《The Kissing Game》Chapter 2


Mr. Arthur, my English, was teaching us about the literary theories. The lights were off and the projector that projected a PowerPoint was the only source of light we had in our small classroom. Not that I minded since I was in love with the dark.

If I were to be honest, I was bored. So bored of the lesson, even though only ten minutes had passed by. It made me nervous because I knew I should be paying attention, trying to bring my mark up, but I just couldn't. Sadly Hannah was listening attentively, so I was left to stare at my desk.

After a few more minutes of boredom, my eyes then began to move on their own. They went to the person they'd been going to lately, and I watched him, unable to help myself for some reason.

Axel sat slumped at his desk, staring at the screen. I could tell he wasn't paying attention from the blank look on his face, so I stared at him, wondering what he was thinking about. His legs were stretched out and his face was impassive, giving him a look of boredom, but still I wondered what was going on in his mind. I then took time to analyze him.

Axel was tall and lean. His chocolate hair was long at the top and usually messy, flipping to one side lazily in waves. The sun had kissed his skin lightly and his eyes were a radiant blue that reminded me of the sky. If I were to be honest, he was attractive in a conventional way. In a way that brought your eyes to him unconsciously. But sadly, he was also a jerk. I didn't understand why I took the time out of my day to stare at him, especially since I hated who he was.


As if realizing I was thinking of him, Axel suddenly looked at me. When our eyes met, he looked surprised. Genuinely and I flushed, looking away quickly. This was the second time he had caught me and I knew he would soon get cocky about it. I hated the idea of that.

So for the rest of the class, I didn't dare look at Axel. Even when Hannah begged me to, I had told her no, hoping she wouldn't find me strange. I found myself strange for staring at this boy and I hoped no one else would find out about my bad habit of staring at him.


I was at my locker, putting my books away. My cheeks were flushed as I thought about Axel catching me. I hated him. I hated who he was and I didn't want him or anyone thinking otherwise. That was why I made a mental note to never stare at him again.

"Zoey!" Hannah exclaimed, surprising me.

I jumped, whirling around to face her. A frown soon flew to my face and she looked confused.

"You're acting so strangely today," she said.

"I'm not," I huffed, closing my locker.

I must of closed it a little too hard because Hannah winced. Ignoring her, I zipped up my bag and hoped to go home. All I wanted to do was be with my family.

"Anyways," Hannah said. "You were right. Chris still has the kiss."

"Ugh!" I said, suddenly frustrated for reasons I wasn't sure of. "This game is so stupid! Like look at all the guys taking advantage of girls thanks to it!"

She frowned. "It's not like he's actually harassing anyone."

"No, but he's still using people. What a jerk. A jerk who cares too much about a stupid game."


My anger was sudden and I didn't know what stemmed it, but I would soon regret it. Because I had been speaking too loudly and unaware of my surroundings, I hadn't even realized Chris was nearby.

"Are you talking shit about me?" Chris asked, storming up to me.

He and a few of his friends marched up to me, looking annoyed. If I had been anyone else, I might have been worried - nervous even. But because I was me and I didn't care about what others thought, I simply scowled at him.

"Not just about you, but also about the stupidest game I've ever heard of," I said, placing my hands on my hips.

"Do you mean The Kissing Game?" he asked, stunned. "What is wrong with you? Are you crazy?"

Anger boiled up in me and I found myself glaring at Chris and his friends who nodded in agreement. They thought something was wrong with me? That was hilarious.

"You think I'm crazy?" I asked, pointing to myself. "You know what's crazy? Being seventeen and playing a game where you pass a kiss around. It's like hot potato but stupider because all you win is the title of The Holy Kisser. Who the hell would want that?"

"Take that back," Chris said, growing annoyed. "Sorry we're not bitter like you."

"I rather be bitter than a loser who plays this stupid game," I spat.

Then all of the sudden, Chris moved forward. Before I could react he was grabbing my arms, pinning them to my side, and his lips were then on mine. He kissed me and I gasped in surprise, completely unprepared. Everyone around me also gasped and I squirmed around in his grip, wanting him off of me.

When he finally pulled back, smirking, I slapped him across the face. Everyone gasped again and he looked surprised, but I was fuming. I couldn't believe he had kissed me.

"What the hell!" I shouted. "Why did you kiss me?"

Chris put a hand to his reddening cheek and to my annoyance, he looked smug. I had to curl my hands into fists not to slap him again.

"You said losers only play this game," Chris said, shrugging. "I guess you're one of us now."

He and his friends then turned around. They began to jog off, screaming that I had the kiss. And with that, I realized what had happened.

"Oh my god," Hannah said, becoming as shocked as I was. "You have the kiss."

My eyes went wide and I looked at her, unable to comprehend it. In my four years here I had never had the kiss, and now I did. Without any choice, I was given the kiss and now I was a part of the stupidest game ever. I didn't know what to do.

"Was that your first kiss?" Hannah asked gently. "I'm sorry. Zoey, I-"

"Whatever," I cut in.

If I were to be honest, I was little upset about that because I wanted to share my first kiss with my long term boyfriend. But, that wasn't my biggest priority right now. Now that I had the kiss, an uneasy feeling began to form in my gut. I had never expected to end up with the kiss and I had no idea of what to do with it now.

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