《No Happy Endings? (COMPLETED)》XXXII: Decisions


Claire's POV:

Now I was standing there two men in front of me waiting and I wasn't sure what my heart wanted. Heart yelled to run back to Justin's arms where I could be safe forever but was that really that what I wanted of my life.

Was I ready to go back to that which I left and continue like nothing would have happened between us?

And then there was Robert, man who I fell in love right away when I saw him. He hurt me but few days ago when I came back home I noticed that he regrets those acts and wanted give his promise by asking me as his wife.

He had changed. He was like a new man. His eyes were clearer than before and he was again that man which I remember when we met first time.

But then could that last forever? Would there be a possibility that he could take back his old manners and start act like he before did. Could I take that risk?

I was confused how this was even possible to stand here and make decisions between two. "Claire, we're waiting?" Justin mumbled and looked his clock. I looked by turns both of men.

Should I follow my heart and go there where I was for sure safe or my brain which told me to find happiness and that excitement on my life again?

It spins inside my head. I had to take some support of drawer. "I-I.. I just can't" I mumbled and ran quickly to my room. I collapsed on the floor and let my tears come out.

I cried and cried so it was already too hard to stop. I heard how someone knocked on the door and stepped in. "Claire" Justin's voice called me and touched my shoulder. I moved it away and told him to leave but he just stood there and didn't move anywhere.


"I see that you need time but I just want you to know that I broke up with her. It didn't feel right. It was like I would be cheating on you or something even we haven't been together for a long time" he told and was leaving.

"I have always been here for you, starry eye and I'll be that till the end. I won't take anyone by my side, beside if it will be you" his words echoed in almost empty room of mine and made my senses open again after crying. He still remembers that nickname of mine after years.

How I told about it to him when my mom supposed to call me with that because my eyes were like stars and twinkled every time when I was happy.

There was actually no one who know it beside him and he had saved that "tradition" just between us now when there was no mom anymore calling me with that.

He brought those good and kind of sad memories of mine back in my head now and my eyes got wet. A little tear rolled down my cheek. He was right.

Maybe this was what we had created, to be together till the end. Nothing or no one would make us happier than we could be when we were together. It was the truth, the truth which opened to me just now.

I ran after him and met his back in the stairs when he was walking downstairs and ready to leave. "Justin, wait" I yelled after him and let my hands wrap around him. "Don't leave me" I whispered and pressed my lips against his.

He looked me and smiled wide. "I won't, ever" he whispered and pulled me against him for a long hug.

Third POV:


This was it what they were waiting for whole that time, illumination. Illumination of that there was no better people to find that they were each other.

This moment was there. It felt longer than any moment before and they didn't want it end ever. But then they realized that they didn't have to. They had a whole life in front of them.

Life isn't always full of happy endings but this time those two people deserved one. Strong ones deserve another chance.

Love deserve another chance.


And cut! Here was it now, the last chapter of this fanfiction. I hope you enjoyed reading this because me myself enjoyed writing it for you

It was so fun to try something new when I usually write just normal imagines which contain just one part. It was interesting see how deep I sinked in this fanfiction sometimes that it was hard to go back to reality, lol.

Thank you for all my followers and people who read this, ilysm

And still one thing: The sequel is coming out on day x, remember stay tuned ;)

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