Түүнийг чирсээр явж байхад хэн нэгэн хаалга тогших нь сонсогдлоо
Яахаа мэдэхгүй сандран зогсож байхад босс "наёон аа би байна" гэхэд нь л тайвшран хаалгыг нь тайллаа.
Босс очин түүнийг үүрсээр диван дээр нь хэвтүүлэн надруу харан дохиход би дээш гарсаар аавых нь ажлын өрөөрүү орон хайж эхэллээ. Шүүгээг нь ухан хар дугтуутай зүйлийг тэвэрсээр доош буун түүнд өгөхөд тэр" гарцгаая " гэж хэлэн гарахаасаа өмнө хаалганы завсараар хүн байгаа эсэхийг шалгаж байгаа бололтой хоёр тийш харсаар гарав.
Босс утсаа гаргаж ирэн нэг хүн рүү залган "бид авчихлаа" гэж хэлэн таслан надруу харан "гэр чинь хаана байдаг юм"
-эндээс ойрхоон би эндээс алхчихья
-Эмэгтэй хүн харанхуй шөнө ийм хувцастай явах нь аюултай. Би хүргээд өгье гэхэд нь яагаад ч юм гоё санагдана.Би ч бууж өгөн гэрийн хаягаа хэлж өглөө.
Удалгүй гэрийн гадаа ирэхэд босс"мөнгийг чинь дансруу чинь хийчихсэн бас чи халагдсан" гэж хэлэн яваад өгөв
Халагдсаан?Байзаарай. Тиймдээ
би одоо тэдэнд хэрэггүй шүү дээ бас тийм их хэмжээний мөнгө авчихсан байхад ингэж болохгүэ Наёонаа тайвшир. Гэхдээ л энэ мөнгө дуус ч л таарна өөр ажил олохуу? Эсвэл дахиад асуугаад үзэхүү? Ямартай ч аав ээж хоёрдоо мөнгө шилжүүлэх хэрэгтэй гэж бодсоор гэрлүүгээ орон дансаа шалагтал мөнгө орж ирсэн байлаа аав ээж 2т хагасыг нь шилөүүлээд шүршүүрт орлоо "ингэхэд тэд яг юу хийдэг хүмүүс юм бол бас яаж ийм залуугаараа баян болдог байнаа" гэж амандаа бувтнасаар шүршүүрнээсээ гаран үсээ хатаачихаад орондоо орон хэвтэн бодол болсоор нэг мэдэхэд л унтсан байв.
Амралтын өдрүүдийн дараа сургуульруугаа яван ангируугаа орлоо. Ангид нээх их хүүхэд ирээгүй байх ба өөрийн суудалдаа суун ширээгээ дэрлэн хэвтэнэ. Нэг мэдхэд ч ангийн ихэнх хүүхдүүд ирсэн байх ба юу ч юм дор бүрнээ шивнэлдэн ярилцана. Ина Тэхён гэх нэр л сонсгдож байлаа. Удалгүй босс Инагийн бэлхүүсээр тэвэрсээр орж ирэх ба араас нь багш орж ирснээр хичээл эхэлсэн юм. Яагаад надад таагүй мэдрэмж төрөөд байгаа юм бол? Тэр 2ч бие биенэсээ салан босс наашаа ирэн хажууд суулаа. Хичээл ороход түүний үе үе надруу харах нь таагүй санагдаж байлаа. Харахыг нь мэдэж байгаа ч мэдээгүй юм шиг царайлан хичээлдээ төвлрөх гэж хичээж байлаа. Хичээл ар араасаа орсны эцэст хичээл таран гэрлүүгээ алхаж байхад урд нэг машин ирж зогсох нь тэр. Сайн харвал захиралын хүү Сэүн байх ба надад "суучих" гэлээ.
-чи намайг энд байгааг яаж мэдсэн юм.
-би чамайг харсан юм
Эргэлзэн зогсож байхад тэр аль хэдийн машинаасаа буун намайг суулгасан байлаа. Явах замд хэн хэн нь л чимээгүй явна.
-бид хаашаа явж байгаа юм гэж түүнээс асуухад тэр юу ч хэлэлгүй урдахь замаа л харж байлаа. Нэлээн удаан явж байж нэгэн хуучны саарал байшингийн өмнө ирсэн байв. Түүнрүү харах гэхэд гуяанд өвдөлт мэдрэгдэн ухаан минь балартаж нүд минь харанхуйлж байлаа.
Of The Nine
***DROPPED*** The entire Hyperion Empire, ruled by the Granitas Imperial Family, celebrates as all nine of the bloodline Houses have given birth to children. In a world where bloodlines place some mortals above the rest, the Hyperion Empire has cause to rejoice. Maximus Soltain the Second, or Max, is just one child born in the celebrated new generation. He hails from the Soltain House, which has ruled over the land east of the Elotl Mountains long before the empire was even founded. Max must discover for himself where he belongs in a world where ability and personal strength reign supreme.
8 154The Heavenly Wandering Sword
The Deity of Swords has lived for thousands of years upon Sword Mountain. In that time, he has tired of living the way a god does. To find the simpler life he had before his ascension, he leaves the Heavenly Palace to once again travel through the Jianghu. Since his ascension thousands of years ago to the Heavenly Palace, Li Jian found himself in a position where he never truly wished to be. Having lost track of all those who he had met throughout his time in the mortal world of cultivation, he seeks to find the various wisdoms he had forgotten in the millenias past. He had been many things: fisherman, warrior, and teacher to name a few but he has never been able to simply be. What he has sought since the first time he picked up his sword was a sense of tranquility with the world but it had only lead to his Heavenly Ascension. A swordsman without peer, he chooses instead to defy the law of the Dao and once again live in the world of mortals.
8 190Infinity - Revival From Death
Karen and Eliza are given a second chance at life after being wrongfully killed for reasons unknown. Their lives, however, were intertwined to obtain this second chance. However, this will not stop the former enemies turned allies from seeking vengeance on their assailants. 'I will seek vengeance against the Demon King and the Gods of Heaven, whether it takes hundreds or thousands of years.' However, it seems that without enough strength it is just a pipe dream. Unanswered questions start to pile as unknown visions start to haunt Karen. --------------------Note---------------------------- I don't own the cover. If the creator has any complaints inform me and I will take it down. The chapter release schedule is Monday
8 160Return of the Shadow CEO
*NO HAREM**CONSTANT UPLOADS**NO CLICHE**CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT* Martials are people with supernatural abilities and have existed forever, but their existence is not know by the normal people. But because of "The Disaster", people who were not martials also started gaining these abilities. Monsters started appearing around the globe, and the world went into a state of chaos. Reyansh a child born to the "Martial" family of Gupta, at 14 was sent away for his Transition Training. With no family support, the boy had to survive in this cruel world, with only 2 things that he had left with him, his genius mindset, and his martial prowess. "I want you to come back, Old Friend" A mysterious man said "I lost my powers, don't you remember" Rey replied "Your bluff won't work on me" The man said while taking out his weapon. Rey's eyes wide opened on hearing this, "How?" he thought to himself. This is Reyansh's story, his past, present, and future, from the boy had nothing left, to the man that has everything, follow Reyansh on his journey, and see how he becomes the Strongest Martial. Follow Rey's story as he returns to the world of martials and radiants. *** This story contains action elements, and litrpg style world and lore, the story mainly focuses on the mc's growth, and as well as his relationship with his wife. The story contains no harem, but romance is still there. The main plot is more on the mystery side, with a bit of fast-paced action here and there.MC's wife is also the deuteragonist of the story. The story is a mix between CEO romance stories and Action-packed litrpg stories.Read at least 10-12 chaps, before judging. ***I do not own the cover, if you have any issues please mail me at -[email protected] My discord - ganu #7657 btw yeah I love valo if you are thinking about it "Hope you like this"
8 174the Otherworld Scientific Researcher
In the year of 2225, where technology have led humans to populate the moon and colonized Mars have reach a standstill because humans have mysteriously awoken to their psychic powers. Cultivating psychic power have become a norm and reseaching new technologies have become outdated.. Raynor, a once famous researcher have been outcasted by the world for not obtaining psychic power and has been secluded in the mountain while continuing his scientific research.. While Raynor is experimenting his warp drive, his once best friend betrayed him and sabotaged his lab while supposedly creating a black hole and destroy his lab alongside with him, the next thing he knew is he wake up in a different world, a world like the period of middle ages but is filled with magic, creatures from fantasy and.. Summoned Hero?
8 112The Vanishing City
"Congratulations, people of Lodras! You have been chosen to Join the Plane, where your accomplishments are the only limit to your power! Will you spread your culture and way of life, or will you succumb to the pressures of the new world and fall? Will you come together as a people, or will you splinter and dissolve? Will you rise to the challenge, or will you flee? Everyone will learn the answers to these questions and more, as from this moment, your fate is truly your own!" --- Gonna write 500-1000 words each day, depending on how busy I am.
8 121