Justin paced the waiting room of the hospital as he waited for the doctors to tell them about Winnie, it had currently been twenty minutes and Justin was growing more agitated by the minute.
"Justin. . .you need to sit down."
"I-I can't sit down, Jade."
Jade pursed her lips as she watched Justin go back to pacing the waiting room, she then heard the sound of the elevator ding making her look to see Peter coming back with their water bottles.
Once he walked up to Justin and Jade, he sat down next to Jade and passed her the water bottle making her smile and thank him.
"How can you guys be so calm?"
"Because we know she'll be okay, the more you pace, the more scared you become, Justin. Trust me."
Justin sucked on his bottom lip momentarily as he looked at Jade seeing her pleading eyes for him to sit down next to her.
Finally, Justin let out a shaky breath and sat down in the seat next to Jade and rested his forearms onto his thighs as Jade patted his back.
Just then, the sound of the elevator made Jade look over again and see Iris coming out of it as her heels clicked on the hard surface.
"Is Winnie okay?"
Justin popped his head up and looked to see Iris and felt himself getting upset, shooting his body up from the seat and over to Iris, he found himself so close to herself, Iris actually felt intimidated — she'd never seen him like that.
"Did you do this? Iris you've been a real bitch. . .but this is too far, Winnie's in the hospital!"
Iris scoffed. "You think I had something to do with that? Justin, I don't kill people! It was an accident!"
"Accident my ass! How did you even know which hospital we were at?"
"Jade told me."
Justin creased his eyebrows and turned around to Jade. "Jade, what the fuck?!"
"Don't yell at me! She wanted to know!"
"I sent everyone home. . .they said they hope Winnie's okay."
Justin scoffed and backed away from Iris and ran a hand through his hair as he plopped back down into his seat as Iris stood up with her arms crossed.
"You know. . .if anything happens to her, it's your conscience it'll be on."
The sound of the door to the ICU creaked open and everyone looked to see a doctor walking over to Justin making him rise up quickly and meet him halfway.
"Mr. Bieber?"
"Yes, sir."
"Ms. Stone will be fine, luckily, the amount of coconut she ingested wasn't enough to see her into shock. She'll be free to go whenever she's ready."
Justin let out a breath. "Thank you, doc."
"Here's an Epi pen, Ms. Stone will need it on her if she runs into anymore allergic reactions."
The doctor reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small dark blue bag and passed it to Justin making him take it and nod. "Can we see her?"
"One at a time, but yes, room 12."
And with that, the doctor headed off to the front desk to ask a nurse about another patient as Justin puffed out a breath and walked back over to everyone.
"She's doing fine, we can go see her. . .one at a time."
"You go first, Justin. . .you're probably the first person she wants to see."
Justin pursed his lips momentarily and turned around and headed into the ICU area and headed down the hallway until he got to the room with the dark blue plaque that read '12' to the side.
Justin licked his lips and slowly opened the door to Winnie's hospital room and walked inside to see her heels were at the end of her hospital bed and she was comfortably watching Spongebob Squarepants.
"Winnie. . ."
Justin walked a bit faster over to Winnie and scooped her up in his arms and let her sweet scent of vanilla engulf his nostrils as the two held each other for what seemed like forever.
Once they let go, Justin looked over Winnie's face and saw her makeup was still in tact making Winnie snicker and shake her head. "What? Did I mess up my makeup?"
"No. . .you still look beautiful."
Winnie smiled softly and watched Justin lean back a bit as Winnie readjusted herself on her pillow to sit herself up straight as Justin watched.
"Where's everybody?"
"One visitor at a time. . ."
"And they sent you? What a waste."
Justin rose an eyebrow. "Excuse me, but I saved you from a nasty fall on the concrete outside."
"I'm just kidding. . .thank you, Justin."
"And don't worry, I'll handle, Iris."
"What do you mean?"
"She's the reason you're here, Winnie."
Winnie sighed softly. "No, don't."
"You. . .you don't want me to set her straight?"
"No. . .Justin, technically it's my fault, I told her I didn't care what she puts on the cake and how could she know I'm allergic to coconuts?"
Justin huffed through his nostrils and looked from the ground and back over to Winnie seeing her raising an eyebrow.
"Winnie. . .you have a good heart."
"I just. . .don't want you guys to blame her, none of you guys knew."
"Are you sure, Winnie?"
Winnie nodded. "Just. . .come here."
Winnie smiled softly and patted the empty spot of the hospital bed next to her making Justin chuckle softly and shake his head as he moved himself to sit next to Winnie on the bed.
Winnie laughed softly and placed her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his muscular arm and continued to watch the cartoon.
Justin cleared his throat. "Winnie?"
"I. . .I never got to give you your birthday present."
Winnie rose her head up from Justin's arm and looked up at him seeing him reach into his back pocket and pull out a small black flat square box.
Winnie creased her eyebrows when Justin passed it over to her and bit his bottom lip softly as he waited for her to open it, she gave him one last look before slowly popping the box open.
Winnie looked down and saw it was a gold ankle bracelet with a 'W' on one jewel and on another jewel not too far from it was a heart jewel.
Winnie gasped softly. "Justin. . .it's beautiful."
"Read the back of the heart."
Winnie paused and took the ankle bracelet out of the box and held it up with the heart jewel in her palm, she then flipped it over to see words engraved into the jewel that read:
Everyone deserves a happy ending.
Winnie sharply inhaled a shaky breath as she felt tears start to form in the back of her eyes as she looked up to Justin.
"Do you like it?"
"I. . .I love it."
"Good, because I—"
Winnie had cut Justin off by placing her lips onto his and placing her hands on each side of his perfectly sculpted jawline as he didn't hesitate to kiss her back.
Eventually, Justin's hands had found the slit of Winnie's dress and slid his fingers forward to go underneath the fabric making Winnie shudder and let out a breathy moan.
Just then, the sound of a knocking at the door made Justin and Winnie quickly pull away as the door opened and a nurse came inside with a clipboard and pen.
"Ms. Stone, you're free to go, just fill out this discharge paper and put your signature."
Winnie pursed her lips momentarily and cleared her throat as she reached out for the clipboard and thanked the nurse as she walked over to the window and opened the curtains and letting in the little bit of sun from sunrise.
Justin creased his eyebrows. "Sunrise? How long have we been here?"
"You guys came in around 4 this morning."
"Damn. . .we partied that long?"
Winnie shrugged and went back to filling out the paperwork and made sure to check off all the boxes that applied to her and then sign off and give it back to the nurse.
"You're free to go, sweetheart, what're your plans for the 4th?"
Winnie looked over to Justin. "Hopefully make something spark."
Damn, Justin thought.
The nurse hummed in response as she grinned at Winnie and Justin and let out a laugh as she headed out of the hospital room leaving Justin and Winnie alone again.
"Ready to go?"
"Yeah. . .," Winnie murmured softly as she watched Justin slide off the bed and let her slide off as well hit pause at the edge. "Help me put on the bracelet?"
Justin looked at Winnie and then let out a small chuckle and reached for the box behind her and cleared his throat as he took the bracelet out of the box and taking Winnie's ankle into his hand and wrapping the bracelet around her tiny ankle and locking it.
Winnie giggled softly and jumped down from the hospital bed and picked up her heels at the end of the bed and took the remote and turned the television off.
Leaving out of the hospital room, Winnie and Justin met up with Jade and Peter at the waiting room and the minute Jade saw Winnie, she let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding and ran over to her.
The two hugged for a few moments before Peter walked over and hugged her as well and then they as well pulled away and Justin walked up to them.
"Where did Iris go?"
"She was uncomfortable. . .but she said she's very sorry, Winnie."
Winnie nodded. "I'll talk to her soon, can we go now?"
Justin wrapped an arm around Winnie's waist as they all headed toward the elevator and got inside to head to the first floor and head back to Winnie and Justin's beach house.
"So, what's the moves for today?"
Jade stopped pushing the cart. "Hm?"
"I think I'm going to spend time with Justin today. . ."
"Oh, cool, I'll just light these fireworks by myself at the beach event tonight."
Winnie bit her bottom lip softly. "I want to have sex with Justin."
Jade almost choked on her spit.
Jade's eyes went wide as she tried to her best not to scream as loud as she pulled Winnie to the side of the aisle — even though no one was on the aisle.
"Winnie, that's a big step, you're really ready for that Bieber dick?"
"Bieber dick? Why are you calling it that?"
Jade rolled her eyes. "You're missing my point."
"I. . .really want to."
"Well, it's time we take a trip down the health aisle, come with me." Jade murmured softly as she reached out for Winnie's arm and pushed the cart with Winnie following behind.
As they walked toward the aisle, Jade couldn't help but feel the urge to tell her about her and Peter so she came to a halt with the cart making Winnie raise an eyebrow.
"Winnie, we need to talk."
"Um. . .you know that sound in my engine I kept hearing? Turns out it was just I was using my bad oil! Crazy right?"
Winnie creased her eyebrows. "Um. . .yeah, crazy."
Jade let out a small laugh and turned around and cursed under her breath as she headed back to taking Winnie to the health aisle.
Really, Jade? Jade thought.
Jade simply shook her head as Winnie followed her to the health aisle to get the condoms, and Jade didn't even speak a word about Peter for the rest of the morning.
Jade had checked the time to see it was almost 5 o'clock and she looked to see Winnie telling the cleaning crew where to put certain things as Justin did the same outside.
Jade huffed and hopped up from the kitchen island and walked over to Winnie. "You never did go through the presents."
Jade motioned with her head to the pile of presents making her sigh heavily and shake her head as Jade let out a snicker.
"I'll have to deal with those later. . .that centerpiece can go."
"You didn't even open mine. . ."
"Really? Sorry I was caught up with something."
Jade smacked Winnie's arm making her chuckle softly and take the present from her hands after she rummaged through the pile of presents and found hers.
Winnie opened the box slowly and found a book inside just like the one from Up that wrote:
Our Adventure Book.
"This is too cute! I love it!"
"So now whenever we go on adventures together. . .starting here in Santa Monica. . .we add it here."
Winnie let out a breath. "Jade. . .it's amazing, thank you."
Winnie wrapped her arms around Jade and she held onto her tight as Jade did the same and let out a small breath as she rubbed her back.
Suddenly, the sound of Winnie's phone ringing made them pull away, Winnie reached into her jacket pocket and saw it was her mother calling.
"Excuse me."
Jade nodded and watched Winnie pick up the phone and press it to her ear and head out of the living room and to the staircase to go to her bedroom.
As she did so, Jade took the opportunity to gather up her things and head for the door so she could head out and head home to get ready for the beach event later on that night.
Jade looked over her outfit in the mirror, she was dressed in a laced white strapless bathing suit top with matching bottom that was covered by her denim blue ripped high waisted shorts, a white kimono, and white sandals on her feet.
Since her hair was still straightened, she wore it down and just brushed through it before heading out to her truck and putting the fireworks she bought inside and going to the driver's side of her truck and getting inside.
As soon as she got inside, she grabbed her phone and saw it was turning to 7 o'clock the minute she pressed the home button.
Jade then put the key into the ignition and let the sound of Ring by Cardi B play as she pulled her truck out of her driveway.
After driving for about twenty minutes, Jade ended up at the beach parking lot where people struggled to find parks, but reluctantly, Jade found one near the exit of the beach.
After parking the truck, she slipped out and walked over to the passenger side and grabbed her fireworks and licked up the truck as she headed down onto the beach and felt the sand go between her toes and sandals making her slip her sandals off.
Walking onto the beach, there was a sign that told people where they needed to be located if they were going to shoot off fireworks, Jade followed it and made her way to a good spot where she had enough room to herself as the sound of I'm A Mess by Bebe Rexha played.
Jade took her beach bag and opened it and took out her pink beach towel and laid it down on the sand and waited just as everyone else did, she took her phone out of her pocket and went to text Winnie — but she heard someone call her name.
"Peter. . .hi."
Peter chuckled. "Hey, I didn't think you'd be here."
"Yeah. . .Winnie was supposed to be with me but she's. . .got her hands tied."
Peter nodded and looked down at Jade's towel as she cleared her throat and looked up at Peter. "Do you wanna. . .?"
"Oh, I'm good. . .I'm set up over there with some friends from work."
Jade looked over to the left and saw a group of guys drinking beers with a crate of fireworks to their side making Jade snicker.
"But. . .I'd love to get you a drink."
"That. . .that would be great." Jade murmured softly as she saw Peter smile wide and watch her rise up from her towel and set her fireworks on top.
Jade then followed Peter back over to his towel and watched him open a cooler and pass Jade one of the beers inside making her thank him and clink bottles with his as they drank their beers with their eyes on each other every so often.
"Is that the last present?"
"I hope so. . ." Winnie breathed out as she looked at at the wrapping paper scattered across the living room floor from the presents.
"Crazy how you got all these gifts from people who don't even know you like that."
"I wasn't complaining."
Justin chuckled softly and walked over to Winnie seeing she was seated on the individual couch making him squat down in front of her and touch her face.
"I was so scared for you, Winnie."
"Jay. . .I'm fine, see?" Winnie asked in a whisper as she touched Justin's hand on her face and kissed his palm and rubbed his hand softly.
"But — I don't know. . .are you sure you don't think it was Iris's fault?"
"Justin, it was a mistake, please let it go. . .I don't want to hear about Iris or anybody else for the rest of the night, okay? Just you and me."
Justin licked his lips and nodded as Winnie smiled down at him and leaned forward on the couch and pecked Justin's lips softly.
"Wanna watch the fireworks tonight?"
"How are we going to watch it? We're not at the beach."
Justin took Winnie's hand and guided her to the back of the house where the fire pit was located. "There's a great view from here."
"Yeah, give it about five minutes. . .the fireworks will go up and we'll see it in the sky."
Winnie nodded. "Okay, I'll bite. . ."
Justin plopped down onto the long couch outside and pulled Winnie onto his lap and wrapped his arms around her from behind as she rested her head back on his chest.
This feels right, Winnie thought.
After a few moments of perfect silence, the sudden sound of a crack popped aloud and a line of fireworks followed behind and burst into the sky making Winnie gasp softly and smile.
Justin looked away from the fireworks and looked down at Winnie as her eyes remained on the sky seeing more fireworks fly. "Yeah, beautiful. . ."
After a few more moments of watching the fireworks pop in the night sky, Winnie turned around to look up at Justin making him look down at her and smile softly.
"Nothing. . .just looking at you."
"Nah. . .something's going on with you."
Winnie hummed in response and slid out of Justin's hold on her body and let her legs straddle his waist and stare him in the eyes with a look of lust.
"Justin. . ."
"I wanna do it. . .," Winnie whispered softly as she looked down at Justin's lips momentarily and wrapped her arms slowly around his neck. "Tonight."
"Tonight? Are. . .are you sure?"
Winnie nodded and bit her bottom lip softly momentarily making Justin chuckle and rub her exposed thighs.
"So what? Near death experiences turn you on?"
"Justin!" Winnie shouted as she smacked her teeth and slapped Justin's chest making him laugh and hold her hand in his to interlace them.
"I'm sorry. . .do you really want me to?"
"Yes, Jay. . .now make love to me before I change my mind."
Justin rose an eyebrow and sharply inhaled a breath. "I won't argue with you, Winnie."
Justin then picked Winnie up by her thighs making her let out a low squeal as he carried her all the way into the house and headed upstairs to his bedroom.
Once they were in his bedroom, Justin tossed Winnie onto the mattress and let himself remain in between her legs as she let out a breath.
"Justin, don't slam me! I'm not Odell Beckham."
"You're right or this would be very awkward."
- In Serial425 Chapters
Su Xue, a woman in her mid 20s, is struggling both in paying rent and finding her path in life. Her latest stint has her trying to become a popular League of Legends streamer, though to poor results. One day, she is interrupted in the middle of a livestream by a surprise visit from her landlady. She is informed that she will be having a new roommate. The landlady’s nephew, Lin Feng, a 18 year old boy who has just transferred over to Shanghai for his last year of high school.Though initially opposed to it, Su Xue reluctantly agrees to the arrangement. She learns that the two share a common interest—League of Legends—and that he’s really amazing at the game. Lin Feng also reveals to her he wishes to become the best professional League of Legends player in the world.The next day. Lin Feng attends his first day of school as a transfer student at High School 13. He meets Ouyang and Yang Fan, and the trio find a common passion in League of Legends. Lin Feng is then introduced to Ren Rou, the president of the esports club with a fiery personality, and Tang Bingyao, a quiet bookworm with a love for money and a surprising talent for the game.A little about Lin Feng’s past is revealed. He was a once pro player, the youngest in history and a contender for the best player in the world. Until the finals of the Season 1 World Championship. There, he lost to his arch-rival, an equally brilliant Korean youth. That was the peak of his career, and also the turning point in his life. He stepped down from his team and disappeared from competitive play altogether. Now, after a four year long hiatus, he aims to make a comebackOver the next couple of weeks, Lin Feng learns about the upcoming Shanghai 16 School Tournament, and that his school’s esports club had performed especially poorly the previous year. He agrees to coach the club’s team and help them win the first place trophy this year. And so, he starts the members of the club out on an intense training bootcamp.Meanwhile, the Season 5 League of Legends World Championship is taking place at around the same time. Tian Tian, one of Lin Feng’s former teammates and best friend, is on one of the Chinese teams playing at Worlds. After a poor showing, he is on the verge of a mental breakdown. Lin Feng witnesses everything in a viewing party with the esports club members and becomes worried.On the day of the Shanghai 16 School tournament, Lin Feng reunites with Tian Tian on the phone. He tells Tian Tian he’s going to return to the professional scene, that he’s making a new team and plans to invite him. But Tian Tian has to vow not to give up at Worlds and keep winning. Tian Tian agrees, and Lin Feng promises he’ll fight alongside him. Lin Feng then heads into his match with renewed resolve, to climb from the bottom all the way back to the top, and overcome the rival that defeated him so many years ago.
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