《Abandoned ✔️》Chapter 22- he invaded our privacy


"So, how was the date?" Kate asks, emphasizing on the word date.

I look away with a small smile on my face when I notice the boys angrily sitting down on my bed while violet and Kate help me clean my closet.

They are still hung up on the fact that Cayson snuck me away from them and they didn't get to know about it.

Anyways, I do wonder how he knew about my friends being there.

"Fine," I reply back.

"Firstly, how did he know about us? Secondly, how dare he take you away from us? Thirdly, i think he should pay for what he did. Lastly, did you have fun?" Tyler starts possessive but starts to speak softer than before.

I smile and hang the black dress I wore yesterday night.

"Answer to your first question is I don't know and I'm as curious as you are. Secondly, he is quiet daring now that he messed with you guys. Lastly, I did have fun," I reply back and Kate chuckles.

"No comment on making him pay?" She asks and I just shake my head sideways.

"Why not? He invaded our privacy," Tyler says and we all laugh.

"Invade your privacy? C'mon give him a little credit that he had the balls to steal me away from you guys when he knows not to mess with you guys," I reply back.

"I think he owes us for taking you away," Chris says.

"Don't involve me in it," i reply back and half chuckle at all the jokes he cracked.

Of course, that little shit had to make very stupid and illogical inferences about 'The Great Gatsby' after I told him that it's my favorite movie.

I remember we got stuck on the topic of me being a vegetarian. He stated that he is also a vegetarian but I find that hard to believe because of how much he was debating against me about eating meat.

"Okay, we couldn't see you last night because we kind of fell asleep at your place. But, I want to know everything that happened," Kate excitedly says as she pulls me on the bed with the others and violet also joins us.

Kate lays down next to Chris, holding onto him from the side. I lay down on Ian's chest who is laying down on Chris's leg vertically. Tyler is laying down horizontally on Ian's feet and violet jumps and lays down on Tyler.


Thank god my room has a two king sized bed combined together where all of us can sleep and not brush past each other.

"Well, it started with him taking me away, and, that too on a chopper to philly," I say and their eyes almost popped out. "We had dinner at his place and talked. Then, we took his limousine and he took me to this desert house where they served delicious cake. Then we flew back to New York and I came home at 2 in the morning."

"Wow," is all violet could say while others were shocked.

"Talk about the perfect first date," Kate wiggles her eyebrows and I sigh and chuckle.

"A dinner," I correct her.

"No goodnight kiss?" Violet wonders and I don't respond for a moment and remember last night.

Again, we were standing pretty close in my garden when he came to drop me off to my place. We were so close to kissing each other twice but thankfully both times we were interrupted.

I remember the moments we spent with each other and just smile to myself. It was a well spent night. I had fun but, more importantly he did.

I got to know him better. Of course I knew a lot f things about him and made an inference about other things. Mostly, I was right but I got to know a lot of other things about him.

For example he loved Leonardo DiCaprio as much as me. His favorite place was Europe and mine is more specific such as Greece. He loves science and mathematics, more so algebra and Pre calculus.

He loved ed sheeran and beyoncé. Favorite song was also Perfect duet. Seriously what do we not have in common?

I sigh and look at others who are talking about how their night was spent when they all were worried about me and looking for me.

They went crazy when Cayson and I disappeared in thin air. They looked everywhere but failed to find us. I remember texting them in our group chat to not worry about me and I will explain everything when I return.

Then they went to a party and had fun but supposedly they missed me. Of course.

Guess another memory is made.

Thankfully nothing was awkward nor weird between Cayson and I. We could definitely be great friends as we are doing business together.


Kate always gets excited for me about new guys in my life because she thinks it's her fault that Liam messed up my life. It really isn't though, I keep telling her but she still blames herself.

Which is why she is now out playing cupid. Little does she know that nothing is going to blossom in Venus territory. All that lies here is sadness, depression, anxiety, heartbreaks and much worse.

I didn't want to start something which wasn't going to last. If he learns about my broken past or my tainted self, he would also hate me.

It is best to keep distance while I could still control myself.

"Alright let's do it," Chris stands up making Kate get up with him as Ian's head falls on the bed which breaks my trance as it also moves me.

"Do what?" I ask and sit up next to Ian who seems just as confused as I.

"You know what. We always do this after one of our dates," Chris starts and I realize what he's talking about.

"It was not a date though," I argue back and Kate dramatically clears her throat.

"A dinner still counts as a date," Chris argues back and I just give up.

"Fine," I stand up and head towards my closet. "I'll get the notebook."

When I walk outside with the notebook and colored pens, I notice them all sitting down on the ground in a circle, leaving the middle for me.

I make my way to the middle and sit down, facing Ian, Tyler and Kate. "I think this is going to win," violet says and Chris snorts.

"As if. Nobody can beat Kate and I," Chris defends themselves and I chuckle.

"Alright, pen?" Violet asks, rolling her eyes at Chris' comment.

I hand her, her favorite purple colored pen. I hand Kate, her usual pink. I give Chris, his blue pen. Tyler takes the green one out of my hand while I hand Ian, his red pen. I take an orange pen and open the book in my lap.

They all quickly write down something they loved about my date. Unfortunately, this is the first date that they haven't seen properly so they're just writing about how we were before we disappeared.

I slide in circles and let everyone write at least one comment. Then Kate pulls out a picture which she took of me before we left and she glued it down onto the notebook.

She looks at me and waits for me to give her another picture. "Fuck. We kinda didn't take a picture...?" I reply and she tilts her head sideways.

"You had one job Vee," she starts ranting and I just look at her.

"I think I remember his driver taking one but I'll ask him," I reply back and Kate stops ranting.

I turn the page. "Alright."

I take a deep breath in and hand the notebook over to Kate who smirks. She is going to ask something weird, for sure.

This is what we always do after one of us goes on a date, it was my turn after a long time. Not that it was an actual date but I got tired of explaining it to Kate so I gave up.

What the notebook is for, is that on a page we all comment something good happened during the date. Which is because we are always at each other's date.

Then, on other page, we stuck pictures of before and after look and a picture with our date. In my case, I didn't have one.

Lastly, all of us write a question for the person who went on a date to answer. Which is me in my case.

Every time Kate write down a word, it freaks me out because of what she might ask me. Of course nothing weird or uncomfortable happened during the date but I know Kate. She is weird and will definitely ask me weird questions.

Also, she gets to write two questions because she is already in a relationship.

I hate these rules.

I groan internally as my heart stops when Kate passes the book to Ian, who looks at me and writes down his question.

My breath gets caught in my throat when Tyler smirks at me and writes something down.

After what seemed like eternity of my misery to watch them all write down a question, the book is returned to me.

I sigh and start reading all the questions.

This is going to be a long day, I think before I start answering the questions.


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