《Muddy Green Waters || Draco Malfoy》27 - The Morning After


Draco looked down at the sleeping dark haired witch in his arms and felt a thrill zip through his entire body. What he had just experienced had blown him away. He had done stuff with Pansy before, of course, but it had been a lot of awkward fumbling about. Nothing had ever felt as intense as this before. No one had ever driven him so wild before. He hungered for Rosie like a starving man hungered for food. And when she finally gave herself to him, he felt like he could have died happy.

He buried his face in her long dark wavy hair, inhaling the scent that never failed to stir something inside of him, ever since he had first smelt it exactly a year ago at the Slytherin Christmas party when he had played that cruel joke on her. Christ, how he hated himself when he thought of that night.

He felt her stirring beneath him. He lifted his head up and watched as her eyelids fluttered open, revealing her startling blue eyes. A smile grew on her lips as she focused on him and he thought how cute her dimples looked when she did that.

"Hey," she breathed, her smile turning into a huge grin.

"Hey yourself," he replied huskily. He couldn't help but grin back at her - her smile was infectious.

He tenderly traced the back of his finger down the side of her cheek where the faint white scar lay and she closed her eyes as she let out a contented sigh. When she reopened them, Draco noted a look of regret in them that wasn't there before.

"What is it?" His heart thudded with worry. He couldn't bear it if she thought this was a mistake.

"We can't stay here, Draco. We need to get back to our dorms."


Draco breathed as his pulse returned to a normal pace.

"It's the early hours of the morning, Rosie. No one is going to miss us." He shrugged. He wanted to stay here with her, their bodies entwined.

"It's the first day of the Christmas holidays." She murmured sleepily in his ear.

It suddenly hit Draco that she was leaving today and he wouldn't see her again for another two weeks.

"Don't go," he groaned dramatically, wrapping her tightly in his arms. "Stay here with me."

"Draco, my parents are expecting me." She laughed. "I'm sure you can survive two weeks here without me."

"Oh yeah, Christmas with Snape and Slughorn. I'm sure time will just fly by." He said dryly.

Rosie playfully tickled his chest. "Just don't forget about me when you're pulling crackers with Trelawney."

He laughed, grasping her hand in his, and then looking at her, in a solemn voice, said,

"I could never forget about you, Rosie."

"Oh." Her cheeks tinged slightly.



"I like it when you call me Rosie."


I felt like I was dreaming, lying there in Draco's arms.

He looked so perfect, his blonde hair tousled over his silver grey eyes, his sleepy, grinning face just inches from mine. I felt like I could lie there and stare at him forever.

But as the day dawned, so did reality. I had to be on the Hogwarts Express heading back home in a few hours. And although I was looking forward to seeing my parents, I really didn't want to leave Draco.

Reluctantly, I sat up, scanning the room for my clothes. I didn't relish having to put my dress back on and sneaking back through the hallways in it.


"Here." Draco said, sitting himself up and tossing me my knickers. He pulled on his boxers and went across the room to retrieve my dress.

Lying back down, he watched me as I stood up and dressed myself.

"Green suits you," he smirked.

"Must be why they put me in Slytherin then." I smirked back.

Suddenly, he reached out, clasped my arm and pulled me back down to him. As I fell into his lap, I gasped in surprise which he silenced with his lips, kissing me deeply, leaving me breathless when he broke away.

"I'm starting to realise the hat was right in placing you there after all." He growled in my ear, his voice hoarse with longing.

"Took you long enough." I muttered.

It was as though what I said had made us think of the same thing, and both our attention was suddenly drawn to the ink on his left arm. I felt Draco stiffen. We both knew what it represented - what it meant.

I reached out and slowly, delicately, traced the black ink with my fingers. Draco shuddered beneath me.

"Did it hurt?" I whispered.

He seemed to consider his answer, trailing the fingers of his right hand up and down my back as he did so.

"Yes." He then gave a defeated sigh before continuing. "I never wanted this, Rosie, you have to believe me. That was the most painful part - not having a choice. I don't want to be this monster."

My heart clenched as I brought his arm up to my lips and tenderly kissed it, making him shiver.

"You are not a monster, Draco."

I released his arm and he snaked it around my waist, encircling me in a hug. He pressed his forehead down onto mine and sighed.

"We need to get you back, I don't want to get you in trouble."

Draco got dressed and we both snuck out quietly, carefully listening for any early risers. Luckily, we made it down to the dungeons without meeting anyone.

We hesitated by the Slytherin Entrance, looking at one another, somewhat awkwardly.

"I'll stay out here for a bit, just in case." Draco broke the silence. "You go on ahead."

My heart hammered as I realised this was goodbye. I didn't want to say goodbye. There was still so much left unsaid between us.

Sensing my reluctance, Draco reached out and pulled me into him for a quick fierce kiss.

"It's OK," he whispered into my ear. "I'll still be here when you get back."

My heart fluttered, filling me with warmth as he released me.

"Merry Christmas, Draco," I smiled tenderly, before uttering the password.

"Merry Christmas, Rosie."

His grey eyes twinkled as I stepped through the wall.


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