《Done For [Billy Hargrove]》Chapter Thirteen: Pizza And Apologies



-'ˏ Margo's Pov ˎ'-

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Margaret Henderson's House

Wednesday , 3:02 p.m

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The next couple days of were drama free and calm. Mom had been staying later and later at work. Dustin had a hard time coping with that so he was often over at the Wheeler's house. Tonight it was the Byer's and he left in a state of emergency. Slamming odd objects into his backpack before slamming the front door shut. I've awkwardly caught him at Max's house once or twice, by ringing on the doorbell and praying anyone but Billy would open the door. All I heard was him screaming for Max to "open the goddamn door" and the other time thankfully Susan opened the door. I made it clear to Dustin that we were collectively ignoring the Hargrove's to which he rolled his eyes but didn't make me come find him after that for the sake of my sanity.

Since my mom hasn't had much time for anything other than work, I busied myself picking up what I could in the living room. After ordering pizza, a treat to myself so I could wallow over Billy Hargrove and my own finals week, I tidied up the living room. Trying to kill time I pulled all the VHS tapes off their corresponding shelves and alphabetized them. I was more than halfway done when the doorbell rang. I excitedly jumped up calling out "Coming! I'm getting the money!"

I raced to the kitchen and picked up a couple of five dollar bills before sprinting to the door. I opened it happily with a big grin on my face. My face fell when I recognized the face in front of me.

"Holy shit." Was all I could say.


Never did I ever think Neil Hargrove would be standing on my doorstep. He had the back of Billy's jacket clenched in a fist as if trying to prevent him from running off. Billy wore an uncomfortable expression on his face and nervously tucked a ringlet of hair behind his ear, my scrunchie was still conveniently on his wrist.


"Uh hello, do you need something?" I said trying to regain my composure as I pulled my pajama shirt up in an attempt to be modest.

"I'm here to apologize for my sons behavior."

Funny considering that to you I'm a whore!'

"Oh?" I replied in mock confused.

"I've heard he's been.. not respectful and he wishes to explain his bad behavior." Neil said as he pushed his son forward. He gave him a look that was probably burning holes in the back of his skull.

"Yes I wanted to apologize for my behavior the other day. I'm sorry you had to witness my.. foolish actions over not looking after Maxine like I should have." Billy said in a monotone and rehearsed voice.

"Uhhh." I started awkwardly as I leaned against the door frame "That's quite alright, don't even worry about it." I replied looking past Billy and straight at Neil. He gave me a sharp nod before turning around to walk back down the driveway. Billy continued to awkwardly shuffle his feet on my door mat with his hands tucked into his pockets. I began to shut the door in his face when Billy's hand shot out and stopped it at the last minute.

"Margo!" He said panting as if he was holding his breath waiting for his dad to be out of earshot.

"What the hell do you want!" I said seething. Not only was I hungry and pizzaless, he was testing my patience with his father fueled apology.

"I also wanted to apologize for other things." He said brushing past me and stepping into my house. I slammed the door shut and leaned back on it glaring at him. He all but got on his knees and groveled for my forgiveness as he let out a fast string of apologies. The door bell rang again so I turned around ignoring Billy and opened the door with the cash still in my hand.


"Oh hey Aaron!" I said smiling at the quiet boy who usually sat in the far left corner of my art class. He smiled back and handed me the pizza. I hungrily snatched it up and thrust the money at him.

He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh you can just have it.. on the house free of charge no worries!" He said sweetly, giving me a small grin.

"Oh no I couldn't." I said trying to hand him the cash again.

"It's all good. Consider it a gift. So I was wonde-" He started before I felt Billy rest his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry Margo." He said affectionately. "We can." He pulled me back into the house and slammes the door loudly in Aaron's face before he locked it, making sure everyone could hear the audible click. I stood there flabbergasted as Billy snatched the pizza from my hands and walked into the kitchen with it.


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