《Abandoned ✔️》Chapter 20- i'm not apologizing for pointing out that you have a pea sized brain


Thank you so much @stacey568 for this amazing cover. Its so vibrant and it stands out, I love it! I hope you're enjoying my book!

Thank you once again!


I quickly brush my teeth and notice that I left a glass of water inside the bathroom. I look at my purse and back at the door. Not knowing if i should take the pills i just sigh deeply.

Without making any noise, I try to take my pills out of my bag. I quickly look at the pills and they are about to be finished.

I need to stop taking so many at a time.

Ugh, help me.

I need to stop this because I know how hard it is to lie to Kate and others who care about me.

I don't want to disappoint them so I won't tell them. They won't know about it until after I'm going to stop taking them.

I look up at my own reflection and notice the bags under my eyes. It's not really noticeable but I know it could raise questions so I decide to conceal it later.

I look at my hazel brown eyes and curly hair which fall down my waist. I pull my hair into a messy bun and wash my face with ice cold water.

I fix my bangs which are more messier than my bun and I try to fix them and line them properly.

I slowly wipe my face with a towel and apply some moisturizer and put the concealer on.

I take a sip of water and hold it in my mouth and put two pills in my mouth and quickly swallow it.

I cough and quickly drink some more water before Kate or Cayson can suspect anything.

Suddenly I hear a tap on my bathroom's door and I quickly turn towards it and out my pills back into my bag.


"Vee, you okay?" Kate asks and I slowly walk towards the door.

"Yeah, fine just choked on some water," I reply back and she starts talking to Cayson again.

I quickly brush my teeth and change into something more comfortable like sweatpants and a big shirt.

I slowly go outside where I notice Cayson and Kate talking about something but quickly stop when I walk outside.


They both give me weird looks and I reply back with a huge smile which reach my ears and they chuckle.

"You never told me how many views we got," I start as I fix my bun and bangs.

He clears his throat. "Oh yeah. So, this morning when I first checked, our video hit a million views and now people are retweeting it and reposting it on all social media."

I gasp and look at both of them who have a smile etched onto their faces. "What?"

He nods in return.

"You're playing."

"I'm serious."

"Look I'm not apologizing for pointing out that you have a pea sized brain because you really do but don't lie to me about stuff like this."

He simply chuckled and looks away. "I'm not lying to you Stavish, ask Kate."

"Really?" I ask as I slowly walk towards them.

"He's serious Vee."

"Yeah. Our first show was a total hit Stavish. We rocked it," he says and I jump with excitement.

"Oh god," I breath out and quickly pull him into a hug.

He hugs back instantly and swings me around and then puts me back on my feet. I clutch onto his shirt as usual and bury my head down the crease of his neck and shoulders.

He has such a perfect height that I could hug him easily. Unlike Chris, who's super tall and Tyler who's as tall as me and Ian who's also super tall.


I close my eyes and breath in and smell his cologne, my favorite one. I slowly open my eyes and look at Kate who's wiggling her eyebrows at me with a huge smile on her face.


Ugh, not again.

I realize that I'm in his arms again so, I quickly pull myself away from him and take a step back. I look at him who has a huge smile on his face just like Kate.

I look to the side at Kate who's also jumping with joy and she quickly pulls me into a heartwarming hug.

She giggles and I chuckle as I almost pick her up but slowly put her back down on the floor. "Oh god."

Suddenly my door opens and after a moment I notice Chris, Tyler, violet and Ian walk into my room with a huge smile on their faces.

What are the chances that they already know about the video?

Of course they know.

"Vee," Chris excitedly says as he runs towards me and pulls me into a hug and swings me around like our usual hug. I hug him back tightly and he puts me down as Tyler cuts violet and pulls me into a hug.

"Yay," Tyler excitedly says and puts me down as violet pulls me into a hug.

"Oh Vee," she breathes out and puts me down as Ian pulls me into his arms.

We stay there for a minute and he slowly lets go of me and we pull apart. Knowing them, they all will definitely start talking all at once.

Without any doubt, they all start talking at once.

Kate: it feels like a dream.

Chris: I'm so proud of you little one.

Tyler: That's my best friend.

Ian: This is so huge.

Violet: I'm so happy for you Vee, like this is actually happening.

Tyler: you're still my best friend.

"I love you guys," I say and we form a circle and huge each other.

"We love you," they all say in unison and I smile.

These five people mean everything to me. Because of them I am loving this life. Because of them them I am alive today. I don't know what I'd do without them.

I don't think I can live without them.


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