《Texts | Justin》How bow dah?


"Remember when we used to always buy sushi?"

"Ha, yeah but that's so 2016."

"Then what's so 2017."

"I don't know?Taco's?"

"Nah that's too much? Can't we make it sushi again?"

"Yeah sure." He laughed making me grin.

Justin and I have been here for quite a while but he hasn't asked me what wanted to ask, I wonder what it is though.

"Okay we've finished and shit, so.. why am I here?" I ask giving him full attention

"Oh well.. Okay well- um, I'm going back on tour in 2 days and I know it's late notice but-"

"but you want me to come?" I smile finishing his question

"Oh? uh yeah."

"Martin told me, well he told me you guys are going back on tour and I was surprised because it's soon and you haven't said anything."

"Oh," he laughed, "so? Do you say yes?"

"No sorry."

"What why?"

"I'm joking! I'll come and luckily I have an Australian visa!"

"Why?" he laughs

"Long story- let's get out of here."

"Yeah okay."

"What do you want to do after this?"

"Let's go watch a movie. I heard the new Ouija just came out."

"Seriously? Another horror movie?"

"Yeah," he laughed "I love it when you get scared."

"I don't get scared, you do." I laugh

"Whatever, let me ask for the bill."

Justin asks for the bill and we wait for the waiter to get it.

My phone buzzes and I excuse myself. I see I got a message from an Unknown Number.

Oh not again


Do I know you?



oh yay! I guess right! anyways bye


When I read that message I look around for her and I spot her quite close by Justin and I. She was with some girl, couldn't tell who she was. Sofia was already looking at me with a grin and cheekily waved at me and I roll my eyes turning to Justin


"We need to go." I sigh

"Sure, we're just waiting for the bill though."

"Well they need to hurry."

"Okay chill." he laughs


Yes I saw you

why are you messaging me hoe

Just leave us alone

How bow dah

Look at what you're saying 😂

So immature and you're like older than me wtf

Good to know

Still wanna fight? 😂😂





Maybe text me when you stop being a dumb bitch and actually get educated

Whatever you say doll face

Later 😛


"Are you ready to go?" Justin asked before I got a reply. I look at the direction she was sitting in quickly and then turn back to Justin

"Yeah, before someone cuts my throat."


"Sofia." I roll my eyes

"Oh, she's here?" He says widening his eyes

"Yes and she's been giving me looks so please leggo"

"If you say so." He sighs

I immediately stand up when Justin stands up and we then head out after some time without getting stopped by fans or paparazzi since they were pretty far away and enter the car, driving to our next destination.


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