《Lola's Birthday Wish》Chapter 4: A cry for Help
Now, Although switching bodies with someone who lives many miles away would be considered at least a noteworthy concern, both Lola and Tatianna both approached the subject in the same manner. They ignored it.
Lola, being a child, came to the conclusion this was a one off. She wished that she could be grown up for a day, she had been a grown up for a day, happy ending.
For Tatianna, she was simply too busy to be bothered with something so ridiculous. She had too many meetings and had too much damage control to deal with. She preferred to just forget it ever happened and the sooner the better.
Both women would realize this was only the beginning of a very real problem. A week after their first phone call they switched bodies again.
But we're getting ahead of ourselves....
Lola had spent the next week and a half suffering for her birthday tantrum in the most dramatic way possible.
Whenever her siblings had a friend over, Lola would tell them not to take friendship for granted as her friends probably would never speak to her again.
When Lori typed on her cell phone, or someone watched TV, Lola would ask what was going on in the world, for she was only allowed to use her phone for an hour at home and she was completely banned from the TV (that first day had been a fluke as lola had forgotten that part of the grounding and watched TV anyway)
"What is going on outside? What groundbreaking discoveries have been made? It's been so long since I heard any news" She would ask, really piling it on.
Part of her punishment was doing two weekly chores instead of one, which meant one sibling would get a day off from their usual chore. In this case, it was Lola who had to do trash duty while Lincoln got the week off. What did Lola do? She carried that bag of trash as noisily as possible. She made sure everyone could see that she was doing her time. Christ didn't carry the cross the way Lola carried that bag of trash. It was truly an Oscar worthy performance. After delivering the trash bag to the curb and collapsing from exhaustion, Luna and Luan even gave her a slow, sarcastic applause.
Lola knew sorry was just the beginning of things. She had to really show that she WAS sorry if she was going to get on peoples good side again.
Was it working? Eh, she was wearing her siblings down bit by bit. They got the message, but they weren't going to let her off that easy.
The real problem was Lana. She hadn't spoken a word to Lola in seven days and it was starting to get serious.
Lola was still sleeping in the basement. It was starting to get uncomfortable and scary but she dare not make a fuss.
Lana was still ignoring Lola at school. The kids were still talking behind Lola's back.
Lola said sorry a dozen times to no effect.
Lola made speeches with tears running down her face but Lana would just walk off.
Lola even tried bribery. She bought Lana a big, expensive, stuffed Lizard from the toy store with "to my beloved twin" written on the name tag.
Lana put it in the closet.
Lola was starting to worry that Lana really and truly hated her. The siblings were starting to get a little worried too. Lana wasn't the type to hold a grudge. Seeing Lana act like this was more than a little disturbing.
"Oh, Mr Sprinkles! What am I supposed to do?" She cried to her teddy bear Saturday night.
"Lana won't even talk to me, is she really going to hate me forever? What else can I possible do to make her forgive me? Should I offer to take care of her animals? Scrub her feet? Do her homework? Oh, I feel awful."
Then she lay on her pink sleeping bag and put her headphones on (to drown out the dripping water), and she went to sleep and woke up Sunday morning to find herself back in the marble white bedroom in Tatianna's mansion.
Before she could even speak a loud vibration was heard. There was a cell phone on the glass table next to the alarm clock. She picked it up, hoping it wasn't anyone important.
"Stop...making...wishes...." Came a high pitched growl through the phone.
"Tatianna? Is that you?" Lola asked in her rich grown up voice
"No you idiot. It's Santa Clause, and I've got a brick of coal with your name on it. WHO DO YOU THINK IT IS?!"
"Oh my gosh....is that really what I sound like on the phone?"
"Okay! Okay!"
"What did you do?"
"Nothing! I swear! I didn't make any wishes last night. I didn't even think of you at all!"
"Well you did something!"
"Wait a minute! How do I know this whole mess isn't YOUR fault. Huh? What did YOU do last night?"
"I spent two hours in the plant room putting the finishing touches on a new azalea I just bought. Then I went over some marketing figures on my laptop. Printed off some notes. Then I turned in at 11. Your turn."
Lola went over her day. Mentioning the huge stuffed Lizard that Lana callously chucked into the closet.
"You've been sleeping in the basement all week? I wondered why I woke up down here." Tatianna replied.
"Yeah. Lana won't even look at me."
"But the basement? Your parents...are allowing this?"
"They said I can sleep on the couch if I ever get too cold or scared but I find the couch kind of lumpy."
"Still, I wouldn't want the police to get wind of it..." Tatianna mumbled under her breath
"What was that?"
"Nothing. So you had another normal day. This is just...a...a freak of nature...
"What do you want me to say? You think I want to be in your old body after the things you said to me?"
"You deserved it all Lola-"
"Wait! How are you talking to me like this? I blocked your number!"
"Lola, I'm in YOUR body. I called MY cell phone."
Lola processed this and slapped her forhead. "Well, Mom hid my cellphone so what phone are you using?"
"The one in your living room."
"Are you insane!? Get off! What if someone see's you talking like this? I'll be in so much trouble."
There was a dull groan as Tatiana clutched the phone in a death grip and took a deep breath.
"Lola, I don't want to be angry with you. Like it or not, we are in this mess together, yes? We both want this to stop?"
Lola agreed.
"Then lets calm down. I don't know how fortuitous this... switch is. But I don't have time to deal with this today. I have a lot of important things that need to get done at my office."
"Aren't you the boss?"
"I am."
"Oh, well then its easy. I'll just call your assistant and tell them you're taking a sick day."
"No Lola."
"Don't worry. I know how to fake a cold. I do it all the time."
"No. There's too many things that need to get done today. Some cannot wait. It can't be helped." Tatianna swallowed, "You're going to have to go to my office and pretend to be me."
Lola swallowed at this as well. "Uh, no. I'm not doing that."
"Oh yes you will. You owe me. After the mess you made last time. You wanted to be an adult? It's time to go to work."
"Uh-uh. I may be a pretty good actress but I'm not that good."
"You'll have to be. Go to work Lola. I'm not kidding."
"Oh yeah?!" Lola snarled, no matter what situation, she did not take kindly to being told what to do. "And how are you going to make me? You're all the way in Michigan."
"You spoiled brat."
"Ah-ah. Don't forget, you have a lot more to lose than I do."
On the other end of the phone. Tatiana's eye was twitching like mad. The blood in her veins rushed to her head. Her eyes started to blur with ice cold rage. Meanwhile, the seven year old continued to hold her hostage over the phone.
"Now, here's what we're going to do. It's the weekend, so you can just stay home. That's fine. Lynn has a football game in the afternoon, so you'll have to go to that. Just cheer her on and look adorable. Maybe you can think of a way to get on Lana's good side. Meanwhile, I'll call your work and give them the performance of the year. I'll have them bring your papers over and you can go over them tomorrow when your back in your body. Sound good?"
"Morning Lola." Said Lynn as she came down the stairs. "Hey, I thought mom banned you from using..."
Tatianna whirled around and gave a look of such frozen hate that it stopped Lynn in her tracks. A little trickle of blood dripped out of Tatianna's nose and ran down her chin.
"Uh...Lola...are you...you've got some...Down your....you know what? Finish what your doing. I won't tell anyone." Lynn said as she ran out of the room.
"Who was that? WAS THAT LYNN?! Get off the phone before someone else see's you!"
"I have a better idea."
"What is it?" Lola asked
"I'm going streaking."
Tatiana said this so bluntly you'd think she said she was planning to go wash her hair.
"Streaking Lola. I'm going to take my clothes off and go for a run. I want to feel the leaves in my hair. The grass beneath my toes. The Midwestern breeze across my bum."
"Heh-heh. Okay. That's... really not funny. Remember, we're in kind of a messed up situation."
"Hey! Lynn's football game! That's a perfect idea. In fact, I saw a dancing ribbon in your room. May I borrow it? I want to give the crowd a REAL half time show."
"I'M GOING TO WORK!!" Lola yelled frantically through the cellphone "I'm going right now! Where's your stuff? What kind of clothes do you wear?"
Tatianna told her.
"Okay, give me... give me twenty minutes, I'll be on my way. Just don't do anything crazy okay? We're going to get through this. Let's just stay calm and talk this out."
"I like your attitude. Now, before you go and get dressed, I want you to get a piece of paper and a pen. There should be some in the dresser below the TV."
"Okay. I found it."
"Good. Now listen close. Here are your instructions."
Tatianna rattled off a long detailed list of instructions while keeping her eye on the stairs. Just as the rest of the family started moving around upstairs Tatianna finished her list.
"Do you have everything written down?"
"You think you can handle it?"
"Do I have a choice?"
"No. Neither of us do. I'll be expecting that phone call around lunchtime. I'll try to get your phone back by then."
"Please call me Ms. Tichy. I don't like formality."
"Ms. Tichy? Could you do me a favour?"
"I suppose. What is it?"
"Can you think of a way to make Lana forgive me?"
Tatianna grumbled something over the phone and hung up.
Soon the noisy brood descended the stairs and bid Tatianna good morning.
"What's with you this morning? You look like someone just literally fed you rotten eggs." Lori remarked as she went in for breakfast.
Tatianna grunted. Lori shrugged her shoulders and began making toast.
Make Lana forgive her? Tatianna didn't even like Lola's family. Now, not only did she have to pretend to love them and pretend to be a sweet little princess girl but now she had to play therapist with Lola's disgruntled twin? Futile.
"Lola, your nose is bleeding." Lincoln remarked
On top of that, Tatianna had to guide her company from disaster from another state. Hopeless.
What Tatianna really wanted to do was pay Lola back for the humiliation she had suffered. But as much as she desired that, Tatianna was still a responsible adult. She couldn't bring herself to sink to that level. She would never do something as childish as have Lola run naked through the street for all to see. Lola was just a child. To treat her in such a way was...dishonorable. But still, there was a part of Tatianna that really wanted to give Lola a shock when she woke up tomorrow morning, and those two parts of her soul were having a private little war at the loud family table.
The siblings also had a private internal conflict. From their perspective, Lola was scowling at the wall with fury while blood ran down her nose. They wanted to say something but at the same time...they were good.
In the end, Leni grabbed a tissue and wiped her little sisters nosey.
"There. All better now." Leni said.
Then Tatianna laughed. A dull, chilling laugh that was made all the more horrible coming from Lola's voice. Leni backed up in alarm as a grin spread across Tatianna's face.
"Where is Lana this morning?"
"Lana's going to a friends house this morning." Lincoln replied
Tatianna had an idea...
The limo pulled up to a big building that had TICHY TECH written on the side of it. The driver's name was Robert and he had been Ms. Tichy's driver for almost six years now. He was an old man in his seventies but he was very friendly and respectful. Lola's first instruction was to call him and arrange to be taken to work, which she did. There were a few other numbers she would have to call today and Lola was flipping through the paper to make sure she had them all.
"I gotta say Ms. Tichy, that was quite a stunt you pulled last week." Robert said. His voice was full of warmth and good humor. Lola liked him at once.
"Yeah. What can I say? We genius's need to cut loose every now and then."
Robert laughed. "Cut loose? I've never heard you say that before."
Lola chuckled as well. This had been another instruction. If anyone mentioned the shopping spree, Lola was to say it was just a mad whim and laugh it off.
"I was so confused that day. I pulled up right on time as usual, waited over thirty minutes and you were nowhere to be found. Went inside your house, no one there." Robert shrugged his shoulders, "You had me a little bit worried is all. I mean, I know what you told me and I know that your eccentric but...I...legitimately thought something had happened to you. That's all."
Lola forgot herself for a moment and put her hands to her face with adoration and squealed "Awwwwww. That's so sweeeeeeet!...I mean, thank you Robert. It's little things like that, that will keep you employed for a long time."
"You're very Welcome Ms. Tichy."
Lola got out of the Limo. She was now dressed in a woman's business suit. It was dark navy blue and very masculine. Lola was instructed to use a moderate amount of makeup but Lola wasn't quite sure what Tatianna's idea of "Moderate" was so she did her hair and face up a little less than she usually would. Beside's she wasn't a savage. Lola Loud does not go out in public without makeup.
She took out a compact and examined herself in the mirror before getting in the elevator. She got off the twenty fifth floor and was astounded at the number of people rushing around. Handing off papers, making phone calls. Everyone looked really hard at work.
"Okay Lola, you can do this. Walk like you own the place."
And so she did. She strutted her stuff like it was the Miss Cute and Mean pageant, much to the confused glances of some of her employees.
In her mind, Lola tried to remember the directions to Ms Tichy's office. Eventually finding her way up a set of stairs to a big glass doorway that opened to the office.
Ms Tichy's office was just like her home. Spacious, clean, orderly and hi-tech. There were computers, phones, printers and another Hi-def television on the wall. Lola sat in "her" chair and spun around in it a little bit. Having your own company is pretty cool. Maybe Lola should look into-
"There you are Tanya." Came the voice of an attractive young woman. She entered the room in a rush with three big folders of paper.
Lola had remembered something very important that Ms Tichy had said that morning. "In my company there are around five hundred employees total. A small dozen are allowed to call me Tatianna because they are on the board of directors. The rest call me Ms Tichy or ma'am. But there is only ONE employee who is permitted to call me Tanya. Her name is Sally Cohen. She has been with me since the company was founded. She is my most trusted assistant and has earned the right to speak to me in that way. If you have an urgent problem and can't get in touch with me, she is the one who can help you."
"Good morning Sally." Lola said to the lady, Trying to get to know her as quickly as possible.
The woman looked up at her and said, "Well nothing's exploded yet so...yeah, we'll go with "good" for the moment." Sally then dropped the big folders onto the desk.
"Here's the progress updates from the sectors like you wanted. I still have to get the contracts from the marketing department. I know they're dragging their asses but try not to blow a gasket. Don't forget you have the investors meeting tomorrow so you'll have to prepare for that. Mcgregors on the warpath so you'll need you wits about you. Remember, if the board tries to freeze you out I'll be needing a job myself and I hate browsing the classifieds. See you in fifteen."
Sally then turned as fast as she had come in. Lola felt like she had been bombarded with info and didn't know what to do. She yelled, "HEY!"
This stopped Sally in her tracks but not having a clue what to say, Lola just babbled, "If you're going by the breakroom, I could use a drink. I'm parched"
"You got it." Sally then turned and left leaving Lola with the big folder of papers on her desk. She opened them up and saw lots of big words.
"Don't cry Lola, Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry...."
Back at the Loud house, Tatianna was taking exquisite pleasure in gathering all of Lola's dresses and tossing them into garbage bags, along with all of Lola's toys and games and pageant ribbons. She then took off her pink jammies and tossed them into the bags too. She grabbed the bags with her tiny arms and hurled them down the stairs (nearly popping a shoulder in the process), that being done, she tramped down the hallway to the bathroom. She turned on the shower and ran her head underneath it. Getting all of the makeup and hair product out. She turned the water off and whipped her hair around wildly until the golden locks were sticking up every which way.
She looked at herself in the mirror. A wet and wild haired little girl in pink undies stared back at her.
Lana had left for her playdate thirty minutes ago. Lola wasn't expected to call from San Francisco for another three hours. Plenty of time. Now it was just a question of which sister.
Not Lynn or Luan, obviously.
She didn't trust Lori to get this right.
Leni would be perfect but there's a chance she might refuse to play along. She seemed a little too soft hearted and this plan required an independent thinker.
The shadow girl? Maybe.
No...Luna. It had to be Luna.
So Tatianna marched to the room next to the bathroom and barged right in. Luna was sitting in her bean bag chair peacefully strumming a guitar.
"Sup little brah? Why're you all wet?"
"I DON'T WANT TO BE A PRINCESS ANYMORE!!!" Tatianna bellowed in her high pitched screech and stamped her feet. "I'M SICK OF IT! NO MORE PRINCESS STUFF!!!"
She felt foolish but in order to pull this off it couldn't look like a rational decision. She had to look like a child behaving rashly.
And she certainly got the result. Luna's eyes went wide and she put the guitar down and sat up straight.
"Dude. What brought this on? "
"I threw out all my dresses."
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Mistbound: Eternity
The world is said to be formed out of duality of man. Good and evil, right and wrong, light and dark. And with duality, comes conflict. A meaningless clash of ideals results in pointless wars. Azlan is wanderer who doesn't falls in either category. Tired and done with the redundant world, he lives his secluded life, hunting monstrosites for coin in the crumbling province of Mountaliya, situated in the land of Forsa. The premise follows Azlan as he explores the province, experiencing the culture and its people as they try to stand unshaken amidst a cold and unforgiving world. The story is a dark fantasy that is a balance of action and world building but most importantly, it follows the people going about their daily lives. The world has entered a state of stasis, there are no high stakes, no glory to be had, only a decaying realm of ice remains. Everyone awaits for Heaven's descent, an event prophesied to bring the world out of stasis, by granting the champion of the event a wish. Heaven Shall Descend. I wanted to write a high fantasy story that doesn't focuses too much on Magic and Swordfights, but rather interactions between people, a bit of politics and ideals. This is my first attempt at writing something this huge, please let me know if you see mistakes or any problems in general, so I can learn from them. (The cover picture is from the year 1818, "Wanderer Above the Mist" by Caspar David Friedrich). I also write Short stories set in the same shared universe. You can read them here: Dark Fantasy Short Stories.
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Legends meet the 100
DC's Legends of Tomorrow accidentally end up on Earth 100 (which is where the events of the 100 take place) right before S3 E07 and without the whole Alie problem going on. The legends are the group at the end of season 5 plus Charlie and without Mick's daughter (Zari, Nate, Charlie, Behrad, Constantine, Ava, Mick, Sara, Astra).This crossover wasn't originally my idea, but I'll try to stay true to most events and characters.
8 175