Winnie woke up to the sound of her phone buzzing on the nightstand next to her bed, she sharply inhaled a breath and groaned as she rolled over to grab it.
Rubbing her tired eye, she looked at the caller ID and blinked a couple of times before cursing under her breath and clearing her throat as she pressed the green button.
"Winnie! It's me, Sydney, so Mrs. Henderson is coming in this afternoon and she's ready for your manuscript."
"Yes. . .yes, I have it. . .," Winnie spoke as she cleared her throat again and quickly rolled out of bed and walked over to her laptop. "Can I fax it?"
"You don't have a hard copy?"
"Well. . .you see. . .I need to proofread over these chapters! And well. . .I don't really have a title. . ."
"You don't have a title?! Winnie this book is almost due! What the hell?!"
Winnie sighed softly. "I'm sorry. . ."
"Listen, I'll cut you some slack. . .I'll tell her the fax is taking a day or two, okay?"
Winnie let out a sigh of relief as she logged into her laptop. "Sydney, you're a lifesaver, I owe you."
"No problem, I'll text you later. Have that manuscript ready by Monday, Winnie."
"I will, I will."
And with that, Winnie hung up the phone and puffed out a breath as she looked at her current chapter seeing she was on chapter 30 — the last chapter.
As Willow felt her summer being drawn to an end, she felt herself being dragged into a crossroad with no way to turn. One way she could have everything she's ever wanted. But the other she could have another life she never had. Which way could she go?
Winnie cracked her knuckles and sat down while letting out a breath as she started to type again and let the creative words flow out of her mind and into the laptop to create her masterpiece of a novel.
As she did so, the sound of a knock at the door made her pause and look to at the door. "Come in."
The door opened slowly and in came Jade with a furry purple robe on and her curls in a messy bun.
"Good morning, you're up early."
"So are you. . .come to tell me breakfast is ready?"
Jade winked. "Winnie for the win."
"Well let me finish up in here and I'll be there."
Jade nodded and saluted Winnie as she left out of the bedroom and let Winnie get back to writing making her let out a shaky breath and pick her phone up to see it was 8:15.
Winnie hummed and went back to writing for what seemed like forever. To Winnie, writing was more than just putting words into paper, it was about expressing yourself through words when verbally they can't be spoken.
After a few minutes of writing, Winnie sharply inhaled a breath and stopped typing and shut her laptop and got up from her seat and walked out of her bedroom and into the kitchen.
Walking in, Winnie saw Jade and Peter helping each other fix their plates making her smile softly and pick up a plate from the edge of the kitchen counter.
"Good morning."
Jade and Peter looked up. "Good morning."
Winnie smiled and walked over to the food hat Jade set out and saw she had waffles with whipped cream, nutella, and chopped strawberries on top, some French toast, crispy bacon, and blueberry muffins.
"What's the occasion?"
Jade looked up at Peter and pursed her lips momentarily before looking back over to Winnie. "We have some news."
"You're not pregnant are you?"
Winnie shrugged. "I've had enough pregnancy dilemmas for one summer."
"Winnie. . .Jade isn't pregnant."
"Then. . .what is it?"
"We're. . .thinking about moving in together. . ."
Winnie's eyes went wide. "Really? Move in here together?"
"No. . .when I head to Texas. . .," Jade spoke in a whisper as she looked up at Peter and saw him smile down at her and wrap an arm around her waist. "It's just an idea."
"Idea? I'm so happy for you guys! You should do it!"
Peter creased his eyebrows and looked past Winnie at the television and saw the news reporter talking and then the camera went back onto the person he was interviewing.
"Winnie, you might wanna see that. . ."
Winnie tilted her head and turned around to see Justin on the television talking to the news reporter as the two sat on the two separate sofas.
Winnie let out a shaky breath and sat down her plate and walked away from Jade and Peter making them both look at each other and look back at Winnie.
Once Winnie was in the living room, she found the remote on the armrest of the couch and sat down on it as she turned up the volume.
"So, I know this summer hasn't been the easiest for you with your father's passing and the loss of Bieber Enterprises, but what do you plan on doing now?"
"Well, Jimmy, I plan on focusing on making my own business now. . .yeah, I even have all the money set up and my team is still in the making. . .but my business partner Elijah will be helping start this business off on the right foot."
"Anything you can tell us about the company? What you and Elijah stand for?"
Justin let out a small laugh as he looked into the camera and then rubbed his jawline slowly as the smile never left his lips.
"It's hush hush for now. . .but I promise that I will make everyone I know happy. . .everyone. You know, Jimmy, it's been a rough summer for me indeed. . .but there was always this one person to help me through it, I couldn't have asked for someone else."
"And who is this person? Seems like they helped you get back on your feet, Justin."
"No. . .they helped me find my purpose in life. . ."
And just then, Winnie could feel her heart flutter at Justin's words as she watched him look into the camera and let out a breath before speaking once again.
"And I hope they're watching this. . ."
Winnie let out a small laugh as she felt a tear threaten to leave her eyes, she sniffed and blinked a couple of times as she saw Jade come and sit down next to her.
"You okay?"
Winnie wiped under her eyes. "Yeah. . .I-I have to finish my book though. . ."
And with that, Winnie hopped up from the armrest of the couch, leaving Jade on the couch as she sped walked back into her bedroom to finish her novel.
After typing her thumbs away for a while, Winnie had finally gotten to the last page of her book and stopped herself right at the top of the page, ready to be written.
Letting out a small sigh, she looked over her previous words that were written and described so perfectly enough to surprise herself.
Winnie smiled to herself and looked down at her phone and saw it was almost 5 o'clock, she cursed under her breath and got out of her seat.
Unlocking her phone, she went into her messages and went to Sydney's name and went to type her a message.
almost finished, i can have it faxed by tomorrow
great! henderson was cracking on my ass about your work! she has a lot of faith in your book!
me too
Winnie smiled down at her phone for a moment before locking it back and tossing it onto her bed and letting her body follow behind and flop down onto the mattress.
Just as she exhaled a sharp breath, the sound of her bedroom door opening made her groan and slightly roll over to see Jade.
"Winnie? Can we talk?"
"Might as well. . ."
Jade snickered and shut the door behind her and walked over to Winnie's bed as Winnie flipped over and lied on her back and used her elbows for support.
"What's up?"
"I wanted to talk to you. . .about everything."
"Let me speak. . .I know you head back home soon and I want you to know you've been more of a best friend to me than anyone I've ever known. . .hell, you're like my sister, you know? I want you to know I'll always be there for you, Winnie. You're a smart girl. . .you should know that I'll never forget, even when we go our separate ways."
Winnie let out a shaky breath. "Jade. . ."
Jade let a tear slip down her cheek as she felt Winnie pull her into her arms and hold her tight making her return the gesture and let out a low sob as Winnie rubbed her back in comfort as a tear went down her cheek as well.
"You're like my sister, too, Jade."
Jade let out a small laugh and sniffed as they broke apart. "Good, because no one can replace me."
Winnie let out a small laugh and wiped her eyes as the silence of the room fell over the both of them — that was until Jade cleared her throat and spoke up.
"You know what to do, Winnie."
"Do I?"
"Yes. . .whatever you decide, he said he'll be there for you, right?"
Winnie creased her eyebrows and licked her lips. "Jade. . .he said he loves me."
"Then tell him how you feel. . .if there's anything you know to do in life it's to always be brave."
That's when Winnie's father's words went through her head as she let his words flow through her mind
Ten valor y se valiente.
Winnie let the words sink into her mind as she looked over at Jade and took her hands in hers and exhaled a sharp breath. "Thank you, Jade."
"I have somewhere to be. . .I need to get dressed."
Winnie let out a small laugh. "I know what I have to do."
Jade smiled softly and watched Winnie walk over to her dresser and get some clothes out making her rise up from her bed and walk over to her and place her hand on her shoulder.
"I'm proud of you, Winnie."
Winnie looked at her from behind and smiled as she felt Jade give her shoulder a light squeeze and make her way out of the bedroom.
As she did, Winnie found her dark orange lace bodysuit, high waisted denim blue ripped jeans, a denim blue jean jacket, and black ankle boots and she let her curls hang down onto her shoulders.
After getting dressed, she checked the time and saw it was almost 6 o'clock making her puff out a breath and get herself ready to leave.
Justin felt the limousine come to a stop in front of the beach house making him sigh heavily as he saw Frank hop out of the driver's seat and come to his door to open it.
Thanking him, he stepped out and straightened out his gray button up shirt and licked his lips as he headed to the door.
Once he reached the door, he unlocked it and slipped inside and placed his keys back into his pocket and turned around to head to the kitchen.
But just when he did, he stopped in his tracks when he saw Winnie sitting in the back of the couch in the living room with her suitcase at her side.
"Hi. . ."
"What. . .what's going on?"
Winnie cleared her throat and rose up from the back of the couch. "I wanted to talk. . ."
"So. . .?"
"Yeah. . .I'm moving back in."
Justin smiled wide. "That's the best news I've heard all week."
Winnie snickered and shook her head as she stepped a bit closer to Justin and watched him look down at her with the same look of lust — maybe this time it was love.
"Jay. . .I'm sorry. . .I should've—"
"Don't apologize. . .you needed time to heal."
"Yes. . .and I know that now. . .listen, I can't keep walking around here partially blaming you for my Papa. . .a part of me did, but. . .Jay, it won't change what happened."
"So, I'm guessing you saw my interview today?"
"Yes. . .and I'm proud of you for doing something like this for yourself. . .your father would be proud, Jay."
Justin chuckled softly. "Yours would be too."
Winnie felt her cheeks heat as she looked down at her boots and then back up to Justin making him tilt his head and cross his arms over his chest. "So, how do you feel now?"
"Like. . .I need to clear my head."
"What's on your mind?"
Winnie let out a shaky laugh. "What's not?"
"Winnie. . .I told you I'd wait for you—"
Winnie cut Justin off by speed walking over to him and pressing her lips onto his as her hands found the collar of his button up as their kiss deepened, until they pulled away for air.
"Winnie. . ."
"I know what you said, Justin. . .," Winnie whispered softly as she looked down at Justin's collars she fiddled with them and looked back into his eyes. "I know. . ."
"So where do you think we should go from here, Ms. Stone?"
"I don't want to talk about that right now. . ."
Justin looked Winnie in the eyes. "Then what do you want?"
Winnie looked Justin in the eyes for a few seconds before letting her eyes fall down on his torso, she let her fingers slip down and untuck his shirt from his slacks and unbutton it as she tugged it.
"I want you. . .if you'll have me."
Justin bit his bottom lip softly. "I'd love to."
Winnie could smell his Ralph Lauren cologne making her snuggle her nose into Justin's neck as he carried her upstairs.
Justin's hands moved from the smalls of Winnie's back and down to her ass making her gasp as they entered his room and he shut the door behind him with his foot.
Leaving pepper kisses along Winnie's neck, she shut her eyes in bliss, the loss of his kisses made Winnie feel at ease once again as Justin placed her down onto his mattress.
Justin's large hands moved back down to Winnie's ass and gropped it making a soft moan escape Winnie's lips at the touch, the sound of her moan made Justin groan into Winnie's neck as a flash of heat rushes through her body.
"Jay. . ."
"I know, baby. . .I'm coming."
After spending a few more minutes of dropping their clothes and getting more tangled up in Justin's bedsheets, the two were tangled up in the sheets.
"Winnie. . ." Justin spoke in a whisper into Winnie's ear as he slides himself inside her wet clit as her walls clenched around him perfectly.
Winnie gasped softly and arched her back off of the bed, her hands digging into his toned backside making Justin act on instinct and grip onto her thighs as he thrusts into her, gripping forcefully.
Winnie wrapped her legs around Justin's back and guides his strokes, pulling him deeper inside of her and moaning passionately when he hits the one spot that drives her insane.
Continuing to hit that same spot, Winnie slid her hands up to his dirty blonde hair and tugged on the roots as he holds onto the headboard to steady himself, his eyebrows creased in concentration.
"Jay. . .oh god. . ."
Winnie lets out another moan as she begins to feel her arousal build up inside of her at the tips of her toes. She feels it slowly rise up with every skillful thrust he makes into her.
Reaching up, Winnie pulls hard on his neck and brought him down to meet her lips once more as he continued to thrust inside of her and passionately kiss her.
Easing his tongue into her mouth, Justin sends a shiver down her spine as her high comes to her all at once, the feeling breathtaking as ever.
Winnie's toes curl and her breath is desperate, yearning for more air to fill her lungs as it felt like there wasn't anymore for her in the four walled room.
Once Winnie regained herself, she pushes Justin and rolls over as his muscular backside sank into the mattress and lifts her left leg over so she's straddling him, sitting herself down on his still hard dick.
It immediately hits her g-spot and she moans heavily when she slides down, she begins to go faster, making the bed creak with her every move.
Justin's groans and lets his hand reach up and squeezed her breasts, massaging them pleasingly making Winnie moan softly as beads of sweat start running down her face and in between her breasts with her curls washed over her face.
Winnie throws her head back at her last stroke, she felt her throbbing clit let out her juices, it pulsating shortly afterwards.
She allows herself to come down, slowly landing on top of Justin and laying her head on his chest as she tried to steady her breathing.
Justin pulled her chin up and meets her lips, kissing them sensually making Winnie hum into the kiss and cupping his face as she leaned her head to the left to gain better access to his mouth.
Justin moved his from her curved waist to her ass, giving it a squeeze causing her to breath out heavily and break the kiss momentarily. "I think that's enough for tonight, don't you think?"
"Lost your touch?"
"Funny." Winnie murmured as she rolled off Justin's lap and rested her body down next to his and rested her head on his chest again.
Justin looked down at Winnie and saw her eyes were slowly dropping as she looked over his tattooed covered chest and traced the cross.
"Go to sleep, Winnie. . .," Justin murmured softly as he licked his lips and ran his index finger down the side of Winnie's cheek. "I'll be here when you wake up."
Winnie bit her bottom lip softly and nodded as she slowly made herself comfortable on top of Justin's chest and let out a huff through her nostrils as Justin held her close.
And that night, Justin felt like everything was going right for him once in his life.
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Out of My Control [bxb]
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