《Neko Yandere X Reader》Chapter 14



It's been about 3 months since Asumi's sister was murdered. I still can't believe that her murderer hasn't been caught. Even though Mizuki was rude and self centred, she was still a human being and deserved to live her life like the rest of us.

I've grown really close with Haru, we're actually best friends but sadly Asumi and I have drifted apart. Not that we fell out or anything, but after what had happened to her sister, she fell into a Great Depression and locked herself away. She began to do things that you wouldn't class as normal these days. She would talk to her self - I know most people do that, but this was different. She spoke to herself as if she were two different people. She would makes jokes then laugh histerically pretending to be someone else. She would also say how she could sense a presence around her and even see dead people. She started to rip out her own hair, shaved off her eyebrows, gave up her personally hygiene and even started to tug out her teeth using tools such a pliers, clamps or sometimes her fingers after tapping them with hammers. She went insane. During one of our classes, she sat in the corner, twitching and cracking her neck freakishly, until eventually she snapped and she screamed at the top of her lungs, stabbing a pencil into a students leg. So she had to be taken to a place where she couldn't harm herself or anybody else. Her sister was mean but it was still her family. Seeing her in such a bad way must have really gotten to her. If I saw my mum laying there with her head no longer in her body, I would react the same way.

I haven't seen Takuya for a while, but I keep getting that strange feeling that someone's watching me.



7:00AM. Ugghhh, I groan to myself as I fall like a lump out of my bed, the cover falling onto the floor with me.

"[Name]?!" My mother calls. I ignore her. Why she still bothers to call me baffles my mind, she knows thats how I get out of bed, yet every time she insists on checking I'm okay.

I do my daily routine of getting dressed, brushing my hair and my teeth before slowly making my way downstairs for breakfast that I probably won't eat.

"Good morning [Name]. Sorry I can't make you breakfast today, I'm running late!" My mother hollers from the sitting room as I stand dumbly at the bottom of the stairs. The one time she doesn't make me food, I'm actually hungry.

"Why are you late? Last night you said you have nothing planned for today?" I question, walking over to her as I pick up my bag as I pass the table.

"I know that. But last night I had an important phone call. So now I'm busy." She exclaims as she rushes around picking things up and placing other things down. What is she doing?

"Busy with what?"

"That's none of your business."

"Okay, I'm sorry mum I was only asking." I raise my hands in a mocking surrender but she just groans.

"Not you're being nosey and irritating! I'm late as it is and I don't need your stupid questions, slowing me down."

"Mum, I'm sorry."

"Just leave [Name]! Go to school early."

"But mum-"

"Just fucking leave [Name]!" My mother yells, causing my eyebrows to raise greatly. I just sigh, turning and heading out of the front door as I hang my head low. As I step outside, before me stood two black shoes with the toes pointing at me. I raised my head to see a familiar face. Haru. I sigh as I embrace him into a hug.


"Bad morning?" He asks. I nod as my eyes begin to fill with tears. But they soon shoot away when I feel my figure be lifted. Haru picks me up and slumps be over his shoulder like a man carrying a heavy sand sack.

"Haru put me down!" I yell as I laugh, kicking my feet. Haru just chuckles as he grips my legs tighter.

"Nope. My best friend is sad, so she deserves to be carried to school." We both laugh together but I stop when something catches my eye. As Haru counties to carry me, I notice something on the opposite side of the road. It was a figure staring at us with a stern posture. I look as closely as I can but I'm shocked when I see his face. It was Takuya. He had just disappeared for weeks without a word, and now suddenly he's back. However, he did not appear happy.

Once we arrive at the school gates, Haru stops and lowers me to the ground but I stumble a little, almost falling but he catches me.

"Woah, sorry. My legs are numb."

"Want me to rub them?" He asks with a cheeky smirk. I playfully punch him on the shoulder but he returns my gesture with a smile, as we then to walk into school. It's weird, seeing Takuya's across the street made me feel bubbly in the stomach, but I dont get that with Haru, even though I've known him longer. I'm suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I'm slapped across the back of my head.

"What the hell Haru!" I yell, but he chuckles and points towards my locker. I follow his gesture to see an envelope stuck to the metal door of the locker. I confusingly grab the paper and open it, revealing a note that reads:

"That's all it says" I mumble as I turn to Haru after reading the note out to him.

"Whoever it is, knows mine and your name. " He speaks as he raises a brow in confusion. I return the same expression.

"Want me to come but wait somewhere and hide, in case something happens? I mean, going to an abandoned tunnel at night - something is bound to happen!" He exclaims as he flails his arms. I feel like I've been a bad influence to this guy. He's changed a lot since when I first met him. A lot. Flailing his arms.. A LOT.

"I'm sure it'll be fine. I'll take my phone and have you in speed dial if I need you!"

"Great plan!" He cheers, slapping the back of my head once more as we make our way to class.

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