《Alternate Worlds》Chapter 4.5: Relationships


Later back in the Guild Masters office, Hel and company and Cin'aed are all present.

Brani is sitting on Cin'aed's lap despite the abundance of chairs. Not that Cin'aed minds. With the spell broken Brani's compulsion to steal from her friends is gone as is most of her slutty behavior. The fact that she really does enjoy sex helps, but now she is happy to be able to pick and choose instead of taking on all comers. Also means she won't need the weekly cure disease spells. Those got old real fast.

And two, she has fallen for the strangely powerful and beautiful woman she is sitting on. One who genuinely seems to like her to.

The Master looks at everyone, "I have to say you all have done an amazing job. I know not all of you had a say in the last battles but just returning from the Dungeon of Doom and Killing that insane gnome are great helps. Though I really would love to know where the Cube got to."

Cin'aed interrupts, "I have it."

They all look at her in surprise, she shrugs, "I found it in that magic backpack when I was sorting it out after running from here. I took refuge in an abandoned building and decided to see what all I was carrying. Turns out it and a small fortune of gold were in the side pouches, which till that moment I never thought to check. Go figure."

Hel shakes her head, "We had the Master Crystal Ball the whole time and never knew it."

Looking confused, "Master Crystal ?"

The Master Explains, "It is actually the first permanent magic scrying crystal ever made. All other scrying crystals are copied from its spells. It's just called that because it was the first. It really has no more power than any other crystal ball. Allows you to see faraway places and people who you know."

Cin'aed nods, "Audio-video got you."

The master looks confused while the girls chuckle at her use of strange words again, "What ?"

"Audio, to hear, sound. Video, to see, vision. The cube allows you to see and hear what is going on. I lost it when I learned what kind of Evil the Heffer did to Brani and threatened Hel with. Really did not expect her to pick up her head after I ripped it off. That is why I switched to fire, had That not worked I would have tried ice failing that, just squish her, then freeze then Fire." Quoting "There is no Over Kill, just pass more ammo."

Da'Rune looks surprised, "Who said that ?"

Cin'aed, "Shapeshifting mercenary called Sargent Schlock. Interesting character that one. Well technically he is a cartoon character, so I guess it would be he writer who said it but I forget his name."

Several laugh at that. The rest shake their heads.

Brani keeps putting Cin'aed's hand between her thighs and Cin'aed calmly removes it or just rest it there without moving. The Master knows what she (Brani) is doing, "Brani, I don't think Cin'aed wants to seduce you in public, or more like have you seduce her in public."

Hel Is shaking her head over it, saying to Cin'aed, "I don't know why of all the people here you picked Her."

Cin'aed shrugs, "She is the only one to ask me actually. I am very bad at picking up social cues aimed at me usually. If you don't tell me you're interested in me I won't know it. Though really I find all you ladies very pretty and nice and had anyone asked I would have said I would be interested in seeing where a more intimate relationship would go. I really am a shy person when it comes to romantic stuff because well I told you all my past experiences in that area. So I don't ask anymore."


Melisanda in a half joking tone, "How do you feel about Polymorphic sex ?"

Looking a little confused, "sex with different species ?"

Da'Rune snickers, "I think she meant with multiple people."

Melisanda, "Well she is elf and something else that is not human, humans can't do what she does after all. So yes different species to. But yes that is a valid question as well."

Thinking about it, "Depends on the people really. For me it's People not species. I try not to make assumptions on that area. While physical beauty is nice and works for attraction I am also attracted by personality. Hm, I may be over explaining it." pauses in thought, "Yes ?"

Hel grins, the Master smiles and steeples his fingers, Da'Rune grins and shakes her head, Melisanda looks confused, and Aysun is studying a painting very intently as such conversations make her uncomfortable, Brani just leans against her and giggles.

Cin'aed shrugs, "I really have no idea beyond stuff from my imagination. And I think you meant Polyamorous relations Melisanda." the girl nods, "Such things are pretty normal in our society really. The number of sex, fertility, and pleasure gods out there it is surprising that there are not more such relationships. Though some prefer monogamous relations to. So it's just safer to ask first."

Cin'aed thinks, "Well my track record with monogamous relationships stinks worse than a skunk in heat. I have no problem with Trying this, though I am unsure how to go about it. Other than it's a good idea that all involved know about it and are ok with such things."

The Master speaks, "From what I have observed of this group, many of them are attracted to other members but most are too shy to admit it or even just ask. Da'Rune for example is one several are at least physically attracted to but she is so shy when it comes to such things that it is off putting."

Brani raises her hand, "I just want you all to understand this about me. Since the release of the curse I have been examining my feelings and while I like all of you as friends I have no real sexual attraction to any of you, well Da'Rune on a purely physical level but not emotional level, and on that note Aysun to. But she is so introverted I don't know anything about her other than she is good in a fight. Now I know I have not known Cin'aed long but what I have seen, well I think I have fallen in love but right now we are just exploring those feelings. As she said she does not have the best record with lovers. So we are just seeing where this will take us." Cin'aed just nods to that.

Hel and pretty much everyone else (The Master included) looks completely surprised by this admission. Everyone was just so used to the Super Slut that it did not occur to anyone that she may have a completely different personality.

Hel actually blushes, something no one here has Ever seen her do, not even the Master who helped raise her. She looks around the room and tries to put her thoughts in order, "Well since we are talking about this now I may as well put myself and my emotions out there. I hope I don't offend anyone. " taking a deep breath and wishing for a shot of strong liquor, she starts, " Brani, I like you, your smart and funny and really a team player but that is as far as that goes. Your more like a kid sister to me than a lover though I don't mind sharing one or more with you if it came down to it." Brani smiles and gets a warm gooey feeling inside, "Melisanda, I like you as a friend and team mate. Till this moment though I never thought about you in a sexual way. I am not sure how to categorize that just yet. Not opposed to it just … unsure I guess." Melisanda nods, "Ditto actually. I think of you as our leader and a friend but I never thought anything about you beyond that." Hel nods and is oddly relieved, "Da'Rune, I like you as a friend, I respect you as a mage, but as a co-leader your just, well, no good at it. On a purely sexual level, if you were interested, I have wanted to screw you for a long while now." Face completely crimson at this point. Da'Rune's mouth just hangs open and she is quickly catching up in the color department with Hel, "Aysun, I respect you as a person and a friend. But you're so quiet I don't know enough about you to form any more of an opinion of you." Aysun bows and that is her only physical response. "Finally, Cin'aed. I find you intriguing, smart, sexy as um, well Da'Rune actually, love to have both of you at the same time if you were willing." she is speaking in a whisper by the end. Cin'aed has a small cold cloud floating over Hel to keep the girl from passing out from her own embarrassment and body heat. Melisanda goes over and hugs her friend, "Ok, well guess it's my turn then eh ?" She smiles at Hel and then looks at the others, "Start at the top they taught us. Ok, Cin'aed I find you attractive and intriguing and am willing to put myself out there, I would prefer to start with courting than jumping your bones as it were. That is just the way I am though." she turns to Brani before Cin'aed can respond, "Brani, I like you as a friend and Nothing more. Your past over sexed ways well that is all I have known of you. I know you were under a curse, but " she shrugs, "Da'Rune, your beautiful, smart, friendly, a touch bossy and about as wise as a door post. Still there are times I have wanted to throw you down and make a woman out of you. " Da'Rune who knew she was pretty never imagined these women thought of her that way. She is sliding off her chair and wants to hide, but close so she can listen in, " Aysun, I can't say I like or dislike you. You are the most emotionally distant person I have ever met. I don't know what to make of you." She stands straight and tall and then goes and sits down, "That took more out of me than I thought it would. Ok so who is next ?"


The Master points to Da'Rune, before she can bolt, "Truth time and I locked the doors so you can't just run away. Come on, you can tell us."

Cin'aed gets Brani up and walks over to Da'Rune, "Want some help with this, cause I don't think HE is going to let us leave before his curiosity is sated." Da'Rune nods, "Yes please." Cin'aed sits on the floor and crosses her legs, "Ok this is a simple meditation technique. I learned it from a book by a Japanese Zen Master." Cin'aed gestures Aysun over to. Gets them both situated and talks them through finding their center locating the fears that hold them back. Have them in a high room. Open the window in the high room. Ask if it's open, is there a breeze or is it still, does all she can to make the room and the source of their fears feel real. Then has them grab the source of their fear and toss them out the window, if it tries to climb back in slam the windows shutters on it till it falls in to the pit of Useless things.

Takes a little while and some giggles from both women and some of the others in the room. But finally Da'Rune, eyes still closed and calm speaks, "Cin'aed thank you. I … ok I will say it. I want you all, I like all of you in your own ways and every woman in this room is sexy as hell. I am unsure about Aysun for the same reason as Mel said, but she is still really pretty and I have always been so jealous of how outgoing and forward Brani is, how capable Hel is and I just feel inferior to most of you. I am an ok mage and pretty face and really that's all I often feel I got going for me. Still does not stop me from day dreaming about having you all sexually though. Can I lay down and die now ?" Cin'aed kisses her cheek, "You did very well." she tells her. Da'Rune nods then just lays down, she is red across every bit of her pale skin.

Aysun nods, eyes still closed, "I am sorry if I seem emotionally distant. It is my training. Women in my country are trained to keep our emotions to ourselves. Partly this is because arranged marriages are common. Women exist to serve the men and as such need to have perfect control over their emotions. This is also necessary for warrior training. I think I perhaps took my training a little Too seriously. I do not think I will be able to do this again for a long while, but here goes. I have always found Brani to be funny, smart, kinky and sexy as anything. Like Da'Rune I have been jealous of her ability to be so outgoing. Hel is the leader, always has been in my mind. I respect and follow her anywhere. I am unsure if a romantic option would be good or bad for us. But I am open enough to admit to some attraction there. Melisanda, I like you, I respect your beliefs and think you are a wonderful person. I would really like to be friends with you, though getting me out of my shell as Mistress Cin'aed puts it may take allot of work. Da'Rune, you are pretty, very sexual but stupid, stupid kills all other attractions for me. Sorry but that is how I see you. Cin'aed, I want you in the worst way and I may commit hari-kari soon form this."

Cin'aed puts an arm around her shoulders, "No committing ritual suicide. Your to brave, smart and to pretty to do something so Stupid. Ok my turn, Yeah my fear demon learned tunneling a long time ago. Still working on the iron floors." several laughs and smiles around the room. "Ok straight up, on a purely physical level, your all beautiful and damn sexy. Emotional levels, hm, Well I like you all, though I agree with Aysun on Da'Rune's stupidity problem. That though can be fixed with A LOT of training. won't be easy but it can be done. I know I was a stupid kid, I learned how to Not be Stupid, but it took a very patent teacher and a lot of time. She smiles at Da'Rune, who feels about 2 inches tall but at least there is hope at the end of the tunnel.

"I want to be friends with all of you and if something more develops yea! Brani is straight forward, she approached me before we came in here and told me her feelings. I am willing to explore those, BUT Brani, I am allot like Melisanda, I tend to start with friendship and build from there. Not to say I don't mind kissing and petting but the full intercourse is going to take a while. I want to know you as a person first, as sex kitten second. That goes for everyone mind you. If it happens it happens, if it doesn't well I hope we can all stay friends at the least."

She looks at the Master, "And no offense to you sir, you’re a nice looking man and all, But I really prefer women. Though I would not mind being your friend."

He smiles, "Story of my life, surrounded by beautiful women and they all prefer other women."

Hel nods, "Smart way to handle it I think. And well we all know whom each other is attracted to. I hope it does not make things to awkward."

Cin'aed sighs, "No this is going to make things awkward for a while as we sort out our feelings and work things out. But on the plus side we know things and the key will be communications, ie talking these things over and finding out if the attractions are real, or just various forms of lust. As such we will either become closer as a group or not. It's going to take work and I am sure misunderstandings will happen. But if you don't run from them things can be worked out. I say this from the 3rd party perspective as I will be in hiding from the massive embarrassment I feel right now." The others smile or laugh and many know what she means. Baring your soul one on one is hard enough, as a group is Really hard. But if they are to form the kind of relationships they want then they needed to get that stuff out there and make it happen.

"Ok, so the relationship questions are done ?" Cin'aed ask, "Cause I got a non-related question or 20. All of you have lives here, I don't. I came, I did a mission, I helped save your Guild Master. That was pretty much why I came with you. But now I am at loose ends. I have no way home and not sure I want to go back if I could. But other than some stuff I found and scrounged, which included some coin and my box of jewelry. I have nothing really to my name and I certainly have no job and I want to be useful."

The Master rest his head on the back of his hands, "Ok so other than fighting ability what are your skills ?"

Cin'aed thinks, "Here is the bad thing, I know the list, but I have allot of holes in my memory. Brani is the one who named me Cin'aed, cause I don't remember who I was before. I found my old wallet and it had my old name in it, but I don't recall BEING that person. I just wanted you to know that part." The Master, surprised, just nods, sitting back in his chair, "ok, well not the worst backstory I have heard. So what skills do you Think you have ?"

Sitting up straight, "Trained in Mix Martial arts, just ask the Bookends for a reference on how well those work. Trained in mental disciplines and Zen, very useful that. I can sing, play the guitar and mandolin, I know, I think, Armor, Weapon smithing, black smithing, smelting, leather working especially related to armor smithing, um, I can draw, paint and do metal crafting in artistic forms, I can cook, at least well enough for my needs, I used to do costuming as a hobby, that’s all I can think of that have correlations to skills in your world. I can do other things but they seem a bit useless here."

Hel puts in, "She can drive Magic Carriages but there is not a lot of call for that."

"Actually my car is more technological than magical, but I don't have the skills to build one, I can drive them and know enough metal work to repair one that has not been burned to a cinder." The Master nods, "Hel told me about how you met and how they talked you down from using Da'Rune as a trap tester or worse."

Nodding, "Glad I didn't in the long run, but you can imagine how furious I was. That was the last piece of my old life and some irreplaceable things were still in it. But I forgave her, eventually. Still want to throw her over my knee and spank her now and then though." glancing at the little blond, "Though sometimes I am not sure if it's from annoyance or to see if she would enjoy it. I know of some people who do stupid things because they Want to be punished. Some people actually enjoy it but till they discover that about themselves they continue with that behavior. Oh, I have been to collage and one of the things I studied was called Psychology, which is the study of the mind and how it works. Never got my degree but what I know is probably more than most people in this time frame." The Master looks impressed and a tad stunned, "Just how old Are you anyway ?"

Cin'aed blushes slightly, "52" he nods, "ok then, that makes you the oldest woman in the room."

Hel grinning, "Yes and no. The gate that sent her here Reincarnated her to her present physical form and age. I think Physically she is 20. Like your Physically 20."

"25, I stopped his reverse aging at 25. Thought he might enjoy a second chance at being young for a while." The Master nods, "Actually yes and knowing what I knew before I think I can make better choices this time around." Cin'aed nods, "Or at least different mistakes." He smiles and nods, "Yes that to." he takes a deep breath and nods, "I have to sort out what we have here and you could look around and see if anyone needs anything. If nothing else you proved a capable adventurer. Some actually make a living at that. Though I suggest you work out how much treasure you actually have, which as you are not a member of the guild we are not entitled a share. The guild claims 10% of any recovered treasure while you are contracted with us. Not retroactive as the Madam tried to do. It's how we are able to pay for all the things we offer. There are also member fee's if you do want to join. Hel can explain them to you. And while you are capable of being an independent you cannot use our services. Guild services are for guild members only. I am sure you understand. But for the time being I will wave that as well, I owe you my life and everyone else owes you their freedom. Though I am sure more than a few will be upset with you about that." Cin'aed nods, "Some people prefer the order of a lack of free will." He nods, "Not me, I like being my own person." Cin'aed nods, "Me to. I have a stubborn streak to prove it to."

He nods, "Ok, I can give you 1 month free guild services, but that's it. More than that and you will have to join or get a job working here. Ah Employees of the Guild don't pay us, we pay them and they get some perks. Food, shelter, we have a modest apartment complex, access to services though some of that is limited. Most don't need the magic identifying service, which by the way is not free but cheaper than going through a non-guild mage. "

Cin'aed nods then thinks to ask, "Oh what is the common form of currency locally, I mean, copper, silver, gold, etc."

"Most services and such cost silver or copper. Gold is rarely used except for exceptional items like armor and weapons and horses and such. Average items cost silver as do most lodgings. Average laborers get between 2 to 5 silver a week to live on. Depending on what they do and how hard the work is. I am unsure about skilled labor as that can be negotiated and depends on the level of skill."

She nods, "Thank you, I was wondering as I found a sizeable amount of silver, gold and platinum." he clears his throat, "How sizeable."

She pulls up the magic bag and opens the side pouch showing it stuffed full of coins. "I counted 7690 silver, 2844 gold and 1651 platinum oh and 20 copper." the girls are shaking their heads, Hel adds, "And that is not counting the jewelry and gems she found either." Hel shows the estimated value they had worked out for Those and the Master sits back stunned, "Ok well managed you have enough money to live quite well for a few decades. Managed poorly a few years." Brani nods, "She is well off and yet she dresses like a poor person." Da'Rune gives a 'really' look at Brani, "Well when has she had a chance to go Shopping you dork. That is the first thing after you find a place. Shopping for clothes and such. That is something I am good at." Hel nods, "True, Da'Rune really is good at that. She has a talent for it and fashion. Mind you Adventurers fashion and normal fashion are two completely different things." Cin'aed nods smiling, "Your help would be appreciated Angelica." Da'Rune blushes deep crimson.

They all leave talking and getting to know each other. Even Aysun manages to stammer out some speech and let them in to her carefully constructed self. She tells them about her home, her people and culture and how Family is all important in their warrior culture.

Outside in the main guild hall, the large meeting room with tables, a long bar, a couple stages, large fire places and a balcony. It is where the members gather to recoup from adventures, have a few drinks, tell tales, share news, or find out about possible adventures and jobs, meet others and similar things. It's like one huge complicated family. Friends, enemies, rivals, newbies and veterans, beings of all types. From the dwarf stone giants, the McGruder brothers, to the tiny dwarf Major Domo and the fiery winged faeries who flit around the room carrying gossip and messages. Fay dance on the rails, Shifters sit next to 'friendly' vampires, even a couple of Centaur Knights share stories with adventurer groupies.

Cin'aed to Hel, "Wait you mean the Bookends are actual Giants ?" Hel nods, "Yep, stone giants, they are just shorter than normal. Still just as strong though." Shaking her head, "Wow I beat up giants."

From behind a deep cavernous voice in a calm almost reverent tone, "Uh Excuse us miss ?" Turning the ladies find the McGruder Brothers standing over them. Dwarf is a relevant term it occurs to Cin'aed as these two top 8ft something. She looks at them, they have their helmets off and look quite respectfully at her, "Can we have a word ?" She thinks about it then nods, "Sure, what can I do for you boys."

The second twin speaks, his voice maybe an octave higher, though still very deep, "First off we want to apologize for attacking you the other day. We were just told to keep you in your room and we over reacted to you breaking the door down. We just want you to know we were just following orders."

The first one takes over, "and to thank you for killing the Madam, we did not like her and she used us to feed her pet vampires. Who are no more. When you destroyed her they all went up in flames to. Something to do with the control magics she worked on them we understand. Oh and Varnel is not dead, hurt pretty bad as you did put him through a wall. But he is grateful to be free of the Queens control to. The Geas you know." Cin'aed nods, "Well that was mostly it." they look to be getting darker grey than they started with. Hel realizes what that is, "Oh my. I have never seen either of you blush before. What has you two so flustered."

They look at each other then kneel before Cin'aed, "Miss, can you teach us to fight like you do ?" Cin'aed smiles, "I honestly don't know. I never tried to teach anyone before. But my style is actually a mix of several different forms of hand to hand combat called Mixed Martial Arts. Where I come from they have competitions of people like me there. Using those skills in non-lethal combat exercises and tournaments. They are called MMA Tournaments for short. But I can try. Mind you it can take Years to learn and is not like most of the combat your probably used to. Lots of self-discipline and some things that probably don't feel like combat training, like meditation and specialized endurance training. Trust me allot of the things I can do now come from so many decades of studying these techniques."

Hel answers before either can as, "She is a half elf boys and Older than she looks." They nod. Lots of half elves in the guild many look like teenagers or young 20s but are closer to 100.

They grin and nod, "Ok. Um when can we start ?" Cin'aed looks a little lost for a moment, "Well right now we are going shopping cause I lost most of my belongings in an bit of an adventuring accident." Brani interjects, "Da'Rune blew her stuff up by accident." They nod, having heard about the mages many accidents. "Right, well fortunately my money survived. So we are going out to get me a new wardrobe also I was thinking of looking for a house or the like in the area. Someplace with enough room to practice in if I am going to end up training people." the giants smile and nod, "Can we come with you then. Maybe we can talk more on these things. Though if you want stuff carried we charge for that." Twin 2, "5 silver a day each. We are not cheap." She smiles, "I understand that. What do you guys offer in service for a gold a day, out of curiosity." Twin 1, "Body guard work mostly. Or guarding high end items. Note we can't read. It's not cause we are stupid it's cause we can't see close up clearly. Things get to close they get blurry, it's a common problem for giants." Cin'aed nods, "Right far sighted. Hm to bad I am not skilled in glass making. The glass makers where I come from found ways to make lenses that allow people with vision problems like yours read things up close. Purely mundane to, no magic needed. Oh well, my training is in armor smithing." That gets a surprising reaction, "REALLY ? Oh wow, we actually might hire you then. We need some repairs on our armor done. The baron took the last armorer we had for his own use. Took mind you by force. The baron is one of those people who enslaves anyone who catches his attention. We hear even the king is afraid of him. We suspect black mail in that area."

Cin'aed nods, "Right, meet baron, set fire to same. Got it." Hel shakes her head, "You are not afraid of anyone are you ?"

"Hel, you have seen what I can do right ?" Hel nods, "I tend to hold back allot cause I am afraid of myself and what would happen if I didn't." Hel takes that in and pales slightly, "oh" she says in a tiny voice. Cin'aed continues, "I levitated you all a heavy wagon and 2 horses over a thousand miles. I did that by removing some of my built in safeties for that time. It's why I collapsed when we arrived. That technique is called Opening The Gates, it's dangerous but scarily effective. In theory I could destroy this entire city if I opened all my power. But I would likely go with it, whether that is physically or mentally I don't know and really don't want to find out." The girls and giants are silent as the kind of power she is talking about sink in. Da'Rune thinks about when they first met and actually faints. Brani looks around at the soft thud, "Ok Da'Rune is down, I think you have us all properly terrified now."

Cin'aed shakes her head, "I don't mean to terrify you, I just want you to understand what I can do and why about the only thing I am afraid of is myself. Hell I defeated Anwen the Dragon Queen in a fight over the city. Shoved a giant ice spear down her throat when she tried to flame me. Then tricked the stupid cow later in to stepping through a magical gate to the worst place on earth, a frozen wasteland in the very southern tip of the world. Some mages I freed from the prison under this place hit her with spells so she can't teleport back. It's going to take her months to make it back, if at all."

None of these people had Any idea about that.

Melisanda nods, "Explains why the dragons are all running around out there. Looking for her. You just moved yourself from Scary to God like scary you know."

They are outside by this time and walking toward the town market. The Giants are nodding and thinking if she is That skilled then they picked a good teacher. Provided she can figure out how to teach. They also figure being on her good side is the safer place to be. Dragons are scary, Anwen was Terrifying, and this girl she is beyond scary. But a nice person to. They also know who and more importantly What was kept in that prison. Those were not mages. Yep staying on the little red heads good side is preferable to the other alternative.

After Aysun got her awake and focused, Da'Rune ask, "Where is it you godly super powered people are coming from ? First there was Anwen, who was a great hope in the first years, before power went to her head, now there is You."

Cin'aed nods, "We are actually from the same country. Place called America. And there, we are considered average people."

Cin'aed is about 50 yards down the road before she realizes she is alone. She looks around then back at the stunned group, "What ? Oh no worries, America is in another dimension after all. And it's not like you got some of the really powerful ones who come from my world."

Aysun narrows her eyes and calls her bluff, "Your just making this stuff up aren't you ? Trying to scare us right."

Slow mischievous smile, "Wondered how much manure I could pile on before someone questioned it." she laughs. Aysun turns to the others, "She was making stories and seeing how much we would believe her. Mixing truth with stories to make it more believable."

Da'Rune glares, "You scared me so bad I fainted."

Cin'aed shrugs, "Oh that part I was serious about. Up to the part about Anwen and the south pole. After that" she shrugs.

Hel nods, "Ok so you are not from a world of super powered god like beings. That is a relief."

Cin'aed shrugs, "we are a minority and treated badly actually. It's like 1% of the world population has powers. Most of them are nothing special either. I am a class 3 that is out of 5 classes with 1 being minor abilities to 5 being God like. Anwen actually was a class 1 spirit sense as I recall, then someone decided to make her stronger, then someone else decided to make her stronger still but gave her no training in that power or what she needed to be responsible with it. And that is how we got to the present time with her. Me I have had training in controlling what powers I have. That was the purpose of all my martial arts training. Control of myself of the powers I was born with. Most of my skills are in areas where control is necessary Armor and weapon smithing and all I learned when I was learning to control my heat powers. It gave me a constructive focus for those powers. I learned Leather working as more of a hobby, cause it interested me. I learned singing cause well I got a good voice but it got better with training. Ask any professional singer, they can tell you how much work goes in to it. Most of my life was learning to control my abilities in a society that frowned on me actually Using them."

Hel slowly nods, "And here you are, by a complete cosmic level accident, in a world where there is no one to stop you from using them. You are free probably for the first time in your life really. Thinking about it though, you have done pretty good. You are not a tyrant nor do you strike me as someone who likes to bully people. Maybe scare people a little. You want respect, I understand that. You also want to live your own life by your own rules without people trying to force you to act in ways that work against that. Still all in all you have a good heart and I think you like helping people and having friends. But like you said earlier you are unsure of yourself in social settings."

Cin'aed nods and sighs, "Yeah that's about it."

Twin 1 speaks, "We can vouch for her combat training. she used no powers in fighting us and still managed to knock us out."

Cin'aed grins up at them, "Truthfully the hall gave me an advantage there. Would have been a more even fight in open ground as it was you had to come at me one at a time." They nod, "We know we do better when we can out flank an opponent. Still we are no push overs and you took us out in record time." Twin 2 supplies.

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