《Neko Yandere X Reader》Chapter 16


I groan loudly as the annoying sound of my alarm rings through my phone, echoing around the room as it penetrates my ear drums. I pick up my mobile, switching off the alarm and slowly getting out of bed. I felt so tired, it was unnatural waking up at this time after going to sleep. Checking my clothes weren't too crinkled, I decided to go out wearing the same clothes. They weren't dirty, I had only slept in them so it wouldn't be a problem.

I creek my door open slowly to listen out for any noise. I heard nothing - which was strange because mother usually goes to sleep early and I would ear her snore. So, to check up on her, I tiptoe over to her room but she wasn't in there. I make my way downstairs and she wasn't there either. After inspecting the house and front drive, I came to the conclusion that mother was not home yet.

"What is she doing and what was this phone call? It's getting late, even for her." I shrug as I continue to look around the house. But I eventually give up as it was obvious she wasn't there. I grab a coat and my phone and head out, locking the door behind me.

The sky was dark but clear, not very many stars out tonight, but the streets were empty so it was calming to not constantly hear traffic as I walk down the roads. At least I didn't have to worry about getting hit by a car - the only thing I'm worried about is getting kidnapped or worse. Oh god please don't let this meet up be a mistake..

It takes me a while but the abandoned tunnel soon comes into view. I stop and pull out my phone,


9:27. God, just in time. I take a deep breath and make my way towards the tunnel, walking inside, delving into the darkness. Luckily, inside the tunnel wasn't dark, not sure how but there was enough light for me to see clearly.

As I reach the middle of the tunnel, I freeze when a shadow appears in front of me as the figure stands hidden in the darkness.

"[Name]. I am so glad that you are here." Spoke the figure, but I instantly knew who it was. The formal and deep stern tone instantly told me who it was. It was Takuya. I watch as he emerges from the shadows. His hood was down revealing his beautiful brown hair and his 'neko' ears and tail were on show. His ears stood tall, perked on his head, his tail slowly gliding back and forth before lowering and settling in the ground. The last time I was Takuya, he tried to force himself on me, but for some reason, I just couldn't stay mad.

"I have missed you [Name]." He says as his ears drop flat against his head, frowning as he walks towards me. Before I knew it, he was standing dead in front of me. I had forgotten how handsome he was. I could easily get lost for hours in his eyes.

"Where did you go Takuya? I was-"

"Were you worried about me [Name]?" He interrupts with a smirk, causing me to blush and hide away my face. I feel his slender fingers reach under my chin and turn my face back towards him, so I was looking at him again.

"I am sorry for what I done to you [Name]. It was wrong for me to do that with out your permission." He says with a saddened frown, his tail and ears laying completely flat, showing he was truly upset.


"The last thing I wanted to do, was to hurt or upset you. I would do anything to protect you. Anything at all." His emphasis on his last words made me shiver as I tried to put the pieces together. Mizuki dies - Takuya disappears. He wants to protect me from any harm - Mizuki bullied me. It all seemed to make sense. But was it true?

"Takuya. Why did you leave?"

Takuya chuckles as he places his hand on my waist, causing me to flinch and gasp a little.

"I really did miss you [Name]. With all your questions." I was annoyed at the fact that he had ignored my question but I couldn't stay angry as I just couldn't stop staring into his eyes as he smirks at me.

"[Name]. I see the way you look at me. You must want the same thing that I do. Kiss me [Name]." He coos, lowering his face. I couldn't deny, I did want to kiss him again, but how I wanted and in my own terms. I want to kiss him, but why? I barely know him really.. why do I feel so weird around him? He slowly comes closer until are noses touch and I could feel his hot breath against my face.

"Kiss me [Name]." He whisper, lowering his lips to mine. I prepare myself for the kiss, closing my eyes but they suddenly sling open to the sound of a voice behind me.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Takuya." I watch as Takuya lifts his head and stares angrily at the space behind me, his eyes turning yellow before a smirk forms on his features.

"Nice of you to join us... ... Haru.." My eyes widen to his words as I turn around out of his grip, staring at the shadows behind me, waiting for the source of the voice to emerge. I gasp when I see who it was. It was indeed Haru, but I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw his features. He too was a 'neko'.

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