《DM • JB》0:21


"Don't be nervous, they will love you Kylie." He said gripping my hand.

We were now standing out front off Justin's mother house back in Canada. His dad, brother and sister were going to be there too. I was really nervous to meet them all. But Justin kept reassuring me that it would be a ok so it helped me out a bit.

Justin opened the door leading us inside.

"Mom! Were here!" Justin yelled, all the voices throughout the house stopped and all you could here was a very loud squeal.

"Justin!!" Yelled a brunnete women running up to us and ungulfing Jay into a tight embrace.

"Hi mom." Justin said laughing at her, hugging her with just as much force as she was. She pulled away facing me.

"You must be Kylie, I'm Pattie I've heard so much about you."

She engulfed me into a hug, then pulled away.

"All good things I hope." I said laughing

"Of course, Justin showed me many pictures of you but your so much more beautiful in person."

I could feel the blush rise on my cheeks.

"Thank you so much." She nodded pulling us along into the foyer.

"JUSTIN!" Screamed two kids who I presumed were Jazmyn and Jaxon.

"Hey guys I've missed you so much." He said bending down to hug them both.

"Hi your Justin's Girlfriend right?" Jaxon said, I laughed

"Yes and you must be Jaxon?" I bent down to get to his level.

"Yup that's me the one and only." he said winking at me, laughing

"I see you get your charm from your brother " I said ruffling his blonde hair.

"Nope he gets it from me." He said crossing his arms, triggering Jazmyn to roll her eyes.


Justin shook his head taking my hand in his leading me to what im guessing was the kitchen.

"Justin! I've missed you so much!" And elderly lady said elbowing the Mab sitting next to her

"Bruce say hello to Justin." Earning a scrowl to the women

"I was getting there gosh women, you drive me nuts, no wonder I'm losing hair, hello Justin how you been?"

"I've been great grandpa, this is my girlfriend Kylie, Kylie this is Diane and Bruce my Moms parents."

"Hello." I said being the awkward one I am

"Hello darling, well arnt you something! Look at her Bruce she's gorgeous, I thought Selena was beautiful look at her Bruce!"

I shifted uncomfortably with the mention of Selena and Justin, I have nothing against her since were friendly but there relashionship, what they had was huge, they had so much history, which makes me scared sometimes. Justin squeezed my hand rubbing circles around my hand with his thumb.

"I see Diane I see I'm not blind." He said rolling his eyes giving me a smile.

"Oh hush! Justin dear your father is some were around here. He was waiting for you."

"Okay well go find him." He said pulling me along, I gave a little wave trying to keep up with Justin's pace.

After meeting His whole family and partaking in awkward conversations about marriage and kids, me and justin were directed to justins old room.

"Extra blankets are in here as well as pillows, have a good night." Pattie winked at us leaving us to ourselves.

"I love your family!" I said Plopping down on the king sized bed in his room.

"They are great, sometimes crazy." He said starting to unpack his bag, so I got up starting to unpack mine. We were going to stay for about a week, then going back to LA to appear on Ellen together..again.


"Hey baby." Justin said in my ear wrapping his arms around me from behind. He started to kiss my neck. I tilted my head to the left giving him more access.

"Babe your family..." I said in between sighs.

"Then we have to be quiet baby." He said spinning me around kissing me hard. His hands traveling from my neck to my ass, grabbing it. I moaned through the kiss. He led me to the bed kissing my neck. He pushed me on the mattress pulling off hus shirt leaving it on the floor. His glorious body on display.

I pulled off my shirt revealing my white lace bra. I saw Justin lick his lips hus hard in very prominate through his jeans.

"Fuck Ky." He said climbing ontop of me filling my chest with sloppy kisses.

Next thing I know his hand is at the button of my jeans.

"Now you got to be quiet for me baby girl.."

I bit my lip, "Yes Daddy."

Nah, girl, I got a job for you, swear to God I could do a lot for you


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