《Alternate Worlds》Prelude


- NOTE: This is the standard opening for all five stories - beyond this point the stories vary, some minorly to start, others majorly.

Things were strange to start with. For the past several days there had been bad electromagnetic interference. Radio', cell phones, TV, even cable networks were not working right or well. News reported massive solar storms were causing the events on a world wide scale. Business were down to using old hand calculators if they wanted to do anything. As such several businesses just shut down for the duration.

This man, he had found a sub-shop that was open and got several subs with the idea of going to a friend's house for dinner. He had 4 foot-long subs, chips and even a couple bottles of Soda. While driving down a mostly deserted road, he passed through these pillars and statues he had driven by hundreds of times before, today something weird happened. This day energy was jumping between the city symbols, 4 bronze statues showing the industry prevalent in the cities founding, this energy, which looked like St Elmo's Fire, struck the two large Masonic Pillars on each side of the road at the exact moment he drove between them. There was a flash of light and he was falling, or the car was tossed, he did not know, but in that moment he knew he was going to die.

His last thoughts were 'where did that wall come from ?'

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