《A Stupid Hot Head-Natsu Dragneel fanfiction》I Won't Admit The Truth


I spent the rest of the weekend in my house with my doors and windows locked. I closed the blinds and spent the whole time being alone. I mostly just thought of him kissing me and what happened after it.

"Lucy!! Let me in! Talk to me! I'm sorry!" Natsu yelled as he banged on the door.

"Just go away..." I said quietly.

"Lucy, I'm sorry, but I meant it. I wanted to kiss you and I know that you wanted to kiss me, you wouldn't have kissed me back if you didn't," he said softer now. I felt him slid down the door and hit the floor. He was so close to me.

"I'm not upset Natsu, I just don't want to get close to someone like you," I said after a long silence.

"What do you mean 'someone like me,'?" he asked.

I sighed. "You are the popular boy who is a player, I can't ever even think about being with somebody who will play with my heart like that,"I explained.

"I told you I was going to change, that was the whole bet," he said.

"Then talk to me in a month," I said.

"I will," he said and then I heard him get up and leave.

*End of Flashback*

Now, it was Monday which meant school. I honestly did not want to see him. I hated him. I hated him for kissing me, for talking to me that day, for making that bet, for making me feel these stupid freaking feelings for him. I don't want to. I want to feel this for somebody who will return the feeling. Not play with me until they get bored.

I went outside and luckily, there was no Natsu waiting to walk me to school. That may be because I left a half an hour early. Still, I was glad.


I walked all the way to school without seeing Natsu. I walked up to my friends as they waved. They eyed me suspiciously.

"Where's Natsu?" Erza asked.

"I don't know, maybe he finally decided to stop hanging around me," I lied.

"You don't look good," Levy said looking worried.

"I was sick all weekend, I'm just getting over it," I lied again. It hurt lying to my friends but I couldn't tell them that me and Natsu kissed! They would flip out on me!

"Okay so guess what you guys! I am dating somebody!" Loki exclaimed. We all looked at Loki with shocked faces.

"Who is it?!" Juvia exclaimed.

"Well, it's this girl a grade lower than us named Aries, she is really shy and has beautiful pink hair and is so cute,"he said dreamily. We all laughed. We never saw Loki like this. As we were giving him congratulations and demanding to meet her, Natsu's group showed up. Except, Natsu wasn't there.

"Where's Natsu?" Loki asked.

"He had to take care of some business," Gajeel said roughly. Loki made friends with Gray and Jellal and Erza seemed to hit it off. Juvia was well, Juvia and Gajeel kept to himself mostly. Him and Levy would always be quiet. I told my friends that I had to go to my locker.

I walked quietly to my locker to get my stuff, when I opened it, a note fell out. I grabbed it and saw it was written in pink. Wow. I opened it and saw it was from a guy.

Dear Lucy,

I know you don't except who I am. Well, right now while you are reading this, you have no clue who is writing this to you. I am going to try to keep it that way. I just want to say I like you, a lot. When I first noticed you, I knew that I wanted to make you mine. Even if I discovered you hate me, I would still try to be with you. I'm still not going to give up. So look our Lucy Heartfillia, I'm coming to steal your heart.


Sincerely, Well, that's for you to find out

I stared at the paper. Someone likes....me? How is that possible? I don't even think people notice me, none the less like me. I was shell shocked. I stuffed the paper in my pocket and hurry and grabbed my books. As I was leaving, I felt like I was being watched. When I turned around, I saw the one person I didn't want to see, Natsu.

"Hey sweetheart," he said smiling. I looked him up and down. I had a feeling of want. His messy pink hair, his devilish smile, his toned muscles were perfect and I wanted them wrapped around me. Wait! Was I seriously thinking that! No!

"Hi Natsu," I said quietly.

"What was that note that fell out of your locker?" he asked eyeing me.

"N-nothing," I told him. He didn't need to know about this.

"Oh, I bet it was from a secret admirer, wasn't it?" he mocked.

"You don't know that,"I said defensively.

"Oh but I do, I told you sweetheart, the boys do love you, you just have to make them look," he whispered the last part in my ear. Then, he walked off to meet his friends. I stood there in the hallway looking like an idiot. Anytime he gets close to me, I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack. Why is this happening to me?!

I looked down at the note trying to figure out who wrote it. I was looking for any clues. I looked at it and then something clicked. The handwriting was familiar, the color I knew all to well, and the line 'even if I discovered you hate me..'. If I was right, then Natsu wrote this and put it in my locker.

It was that moment I realized the truth. I don't want this to be happening but it is. I want more than anything but for this truth to be a lie, but it isn't. I won't admit the truth to myself. But, the truth is, I am falling for Natsu. Hard. And if this note is true, he is falling for me too.

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