《•Stay With Me• |✔︎|》[6]
Гэрээсээ гаран хаалгаа түгжин зогсох Тэхёныг харсан Жонгүг татаж буй тамхиа хаясаар түүн дээр гүйн ирлээ.
"Юу байна даа? Болзоот залуу минь" Жонгүгийг чанга чанга инээсээр асуутал Тэхён нүдээ эргэлдүүлээд
"Хэн нэгэн ядаргаатай залуугийн бай болчихоод ер салж чадахгүйгээр хажуудаа дагуул мэтээр зүүгдүүлээд үргэлжийн нүдээ эргэлдүүлдэг болсоноос өөр юм алга даа" гэсээр худал инээмсэглэвэл Жонгүг түүний ярианаас түй ч ойлгоогүйдээ дуугүй л толгой дохиод
"Аан" гэх нь тэр. Харин Жонгүгийн тэнэг царайнд Тэхён гэнэт л инээж эхлэн, үүнд нь Жонгүг түүнийг бүр ч ихээр гайхаад амжив.
"Явцгаах уу?" Жонгүг удаан түүний инээдийг харсандаа ч тэр үү, улам л жаргалтай болон инээсээр Тэхёноос асуувал Тэхён сая л байдлаа ухаарав гэлтэй хоолойгоо зассаар эргэн хэвийндээ орон
"Тэгье" хэмээлээ.
Удаан хугацааны явалтын эцэст сая нэг кино театрын урд ирсэн Жонгүг Тэхёнд сануулга өгөхөөр хажуу тийш харвал өнөөх нь унтсан байгаад зогсохгүй бүр тухтай гэгч нь харагдсанд Жонгүг ч инээмсэглэсээр өөрийн хүрмээр түүнийг хучин өгөөд машинаа дахин асаах нь тэр.
Нам гүм орчинтой байхын зэрэгцээ тайвшрал бүрэн утгаар нь мэдэрч чадах тийм л газар Жонгүгийн дараагийн зогсоол байв.
"Дарс хэрэгтэй байх. Тийм үү?" Өөрөө өөртэйгээ ярин явах Жонгүг нүүрнээсээ огт инээмсэглэл салгасангүй.
"Мм?...Тэр хааччихаа вэ?" Тэхён дөнгөж сэрсэндээ нэг нүдээ арай хийн нээгээд Жонгүгийг хайтал тэр машины хаана ч байсангүйд гайхсаар гаднахыг харвал түүний төсөөлөө ч үгүй дүр зураглал байсан нь Жонгүг далайн дэргэд зогссон чигтээ нүдээ анин гараа дэлгэсэн нь байлаа.
Жонгүг хувиралгүй харцаар Тэхён руу ширтсэн ч удалгүй Тэхёны нүдээ нухлах дүр зураглалыг харан тэр дороо л туулайн шүдээ гарган инээмсэглэх нь тэр.
"Яагаад энд ирчихсэн юм? Чи хэлэхдээ надад кино үзнэ гэсэн?" Тэхёныг үнсэх хүслээ барьж ядах Жонгүг уруулаа хумьсаар толгой дохиод
"Чи өчигдөр шөнө ном уншаад огт унтаагүй шүү дээ. Тиймээс бага зэрэг ч болтугай амрах, эсвэл ийм сайхныг харан жаргал аваасай гэж хүссэн юм. Бас одоо нүдээ амраах ч хэрэгтэй" хэмээвэл Тэхён ч мөн толгой дохин инээн далайг харсан ч гэнэт санав бололтой эргэн Жонгүг рүү гайхан хараад
"Гэхдээ чи намайг ном уншаад бүр шөнөжин унтаагүйг яаж мэдэж байгаа юм?" гэсээр нүдээ жижигрүүлэн нухацтайгаар харахад нь Жонгүг сандарсаар машин руугаа яван
"Би сая дарс авсан. Хундага ч бас авсан учраас хоёулаа од харчихаад явахад болох байх" гээд бушуу зугтаан гүйчихвэл Тэхён хойно нь түүнийг сэжиглэнгүй ширтсэн хэвээр үлдлээ.
"Би байна шүү дээ" дарсны бараг л талыг уусан Тэхён согтчихсон аятай гэнэт л нүдээ анисаар долоовор хуруугаа гозолзуулаад толгойн хажуудаа барьсаар түшүүлээд ярьж эхлэв.
"Би ууг нь хүнд хайртай байхгүй юу? Тэгсэн чи гэж нэг өт гарч ирээд сэтгэл хоёрдуулаад. Одоо бол би үнэхээр яахаа мэдэхгүй нь. Зүгээр л өөрийгөө зөнд нь хаяж байна"
"Надаас мэдрэмж авч байна уу?"
"Авалгүй яадаг юм. Хацар улайгаад, амьсгал давчдаад, хамгийн гол нь энэ хүчтэй цохилоод байдаг юм" зүрхээ заан хошуугаа унжуулан ярих Тэхёныг харсан Жонгүг арай хийн өөрийгөө барьж байгаа харагдах агаад жаргалтайгаар инээмсэглэсээр Тэхёныг тэврэн авах нь тэр.
"Юугаа хийгээд?"
"Яг үнэндээ чиний хэнд хайртай байх, хэнийг хайрладаг байсан чинь надад хамаагүй ээ. Одоо бол би зүгээр л Тэхён гэдэг хүнийг өөрийн эзэмшлийнх болгомоор байна." Тэхён түүний хэлсэнд санаа алдаад
"Гэхдээ чи миний төлөө өөрийн хайргүй хүнд өөрийгөө өгч чадна гэдгийг чинь би яаж мэдэх юм" гэвэл Жонгүг гайхан Тэхёныг харах гэж оролдвол Тэхён нүүрээ доош нуусаар
"Би тэр хүнд хайртай. Үүрд хайртай хэвээрээ л байх болно. Тиймээс хэн ч миний сэтгэлийг өөрчилж чадахгүй гэж бодож байна" гээд доош харсан хэвээр байвал Жонгүг гүнээр санаа алдаад Тэхёны хацрыг барин нүүрийг нь өөр лүүгээ харуулсаар
"Би сая хамаагүй гэсэн шүү дээ. Хэнд хайртай байх, хайрладаг байсан гээд л. Надад үнэхээр хамаагүй. Учир нь би чамайг удахгүй миний хойноос хөл алдан гүйнэ гэдэгт итгэлтэй байна" хэмээн инээмсэглэвэл Тэхён хэсэг түүнийг ширтээд удаа ч үгүй уруул руу нь дөхөн үнсээд авах нь тэр.
Үүнд нь Жонгүг эхэндээ яахаа мэдэхгүй байсан ч нэгэнт л Тэхёнд хайртай юм хойно өөдөөс нь ер эсэргүүцэл үзүүлэлгүй дуртай нь аргагүй зөрүүлэн үнслээ.
Халуухнаар үргэлжилсэн үнсэлт сая дуусч, Жонгүг инээмсэглэсэн чигтээ Тэхёныг харавч Тэхён тийм ч таатай байсангүй. Одоо ч нүдээ анин, нулимс урсгахаас гадна амнаасаа зөвхөн
"Уучлаарай" хэмээх үгс л гаргаж байв.
"Яагаад уучлалт гуйгаад байгаа юм?"
"Зөвшөөрөлгүй үнсчихсэн учраас. Бас..бас сэтгэлийг чинь хүлээн авахгүй байгаад" Жонгүг түүний эгдүүтэй үгсэд хамраа үрчийлгэсээр тэврэн аваад
"Зүгээр дээ. Надад харин ч таалагдаж байна. Энэ яг л намайг чи илүү ихээр хичээх ёстой гэсэн дохиог өгөөд байх шиг санагдаж байна. Тиймээс санаа зоволтгүй ээ. За юу?" гэсээр Тэхёныг харвал тэр аль хэдийн түүний өвөрт тайван нойрсжээ.
"Хөөрхөн юм. Ким Тэхён"
Journey of a Mage
Mantira, the world that never stands still and where the God's word is law. Milleniums have passed and every race living on Mantira have at one point broken this law and strode out into the unknown and either discovered things beyond their wildest dreams or faltered under the weight of heaven's decree. Even so, few dared to mess with the taboo which was the void. For no-one; even the God's, had come back from looking unto the void and learning the secrets that lay within. Except for one. Who's blind devotion to learning the secrets of the void, drew him farther and farther down the wheel of destiny and onto a path that would change the course of history. But unlike the events that were to ensue, the whole thing started with a small, unnoticeable grey cylinder.
8 182I'M ALIVE!
I committed suicide after my wife was murdered and raped by some lunatics. I was in hell when I got a book that is able to summon some fucking powerful demons. It was a gift from Satan himself. Nice guy, foul breath. Satan, Santa what difference does it make now? It is a good gift! They will pay... all of them will perish by my own hands because I'm alive again! Pretty messed up shit, right? I would like to see this rotten city burn and I will, but that’s enough talk for now. My mood is really bad. I got an army from hell at my disposal and I have some bastards to torture, and then murder... What the fuck is he doing!? "Hey, Alastor! Wait for me, you son of a bitch!" New cover by Yuri Padial- commissioned before I decided to draw again. Paid for it, so Iwill fucking use it! Hiatus - New chapters will take longer than I expected. If you still with me thanks for the support, and if you are gone... I don't give a fucking crap! Have a nice day!
8 253Scholar of the Fog
Leaving a trail of blood as he climbed up a hill, his limbs felt like lead. He was gasping too, his lungs burning with every step he took. It felt like a bundle of broken glass was scraping away the inner walls of his flesh. He was dying, obvious to both him and his pursuers. And it would not be long till he dropped dead as he bled away. If not, the people chasing him would surely finished what they had came for. It was as if the Gods themselves had already predestined his fate. He took one step forward and stood at the peak of the hill. He let his legs rest as he could barely go on. Heaving deep breaths, he could hear sneering voices and shouts behind him. They were close, and the grim realization stoked the embers of his most primal fear. He did not want to die. He had dreams, like any other youth. There was glory to be had in this world. He wanted to learn more of life, and lived through its motions. He wanted to live. He swept his gaze, and across him was a spanning forest of old. With a glint in his eyes, and jaws clenched, he decided to gamble with all he had. He was dying, and by now, it did not matter where his grave was. He ran down the hill, and stopped where the plains and the forest met. His eyes swept about the trees, and he could feel an instinctual urge to drag himself away. He knew what this forest was, and here, he would find his salvation. Or his doom. The voices behind him grew closer, and among the noise was the faint clanging of steel. Gritting his teeth, he ousted all the will he had from the depths of his soul and stepped forth into the forest. Damned he be by the Gods if they wanted him dead. -new synopsis 10/6/2016 ---------- A new chapter would be released every friday. And the quality of writing should improve each time, hopefully. Another important thing to mention is how the story as of now, is only a bedrock for a massive world if it ever gets there. (CH18) And if possible, reviews are very much appreciated. ---------- For the ones who are interested in the old synopsis: With one foot in the grave, he ran away for that little bit of hope. Exhausted and bleeding, it was only a matter of time until he passed out. By then, his fate would be sealed and he would be no more. Thus, he had to make a decision that might just save his life. It was a gamble, he knew, but he had no He ran into the forbidden forest where no man had ever come back. He headed within, intending to scare his pursuers away. But they persisted in their chase, hounding him down until he was forced to take a step of no return. There, in the darkest depths of the forest, was the ghastly fog and behind him where men who wanted his head. Left with nothing else, he stepped forth and crossed the boundary of the living and the dead. Henceforth, his fate was forever changed. No longer just a scholar, but something more…
8 175InstaFamous
Every click counts. Remember that. Everything you post on the internet may be deleted, but once someone sees it, there's no turning back. Take Gigi Vloski, your typical weird teenager, aka me, for example. Everything is normal, or as normal as it could ever be. There's the annoying 'ex best friend turned to mortal enemy'. There's my freakiest brother who calls pranking a type of affection. And then there's the stepmother who loves my brother so much she never listens to me. But my life takes a turn with just an unexpected click. A click that changed me and my whole world forever. • • • •"Your video got a million hits!" He yelled, making my eardrums burst. I gave him a puzzled look. He facepalmed. "You got a million hits on YouTube!" he said with a hopeful look, hoping I would know the thing I really don't know. "Not ringing any bells." I muttered and shook my head.• • • •all rights reserved 2013-2014.
8 182Looed and Lost You
(I'm in the process of rewriting this book! The new version is called "Bubblegum and Blood Roses"! But please feel free to still read this one! The plots are different!)Even at a small age, Cansas Walker knew she was different. She was the little girl at school with a knife collection. Being the youngest in a family of hunters can be hard, especially when both your big sisters only fight with each other. But when Cansas starts making things happen an Archangel of the Lord saves them from the demons that mean to kill them. This Archangel stays with Cansas until she turns nine years old. He leaves breaking the little girl's heart, but her life went on. Everything seemed to be back to normal until the demon Quinn kills her mother and father. Both her big sisters go off on their own leaving Cansas in the care of their family friends, the Winchesters. They took care of her until she was old enough to go off on her own. Now at the age of twenty-one, Cansas finds herself on a hunt with the Winchester boys that brings her close to a certain Trickster. Cansas life seems to be spiraling downward as she learns the truth about herself, But with the looming threat of the apocalypse, she must be stronger than ever to take on the great pain that comes with loving and losing an Angel of the Lord. -I don't own anything except my OCs. -Seasons 2-5 with some other characters from later seasons-Character may be a mary sue but she is my mary sue
8 119Debut or Die (MTL)
A 4th year student who was preparing for the Civil Service examination, suddenly he found himself in an unfamiliar body 3 years ago.As well as a status window displaying a threat in front of his eyes![Outbreak!] [Status Abnormality: 'Debut or Death' Occurs!] A diary about the transformation of the main character, who was suddenly challenged to be an idol even though he has never been in the industry before due to sudden threat of death.※Speciality: He used to take and sell idol's data. ---First and foremost, this story isn't mine nor the official english translator. All credits goes to the Author Baek Deoksoo. Do take note that this is only a machine translated and you can look up to google to find the english translation.
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