《Muddy Green Waters || Draco Malfoy》15 - The Second War Begins


We got caught.

Dobby had appeared in a DA meeting and warned us that Umbridge was coming. I managed to escape but Harry got caught. By Draco Malfoy.

As a result Dumbledore was sacked and Umbridge had taken over as the new Hogwarts head teacher. It was a disaster.

I refused to even look Draco's way since it happened. I really didn't want to see the smug satisfaction on his face. I spent the rest of the school year keeping my head down low.

And then one morning, not long before then end of summer term, I heard terrifying news.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna and Neville had broken into the Ministry and, as a result, Sirius Black was killed by Draco's aunt. This shit was getting real.

I was sat in the hospital wing visiting Ron and Hermione who had sustained injuries from their little trip to the Ministry. Hermione was reading aloud from the Sunday Prophet about Voldemort's return.

"So Fudge is finally admitting that 'He' has returned. It's about bloody time." I sighed, rubbing my forehead tiredly.

"Yes, and they're very complimentary about you now, Harry." Hermione spoke whilst scanning the article.

The Prophet had been just horrid about Harry all year, claiming he had lied about what had happened in the graveyard last year. They could no longer deny Voldemort's re-existence now. We were at war.

My eyes drifted over to where Umbridge was laying on another hospital bed. She had been pulled out of the forest by Dumbledore (who was now thankfully back as Headmaster) and had not uttered a single word since.

"Madam Pomfrey says she's just in shock," Hermione whispered, following my gaze.

"Yeah, but she shows signs of life if you do this," Ron said, and he started to make soft clip-clopping noises with his tongue. Umbridge sat bolt upright, looking around wildly.


"Ron!" I cried, putting my hand to my mouth to muffle my laughter.

Harry and I left together after saying our goodbyes and promises to visit soon. We walked slowly side by side in a companionable silence. I knew Harry wasn't in the mood to talk much after witnessing his godfather's demise, so I didn't push conversation.

As we descended into the Entrance Hall from the marble staircase, three figures emerged from the door on the right that led down to the dungeons.

My heart sank. It was Draco Malfoy with his two goons, Crabbe and Goyle.

Harry and I stopped dead; so did they. Harry had told me that Draco's father was one of the Death Eaters caught at the Ministry and had been sent to Azkaban. He did not look happy.

Draco glanced around, as if checking for signs of teachers, and then he looked straight back at Harry and in a low voice said, "You're dead, Potter."

"Funny," Harry spoke, raising his eyebrows, "you'd think I'd have stopped walking around..."

I held my breath as I saw Draco's pale face contort with rage.

"You're going to pay," Draco replied, his voice barely louder than a whisper. "I'm going to make you pay for what you've done to my father..."

"Well I'm terrified now," Harry's voice was dripping with sarcasm. "I suppose Lord Voldemort's just a warm-up act compared to you three - what's the matter?" All three of them had flinched when Harry spoke His name. "He's a mate of your dad, isn't he? Not scared of him, are you?"

"You think you're such a big man, Potter," Draco started advancing towards us with Crabbe and Goyle flanking him. "You'll wait. I'll have you. You can't land my father in prison-"


"I thought I just had," Harry spoke back matter of factly. I couldn't believe his gall. I was impressed.

"The Dementors have left Azkaban," Draco spoke quietly. "Dad and the others will be out in no time..."

"Yeah I expect they will," I said, finally finding my voice. Draco's eyes flickered towards me as if he had just realised I was standing there. "At least everyone knows what scumbags they are now-"

Draco looked at me with such venom as his hand flew towards his wand, but I was too quick for him; I had already drawn mine before his fingers had entered the pocket of his robes, and so had Harry.

"Potter! Carter!" It was Snape. Closely followed by McGonagall.

After a stern exchange of words and points had been received and deducted from both Snape and McGonagall, Harry and I were on our way again.

"I hate him." Harry snarled, his fists still clenched by his sides.

"Malfoy or Snape?" I inquired, really not knowing who he could hate more than the other.

Harry smirked as gave me a sideways glance. "Both."

He then stopped suddenly and turned to face me. "Rosie, promise me something, OK?"

I looked at him confused, his eyes were full of worry and sadness. "Anything, Harry."

"Stay away from Malfoy."

I was not expecting that. "You know I hate him Harry, I have no intention of becoming his best buddy. And I'm pretty sure the feeling is mutual." I forced a little laugh.

Harry just looked at me and sighed again. "I've seen the way you look at him."

"What?! That's ludicrous Harry! I hate him!" I cried indignantly.

Harry continued to stare at me, his expression remaining emotionless. "And I've seen the way he looks at you."

My heart hammered. He looks at me? I felt something squirm inside the pit of my stomach.

"You're imagining things Harry. We've barely ever spoken and the times we have all he's done is call me a Mudblood. If he looks at me at all then it'll be a look of loathing."

Harry shrugged, obviously not wanting to pursue this any further. "Whatever. I'm just saying he's bad news. His family are dangerous - believe me I know." Of course. Draco's father. Draco's aunt.

We walked on in silence and I couldn't help but think of those silver grey eyes seeking me out.


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