《Abandoned ✔️》Chapter 17- i almost cost my dad the whole show


"I texted you but you didn't reply and I thought you went to sleep," he explains.

"Isn't that what you wanted since morning, for me to go to sleep?" I ask and he nods. "Then?"

"I also wanted you to drink this," he says as he hands me a water bottle full of a yellow water.

"I didn't text you back so you're going to make me drink pee?" I ask and give the water bottle back to him and make a disgusting face.

"It's a medicinal drink which helps with the fever," he replies back as he hands me the water bottle back.

"Oh really, What makes you think that I will drink it? What if you mixed something in it?" I ask and push the water bottle back to him.

"Look, it's good for your health," he says, pushing the water bottle to me.

"Then why don't you take a sip of it first, for me?" I say and push the water bottle to him.

He doesn't reply for a moment and I scoff. "That's what I thought you little shit."

He opens the water bottle and takes a sip of it and gulps it down and starts coughing hysterically. I quickly take the water bottle from him and look at him.

"Are you okay?" I ask and he doesn't respond. He just keeps coughing. "Did you add some sort of poison in there? Seriously if you're dying, tell the gods that it will take a lot more than you to take Venus Stavish out of this world."

He stops coughing and looks at me. "It's not poison, it's just disgusting."

"What, your face? Because I couldn't agree more," I reply back.

"It's this medicinal drink that's disgusting. It's got ginger in it," he makes a disgusted face and continues. "Also black pepper and other things which will make your fever go away."


"Ginger? Eww," I groan and make a face. "Not a big fan of ginger. I'm not drinking this."

"C'mon, you have to drink this or else your fever can get worse and affect our show tomorrow," he says and I look up at him who's looking on the ground.

"Oh, that is what this is about," I say and he slowly starts to look up at me. "Don't worry, my fever won't affect our show tomorrow."

"How are you so sure?" He asks, almost sounding concerned about me.

"I have the pills," I mutter under my breath, like a whisper.

"What?" He asks and I look at him.

"This has happened to me before. Don't worry, nothing will happen to the show tomorrow."

"Leave the show out of this," he says.

"You dragged it into our conversation," I reply back.

"Just think about your health. Are you sure it's nothing? You were very hot that day and that seemed like the worst it could get," he starts.

"I'll be fine."

He doesn't seem too convinced.

"Let's go to the doctor," he suggests.

My eyes widen in shock. "What, Doctor? No."

"What no? Yes, we are going, let's go."

"Look Cayson, you can't forcefully take me. If I say I don't want to go, I mean it."

"I knew you would say something like that," he says and comes closer to me. Before I know what's happening, he picks me up and rests me against his shoulders.

"What? Let go of me," I smack his back but he doesn't let go. "Cayson let go."

"Not before you tell me what's wrong with you. Something is off."

He takes me to his car and puts me down on the passenger seat and locks the car as he sits in the drivers seat.

"Tell me what's wrong," he demands.


"Nothing. I told you, everything is fine. It's just a small fever," I reply back.

He starts the car and looks at me. "Last chance Stavish, what's wrong?" He asks one last time.

I look at him, who's eyes are pierced to mine. I look away and start fidgeting with my fingers. When I look at him, his eyes meet with mine for a brief moment and I sigh.

"Fine, I'll tell you what wrong," I start and he settles down comfortably on the seat. "The thing is, I haven't performed in front of a huge crowd and doing that tomorrow is giving me these jitters in my stomach. I'm nervous."

His serious face breaks out I to a smile and he sighs. "You scared me for a second there. Nervous?" He asks and I nod. "Don't be nervous. My first time, I was so nervous that I almost cost my dad the whole show but it worked out."

"How?" I ask and he smiles.

"My brother. He was there to support me and he cheered for me when no one did. You also need the same support and you have me. Don't worry Stavish, we are going to rock the show tomorrow."

I look at him, still fidgeting with my fingers. "Really?" I ask and he nods.

"We work great together," He takes my hand in his and continues. "The song we created is amazing. Don't worry about it, we will kick some asses tomorrow. Trust me."

I look down at our hands, intertwined with each other's and look up to him. He smiles at me revealing his cute little dimples and a flashing smile.

So much positivity.

Did I make a mistake by signing this contract?

"I need to go," I say and quickly pull my hands to myself and open the door.

He hold onto my hand and pulls me to him. "Why?"

"What do you mean why? Don't you want me to get some sleep?" I ask and he nods. "Okay then, good night."

He lets go of my hand and I quickly go outside. Just as I reach the door, he rolls his window down.

"Hey Stavish," he calls out and I turn around to face him.

"What?" I ask and he nods it off.

"Take care, Good Night," he says and I nod with a small smile visible on my face.

"Good Night," I mutter but he leaves.

I open the door and walk inside, locking the door behind me. There is a small smile plastered onto my face as I walk in and sit back on the couch, looking at my phone.

"What are you smiling about?" Violet asks and I look at her to find them all staring at me.

The smile quickly vanishes and a stern face takes over. "Nothing, just thinking about old times."

"What's that yellow thing in your hand?" Kate asks and I look down at it and remember how Cayson and I were fighting about it.

"Don't tell me you peed in that," Chris asks.

"Damn, for a small girl like you, you do pee a lot," Tyler jokes.

"It's not pee, it's some medicinal drink which cures the fever," I reply back and go to the kitchen and take a glass and pour some drink down to drink.

"Who's it from?" Kate asks.

I look at her who is eagerly waiting for me to say Cayson but I won't. I clear my throat and continue. "I ordered it."

"Really, from where?" She asks.

"That doesn't matter, what matters is that it will cure me. So, without any further adieu, I'm gonna drink this and head to bed," I reply and quickly drink the whole glass.

I cough and quickly take a bite of chocolate. "Good Night," I call out and they all mutter 'Good Night.'


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