《Muddy Green Waters || Draco Malfoy》Epilogue


"Happy anniversary, Rosie,"

Draco leant over his wife's sleeping form, kissing her on the tip of her freckled nose.

She wrinkled it, smiling, her eyes still shut.

"Draco, you big softy," she giggled as she pushed him playfully away.

She opened her eyes and they twinkled at him. He would never get sick of looking into them, he thought, as he brushed her hair behind her ear.

"Happy anniversary, Draco," she smiled.

"Are you ready for today?" He asked, glancing over at the calendar. The first day of September.

"It's going to be strange, being back there." She sighed, snuggling into the crook of his neck.

"Scorp's excited," he mused, thinking of his blonde haired son, proudly trying on his new school robes in front of the mirror.

"I hope he's not too disappointed if he doesn't make it into Slytherin." Rosie murmured. "Although, maybe he'd be better off in somewhere like Hufflepuff."

Draco tensed beneath her. "Anywhere but Hufflepuff. Actually - scratch that - anywhere but Gryffindor."

Rosie giggled, kissing his neck. "I know you'll be proud of him, whatever house he's in."

She continued to kiss his neck, slowly moving down to his chest.

"Mmmm, Rosie, don't do that. We've got to get up and you know I can't control myself around you,"

She lifted her head up, cocking an eyebrow. "Maybe we'll have an early night instead?"

"Well it is our anniversary," he murmured, pulling her back to him and catching her lips in his.

"Mummy! Daddy!"

Draco and Rosie pulled apart as a dark haired little girl came running into their room, jumping on to their bed.

"Careful Daisy!" Rosie laughed as she nearly launched herself off the other side.

Draco sat up, pulling his daughter on to his lap.

"Shush you, you're going to wake Scorp." He muttered, kissing the top of her head.

"I love you daddy," she grinned, bringing her little arms around his neck and kissing his chin.


His heart swelled with love as he looked at his five year old little girl. She was the spitting image of Rosie. She had all her features except for the eyes. She had his silver grey eyes.

He put his arm around Rosie as she sat up and snuggled into them.

"We should probably go wake him up anyway," she sighed. "We need to make sure he's well fed before we leave."

Draco noted the sadness in her voice. He knew it was going to be difficult for her, saying goodbye. He squeezed her to him, kissing her head firmly. He wanted her to know that he will be with her, always.

"I want to go to magic school too, daddy, please can I go too." Daisy whined, looking up at him imploringly, her bottom lip poking out.

"Not yet, Daisy. You've got to stay here and look after mummy and me." He smiled, looking from his precious daughter to his darling Rosie. His two beautiful flowers.

He looked over to the bedroom window and watched the waves crashing to the shore on the beach below. He swallowed as his thoughts turned to his other daughter, his lost daughter, Pearl.


My heart thudded in my chest as we stepped onto the familiar platform. There it was, the scarlet steam train, in all its glory.

I remembered the first time I ever saw it, I had been so frightened yet so in awe at the same time. I remembered waving my parents goodbye as it took me to a new and magical world. A magical world that brought me to Draco.

Well. Eventually.

Draco took my hand and smiled at me. We had come so far together. Our adventures shaping the people we were now. I couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead for Scorpius and Daisy. I just prayed that they would be happy. That's all I wanted for them. Happiness and contentment.

"He's here," Draco murmured in my ear.


I looked up to where he was beckoning.


I hadn't seen him since that day in the Aurors office. He still wore the same glasses, still had that scar. Well, we all had scars.

As if sensing my gaze, Harry turned towards me and our eyes met. He gave me the slightest of nods and I swallowed, looking away.

"Go to him, Rosie, it's time to forgive him." Draco whispered. "Go to him."

I looked at him in bewilderment.

"It was a long time ago now. He was your friend. Rosie, please, our past was painful but the only true way we can move on is to forgive."

"But Draco, Pearl," I squeezed my eyes shut as the familiar rush of pain went through my heart. Draco grabbed my hands, trying to comfort me.

"Rosie, he had nothing to do with Pearl's death. Her life was never meant to be," He choked slightly. "She'll always be with you, in here."

He placed his hand on my chest, over my heart. I swallowed back the tears.

"Forgive him, Rosie. Let go of the pain. Forgive yourself."

He brought his lips to mine, kissing me hard.

He pulled away, and giving my hand a quick squeeze, pushed me in the direction of Harry.

Shakily, I walked over. Harry looked taken aback at my approach and shuffled his feet nervously.

"Rosie? I- I-" he stuttered and I actually felt a bit sorry for him.

"Harry," I interrupted. "How are you?"

He breathed, and a smile crept to his lips.

"I'm good, Rosie." And he pulled me into his arms, hugging me furiously. "I'm so sorry, Rosie, I'm so so sorry."

"It's OK, Harry," I smiled, stepping back. "I forgive you."

The train chose that moment to toot a warning.

Harry and I smiled at each other.

"We'll catch up soon?" He asked, hope in his voice.

I nodded. "Soon, Harry, I promise."

With one last smile, we each turned back to our families. Draco was watching me, a smile on his face. He greeted me back in his arms with a kiss.

"I'm so proud of you, Rosie."

"Mum! Dad!" Scorpius yelled. "I'm going to miss the train!"

I threw my arms around our son, trying so hard not to cry.

"Please be a good boy," I said, squeezing him hard. "No matter what house you get in."

Draco chuckled behind me. "She's referring to me, son."

"Were you not a good boy, daddy?" Daisy asked, looking up at him in wide eyed disbelief.

"Not at first," I muttered, side eyeing Draco as I straightened up. "But he soon got there."

"With the love of a good woman." Draco said, grabbing my waist and planting a big kiss on my forehead.

"Mum! Dad! Don't be so embarrassing!" Scorpius muttered, looking around in horror.

Draco laughed, ruffling his hair, which Scorpius quickly tried to smooth back down. I smiled at how much he was like his father at that age.

"Be good, Scorp. And remember, I'll disown you if you become a Gryffindor."

I jabbed Draco hard in the ribs.

"Draco!" I scolded, turning to Scorpius as Draco chuckled in mock pain. "Don't listen to your father. Whichever house you are put in, just be proud and happy of who you are. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Promise me?"

Scorpius looked at me and nodded solemnly.

"I'm going to miss you, mum," He whispered, his voice wobbling slightly.

I pulled him to me once again, choking back the tears. "I'll miss you too."

With Daisy in one arm, Draco put his other arm around me and we watched him board the Hogwarts Express.

"We made it, Rosie," he murmured in my ear. "We really made it."

I smiled, my heart full of love, as I watched the scarlet steam train round the corner and disappear from view.

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