in the cloak I take it."
Da'Rune nods, "Her mage name is FlameSinger, uses fire and ice attack spells primarily. I think she is almost out of spells now. She is of the 5 rank in skill for magic but has some skills in other area's to."
Par'Nole, "Proper schooling or hedge mage ?"
She pauses, "Well from the way she speaks I believe schooling but she is from a far away land and I can't say for sure what level thier schools are at. She does study on her own though and is very smart."
Par'Nole, "You did not ask did you ?" Da'Rune shrugs, "Been busy few days." The Headmaster nods. The attacks on the Gods temples has been bad, the evil armies on the move and all, dark times for sure. So he understands what she means.
The man Potts is now jumping up and down his face red as he starts repeating himself in his limited vocabulary of insults.
Mel ask the warden, "Why does he not try to strike her ?"
Warden, "Because he would be arrested. He is trying to upset her so she will swing first and thus be arrested."
Hel comments, "She swings and he will be dead, seen her fight, not someone you want to be on the wrong side of. But she does not react to fools like him either. One of the more level headed sorts."
Warden, "I can tell. What is she, I mean occupation wise."
Mel, "War mage with stealth training."
To them that is someone who slips in to an enemy base or area and makes things disappear. Sometimes in big booms sometimes in ways where no bodies are ever found. Not someone you want to be angry at you.
FlameSinger comes over to the others, "Nice city. Pretty buildings. Reminds me of home some."
The warden looks up, "City child ?"
FS nods, "yeah, this place kind of reminds me of the collage I went to. Though we did not allow for flying creatures over the cities. Pollution concerns."
Warden looks confused, so she explains, "Its bad enough if a bird poops on you. Dragons and other large things ..." he nods, "Yes that is a bad day. Not happened to me, but I have heard of it."
"Happened to the Govenor of the state, after that cities were no fly zones." The wardens mask breaks for a moment as he grins.
That is when two no non-sense types in grey robes and sashes that identify them as being from Magical Studies come out. They go straight to FlameSinger, "Ah you there, we are here for that Cloak, you will hand it over now."
She looks at them, "Go stuff your head up a dragons ass."
The second one opens his mouth but, "FellGod! Dagon!, stop that at once. She is a visitor here and we don't need you two in the infirmery."
They look behind them at the HeadMaster, "We can block any spells that child can throw."
The Child pulls back her hood and smiles in a way that makes the blood run cold, "Wanna bet ?" There is Something in her eyes that says they are in over their heads. The other girls all move behind the head master, Hel tapping him, "Sorry about the loss of your staff." eyeing the two mages.
The Headmaster looks questionly at Hel, Hel whispers, "She mixes Psionics with Magic, tends to by pass most magical shields that way" He nods, yes that is a potent and dangerous mix. They have such a teacher here that does that. Very nice person, very level headed, very very scary in a fight.
FS shakes her head, "Why do you two want my cloak anyway ?"
Dagon states, "Its a very powerful artifact with unknown potential it must be studied."
She snorts, "Its a Cloak of the Vagabond, it has fire resistance, makes the wearer look poor and otherwise works as a Robe of Useful items, but with more patches. Oh and its a Holy Relic not an Artifact, belongs to Vag, God of Seekers and a long list of others. His symbol is a Much Patched cloak, I am a Seeker, so I can use it. If your not such as I or among the faithful its just a ragged cloak that resist fire and makes you look poor."
The Headmaster smiles, "There that was easy. She told you what it is and what it does and we have several Robes of Useful Items in the store. Nice items but not all that remarkable. And as hers is a Holy item, well that explains its aura."
FellGod turns on him, "HAVE You ever heard of this Item before ?" he challenges the Head Master.
Pal'Nole nods, "Yes I have. The God Vag is also the Hermit who shows the way. The Cloak is only given to one HE chooses. No other can use it and even if you took it and locked it away it would just leave. God items only work for those the Gods choose them to work for. Mirroranda is a follower of his, a Seeker like this young lady. She wore such a Cloak back in her adventuring days. Vag is the one who actually created the first Robes of Useful Items and then taught mages faithful to him how to make them for themselves. You two really need to look more in to Religious Studies instead of just focusing on Magical Item research. You would learn so many interesting things."
The humph and leave, as it is a known and documented item there is no need for them.
FlameSinger comes over to him, "That was an impressive speach. Not many know about the origins of the Robes, so nice touch."
He bows, "Thank you. As HeadMaster I felt it was good to have at least a basic understanding in all we teach. Mirroranda is one of our better teachers and we talk quite a lot."
The cloak speaks, "You should talk to Mirroranda FlameSinger, the two of you could teach each other many things, be good for you both."
The HeadMaster looks quite surprised, Da'Rune explains, "That is the First Cloak, Vag himself sometimes talks to us from it."
My Life as a Farmer in Another World
A boy finds himself reincarnated in a world of magic and fantasy after getting hit by a truck. So he decided to be a farmer.
8 181World Blueprint: Variety of Life
The bond of two: man and girl, attempts to survive in all seven realities which inflicted with danger from invasion of unknown enemies in every world. Waltren Eragle was born with untreated-illness. He created World Blueprint, defeated a doctor's future vision that he would die in few years. With the power, he had been living simultaneously in seven realities: Blueprint Reality, Science Reality, ALIEN REALITY, Alchemy Reality, Rune Reality, Steam Reality, MAGIC REALITY. Though, the disease was about to coming back after eight years. Despite hopeless, he lived long enough, accepted his fate soon and prepared to pass this ability to someone else. After third selection who failed, he encountered a girl who seemed to be a unsure yet qualify to grand the right. However, as he was teaching her everything to know about World Blueprint, otherworld invasion occurred one by one in every reality. Siqura Selvona was grew up with debt left by his father. She and her mother were working day and night, chased the end month to dismiss the flowery-interest rate. As weight gone from her life, she thought everything would be greater when all of sudden his mother disappeared and treated by people as murderer. Have no idea what was going on, stressed from massive rumors, until when they started seeking a revenge. Peaceful was over, she was about to raise weapon with her bare flesh-hand, believed herself as daughter of criminal but a boy who she never met before rescue her. On next day, people somehow forget about her mother and blamed the tragedy to someone else. The boy who saved her acted like close childhood friend even though she had no recollection of relationship. With her mother still missing, she took connection who a completely stranger to her. Available on sites: Scribble Hub - https://www.scribblehub.com/series/81248/variety-of-life Royal Road - https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/29384/variety-of-life Wattpad - https://www.wattpad.com/story/210843130-variety-of-life Webnovel - https://www.webnovel.com/book/17174007506882105 Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/OcelintSteiner Amazon Page for Other Series: "Perfect Blueprint Volume 01 - Soul Hack" - https://www.royalroad.com/amazon/B07Y8SS7SD
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❝I just want to stay by your side, so I can enjoy our moments together.❞in which Min Yoongi is famous and Jeon Jungkook is a photographer and a owner of a fan-page dedicated to Min Yoongi.published: december 2017completed: may 2018MYGXJJK 171229 | ©-minygguk
8 59Conquest Of Mortem
*NOTE* This novel is a war of attrition. To say anything less is a disservice to its demand. While comparable to other such works as Ulysses or Moby Dick, each sentence in Conquest is an enemy to be tackled. Not in the ways of difficulty but in absurd density that wishes nothing more than to destroy what patience you may have. Do not tackle chapters as you would ordinary chapters in an ordinary book. Tackle each chapter as a book unto itself. A foe to be vanquished, a period of life to leave behind. Seek to be master of this work. Seek to overcome. For in its design is the willpower, and the perseverance, and the strength of someone who sought meaning in struggle. As I discovered these in times of ultimate desperation, so I hope for you to discover these things. This novel is a love letter to your trials. May you overcome them. May you master them. May you become conquerer.- SeedSagaA literary epic for logophiles, philosophers, and poets alike. A journey into zeitgeist, the impact of media on culture, and the endurance of morality against an onslaught of hatred. These vague descriptions do little to compact Conquest's density into a bite-size summary. They do however relate the basest themes found within. A plot, if such can be surmised, is strung thinly across multiple perspectives, weaving together these concepts into a seemingly distorted tapestry of indecipherable events. Inspired by early 20th century modernism, Conquest will challenge the reader, and provide critique on the medium upon which all great stories are derived. Further interpretation is up to you now; an explorer among a sea of words. Venture on and discover what lies ahead, in...CONQUEST OF MORTEM
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