《Sound of Music(nalu, gruvia, jerza,galevy)》Vacation? Part 3
Lucy P.O.V
"Um sure. But why aren't you playing with the rest of the group?" We started walking down the hotel hallway.
"Not really my thing." He said plainly.
"I also have a favor." My eyes brightened.
"Sure!" I agreed with little to no information on what he was about to say. He then smirked.
"You don't even know what I was about to say?" I crossed my arms. His face showed that he was in deep thought.
"Well what is it?" He raised an eyebrow wondering why I didn't ask that in the first place. What can I say? I like helping people.
"I want Lisanna to notice me as a man but I don't know how and I was wondering if you could at least help me out. I know she is into Natsu but you would want to help so she can finally keep her dis-" I chuckled in my head.
"Woah brotha. I understand what you are saying and I will help not to keep her away from Natsu but so she can finally have a love for her own."
He nodded with a noticeable smile on his face.
We walked and talked some more.
Laki P.O.V
I was wondering what was taking Lucy so long so I went after her.
"Where are you going Laki-san?" Juvia asked. I smiles to her.
"Just going to join Lucy in the bathroom." And she nodded engaging her attention back to the game. They dared Jellal to stuff 10 doughnut balls into his mouth and frankly I didn't want to see upchucks.
Once I made it out the door, I heard voices. Speeding up to those voices, I saw that it was Lucy and Bixlow talking. Hmm? This seems like an interesting scoop.
I took out my phone and started taking pictures.
I didn't know that Lucy was going with Bixlow too. I guess this would be a chance for Lisanna-chan and I to get closer to Natsu.
Soon when we got back, the game ended and we went back to our rooms.
We were laying in our beds until I brought up the question to Lucy.
"What were you doing with Bixslow?" I asked her and her expression didn't change. She flipped to the next page of her novel.
"Just talking." She answered plainly. Hmm? Maybe there isn't anything going on between them.
I looked over to Lisanna who was once again writing in her journal.
It soon became lights out and sleep took over us.
Levy P.O.V
Tossing and turning in my messy 1000 count Egyptian bed sheets, the sun warmed my welcome to the morning. I looked over my bedside and noticed that only Erza's outline was shown on her bed.
I heard footsteps sliding out of the bathroom.
"Morning Levy." She muffles with a toothbrush hanging from the corner of her mouth.
"Hey. I was wondering what happened to those fellas that were part of Sabertooth records. I haven't seen them since I got on the bus." She took her toothbrush out of her mouth, letting it dangle in her hand placing the other hand on her hip.
"I think the record producer for Sabertooth records, Jiemma-sama, doesn't have a good past with Fairy Tail records so they were placed on the separate side of the hotel." My eyebrows slumped slightly , my eyes staring at the sequins of the top overs to my bed.
"Poor Lu-chan. Her cousin is with Sabertooth records." Erza put the toothbrush back in her mouth. She went back in the bathroom and I looked over to the left of me, noticing that Kinana was still snoring.
"I didn't know nose bubbles existed." I peered to the asleep Kinana whose nose bubble got bigger and bigger.
The door to our hotel room knocked unexpectedly and her nose bubble popped. I hopped out of bed to go get the door and Kinana shifted to the other side of her bed.
Looking into the peephole, I saw mirajane looking at her watch wearing a purple dress and a tan sunhat with purple flip flops.
I twisted the knob to open the door.
"Get dressed. We are going to the water park near here. Celebrity exclusive of course." Mirajane held her hands behind her back. I rubbed my eyes.
"But it's 8 in the morning." She sighed.
"Well get dressed so we can all eat breakfast. See you in 30 and please pop Kinana's nose bubble." Mirajane snickered along with me.
Natsu P.O.V
We met down stairs dressed after Laxus reprimanded that we were going to some waterpark.
'Get your swim trunks. We are going to a water park and meet down stairs in 30. Don't be late or all your asses will be sorry.' His words. Man he really annoys me sometimes. 8 in the morning for me is like 3 in the morning for normal people.
There was a breakfast buffet and I made absolutely sure I was first in line. Something slimy ran down the back of my neck.
I used two finger to feel it.
"Oatmeal?" I turned around angrily to see a chuckling Gray.
"Icefreak!" I opened a mini box of cereal and threw the fruit loops to him but he dodged.
"Uh oh." A scarlet haired woman stood up angrily and picked up her waffle that had syrup all over it.
She launched it towards me but I pulled Jellal in front of me before I allowed that to happen. Erza covered her mouth in awe but Jellal smirked tossing his orange juice.
Erza didn't dodge but Jellal just had bad aim and hits Lucy.
"Oi!" I said but Lucy hurled her fruit that hit Juvia and an all out food war broke out.
We were then kicked out of the hotel until the dining area was cleaned.
"It was all his fault." Gray motioned his eyes towards me. I tugged him by the shirt.
"What do you mean! Snowman you start it!"
"Enough!" Erza separated us and we sat away from each other with our arms crossed.
Lucy put her hand on my shoulder as we went to the water park after cleaning ourselves up.
I brushed my nose up her neck and kissed her jawline. A camera flashes.
We both, surprised, looked up to see Mirajane with a camera smiling like an idiot.
"K-Kawaii." She marveled at the photo she took of us and a blush ran through both of our cheeks.
"Don't do weird stuff like that!" Lucy and I shrieked in unison.
Once we arrived I started running, eager to find a food stand.
"Food!" I hollered by was tugged by the ear.
"We can't leave until we separate into groups." Erza said but I pouted.
"Why? It's not like we are 5." I mumbled but unfortunately Erza heard.
"Don't sass me boy!" I shivered saluting.
"A-aye." The group surrounded to discuss.
Once we were done, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
It was Lisanna and she was fidgeting. I then felt another arm wrap around my arm. It was Lucy with a wicked smirk on her face.
"Um I don't really know how to swim. Can you teach me?" Lisanna asked and Lucy smiled towards her.
"I can teach you." Lucy suggested. I nodded agreeably.
"Lucy is a great swimmer. I agreed knowing I haven't even seen her swim before. Lisanna looked a little bothered. But I shooed my hand.
"I'll be near. I can't let you guys have too much fun without me." I grinned and Lucy pulled both of our hands to a large pool.
Gray P.O.V
"Juvia how about we ride that." Her eyes slanted conveying her strong hate towards me.
"Juvia is not interested." I slumped my shoulders.
"Just tell me what's wrong?" Juvia laughed sarcastically.
"Juvia doesn't have to explain anything if Gray-sama already knows." I then recall the day with Ultear and I started laughing to myself. Juvia raised an eyebrow puffing her cheeks.
"What?" She asked tightening her crossed arms.
"You do realize that wasn't me who was kissing Ultear right?" I shook my head and her hands tightly clutched the sides of my shoulders.
"Don't lie to Juvia." Her cheeks still puffed cutely. I grabbed her waist and pulled her into a hug.
"What you saw was two figures kissing but that wasn't necessarily me." A wet substance rolled down my chest.
"Juvia doesn't understand." She started to sob.
I pulled her away slightly wiping away the tears that forcefully left her eyes.
"You were looking at the car that looked like mine behind us. You looked at the wrong car silly." I chuckled and Juvia fell to the ground on her knees.
"Juvia is so sorry! She doesn't like being mad at Gray-sama!" She bawled and I knelt to her noticing that she was attracting a crowd.
"Come on. Don't cry. But it hurt that you never let me explain." I lightly punched my chest. She cupped my cheeks and we joined lips.
"Dad. What are they doing?"a little boy's voice asked.
"They are doing the method of how your mom and I made you Romeo." His father joked.
We quickly pulled apart and went to go find the nearest water ride.
Levy P.O.V
Gajeel and I finally made it to the front of a line to a water slide.
"Sorry miss you are too short to ride." A tall man told me. I groaned in displeasure. A large arm protectively wrapped around me.
"She is with me. Is that ok?" Gajeel glared at the man who was shaking scared to his shoes. The man nervously nodded and a satisfied grin plastered itself on my face.
I sat in the front of the tube and Gajeel sat in the back with his legs straddled out around me. Once pushed there was a massive drop.
"Hold tight shrimp." He held on to me. More like him holding on to me and we slid down.
"Kyahh!!" I hollered splashing the water.
"Oi! The water is hitting me!" Gajeel complained but I didn't listen.
"Whoo!!" I yelled for the last time before being dunked into the rush of the water. Kicking my feet, I swam to the surface catching my breath.
Then a very muscly man with long beautiful straitened black hair came above making all the girls squeal.
He smirked to me.
"Who're you?" He put his hands on his hair and messed it up completely.
"Tada." Gajeel snickered and I hugged him.
Erza P.O.V
Jellal and I were strolling not really finding a ride that interest us until I found a paper.
"Jellal! A couples surfing competition!" I pulled him to the poster. He shook his head violently.
"Erza I love you but I never surfed a day in my life." My smile dropped into a frown but I kept reading the poster.
"Winner gets 5,000 dollars and A LIFE SUPPLY OF CAKE?! JELLAL WE ARE ENTERING!" He was crying anime tears as I signed both of our names on the list.
We surprisingly made it to the last couple who was Mirajane and Laxus.
"Looks like we are up against each other again." Mira smiled competitively. I nodded with the same expression.
"Just like when we were kids." I added.
"I'm winning this for my girlfriend ya' know." Laxus told Jellal who merely sighed,
A big wave came from the wave simulator pool and I stood up as Jellal kicked his legs.
Mirajane and Laxus first stroke a pose with Laxus lifting Mirajane and Mirajane laying on her side with her hands on her head and hip.
I smirked.
"We can do better." I crawled up to Jellal's shoulders and stood there and he held my ankles.
"Pull through." I ordered but I began to feel myself slipping. Oh crap.
My left foot slipped backwards but I refused to go down alone so with my other foot, I pushed myself off tackling Mirajane hitting into the waves. Jellal then collapsed along with Laxus.
Once above water the announcer put his mic up to his mouth.
"Judges?" The judges lifted up Team Jerza! I jumped in glee and Jellal looked greatly relieved.
"Congrats." Mirajane grinned while Laxus humphed.
What a sore loser.
Lucy P.O.V
I held Lisanna's palms pulling her while she kicked her legs.
"You are getting better." I encouraged but she looked away.
"Are you ok? You seemed disappointed." I chuckled nervously. She quickly stood up on the water.
"No no! It's not that Lucy-chan! Im just thinking." Lisanna sighed I held her hands to my chest.
"Mind sharing?" She started chuckling but her face became somber with a slight blush appearing.
"I-I wonder what Bixslow thinks of me." A stroke of excitement filled within me.
"Why is that?" I felt my smile growing.
"Well I wanted to get taught how to swim so I could show him how much of a good swimmer I am but uhh...." She turned her head across the pool and Bixslow seemed to be asleep on a beach chair.
"I'll help you out trust me." Lisanna's blue eyes twinkled once more.
"Thanks." Warm arms wrapped around my waist.
"Let's go German Surplex!"
"Natsu! Let go!" But we splashed into the water causing water to get up my nose making it sting.
"Idiot! Now my nose hurts!" I playfully punched him. Lisanna laughed.
While she was distracted by her laughter, i splashed water to her and she stopped laughing. A wicked grin grew on her face as she splashed back.
Bixslow then shows up next to us.
"Bixslow get Lisanna! It's time for pairing splash competition!" Natsu smirked. Oh no. He haunted me over his shoulders and Lisanna over Bixslows.
"Don't think I'll let you down on that offer." Bixslow exchanging the same excitement.
Oh god help.
Juvia P.O.V
Night came and we were all surrounded at a stage for karaoke.
"Who's next!" A man with a wild afro asked over a mic on stage. We all looked around.
"Juvia you should go!" Levy suggested. Screw you Levy.
"Yeah go ahead Juvia!" Lucy agreed. Screw you Love rival.
"Go ahead." Gray cheered me on.
"How about our beloved rock Queen! Water woman Juvia!" The announcer pointed to me. I chuckled as everyone clapped allowing an opening to let me get to the front.
The cheers silenced.
(Play song)
zetsumyou rifujin douchou kyogi koudou
nagai mono ni makareru kurai nara shinjinai
sou me wo tsumuri yoku mitemiru
fujitsu wa koko ni hisomu
tori no you ni tobitai
kaze no you ni nagaretai
mie mo naku ate mo naku yoku mo naku...
hitome sakekurashi agameru shintai
doushite sore wa, HITO no katachi?
tokubetsu na furi hatsugen igai, MAJORITII
mawari mawaru mugen RUUPU
boku wa boku wo mayoi aruku
itsuka kieru physical...
hirogaru omoi no nami
kesu nante dekinai
aru imi kocchi ga HONMONO
kaerenai kaeranai kaesanai
hi no me sakekurashi hakanai jinsei
doushite sore ga, kami no kiseki?
tokubetsu na boku no mukei SUPIRITTO
saa, kono hana wo dou sakaseyou
mawari mawaru mugen RUUPU
kimi wa boku wo sasoi mitasu midasu jirasu physical...
mawari mawaru mugen RUUPU
boku wa kimi wo mitsuke tadori mederu mederu...
nukedase physical world
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