《Blue Fire》COLD


The sound of pouring rain woke me up. I slowly lifted my head and became aware of my surroundings. There were pillows and huge blankets everywhere. Oh yeah it's winter. And I'm sleeping on Finns couch because... oh yeah. Fuck. I sighed as I got up. My head instantly started pounding. No need to worry it's just a small headache, I'll just ask Finn for some aspirin. Where the fuck is he anyway. I jumped as I heard a loud crash in the kitchen followed by loud laughter from Kenz. Adrenaline rushed through my veins making my head hurt even more. I swear to god if I'm sick I'm blaming it all on Kenzie. "It's never too cold for ice cream." Complete bologna.

Turns out Finn and Kenzie made homemade waffles. "Oh there you are Sadie! We were worried you might've died. You slept till one." Finn smirked and nudged Kenzie while she giggled. "Haha! Wow, Finn when did you become a comedian. Let's give it up for Finn Wolfhard." I started clapping and Kenz joined in with that cute smile she always wears. Finn frowned and handed me a plate. I sneezed and he took the plate back. They both looked at me with blank faces. "What! Do I really look that bad?" Kenz shoved more food in her mouth and Finn cleared his throat. "Well um since it's raining out I called Michelle and she said we could come over and watch movies. Tracy wants her home but I thought it would be safer if we went with." He then handed me these weird drops that are supposed to help with colds. He told me how his dad was into healthy natural shit like that. I'm pretty sure Eric is where he gets the weed from. I sat down at the table with Finn besides me. "Ok, well when should we leave?" I replied while fixing my hair even though Finn claimed it looked "sexy" when I wake up. I tried my best not to smile at the memory but I think Finn noticed. Finn and I both looked at Kenzie who had her cheeks filled with food trying to avoid the conversation. "We can leave when Kenzie's done eating. I'm guessing you aren't that hungry babe. You should probably just have an apple." He tilted his head in the direction of the fruit basket. Normally I would've protested but I was too busy blushing. I sneezed at least three more times and they both tried to choke down their laughter.


After Finn ran upstairs to change shirts I realized I was still in the same clothes. He came down with a hoodie for me to change into. I noticed he had his favourite stripped shirt on. God he's such a dork. Of course Kenzie had to tease me about the hoodie which made me blush even more but Finn just smiled that same goofy idiotic adorable smile. We jumped in Finns car and he immediately turned on Mac Demarco. I was ready for a car full of wild dancing and getting teased for sneezing.

When we arrived we noticed a black Range Rover in the driveway. Michelles boyfriend Theo must be back in town visiting. We decided on the way here we should have a Disney marathon. Although Kenzie was very upset about going home we tried to cheer her up as much as we could. I grabbed Finns hand on the way inside. Tracy opened the door for us and instantly greeted us with a smile. "Hi Mackenzie! We missed you. Is this your boyfriend I've heard so much about Sades?" Finn squeezed my hand and stepped in. "Yep! That's me... I hope." I chuckled at Finns reply. Nobody would ever think that Tracy was capable of not giving all her love and devotion to Kenzie. Oh wow this is gonna be awkward. We followed Kenzie to the couch and sat down opposite to Michelle and Theo. Finn played with my hair trying to calm me down. Melissa sat down between Theo and Kenzie then started the movie. How much can really happen during a few movies anyway.

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