《Texts | Justin》Why should I?



As usual I'm going to be late for school. I haven't even got dressed yet, and school started 10 minutes ago. This happens every Monday, I either sleep in or I don't hear my alarm, I know, I'm so bad.

I take my phone out to text Charlotte that I'm going to be late. As I was about send the message my phone rang.

Justin? Why is he calling me?

"Hello." I say casually

"Holly! hey!"

"Hey Justin" i say still half asleep

"I'm on my way to your house"

"what, Why?"

"we're going to Malibu. You have to come"

"Why should I?"

"Because it's a beautiful day and I wanna spend it with my beautiful friend."

"Too much information but okay."

"Okay? okay great! we'll see you just now"

"Justin I didn't even said yes... and we'll ? Is there other people?"

"Yeah, just friends."

"Wait Justin I hav-" he cuts me off

"You said okay Holly, you can't be changing your mind now. I'll see you in 10. No excuses Holly May."


"So much fun!" He said then hung up

What the fuck?

Doesn't he know I still go to school

Well i mean, I'm late anyways. Might as well not go....

Wait didn't he say... see you in 10? by that does he mean 10 minutes??


I quickly hop off my bed and head to my bathroom just wash my face. Ain't got time to shower.

I head to my closet and take my dark blue mom jeans and my white shirt that says 'the life of pablo" putting on my white air force max's on

I go back to the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair and also put on some make up and perfume, and while I'm at it I grab a small fashionable backpack to put things i thought i would need for Malibu.


Few minutes later I hear my door bell ring. I sigh and take my bag and phone off charge.

Heading downstairs to open the door I see Justin, looking attractive as usual standing on my front porch.

"Holly-May!" He says and gives me hug

"Justin, hey" gosh I'm so awkward, i don't even know why i still am

"You look great, let's go"

I blush at his compliment and lock the door behind me. He waits for me, then we head to his black SUV.

Justin opens the back the door for me and waits for me to enter so he can close the store. I hop inside and see people were already inside.

wait let me rephrase


"Hey! you must be May." Maejor Ali???

"Oh hey, nice to meet you! my name is actually Holly, well Holly-May but please, call me Holly" I explain

"Oh okay, Got it. Holly, I'm Maejor." He waves.

I smile and give him a nod

I finally notice a girl sitting next to him. Omg Sofia Richie?? She was just staring at me while I was talking to Maejor.

And yeah she's the last celebrity I wanted to meet lol no offense. The internet makes her sound terrible so I'm keen to see what she's really like,

"Hi I'm Sofia." She smiles

Yeah I know who you are- I thought

"Hey! I'm Holly."

Her smile drops, but then quickly tries to recover it with a fake one, i supposed.

"Oh so you're the one Justin is always texting." she says with a 100% fake smile on her face.

Oh god lol, does she hate me now?

"Oh I wouldn't say always but..." I shrug.

I'm so awkward, if you didn't even know

"Interesting..." She nods not fully agreeing on my statement and sits back properly on her seat. Well damn

Justin enters the car and sits in the front seat.

"You guys ready to go?" He asks turning around to face us

We all agree to go and start the drive to Malibu.


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