Winnie poured herself a glass of orange juice as she let out a short yawn in the process, once she poured the juice, she put it back in the fridge as the sounds of footsteps made her turn around.
Winnie looked to see Justin walking into the kitchen with nothing but his black sweatpants that sagged a bit to show his black Calvin Klein's.
"Good morning."
"Why are you up so early?"
"Couldn't sleep, you?" Justin asked with a raised eyebrow as he walked over to the fridge and opened it to get the orange juice out as well.
Winnie motioned with her head to her laptop that sat at the kitchen table so Justin could see, he nodded and licked his lips as he poured himself some juice and sat the juice down onto the kitchen island as he watched Winnie walk back over to her laptop.
As she sat back down and went back to typing away about her book, Justin leaned his head over a bit to catch a glimpse at the screen.
"How's the book coming?"
Winnie hummed in response and sharply inhaled a breath as her fingers typed away at the laptop, Justin pursed his lips and walked over to Winnie and looked over her shoulder to read.
Feeling his presence, Winnie gasped and slammed the laptop shut making him crease his eyebrows and chuckle. "What's the problem?"
"It's. . .not finished."
"I saw something about kissing, Ms. Stone, are you writing a chapter about sex?"
Winnie's cheeks heated. "You're so annoying."
"What? It's not like we haven't done it before. . .," Justin shrugged as he sat down in the chair across from Winnie's seeing her red cheeks. "Wait, you've done it before. . .right?"
"Not. . .exactly."
"Are you a virgin? Writing a romance novel. . .where there's sex in like every 8 chapters?"
Winnie sighed. "This is so awkward."
"Why? We're adults, we can talk about sex."
"Justin. . .I don't want to talk about this."
"Okay. . .but one question."
Winnie rolled her eyes. "What?"
"If you've never had sex, how do you describe it in your book?"
"Justin, I just. . .have a figurative imagination, now this conversation is over." Winnie spoke out as rolled her eyes and took her orange juice and laptop and got up from the table.
"Winnie, wait!"
"Come with me somewhere. . .a morning walk?"
"Justin, I don't want to."
Justin rose up from his chair. "Please? We both could use this."
Winnie sighed softly and pursed her lips as she nodded slowly and watched Justin smile wide and hop up from the chair and take Winnie's laptop and orange juice and sit it on the kitchen island.
"I guess, we aren't even dressed for a walk."
"We're brisk walking."
"Okay, let me grab my shoes and keys."
"I'll be waiting!"
Winnie rolled her eyes playfully and headed out of the kitchen and upstairs to slip on some shoes and get her house keys and phone.
Afterwards, she went to her mother's room and opened the door to see she was still sleeping making her sigh softly and shut the door back.
Winnie then headed down the hallway and back downstairs as she met up with Justin at the door and paused for a moment.
"What's wrong?"
"It's just. . .I don't know, this feels right."
Justin smiled down at Winnie and watched her smile softly and look down at her feet as Justin licked his lips and opened the door and let Winnie head out first and shut the door behind them.
Walking over to Justin's Bentley, the two got inside and as Winnie watched Justin put the key into the ignition and start the car and the sound of Real Thing by Tory Lanez start to play.
"Where are we going again? You said we're going for a walk."
"But we have to drive there first, okay? So just sit back. . .and relax."
Winnie looked out at the beautiful sight of the beach before her, the breeze was blowing occasionally through the atmosphere that made the world and place feel at peace for once — at bliss.
Winnie followed Justin as they headed down the staircase with sand buried on top to take them down the sand pet of the beach.
Winnie looked down and felt the soft and grained texture of the sand go in between her toes as did Justin as the two walked down the beach with the sun rising slowly behind them.
The silence between Winnie and Justin was good, it was something that they both needed — yearned.
Winnie looked up at Justin and saw him looking from the sun rise to what's in front of him or under him as they continued to walk.
Should I say something? Winnie thought.
Winnie and Justin both shared a laugh. "You talk."
"Okay. . .do you wanna tell me what really happened last night while I was drunk?"
"I. . .do you really want to know, Winnie?"
"Yeah." Winnie whispered as Justin stopped walking making her do the same as Justin puffed out a breath and sat down on the sand, as did Winnie.
"Well, you were talking mostly about Peter."
"Yeah. . .mostly about how you didn't think he wanted you or how you didn't think you were good enough for him.
Winnie didn't speak, she simply pursed her lips and nodded as she looked down at the sand under her thighs as Justin looked over to her.
"Which isn't true, you know?"
"No let me say this. . .you and Peter may not have been what you wanted, but you should know you don't need any guy to tell you you're worth, Winnie. Trust me, if you go around thinking that you need a man to make you feel worthy. . .it's going to make you miserable, Winnie. . .you're the most smartest, funniest, quirky, witty, beautiful. . .outgoing person I've ever met."
Winnie looked over to Justin and saw him staring into her eyes with an emotion pooling his hazel eyes that made her intrigued.
Winnie didn't know what came over her, but staring into Justin's hazel eyes as the sun rise gave them a beautiful glisten, but she felt herself leaning over to Justin.
Shamelessly, Justin leaned himself over and let his eyes fall on Winnie's lips and back into her eyes as Winnie returned the gesture as Justin's breath hit her lips.
Just when their lips were about to touch, Winnie let out a shaky breath and placed her hand on Justin's chest and pursed her lips.
"Justin, I can't."
"Can't or won't?"
Winnie creased her eyebrows. "Seems you've forgotten you have a girlfriend."
Justin sighed softly and pulled his body back away from Winnie and ran his hand through his hair as Winnie cleared her throat and looked out at the sun seeing it fully rise over the horizon.
"I think we should head back. . .my mom should be waking up soon."
Justin looked over at Winnie even though she tried her best to avoid eye contact, Justin huffed through his nostrils and rose up from the ground and headed back to the car as Winnie sat there for a moment.
Was I really going to kiss him? Winnie thought.
Winnie shook her head slowly and ran her fingers through her curls and rubbed her hands down her face momentarily before rising up from the ground and wiping the sand off her body.
Walking back to the car, Justin waited in the Bentley for her with his eyes still looking ahead. "Justin, are you mad?"
"Yes, Winnie. . .I'm mad."
"I'm sorry—"
"I'm not mad at you, Winnie. . .," Justin murmured softly as he looked away from ahead and looked over to Winnie seeing her eyebrows creased. "I'm mad at myself."
Winnie went to open her mouth to speak, but she was cut off by Justin pressing his lips onto hers making her gasp into the kiss from being taken off guard as his large hands cupped her cheeks.
Winnie soon adjusted to the kiss and let their lips mold perfectly together as the intensity of the kiss increased by the second.
Winnie could feel Justin's hot and wet tongue press against her bottom lip — his signal he wanted her to open her mouth making her part her lips and let Justin's tongue dance with hers.
Winnie didn't want it to stop, but of course, they pulled away from each other's swollen lips and tried their best to steady their breathing as they stared at each other in awe.
"Jay. . ." Winnie breathed out softly as she looked down at Justin's swollen pink lips and let her hands rest on his that remained on her cheeks.
"I know. . .I'm going to make things right, Winnie."
Before Winnie could speak, Justin pulled his hands away from her cheeks, making her place her hands back at her side as Justin headed out of the parking lot to take them home.
Elaine walked into the kitchen in search of Winnie and huffed once she walked inside and found no sign of her, she shook her head and decided to get something to drink.
Searching through the cabinets, she found the glasses and grabbed one and filled it up with water, after taking a few sips there was a knock at the door making her stop drinking the water and walk out of the kitchen and over to the front door.
Once she opened the door, her face went blank as she saw Jeremy at the door with the same facial expression as hers.
"Where's my son?"
"Where's my daughter?"
"Hell if I know, Elaine. I don't have time to for this, my son and I have a meeting to attend."
Elaine chuckled. "Still the money hungry bastard you were when we met, huh?"
Jeremy didn't reply to Elaine, instead, he just returned her same grin that was on her lips and slipped into the house and tucked his hands into the pocket of his slacks.
"Elaine. . .when I met you and Julian, you seemed to be a desperate couple that moved to California to start a life for your baby."
"Yet you ruined everything I ever had, Jeremy."
"You did that!" Jeremy shouted as he turned around sharply at Elaine making her bit the inside of her cheek and hear Jeremy chuckle.
"You're a monster. . .how is that boy related to you?"
"Oh, believe me. . .he's just as worse as me, Elaine."
Elaine clenched her jaw. "You need to leave."
"Why? Don't want Winnie finding out something? As a matter of fact. . .why are you here, Elaine?"
"My daughter needed me."
"She needed you?" Jeremy repeated in the form of a question as a low chuckle followed behind and he licked his lips.
"Jeremy, so help me—"
"What'll you do, Elaine? You did nothing years ago and you'll do nothing now."
Elaine could feel her body slowly begin to tremble as Jeremy towered over her at the front door, just when she was about to speak, the sound of a car door locking made her look outside.
Letting out a shaky breath, she saw Winnie and Justin walking back up and coming toward the house making her shove Jeremy out of her way and head into the kitchen as Jeremy remained at the door.
Once Winnie and Justin walked inside, they looked to see Jeremy who had gave a half smile and let his eyes fall on Winnie's first and then onto Justin's.
"Dad, what's going on?"
"You need to come to the meeting with Iris and her father, we're already late, no thanks to her."
Justin huffed. "Don't bring Winnie into this, just let me get dressed."
Justin looked between Winnie and his father and shook his head as he walked around his father and headed upstairs while Winnie and Jeremy had their own staring contest.
"Who the hell let you in?"
"Your dear mother."
Winnie stepped closer to Jeremy. "What did you do to her? Don't try anything, I'm not afraid of you."
"Winnie this goes deeper than you. . .you should be afraid."
And with that, Jeremy walked around Winnie and headed out of the house leaving Winnie at the door with her mind racing.
"In the kitchen, baby."
Winnie crossed her arms over her chest and slowly walked over to the entrance of the kitchen and leaned against the frame of the wall as she watched her mother drink her water at the side kitchen island.
"Mom, what happened?"
"Nothing, why do you ask?"
"Did Justin's dad. . .do something or say something to you?"
Elaine chuckled softly. "No, don't let him get inside your head, okay?"
"But, mom. . .why do I feel like he's up to something? How well did he know Papa?"
Elaine shook her head and walked slowly over to Winnie and placed her hands on her shoulders and kissed her forehead and let her lips linger.
"Not as well as we did, baby."
And with that, Elaine let go of Winnie and made her way out of the kitchen and headed upstairs to the guest bedroom leaving Winnie in the kitchen confused.
Justin knocked on Iris's bedroom door and heard the sound of someone saying they could come in making him crease his eyebrows and open the door slowly.
Once he opened the door, he was invited by the smell of cherry blossom as the dim room was only given a source of light by candles around the room.
"Justin. . ."
Justin turned around and saw Iris walk out of her closet with red lingerie on her body and red heels to match while her hair was curled and her lips were coated with red lipstick.
"Whoa. . ."
"Do you like it?"
"Iris. . .damn."
Iris giggled softly and walked over to Justin and watched him lick his lips as she tossed her hair back and rubbed Justin's arms.
"Iris, we have a meeting with our dads—"
"They can wait. . .I haven't seen you in two days and I missed you."
Justin was about to speak, but he felt Iris's hands fiddle with the belt of his jeans as she pushed him back onto her bed and climb onto his lap to straddle him.
"Whoa, Iris, stop."
Justin caught Iris's hands making her crease her eyebrows and scoff as she rolled off of Justin and crossed her arms over her chest as she stood over Justin.
"I see, something happened with you and Winnie while I was gone, huh?"
"Or was it the pregnancy scare?"
Justin scoffed and rose up from the bed as he fixed his belt. "What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about the fact that you're scared to have children. . .Justin your face went pale when I told you the test was mine."
"Iris — yes, okay? I was scared, but only because we're new to a relationship! We need time!"
"We don't have time, Justin!"
Justin creased his eyebrows. "What do you mean?"
"I-I'm losing my chances of getting pregnant everyday, Justin. . .the fertility clinic thinks I won't ever be able to conceive on my own. . .I'll need a surrogate."
"And what makes you think I want a child with you?"
Iris clenched her jaw. "Because we're bound together now."
"Wait. . .what?"
"You know that little meeting daddy and your daddy are having? Yeah, it's a meeting to sign the papers to finalize the deal on making sure we share our stocks. . .but it also states that legally as long as Bieber Enterprises is still up and running, we're a couple."
"Iris. . .I don't believe you."
Iris rose an eyebrow. "Read the fine print, Bieber."
Justin creased his eyebrows and watched Iris turn around and walk over to her nightstand and open one of the drawers and take out a packet and walk back over to Justin and give it to him.
"Page 21, line 12. . .I highlighted it for my own keepsake."
Justin flipped through the pages until he found the yellow highlighted line that Iris was talking about and felt his breathing slowly start to hitch.
"No. . .I won't do it."
"We only need one Bieber signature. . .and I believe your father is the rightful owner to the last name?"
Justin clenched his jaw. "Iris, you're sick."
"Oh, babe, I thought you heard what I said? You were sleeping with the enemy."
Iris giggled softly and took the packet from Justin's hold and walked back over to the nightstand and placed it inside as Justin stood there dumbfounded.
"I know you've been messing with Winnie. . .in fact I know about your little beach session this morning, cute, you two almost kissed."
"We actually did kiss. . .," Justin murmured as he stepped a bit closer to Iris seeing her smirk slowly start to fade. "Just wasn't on the beach."
And with that, Justin stormed past Iris and made his way to the door, but just as his hand rested on the door, he heard Iris shout his name.
"If you try and stop this, you'll lose the company. . .your father's company."
Justin slowly turned around. "What are you saying, Iris?"
"You have to decide, baby. . .is it the business or some little girl you have some feelings for?"
Justin didn't respond, instead he opened the door and headed out as Iris chuckled and plopped down onto the edge of her bed.
"So. . .you're saying?"
"Us. . .whatever this is between us. . .has to wait. I'm sorry."
Winnie sighed softly and looked up into Justin's eyes and shook her head before smiling softly making Justin crease his eyebrows.
"You worry too much, you know, Bieber?"
"I only worry about the things I care about." Justin murmured softly as he looked down at Winnie's lips and saw her lean against the doorframe of her bedroom.
"Good to know."
"Where's your mom?"
"She headed back home an hour ago."
Justin hummed and leaned closer to Winnie. "So. . .?"
"Goodnight, Jay."
Winnie leaned off the wall and quickly slid into her room and shut the door in Justin's face making him chuckle and pound the door one time before stepping back.
Biting his bottom lip softly, he shook his head and headed over to his bedroom and got ready for bed — yet he still couldn't get Iris's words out of his head.
Who was he going to choose?
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The Adonis mission was conceived by the Greek gods to ensure that their race lives on by amalgamating with mortal beings. A woman from Earth present day is chosen by the council for the newest mission, to mate with another present day man but in order to achieve this a goddess must reside inside the woman to make it happen. The eventual result of that mating will produce a half mortal, half God offspring. This is a rockin', passionate, erotic but definitely a romantic story that contains elements of rockstar flare but also includes a supernatural storyline, time travel, as well as present day events.
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