《Meeting the Millers》|01| Symbolism of truth


Sleep is something that schools give zero shits about, they expect us to wake up everyday at 7:30 in the morning and then act so surprised when all the students are grumpy and miserable throughout the day. But you know what? I say fuck them, I actually value my sleep and that's why I've pressed snooze about ten times already. I probably would've slept for longer, but then I remembered the kind of household that I live in

"You stole from me you little shit!"

I keep my face stuffed into my pillow, I'm not getting involved this time. Oh so I thought.... The bedroom door opens and my little brother runs in, "Carmen save me!" He pleads

I sigh as I lift up my head, "What'd you do Matty?" I ask tiredly

"He took money from me" Adriana says annoyed as she walks in

"It was only thirty dollars!" He protests

"Matteo!" Mom shouts from downstairs

Our sister snorts, "Looks like your in trouble puta"

He grumbles in annoyance as he trails out of my room, I frown as Adri sits on my bed. "You better get up otherwise mom will be on your ass too" She says amused

"She's on my ass either way"

Adriana went downstairs as I headed into my bathroom, I lock the door behind me before letting out a sigh.

Mirrors. My worst enemy, I could be having a good day and they'd find a way to ruin it. They're a symbolism of truth so I know for a fact that what I see isn't a lie at all, I look completely miserable and I feel it too. I lift up my shirt slightly before tilting my head to the side a little, then I pinch my thigh fat....it's become a habit now. I hate mirrors but I'm drawn to them, I just have to know what I physically look like at all times.

Then I remember that I have school so now probably isn't the time to overthink. I was done showering within ten minutes and downstairs after another fifteen. The twins are downstairs with Lola and mom, I think dad left to drop Matteo to school. "Morning" Santi says with a mouthful of toast, I wave a good morning before saying hi to Lola

Mom's standing by the fridge, "Morn-

"Te lavaste anoche?"

I refrain from getting annoyed, "No.... It was Adri's turn to wash up yesterday" I reply

She's so quick to blame me for everything, it's irritating. "Sorry I'll do it later" My sister replies

Mom looks back at her, "It's ok"

My phone buzzes

I pick up my bag, "Enzo's waiting, I'll see you after school"

"Want my toast?" My brother asks

"Not at all"

"Later" Lola replies

"See you soon" I'm surprised mom said that nicely


I walk down the porch steps after shutting the front door behind me, it's actually quite warm today so I didn't need to bring the heavy baggage that we all know as a jacket. I get into the passenger side of Enzo's car, "Santi and Adri?" He questions


I toss my bag into the back seat, "They'll catch rides"

He starts the engine and I lay my head back against the seat before closing my eyes, "How's the job search going?"

"I wanna take a break from working, I'm trying to avoid perverts"

At my last job, I worked at a cafe and obviously there were a lot of customers who were older than me. Let's just say that they have the 'age is just a number' mindset, I was a sixteen year old who had to receive weird comments every single day.

Then there were the backhanded compliments, 'your ass is mid for a Spanish girl' or those judgemental middle aged ladies who would always comment on your appearance. They didn't really bother me at the time, but like I said your thoughts are a drug that you can't stop using and over time you start seeing things differently. I only told Enzo and Daniel about the pervy comments though, if they heard the other shit they'd try to find those people and hurt them. "Good, it's better that way" My brother replies

He pulls into the school parking lot after another five minutes and I get out of the car, "Can you catch a ride with Sienna after school?"

I nod, "Yeah, where are you going though?"

He takes a lighter out of his pocket before lighting the cigarette that's currently in between his lips, "I'll most likely be in detention"

Good point

"See you at home"

He exhales before waving

It's the first day back after two weeks and I'd like to go dig myself into a hole already, I've got a hundred problems and dropping out of school would solve ninety nine of them. The air just has that weird bleach smell that we're all pretty familiar with, I tried really hard to forget about the annoying scent but it's no use

Walking down the hall I pass my former friend June and her replacement Eliza, that friendship is just so random, I don't think I ever saw June speak to her until we stopped being friends. I spot my favourite redhead standing by our lockers, she hasn't noticed me yet since she's busy typing away on her phone. Today she's wearing a cropped hoodie and a pair of ripped jeans, along with a pair of converse. I cover her eyes "Adivina quien"

-guess who-

"Probably the only Spanish speaking person that I know" She says amused, I uncover her eyes and she turns around

"Correct" I smile

Her eyes take a tour of my body, I hate when people do that sometimes, it just makes you feel awkward. "Bitch you look good" She says impressed

"I rushed this morning" I snort

"No, seriously C. Have you been going to the gym without me?"

Do I really look that different

I usually wear oversized clothes to school just because, why not. But today it was warm so I decided on a tank top and a pair of jeans, plus a cardigan. "Zo, don't be dramatic" I say amused


She closes her locker, "Whatever you say C"

That alarming ringing sound, also known as the bell, fills everyone's ears and we all make our way to first period. Zoe and I have Math first, I've always found that subject useless and I will never try to see the positive side to it. Because the bottom line is, there isn't. I'm not going to need Pythagoras theorem and finding x certainly won't solve all of my life problems, so I rest my case. We take our seats at the back of the class, "How long do you think I'll last?" Zoe asks

"Ten minutes" I answer


She falls asleep every time we have math -I don't blame her- and then ends up getting detention for it. Honestly I think I'll end up falling asleep today too, my mind just doesn't want to co operate. The reality of school didn't actually hit me until our math teacher walked in with a whole load of textbooks, whilst looking right I notice that my best friend already has her head down.

Here we go

Thankfully the day went by quickly and before I knew it, Sienna and I were in her car heading away from prison. "And then he tried giving me a detention, but I wasn't having it" She snorts

I frown, "What did you even do?"

She scoffs as she looks at me for a second, she then goes back to focusing on the road. "Thanks Carmen now I know that you definitely listen when I talk"

I look back at her, "I was thinking"

"Well try listening. I said my mom called me in the middle of class, right after Mr Stevens said no phones"

Ah, right

I snort in return as she passes a red light. "Oh my god, guess who looked hot today?" She then says

Kind of forgot to mention this about Sienna, she just switches between topics like she switches between men, her attention span is also horrible. "Logan Davis?" I question

He's a god.... But also happens to be Junes long time crush

She scrunches her face with disgust, "Ew, no. Carter"

I think to myself for a second. "Carter, Carter, Carter-.... Wait the guy from my history class?" I frown

Sienna sighs as she pulls into my driveway, "Never mind" She mutters

I unbuckle my seatbelt before kissing her on the cheek, "Thanks for the ride"

"No problem babe"

I open the door before sliding out of my seat, "Text me!" She then calls out

I send a thumbs up before walking into my house, my plan for today is, homework, tv, shower, sleep

"Hey daddy" I smile after noticing him in the kitchen

My dad just so happens to be one of my favourite people on this earth, he's funny, loving and most importantly, he gets me. He smiles, "Mi hija. How was school?"

I shrug as I stand opposite him, he's sitting at the island. "Very much shitty"

"I know the feeling"

"How was your day?" I ask

He sighs, "It was ok, I left work early today"

Dad likes spending as much time with us as he can so he limits the amount of days that he goes to work. "Hi daddy" Adriana smiles as she comes down the stairs with Santiago

Call me selfish but I dread sharing dad with six different people, I love him too much. Well, that and the fact that I'm the sibling who is forgotten about as soon as the others enter the room. I make my way upstairs before passing Matteo and Santi's room, I frown as I open the door. "You ok?"

Matty's in bed, "My head hurts" He mumbles tiredly

"Need some tylenol?" I ask

"Santi's bringing me some"

I shut off the light before closing his door and walking into my room.

My room is my sanctuary and I can gladly say that I don't have to share it, Daniel obviously doesn't live here, Matteo shares a room with Santiago, Lola shares with Adriana, Enzo and I have our own rooms thankfully.

I kick off my shoes before collapsing back onto the bed. My stomach growls as I scroll through my phone, now that I think about it I haven't eaten all day and for some reason my brain is praising me for it

I ignore it's cries of hunger as I reply to Zoe's recent text message.


"Not too fast Matteo" Mom warns

I don't think I've ever seen him so hungry in my life, he's scoffing down his food at an abnormal rate. He then starts choking and I roll my eyes, Adriana pats him on the back. "That's why you chew slower you dip shit" She scoffs

Todays one of moms less creative days, we're having lasagna and some salad on the side. I always end up finishing my food last.... If I end up eating all of it. Santiago frowns at me as I put my knife down, "C"


"It's fricking lasagne, you don't cut it into itty bitty pieces"

I'll do what I fucking like

"You eat your way and I'll eat mine" I reply

"So weird" He mutters

"How many times do I have to say no phones at the table?" Mom then scoffs

"Son" Dad says

Enzo sighs before turning off his phone, "It's work, I have to go in for a shift"

"Right now?" Mom frowns

"I'm done anyway" My brother gets up from his seat before kissing her on the cheek

"Thanks for the food mama" And with that he leaves the house

What a lucky bastard

I eat a few bites of my food before deciding that I'm satisfied, Matteo happily takes my plate as I get up. "Thanks mom"

She nods a your welcome and with that I head upstairs


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