《The Tower of Opportunity》Chapter 2: Speaking the Forbidden Words


"So what should we do?", a seemingly frightened man in the crowd speaks out nervously. A number of quiet whispers are heard in response, numerous people asking themselves what to do, another, slightly unkempt, man hesitantly speaks out, "Maybe we should look for a way out. I'm sure most if not all of you would much rather prefer to go back to prison rather than fight monsters with our lives on the line." This statement brings the numerous sounds of people agreeing with him, but another person soon walks out of the crowd and into the open as well. He starts with an introduction, "Hello you all, my name is Leon Beltrán. I disagree with this person's statement. Look around for a way out, please. If a person could bring us all here without us knowing beforehand, bridge the language gap between all of us, and kill dozens if not hundreds of people with a wave of his hand, do you think he would have really left us a way out of here? I think we should go into the tower", he states. "If what that self-proclaimed god said is true, the more time we waste here, the worse it will be. We only have 3 months left to live if we do not succeed in our tower climb. Let us form groups so that we can make it easier. I shall lead a group of my own and if you would like to join me, come."

A shady looking man with a smirk on his face starts walking out of the crowd towards Leon after he finished his speech and starts speaking to him, " That sounds like a good idea Leon, but I have a favor to ask you" he says while slipping his behind his back into his waistband. "What is it.", Leon replies. The shady looking man looks straight into Leon's eyes as he pulls his hand back holding a gun, which he then points at Leon and says, "Could you say those words that Claude said not to say for me."

"Why would I do that", Leon says staring at the gun barrel pointed straight at his head. "Well if you don't I'll slowly shoot off parts of your body until you do, and if you still refuse then I'll just kill you and get someone else to do it. So let's get started then shall we.", the man says before pointing his gun at Leon's foot and then shooting it.


Leon falls down with a cry, clutching his injured foot, and the man wielding the gun crouches down to him. "Will you do it now", he says. "Fuck you", is the only answer he receives. "Okay then", the man says before pointing his gun at Leon's foot again and pulling the trigger, and another screeching cry is heard. "How about now", he says. A single word is heard in response, "No", and another cry is heard. "I will give you one more chance before I kill you, say those words Leon.", as the man holds the gun to Leon's temple. "F..fine, fine, I will say them, just don't kill me.", Leon says stuttering. "Good, that's what I like to hear", the man replies. "P...p..part... I can't do it.", Leon stutters out, upon which the butt of the shady man's gun hits him opening a gash on his head. "I said do it.", he says aggressively. "Okay, okay, okay", says Leon before taking a breath, closing his eyes, and quietly saying, "Party Menu".

Leon can be seen shivering nervously with his eyes closed as if expecting something to happen, but soon opens his eyes hesitantly before apparently seeing something before his eyes, and then says "Create Party; Chivalry." Abruptly the sounds of trumpets are heard in the air and a new window appears in front of me."

Congratulations to Leon Beltrán for creating the first party, Chivalry. Members of this party will receive a starting bonus of 10% increased EXP gain for the first 3 weeks of their climb, limited to the first 25 people who join, including the party leader.


'What, there are rewards for using the forbidden words first.', I wonder before the man with the gun mutters, "Shop." Soon a new window appears before me accompanied by the sounds of trumpets again.

Congratulations to Casimir Lenoir for accessing the Shop before anyone else. You shall receive a 20% discount on the first 10 items you purchase.


'Again; it happened again.', I think before saying, "Skill Tree", as fast as I can. A stream of information starts flowing into me, telling me how the skill functions, and at the same time, again the trumpets sound and 3 windows appear before me.


Skill Trees

Skill Points: 2

Congratulations Ryan Mitchel for accessing the skill tree before all others. You shall be rewarded with one random skill and one skill point.


Name: Ryan Mitchel Race: Human Age: 23 Sex: Male Level: 0 Stat Points: 0 Gold: 0 Titles: N/A Stats: HP:90/90 HP Regeneration: 1.1% per 5 Minutes SP:120/120 SP Regeneration: 1.1% per 5 Minutes MP: 130/130 MP Regeneration: 1.5% per 5 Minutes Critical Hit Chance: 0% Physical Resistance: 0.11% Magical Resistance: 0.15% Affliction Resistance: 0.35% Vitality: 9 Stamina: 12 Constitution: 11 Intelligence: 13 Wisdom: 15 Luck: 0 Skills: Stealth Interface Personal Abilities: The Curse of Cronus Afflictions: The Conquerors "Encouragement"

With a slight headache, I look at my personal profile. I notice that my Skill list now has a new skill shown, and I quietly say, "Identify.", while looked at my newly acquired skill, Stealth Interface.

Stealth Interface

Skill Rank: C

Skill Level: 1

A required skill for those who prefer assassination and backstabbing.

Trigger words for the activation of menu options, "Identify", "Party Menu", etc., are now able to be thought instead of spoken. The "Identify" function can be used on others' property, but only works on their items. In addition, your personal profile can be disguised.

'Oh, this is pretty useful.'

"Hey who is this Ryan Mitchel; you son of a bitch you stole my reward.", Casimir yelled out angrily. "No one is gonna answer me, fine then. When I find you Ryan Mitchel, I'm gonna kill you and take everything you got off of your cold dead corpse." He then continued on in a more subdued tone, "Alright then. Party Menu; Create Party; La Grande Armée. Anyone who wants to follow me is free to do so. I'm going straight to the tower." Soon Casimir starts walking towards the lavish tower standing so high it seemed to pierce the heavens and so wide it seems to have no borders, and a few menacing looking people and some shivering ones followed after him. After arriving at the giant gateway shining in red light Casimir turned around and said, "You all wish to join my party.", and those people who followed him nodded. "Alright then; add to party.", he said and a shining light surrounded the others before quickly disappearing. He then turned back towards the gate and said, "Let's go.", before walking through the gate and disappearing with a flash. The others soon followed him in shortly after, and disappeared with a myriad of flashes.

Looking back towards Leon, still bleeding out on the ground, he started fumbling around his pockets for a silver flask which he then drank out of. His wounds start squirming and the gash on his head slowly starts closing, while the bleeding from the bullet holes in his feet slowly starts subsiding. 'I wonder what that is. "Identify."', I think before a window appears before me.

Healing Flask of the Pompous A flask filled with the healing waters of life, granted to the one who values himself above all others. Item Rank F; Item Growth Limit C Heals HP equal to the cost of MP spent filling the flask with the healing liquid.

Soul Capacity: 0/100

'Close window.' I look back at Leon and see him glaring viciously at the tower gate, and a small mutter can be heard from him; "Casimir, one day you will be licking my boots while begging for your life. I will never stop chasing you until I see that day." He then stands up and grandly says, "Would anyone like to join my party, you should have seen the EXP buff you will gain by joining me.", as if to try and make those in the crowd forget the embarrassing display he showed. Quickly a number of people walk out from the crowd and say that they would like to join; Leon then nods at them and says, "Add to party.", and a light similar to the one experienced by Casimir's team surrounds them before shortly disappearing. Leon then leads them to the tower gate and walks through with his party following him not too far behind.

'Well then I guess it's time for me to get started as well.', I think, looking forward to what skills I shall learn.

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