《Alternate Worlds》Chapter 5: Practice
The next day finds Aysun and FlameSinger in a side yard practicing a Kata with FlameSingers new staff. Getting a feel for the weapon and learning how to balance it in her own fighting style. Aysun is walking around the outside of her range, watching her style and learning about it from observing it. Her conclusion is, she is good. Her only concern is FlameSingers eyes tend to go out of focus when she is fighting, like she is going in to a trance state, which is fine if your mediating, not if your fighting for your life.
Hel wanders in and watches at a safe distance (about twice that as Aysun) still its an impressive set of movements, a very deadly dance.
Aysun drops back to Hel, "Her style is impressive but she is going in to a trance state, I think from the repeated movements. That kind of thing can get one hurt or killed in a real fight."
Hel picks up a good sized stick and throws it with intent at FlameSinger, she suddenly shifts her movement and shatters the stick with a single blow. Then returns to her practice.
Hel explains, "She is in practice mode, had this been a real fight I would be in some trouble now. That look, I saw it when she faced the dragon, she is not as deep in to it now is all. I have seen that before to. Certain kinds of Monks use it, to see with the minds eye. Makes them formidable in close combat."
FlameSinger adds, "It's called Zen Mastery. And if this had been real combat, with this weapon, I can use my fire and ice much more effectively and with better range. Hel may have dodged such a blast, but if not then my opponent is likely dust."
Hel nods, "Never underestimate an opponet, while over estimating is not good, its better than the opposite."
FlameSinger, "Better to overestimate than under. Improves ones chances."
Aysun nods, "You never fought a real opponent then, before this ?"
"Magical constructs. My uncle helped there, thought it was a good idea. Never told my parents either. He did not approve on how they treated me, so we did things in secret. It is one of the things I love about my uncle."
From her stories of her life before, they could believe that. Parents so strict and an uncle so loving and insightful, but unable to do what he wanted to help his neice, did what he could when she got to visit him.
She comes to a stop, rotating her shoulders, That was quite a work out. "Gonna take a little time to get used to this one. The head is heavier than I am used to using. " FlameSinger says, "I think I will find a place I can do some targeting practice, someplace outside of town as I don't think blowing up the city would be welcomed."
Hel nods, "There is a stone ridge near here, Tapped out quarry some mages use to test their more devistating spells."
Hel leads the way with Aysun coming along in the rear.
They get there and see some Guild mages out along one side. A short talk with them and Hel gets FlameSinger a good ranged spot that shouldn't bother the Guild types. Further along still are some other types with apprentices, working on levitation and mental disciplines. The spot that FlameSinger is assigned is in between the two groups.
She paces off the area, sets up some simple targets of wood and stone then returns to the firing line. Takes up her staff, then drops in to her Zen state before reducing the first target to molten stone. Same for the second and third targets. Then she slides out of the enhanced states, looks at the damage and dances around with her staff held over her head, "YESYESYES WOOP WOOP YEEESSS!" bounce dance in a circle.
Both the mages and the others come over and just stare at the bubbling field of molten stone and burning wood.
The mage checks for magic, cloak, yes, staff Nothing.
"How did you Do that ?" the Mage demands. While the other fellow, looks at the staff, raises a hand and smiles. Knowing the answer.
FlameSinger looks at the mage, "I don't think you would like the answer."
Hel and Aysun are just shaking their heads. Aysun bows to the second group, "We thought she was scary before she got the staff." she tells them.
Mage, "That staff is Not magical, so how did you do that!"
FlameSinger, looks him up and down, "Your to small minded, go away." she waves him off.
He looks like he is about to blow his top when the fellow on the other side of him speaks, "Master Toad, She is one of Us. Now please leave her be."
He looks at her like she crawled out from under a rock, "Psion scum."
She shakes her head, "Mage Psion scum if you please. I just combined a fire spell with my psion ability crossed with the staff to aim it better, supercharged the spell. Did not know it would work so well. So go away, your ruining my happy dance."
Psion teacher, "should not have told him that, he will try to get you tossed out of the guild now."
Hel, "She is not in his guild, she is an Elven Mage. The local Guild is not affliated with them cause the Elves think they are a bunch of low minded barbarians. Mostly because of people like him."
FlameSinger nods. "Yep. I am encouraged by my people to work on stuff like this, see it as a way to improve the craft." may or may not be true - though the Gods do encourage it.
The Master Psion. "That is a very enlightened point of veiw."
She nods, "Ok everyone stand back, time to see what my Ice spell does with this."
The smart ones stand back the Mage however tries to grab her staff, "Give me that you Stupid Bitch" he screams, she kicks him in the groin so hard that the cup he was wearing cracks. Then she pulls back, and spin kicks him in the head, sending him flying in to the bushes.
"Try that again boy and your not likely to survive it." she snarls.
He runs, well limps off, with a few of his like minded mages in tow.
FlameSinger spends a couple minutes getting her focus back before unleashing an 'Ice Spell' crossed with an Enhancement Technique. It's as impressive in its own way as the fire version was. Turning the molten rock back to a strange 'bubble stone' like area. With in minutes the whole area is cool to the touch.
After that she explains the technique with the local psions, how she learned to focus her mind in such a way that it worked so well though she adds having an understanding of both Pyro and Cryo kenetics really helps to. She goes on to explain how the two are pretty much the same ability, one side you speed up the energy flow while the other side you slow it down. get it slow enough it freezes, fast enough it burns. Her problem is she can start a fire to an explosion, candles though tend to explode or melt, so she is still practicing. Candle lighting she explains to the students shows control and percision, blowing stuff up is just Power, Good for combat, or putting out big fires in case of the cold side, but not much else. The Focus which is what the staff really is, helps her gain some control over it but practice will tell in the long run. Presently she is honing the weaponized version because of all these attacks on the towns. Lighting candles can wait till they were dealt with.
Hel tells the Master they found FlameSinger hiding in a destroyed elven city. Lets him come to his own conclusions about that.
As they are talking the Mage Master Toad and his flunkies return with the town guard, "There she is, the harlot with that fancy staff, she attacked me with out provocation."
The Master Psion comes over, "He is lying George. He went off on this elven mage because she did a spell he can't do, tried to take her staff by force and she fought back. I got all my students and her friends as witnesses to this. Couple of the other mages come over, "We saw it to George. Toad went nuts on her cause she is using some kind of magic he does not approve of." The Witness For are more than Toad and his group has. Even so the guards bring everyone back to town.
Once there. FlameSinger ask the town Magistrate, "Sir do you have anyone who can cast a Truth Spell ?"
He smiled, "Yes I do in fact. Visiting High Priest." he sends a runner. The messenger arrives a little later, while Toad continues to berate the elven woman and tell everyone she is a danger to the community. No one is buying it as he says the same thing about anyone who does not do things His way. Like the Psions, several of whom have learned healing techniques and other skills they use to help the community.
Behind the messenger over a dozen Elven Soldiers, 4 Paladins of Corellon and then a High Priest of Corellon enter the court. The soldiers all spread out. The High Priest in full regilla nods to his friend the Magistrate, "Sir, I heard you have need of a Truth spell."
The magistrate shakes his head, "Heard an elf was the accused did you ?"
"Heard a very special elf was accused, she has the blessing of Corellon, which got the Paladins involved, you know how they get." The Magistrate nods, "I remember, ouch." The high priest nods, "Never let me just dress comfortably and just play things on the sly. Always so much drama with them."
Slipping up beside them in a painful whisper, "What is with the Paladins ?" FlameSinger ask them.
They both look surprised to see her, "Um, how did you get out of your bonds ?" Ask the magistrate. She hands them to him, "Simple locks, very easy to pick. Now, the moron patrol ?"
The magistrate sighs, back to the drawing board on the chain locks. The Priest, "I call them the Kings and Queens of Drama. They heard a very special person, blessed by Corellon was here, after that all reason seems to have left their heads."
She sighs deeply, "Supposed to be on a secret mission for the Gods, I don't need this kind of attention." she tells the priest in High Elven. He nods, "I thought as much, but something about being a paladin seems to cancle common sense."
She nods, "I have had some Paladin training, found I was not suited for it, so switched to Magic. But they get so much Order in to their training they get stupid when in large numbers. Ie anything over 2 or 3 in a set."
The priest nods, "I got 12 with me, so I totally know what you mean."
FlameSinger sighs, "Idea, tell them the messenger got the name wrong, I am not the person they are all bent out of shape for. I am just a survivor of one of the evil army raids of the town where Angharradh's temple is. All that is going on here is a stupid small minded mage can't stand Psions and a Psion Mage like myself really set him off. Tried to steal my staff, in front of a large number of witnesses, I fought him off with out doing him any real harm, Tossed him in to some bushes, after kicking him in the nads. Guy wears a cup down there, which leads me to believe he pisses off alot of people."
The priest nods, "What were you doing ?"
"We were down at the quarry, I was crossing a fire spell with my Pryokenetic ability, using the staff as a focus. The results were very impressive, molten stone level impressive. Level 4 fire spell just so you understand the base line." He nods, "Impressive. Called on Corellon before doing the spell ?"
"Well of course, Got to do that after all."
The priest smiles. sighs and walks over to the head Paladin "Ok I think you have embaressed everyone enough."
"But the blessed one ?" he argues.
"She is a Mage who just happens to ask for Corellons Blessing before trying new spells, that is all. Not what you all were thinking. Other than that she is a survivor of one of the Enemy raids on the city we are going to. All this is just over kill on your part."
The paladin sighs and nods, To his Fellows, "False alarm, wrong personage." and they all troop out.
The priest shakes his head, returns to the magistrate. "Sorry about that all. They got it in their head that a person of a minor royal line was here. Names are similar is all it turned out to be."
Then he does the spell, affecting both parties. It slowly comes out that Master Toad thinks ALL Psions are out to get him personally and the world in general secondly. He is one very crazy person. Of the incident. He is found guilty of assult and attempted theft. He goes to jail. Got tossed out of the guild to, his level of crazy is not wanted.
Afterwards The High Priest, Avvard'nech, invited the inspiring young mage and the magistrate to his rooms to tea and to chat. FlameSinger learns the Magistrate and the High Priest are old adventuring buddies and rarely get to visit. So her misadventure gives them an excuse.
She went back to the inn, got in to the nicest of her 3 outfits. And shows up with all her bags (cause she almost never goes anywhere with out them - a 'survivors' quirk that niether men comment on. They have seen it before and know it will take time for her to get over that. Time for her to find a place she feels safe and to relax)
Sitting with them her story slowly comes out. She mentions her Uncle Vaagu and describes him. The Priest ask several questions, which match very much with her cover story and makes her leery.
He sighs, "I knew your Uncle. Owned one of the largest horse ranches in all the northen elven territories. Bet you didn't know that." she shakes her head. "Knew his sister to, mean woman. Never knew how she could have a child like you. You don't even look like them."
She nods, "According to a spirit who taught me magic, they were not my birth parents. I don't know what happened to them though. The Spirit I called Poppa Corellon cause he knew magic, he does not look like any of the pictures of the God though. Much thinner." Avvar'nech nods.
Magistrate Grimes grimaces. "This fits with something my Father was investigating before he died. A group of very smart children had been kidnapped, only one was ever recovered. Group was trying different things to force the children to become Average. They really feared genus level types. The children were all elven or half elven in nature to." he adds as an after thought.
FlameSinger sits in stunned silence, this is very creepily close to her back story. She wonders if she accidently tapped in to this worlds history, which given her spiritual developement is possible. But then it's also possible that the Gods planted the idea in her head based on this to. May even have used real people as a cover for the events she was creating.
Avvar'nech comments, "Such spirits you mentioned are often sent to gifted mages to help in their development. Corellon hates wasted potential, so that fits."
She then tells them all of the story she and the Gods worked out. Maybe leaving one or two things out, but the pain in her voice when she speaks of the passive agressive way her Father treated her or how her Mother would not let her have much of her own life. Trying to pick and choose who she could be friends with. That is real, though not of the characters story. Her real parents were like that, not as mean, they wanted her to learn, but they were very controling, just in different fashions than the Elven pair.
She channeled her time with her Uncle Junior to Uncle Vaagu. The trips to places, the fun he gave her, teaching her things with out appearing to. So the Emotions were real, even if the characters were not. She cries a little, but controls herself better toward the end.
She ends, "Your not going to take me back to them ?"
Avvar'nech shakes his head, "Can't they died in a magic storm a few years ago. Your uncle to I am sad to say." He gets up and goes through a large book of loose papers, then pulls out a thick sheaf of papers, "One of my jobs is to keep track of wills and such. Especially when we have trouble finding the survivors." He says a prayer and the papers glow, then so does FlameSinger - now she wonders what Corellon is up to. Avvar'nech nods, "Ok Corellon agree's you are the right person to recieve this. Your Uncle left you some things. A goodly sum of money, and a summer house of his. Hmm ok, that is a ways off. The money is being kept in the Temple in Tali'gar'Vale, that's the capital city here abouts."
Looks over at Grimes, "She is from the northen territories originally so she would not know these things." He nods in understanding.
Grimes ask, "How did you come to be here ?"
She sighs, "I was taking some shirts I got for my uncle to him. The storm hit and an portal that had been inactive for centuries sprang to life Just as I was passing through it. Its on a common road between my parents place and my uncles, you understand. I appeared in the Ladies Temple. I don't like to talk about what happened in there. It's not a pleasant memory."
They leave it then. But it certainly explains how a child from the Northern Territories could end up here, several years later. Old portals are unpredicable at the best of times. Add in a magic storm and there was no telling what can happen. Or how long she was trapped between worlds till she came out there.
"There were 6 horses to but they just vanished one day."
FlameSinger sighs, "I got them. Robe of Useful items, summoned horses got them with Uncle Vaagu's sign on them, I think the Gods feel bad about the Temple incident. I had a very nice carrage, it did not survive the trip through the portal. Well the other end, but neither did the anti-priest who was trying to desicrate her Temple either."
Yeah, the High Priest is definitely checking out that temple now.
He gave FlameSinger the paperwork, signed his copies and showed her where to leave her mark, She has a Good mark, potent.
FlameSinger, after that stressful 'tea' returns to her room and falls face first in to her bunk. Mel who shares the room watches her, "Bad meeting."
She takes out the papers and hands them to Mel. Then goes back to breathing through her pillow.
Mel looks them over, recognizing them for what they are.
She goes and gets the others, Telling Hel that FlameSinger just got some really bad news.
While Mel is gone, FlameSinger prays, "Corellon what are you doing to me ?"
The God appears in her room, Time stops the inn then sits with her, "Using you to solve a 53 year old mystery. Yes your story triggered our looking in to it. When you created Uncle Vaagu, well that person really existed. A medium skilled mage, with a big heart and appetite. Who was close to a small child that was indeed kidnapped just like in your story. Using you, we can expose the people who did this thing to some 20 other children. Not all came out as lucky as you. In fact neither did the child your pretending to be. She died the day before the storm. Murdered by her parents who caught her doing a spell. Everything else about your story fits, except the car. We are changing the car to an existing similar type of gnome engineered vehicle now in order to keep your cover. The inheritance, you can do with it what you will. Consider it payment for playing an important part in exposing the evil group who saught to find ways to destroy the special children of the world. The girl child your playing, her birth parents live. But as you don't know them, well that works in to the story well enough. The mothers Grandmother is a redhead to, which works in to your present appearance."
"Its a good thing your people don't know a great deal about Genetics." FS states in a tired voice. "I get what your saying and I am ok with it now that I know what is going on. Just allot to take in you know."
He nods, "Yes, sorry about that. This is one of those unexpected side missions that happens when gods get involved. Uncle Vaagu by the way was a very successful merchant. Most of his stock went to his partners but he really did not know what his Sister or brother in law were part of. If he had, well he was a good man. It may have ended badly for him. His library, well books from other realities are considered contriband and he did have such a library. His partners made sure it disappeared because they did not want it to besmerch his good name and credibility. If you meet any of them expect to get a talking to about it." She nods.
He thinks , "Thats about it. Oh the house, no one has lived there a long time, so its likely not in the best of shape. I think he only stayed in it twice, and its a human built place. Not sure if any of the furnishings have survived, you know how it goes." she nods again.
"Right. Talk to you later I suppose."
"Channeling loosing my favorite uncle from my last life, why so quiet." said with slight sniffle. He nods, "Ah good plan." then he is gone and time starts up again. She manages to get a few tears out by the time the others come in. She has all her stuff pulled around herself and looks like she has been crying. That actually took a couple cantrips to pull off. So glad Acting is in her skill set.
Da'Rune sits next to her, "Mel just told us. Your uncle died ?"
"Irony, the magic storm that brought me here killed him and my fake parents to. Not sad about Them but he was a good person. Left me some money and an old house. Have to go to the city of Tali'gar'Vale. The Temple of Corellon has it as they handle such things. Though I am in no hurry to go there."
Mel, "Translation, she has grown attached to us and does not want to be seperated from us."
"Yep" she sniffles.
Hel grins, "Well you could always hire us through the guild. Body guard and guide service."
She cocks her head to one side, "Do I Have to go through the guild of thieves ?"
Brani, "The Thieves guild charges less and pays better than the adventurers guild."
"So your working for the wrong organization ?" FlameSinger teases.
Hel, "Well less prison time with the Adventures guild so it's a trade off. The Guild does not like us to take 'outside contracts' Which is ironic cause Men can do it with out penalty."
FlameSinger sighs and ask Hel, "Ever want to go rogue and just clear out the heads of the Guild ?"
Hel shrugs, "I can dream, but I rather not get the Assassins guild mad at me. I am probation now for a screw up."
"Target lived ?" FlameSinger ask.
"Yes, plus my contact was killed. So general bad day ended up with me serving time in the Ass Guild instead." she states morosely.
General snorting at 'ass guild'
There is an urgent knock at the door, Aysun opens it. A stable hand is there, "Excuse me missus but there are some men taking your horses and gear from the stable."
FlameSinger did not bother with the door, she pushed opened the widow and jumped out it. Royally Pissed. Aysun and Hel followed her while the others took the less dangerous route, out the door and down the stairs.
The agile ones beat the theives to the gate and block their path, FlameSinger is swinging her staff and ice particles are dropping from it, "STOP RIGHT THERE YOU HORSE STEALING CREEPS!"
This officious looking man waves a paper at her, "We have these horses by right, they belong to the Adventurers Guild."
"Like Hell they do, those are MY horses you pile of lying shit!"
The town guard comes running behind the girls, having heard the screams (and the two important words Horse Stealing).
Head guard, "What is going on here ?"
FlameSinger nods at the men, "They are trying to steal my horses and their gear."
The Offal man states, holding his paper to the guard, "These horses belong to the Guild." The guard reads the paper, which has the horses listed as 'Treasure aquired by the Company of Zena Hel.'
Guard, "Who is Zena Hel ?'
Hel, "I am, what is this piece of shit trying to pull now ?"
He hands her the paper, she reads it. "Lies, They belong to the lady with the staff, she just loaned them to us. They are part of her inheritence from her Uncle."
"You road in on them, there fore they are Found Treasure and belong to the guild."
Coming around a corner, having heard everything is Magistrate Grim, "Guards arrest those men for theft. The Adventurers Guild does not have the right to approprate property of persons Just because they made use of it. Also I know for a fact that Mistress FlameSinger owns those horses and that gear. I was there when the will was read to her. "
Kind of an anticlimatic ending. But Butt Head the Moron shouts, "I am Head of this Guild, I know the Guild Rights."
FlameSinger, "You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to a mortician if you don't remain silent." The ground around her is getting decidedly icy. Some of the guards are snickering at her 'reading of their rights'. The men are quickly surrounded and put in chains. The Magistrait sighs, and collects the paper, reading it over, then reads it again. "This is, Very illegal. They have a charge on here for the adventurer being a woman ? FlameSinger slides over (litterally) and reads over his shoulder, "So that's how they justify paying women a forth what the men get. Sheesh I so want to do a rather leathel cleaning of their upper ranks."
"Tempting, but very illegal. Though if this is normal then I see allot of people going to prison very soon. These business practices have been against the law for almost a hundred years."
"According to my friends, this is how all the Adventurer guilds operate. Women get paid squat and they get charged More for the same services, they got me listed as a Free Agent to." she points at the paper. The Magistrate turns the page, "Ah here it is, they are charging you all your treasure for Not working for them. Not only illegal but grand theft to. Signed by, oh lovely, my assistant. Well he is going to jail to. May have to see about getting an elf assistant, sad to say but more advanced people. "
"Think about that and my history in the same sentice." FlameSinger says, he does, "Ok point made."
Summons a guard, "Looks like my assistant was in on this. Please see he is arrested to, charges of Forgery and accessory to grand theft."
FlameSinger takes the letter, closes her eyes, "They sent a copy of this to Tali'gar'Vale in order to get my inheritence via magical sending. Conspiricies abound. Power is called Object Reading, Psion ability. Can see the history of any object touched or held. Psion equivalent to Identify magic if done right."
He nods, "Handy. "
The horses are put back and FlameSinger gives the stable hand who warned them a silver coin as a tip. He was not expecting it but does appreciate it.
The Magistrate leads her to the Mage courier service, "John" he calls to a clerk, "Has something like this been sent out." shows him the paper, John nods, "Yes sir, why ?"
Grimes sighs, "Its an illegal missive, the adventurers guild has gone theives guild on us again. Trying to steal this young womans inheritance."
He uses a slightly different system and calls the magistrates office in Tali'gar'Vale. "Grimes, got a major theft in progress, Adventurers guild is trying to steal a rather large inheritance from a young elf woman. She is here in Whellen, Charged her for being a Free Agent adventurer, she is not. She is a survivor of one of the attacks on the local elven towns around here. Some local Adventurers brought her in. We stopped the local branch but really need them stopped before they steal from the Temple of Corellon her money and other items."
They nod, take the information, get the family name, the man on the other end has it repeated, gulps and RUNS to get it done.
After Grimes disconnects, "Um why did he run like that ?"
"Your uncle was a very influencal person in court. Not a noble but just below that in straight political power. As your his sole heir ..." shrugs.
FlameSingers mouth opens and closes a few times, "Ever feel like the gods got it in for you ?"
"All the time." he nods. She follows him out.
Two days later word comes that they got them. The Guild had no idea that she was related to That one and when they tried to charge her the way they did, well the Guild was Disbanded by Royal Decree. While under a FULL Investigation. Gonna be a while before that group gets to do much of anything.
Back at the Inn the girls are bummed, FlameSinger is just confused, "Why are you upset I thought you hated working for the Guild."
Mel nods, "Yes and no. Pay sucked but we got room and board. Now we got nothing, means we got to look for work, Except Hel, she is assassins guild. No telling what they will make her do now."
"Your pay sucked cause they were charging you for it, at 3 times what they charged men. I saw their bill. They tried to charge me for Not being in their guild. Which is what lead to their down fall."
Hel sighs, "yeah I am so toasted and roasted. No idea what kind of punishment they gonna give me now that the A.G. is gone. Say, what was your Uncles last name. Never thought to ask before now, don't know why."
'a voice whispers in FlameSingers mind' "Crystalembers, False parents were Amaratharr."
Hel's elbow slips off her knee and she about smacks her head agaist the bed frame.
They are ALL looking at her now, and it's creeping her out, "What ? Comeon what, your scaring me." she backs in to the corner of her bed, holding her pillow in front of her.
Da'Rune is the only one not doing that, "Guys, she was brought up in a very sheltered life, she does not know about any of that stuff."
Hel - Takeing a deep breath, "Right, good point Rune. Ok little history for you. The Amaratharr used to be a powerful family, till it was found out they made their money from piracy. They lost everything. The youngest married in to wealth, your step mother Agi Crystalembers. Now Vaagu Crystalembers was a personal friend to the King and Queen. Getting the picture."
FlameSinger pulls off her back pack and climbs in only letting her eyes and fingers that are still holding the handles to the blue bags, show she is even in there. "yes" comes the tiny voice.
Brani grins, "Now that is creative hiding."
The bag handles disappear in to the magic backpack, the main parts of the blue bags Can't be pulled in, do to their natures. So the bag looks strange, backpack with blue 'ear flaps' and a pair of blue eyes staring from the flap.
The bags jump around a bit as she does something inside, then her arm snakes out and she grabs her personal pillow and blankets and pulls them in.
She mutters something and suddenly her staff floats over to her and into the bag it goes. Strange watching someone pack from Inside a bag.
Hel sits next to her,"You can't live in there. No place to poop."
Can see her pause and think about that, then the rooms chamber pot starts to crawl across the floor toward her. Mel sits on it, and gets to experince riding a champer pot, "This belongs to the inn." Mel points out. It stops.
Da'Rune starts to snicker, "sorry, just had this picture pop in to my head of her trying to guide a horse while inside that bag, the leads going in to the bag, that's strapped to the saddle."
Virtuous Sons
The saying goes that when a man is born the Fates weave his destiny and swaddle him in it. Then one day the man dies, and the swaddle becomes a shroud. Heaven moves on. It is audacity to question the Fates. Olympus is Olympus. The land of men is the land of men. To transgress that, to cross the line of divinity and scale Olympus Mons? To defy the Fates and cast off their threads? That is hubris. It’s a mark that every philosopher bears plainly on their soul. [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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When a group of graduate students studying the virtual world goes missing, party member for hire Vy "Thornheart" finds herself accompanying a rescue mission into the belly of the beast, the so-called Permadeathlands. She may have slain the great dragon of Ylmoth in casual play, but now she must brave the mortal danger of advanced mode. And Vy’s not the only for-hire in these parts—an old friend of hers also went missing along with those students. Does that mean she’ll find an old ally awaiting her out there somewhere, or a new enemy?
8 169Wandered off
All Roads lead to Rome, or so Danielle was told. She set out on Journey to find herself, to figure out what she wanted out of her life, and to do so, she decided to hike to Rome. Sadly, she seems to have taken a wrong turn on her Road and managed to wander off, into a world so unlike the one she had started out in. Luckily, she is not alone as she continues on her journey, now in a far different place, as she has with her a small, fire-breathing Lizard who someday will be a Dragon and there are countless others who might join her, on that journey of self-discovery. But how does one find the Road to Rome, when one is in Twinleaf-Town, in the Sinnoh-Region?! -Set in a World of Pokemon. -Cover-Image taken free-use from Pixabay.com
8 255Zhanyi Xianwang Oneshots
Oneshots. Irregular updates.No smut.May contain mpreg.
8 230