《The Kissing Game》Chapter 29


Prom was nearing and there were promposals happening everywhere. In class I sat and listened in on the conversations about prom. Girls were excitedly talking about possible dresses and dates, which led to me looking at the usual empty desk in class. My heart froze when I remembered what happened.

I remembered everything from the party, but I didn't remember how I could possibly have been bold. My plan had been to hide my feelings until school and The Kissing Game were over, but I had let my feeling pour out that day. With Axel and I not seeing each other since that day, I had no idea about the current situation between us two.

To be honest, I was scared. I was worried Axel was so drunk he thought he liked me or he was lying because he wanted the kiss. By then I should've known that Axel was trustworthy, but I was thinking of the worst case scenarios for some reason.

Shaking my head, I began to look around the classroom, hoping to find a distraction. My eyes wandered around the room and I saw that my peers were in their groups, talking about prom. No one noticed me and I realized something.

Everyone left me alone. No one bothered to pursue me because they knew it was pointless and I realized that was what I wanted. I had finally gotten what I had once wished for, but I hadn't noticed it because of Axel. I groaned quietly, knowing things shouldn't have turned out like this.

"Hey Zoey," Hannah said, taking her seat next to me. "Are you okay?"

I looked at my friend and sighed when I noticed that she looked concerned. She deserved to be filled in, so I decided to be honest.

"I'm scared," I said honestly. "Axel and I confessed to each other and-"

"You guys what!" she exclaimed, jaw dropping.


I blushed as a few of our classmates glanced at us. I didn't want anyone knowing abut Axel and I, so I hushed Hannah.

"Yeah, at this party," I said quietly. "We were drunk and now I'm wondering if it's real. Was I hallucinating or was he lying or-"

"Zoey, Axel likes you," Hannah cut in. "It's so obvious. There's no need to be insecure."

"But it's so hard to believe."

"What's hard to believe is that you're going to be with someone." She grinned. "I'm so happy for you."

I tried to smile, but it was hard to. Usually I was confident, but for once I wasn't. When it came to Axel, I was a different person. I wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing.

"I don't know what to do from here on out," I said, looking down shyly. "I'm so lost."

"Honestly, just let things happen naturally," she said gently. "You and Axel are really good together. Just let things flow naturally and I think you guys will last."

I didn't know what to say to that, but I did hope so. Axel was my first crush and maybe he would be my first boyfriend. I had always wanted my first to be my last, so I really hoped everything worked out.

"He's here," Hannah suddenly whispered.

My head flew up and went to where Axel was. He was sauntering to his desk, his hands shoved into his pockets, and not once did he look at me. That hurt. It hurt a lot.

"Why isn't he looking at me," I said quietly, staring at him.

"I... I don't know," Hannah said, just as quietly.

"Did I imagine it?" My heart sunk. "Was it a lie?"

"No Zoey. Don't be pessimistic."

"But why has nothing changed?"

Nothing had changed. Axel and I hadn't become anything and I didn't know how to feel about that. To be honest, it was depressing and it almost confirmed my insecure feelings.


"Zoey, you're not the type to doubt yourself," Hannah said sternly. "You have good judgement - for the most part - of people and you chose a good guy. Trust him."

That was hard. I was staring at Axel and he still hadn't looked at me. It hurt as I wondered if I had done something wrong. Had I just confessed and been rejected, causing him to be uncomfortable?

Suddenly, my teacher entered the classroom. I began to sulk in my seat as he began to teach. My eyes kept drifting to Axel and still he didn't look at me. It hurt and I knew that this was why a crush was called a crush as my heart hurt.


Class ended and we were packing up. As I packed, Hannah shot me a sympathetic look and I sighed. Not once did Axel look at me and that confirmed my worst fear.

"I know things don't look good," Hannah said, interrupting my thoughts. "But I still think you should believe in him. I don't know why but I think he's the one for you."

"Thanks Hannah," I said quietly. "But some things aren't meant to be."

I swung my backpack over my shoulder and waved at Hannah. Feeling down, I wanted nothing more than to go home. So, I began my way out of the classroom.

But right before I exited the classroom, a warm hand grabbed my hand. The person's long fingers intertwined with mine and I froze, recognizing the soft hands. Turning, my eyes widened as I saw Axel smiling at me.

"Hey," he said.

"Um... Hi," I said awkwardly. "What are you doing?"

"I'm about to walk you to your locker." He grinned. "Is that okay?"

I stared at him, unable to help it. I was conscious of his hand, but I was also conscious of how he ignored me. Knowing I couldn't just let that go, I let go of his hand and placed my hands on my hips. Axel frowned at me.

"Why haven't you called or texted me?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him. "Why didn't you acknowledge my presence until now?"

I was trying to sound angry, but I knew I sounded hurt. Axel noticed too because his eyes softened.

"Zoey, I... Why haven't you?" he asked.

I didn't have an answer. Axel making the first move was just what I was used to, so that was why.

"Honestly, I was scared," Axel said, looking away shyly. "I thought you said what you said because you were drunk. This is too good to be true, so I was scared of finding out the truth."

My eyes went wide as I realized Axel felt the same way as me. It was clear we were meant to be.

"Don't be insecure," I told him. "I really do care. I was scared as well and I'm happy you don't hate me."

"I could never." He quickly pressed his lips against my forehead. "I really like you."

My face went red and my heart soared with happiness. Staring at him, I wondered how this wonderful turn of events happened. It was out of nowhere, but I was delighted. I couldn't believe it, but I was smiling.

"Let's go," Axel said, holding out his hand to me.

I grinned and took it, allowing him to walk me to my locker. We acted the way we usually did and I had a feeling I would understand why relationships were so great.

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