-И НАЁОН!!!!
Хэмээн багшийн хашхирсанд гайхан самбарын зүг харлаа.
"хичээл үймүүлхээ боль" гэлээ
Би юу ч хийгээгүй шүүдээ! Бурхан минь гэж энэ багш юугаа харж байдаг байнааа!
Тэгхээр намайг И Наёон гэдэг төгсөх ангийн сурагч. 19 настай. Ганцаараа амьдардаг өглөө хичээлдээ яван орой нь цагийн ажил хийдэг. Аав ээж мань Бусанд дүү нартай минь амьдардаг юм.
Хичээлээ таран шууд л ажилруугаа явлаа. Манай захирал нэлээд нас тогтсон хөгшин эгч байдаг юм. Цалингийн хувьд бусад цагийн ажлын цалингаас илүү дээр.
Гэхдээ нэг муу зүйл нь гэвэл тэр газарыг хаах гэж байгаа гэсэн. Тийм ч учраас шинэ ажил хайж байгаа өнөөдөр тэнд ажилах сүүлийн өдөр юм. Кафэн арын хаалгаар нь орон хувцсаа солин цүнхээ шүүгээнд хийчихээд ажилдаа орлоо. Би кассндээр зогсдог юм л даа.
Үйлчлүүлэгчид ар араасаа орж ирсээр.. Өнөөдөр сүүлийн өдөр учир нэлэд их хүмүүс ирлээ нэг мэдэхэд орой болж дэлгүүрээ хаах цаг нь болсон байв.
Захирал дэлгүүрээ цоожлон
Баярлалаа Наёон аа. Чиний ачаар кафэ мань их олон үйлчлүүлэгчтэй болсон юм шүү. Кафэгаа ингээд хааж байгаад уучлаарай.
-Зүгээрээ захиралаа та биеээ сайн бодоорой хурдан эдгээрэй.
-баярлалаа одоо явдаа оройтлоо.
Захиралдаа нэг бөхийчихөөд гэрийн зүг явлаа. Гэрлүүгээ орохоосоо өмнө дэлгүүр орон бэлэн гоймон ундаа аван сонин зардаг газар орон ажлын зар асуулаа.
Сонин аван аль өндөр цалинтай газар хайн "олчихлоо" гэж өөрт сонсогдхоор хэлэн TH компань
-ахаа энэ газар хаана байдаг юм.
Худалдагч ах "аан THгрүпп их олон хэрэгт оролцдог гэж сонссон ихэнх зэвсэгийн наймаа бусад мафийн газруудтай ихэнхдээ наймаалцдаг бас их залуухан захиралтай гэж сонссон гэхдээ худлаа ч байж магадгүй миний бодлоор чи өөр ажил хайсан нь дээр байх" хэмээн санаа зовинлонгүй хэллээ.
-хамаагүээ цалин өндөртэй байвал юу ч хийсэн болно баярлалаа ахаа гээд бөхийчихөөд гэрлүүгээ орон гоймонгоо чанан гэрийн даалгавараа хийчихээд унтлаа.
Маргааш өдөр нь хичээлээ тарчихаад TH компаньруу явлаа.
Нээх том ч биш нээх жижиг ч биш бусад грүппүүдийн барилгыг бодвол жижиг юм.
Хаалгаар нь ортол хар костьюм өмссөн том биетэй залуу "энэ хүүхдүүдийн ирээд байдаг газар биш яв!" гэлээ.
-би ажил хайж байна лдаа энд ажилд авна их өндөр цалинтай гэж бичсэн байсан.
Тэр залуу утсаар ярин намайг хамгийн дээд давхарын өрөөрүү дагуулан орлоо.
Их том сайхан тохижуулсан өрөө байна. Маш том цонхны өмнө том ширээ сандал байх баширээн дээр нь Ким Тэхён BOSSгэсэн бичигтэй том шилэн хуудас байв сандал нь цааш харсан суудалруу тэр залуу бөхийн
-боссоо гэж нөгөө том биетэй залуу хэлтэл бүдүүн баргил хоолойтой залуу гарч бай гэж хэллээ нөгөө залуу ч бөхийсөөр өрөөнөөс гарахад нөгөө захирал нь саадлаа эргүүлэн
-ажил хайж байгаа гэл үү
-сайн байна ажилд авлаа
-юу?? Шууд уу?
-тиймээ. Яасан?
-ямарч ярилцлага гэрээ байхгуй юу?
-чи хүмүүсийг угтан авах ёстой хичнээн муу хүмүүс байсан ч гэсэн. Доор юу болж байгаа гээд бүгдийг утсаар надад хэлнэ.Өөр асуух зүйл байна уу?
-сарын цалин нь хэд вэ
-3сая вон хангалттай юу?
-яасан бага байна уу
-за тэгвэл маргааш 9 гээд ажилдаа ирээрэй
-б.би хичээлтэй шдээ
-наадах чинь чиний л асуудал. Одоо яваа би ажилтай болчихлоо.
Өрөөнөөс нь гаран "энэ муу одоо юу вэ чиний л асуудал гэнэ үү. Ямар сонин залуу вэ"
An 'Ordinary' Adventure
A series of unfortunate events lead to the self-proclaimed ordinary guy, Knight Yuudai, to be imprisoned in another world. He, and a young girl he was imprisoned with, must escape together. They will travel across the demon-infested Dragon Lands to reach the exiled races, who were born from the Elder Dragon. Along the way he must fight the parasites that are the demons. His journey will make him bear witness to the horrors and wonders this world has to offer, while desperately searching for the last bit of familiarity that resides at the floating world tree. A very big thanks to Roseowo who took the time to make me this amazing cover art. You can find Rose's Instagram on the top left of the cover and her very own story over on Scribble Hub here - https://www.scribblehub.com/series/97501/the-necromancer-system/ Please go check it out! -------------------------------------------------------------- AUTHOR EXPANDED UNIVERSE: Ever wanted a place to find cool new stories, or to discuss a few different stories with the authors themselves? Well, well, well. This should be what you are looking for.The AEU is a new author discord group focusing on 5 main stories as of now. However, more will join in the future. The current stories in the AEU are as follows:This one - An 'Ordinary' Adventure.Nameless' - The precipice of power - https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/34498/the-precipice-of-powerSum's - The prophecy of An Ancient Bloodline - https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/31165/the-prophecy-of-an-ancient-bloodlineKraze's - The Last Flame - https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/32059/the-last-flamePrimate's - Divine - https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/35456/divineInterested are you? I hope you are Here's the link - https://discord.gg/jk7hbv4
8 214god Dimension
so the main Character is called lee He is 18 years old who at height of 5'7 feet.The story takes place half a year after his little sister Naomi disappeared before his eyes when she was on her computer.lee Just come home like every day and go to his sister room, He looks into his sister's room and suddenly the computer turned on “Hello, lee Do you want something more? know what really happens to your little sister and your father? A new chance of making thing right and getting back all you lost? If so click yes.” look forward to lee adventure in the world of animes movie and light novel world I fan of Terror Infinity and I was so up stepped that all the story about it stop,So I give it try and write my own story, read my story powers of x men toriko one piece naruto terror infinity and more Warning: Major spoiler for the Manga, Anime, Light Novels, Full disclosure. Several elements inspired by stories such as terror infinity, any related fanfic stuff cough side b and domain My first story it takes time but I believe in the story. enjoy
8 176Pocket Dungeon Lite
Based on the Pocket Dungeon original novel made by Stuckin (I asked for his permission beforehand). I do not know if this could count as a fanfiction as I made up many elements on the go so, for now, I will list this as an original but if Stuckin-sama would like me to change it I will be fine with doing so. This is somewhat of a self-insert but I made sure not to make the MC to OP. Also, the creator of the cover is Vurguy I tried to contact him to ask for permission but couldn't due to technical issues please go support him on Deviant Art and I don't own the picture so if he wants me to take it down than I am completely okay with doing so. As I am an improving author, I am glad to receive any constructive criticism or critical review I just hope that everyone will give me a chance before they yell at me for something or at least tell me what made them angry so I know what the issue is and can figure out how to deal with it. For now, my schedule is 1-2 chapters a week and if I am busy with either work or school 1-3 chapters every 2 weeks. I expect a bunch of chapters at the beginning around 5 or so and for me to continue from there. I will try my best to keep some chapters in storage for any time where I can't write for whatever reason. I will continue to change this part of the synopsis if anything changes in my update schedule. - From a thoughtful Author Pocket Dungeon is a widespread interstellar game that has captivated the attention of many races and civilizations. Nowadays in the 2300s anyone not living under a rock would grow up with a dungeon and learn to manage it over time as they make mistakes along the way. But as all things go there is always an exception and this exception can be found in Nadezhda Ledopad who had an overprotective family that didn't let him interact with anything but those they deemed worthy and safe. This overprotectiveness caused them to forbid him from gaining a pocket dungeon as they knew with his intelligence and specialties in certain fields he would become a strong dungeon master, quickly. This was something his family was very much against as they knew that his competitiveness and duty to maintain the Ledopad family's reputation would push him to win in the competitions that he would inevitably get invited too. This all changed when Nadezh graduated high school and moved to the Celestial Plane capital star as a Prodigal student in planetary conservation (major) and revival of species through DNA transferal (minor). His brother in all but blood Tet schemed to get him into Pocket Dungeons when they got there as no one would keep Nadezh from playing. Nadezh excited to join his peers in this famous game looked forward to doing so. But with this one decision, many futures changed and the Fates laughed as people of strong destinies meet together on this plane. Warning - This will probably contain LGBT+ relationships. You have been warned, I will not tolerate stupidity to the ninth degree in the comment section and I hope that people can be logical enough to GO AWAY if they don't like this kind of thing. If you don't feel comfortable with mature or explicit scenes I will put a warning in the chapters or parts with such and I just wanted all of you to know that this will be a long novel as with most novel I will write in the future so don't expect a deep romantic relationship anytime soon.
8 58The Christmas Wish
Kim Taehyung is a farmer visiting the big city on business. While touring the city he witness' an accident and quickly takes action. Overnight he becomes a hero and a social media sensation. He agrees to an interview on the number one rated talk and cooking show in South Korea, Kooking with Kookie. Although Taehyung is a simple man he has a passion for cooking and a secret crush on none other than Jeon Jungkook the celebrated host of Kooking with Kookie. Being a guest on Kookie's show is a dream come true. Jeon Jungkook is wealthy and famous celebrity that appears to have it all. But there's something missing in his life. Christmas is coming yet he is not looking forward to it. Gone is the joy and excitement that the season always brings him. He longs for a simpler life and a partner. He desires to meet a regular guy. A regular guy like he once was, before his fame and fortune. However, he has a secret that could destroy his career and everything that he has worked so hard to build. While on Kookie's show Taehyung reveals a very special Christmas wish that just might change both of their lives forever.
8 164The Diamonds
When two human's named Abigail and Ron find out that they are actually alien creatures called: Diamonds their life gets turned upside down. Everything they thought they knew about themselves was a lie! Now they have to figure out who they really are all over again. The journey to them becomes nothing but one big nightmare after another. But unfortunately it's not a dream. It's for real and there's no waking up from reality no matter how bad it seems.
8 81Vampire Shield //jungkook ff//
y/n : I really saw a vampire. why don't you believe me? Lisa : y/n,that is your hallucination. There is no Vampire thing. They are only exist in the folk story. ...........??? : Do you find her?? ??? : Yes...... but it is someone I never expect. ...............??? : What will you do? ??? : I have to protect her no matter what happens.
8 102