《•Stay With Me• |✔︎|》[1]
Шинэхэн загварын үнэтэй машинаас буух Жонгүг гартаа барьсан утсаа дараа нь урдаа байх барилгыг хараад
"Зөв бололтой" хэмээсээр дотогш орлоо.
"Энд Ким Тэхён гэж хүн байгаа юу?" Үүдний хүлээн авагч түүний асуултанд толгой дохиод
"Сэтгэл зүйч Ким Тэхён биз дээ?" гэхэд Жонгүг толгой дохиж, хүлээн авагч ч компьютерээ харсаар
"15 давхарт, 243 тоот" хэмээн инээмсэглэсээр Жонгүгийг үдэх бол Жонгүг сонсогдох төдий
"Баярлалаа" гэчхээд цааш явав.
"Хэн билээ?" Тэхён гэнэт л өрөөнд нь дайран орж ирсэн нэгнийг сонжсон харцаар ажсаар хэлвэл Жонгүг алхан явсаар өрөөний сандал дээр тухлан суугаад
"Үйлчлүүлэгч чинь л байна шүү дээ. Бас Жимин ярьсан гэсэн?" гэхэд Тэхён толгой дохиод өөрийн сандлаас босон Жонгүгийн урд суусаар
"Юу ч гэсэн сайн уу?" гээд номхон байдалд дэвтэр, балаа барин асуулаа. Жонгүг түүнийг ямар боловсон нэгэн болохыг гайхсаар
"Сайн" гээд түүний дараагийн асуултыг таамаглан суух бол Тэхён өөрийн шилийг дээшлүүлээд
"Нэрээ хэлээч?" хэмээх аж.
"Жон Жонгүг"
"Харин намайг Ким Тэхён. Танилцахад таатай байна" тэр дэвтэр дээрээ юу ч юм бичээд эргэн Жонгүг рүү харан
"Одоо өөрт тулгараад байгаа асуудлаа хэлэхгүй юу?" гэсээр толгойгоо гэлжийлгэн асуусанд Жонгүг нүдээрээ доош заагаад
"Надад биш ээ, тэрэнд" хэмээж, Тэхён ч гайхсаар
"Мм?" гэвэл Жонгүг нүдээ эргэлдүүлээд
"Чамд ууг нь Жимин хэлэх ёстой байсан юмсан. Ерөнхийдөө хараал идсэн миний энэ огт тавихгүй байгаа. Бараг бүтэн 2 сар" хэмээн уцаарлах шиг болоход нь Тэхён дэвтэр дээрээ тэмдэглэсээр толгой дохиод
"Онгон охинтой унтсан ч уу?" гэсээр өөд харвал Жонгүг 'мм' гээд толгой дохих нь тэр.
"Чамд сайхан мэдрэмж төрдөг үү? Нэг үгээр хэлбэл таашаал авдаг уу?"
Жонгүг түүний асуултанд хэсэг эргэлзээд удалгүй толгой сэгсэрлээ.
"Зүгээр л...нэг тийм..хийх ёстой зүйл мэт.."
Тэхён ч мөн хэлсэнд нь толгой сэгсрэн шилээ аваад
"Чи магадгүй бэлгийн чиг хандлагаа дахиад нэг бодож үзэх хэрэгтэй байх" хэмээж Жонгүг үүнд нь нүдээ томруулсаар
"Тоглоод байна уу?" гэсэн ч Тэхён түүн рүү хувиралгүй харан
"Үгүй ээ." гэх нь тэр.
"Сонс! Жонгүг. Миний бодлоор, чиний наад зүйл чинь өөрт тааламжтай, мөн хэрэгцээтэй зүйлийг хайж байгаа. Гэтэл чи өөрийн чиг хандлагаа ч мэдэхгүй үүнийгээ 'тавь' гээд шахаад байвал наа чинь хэзээ ч чамд жаргал өгөхгүй" Жонгүг хөмсгөө атиралдуулсаар түүн рүү харан
"Тэгээд би одоо яах юм?" гэхэд Тэхён түүнийг хэсэг ажиглаад
"Гей сайт орж, түүнээсээ өөрийгөө тавиулж чадахаар бичлэг үз! Хэрэв чи чадвал чиний сонирхол бусдаас өөр өө гэсэн үг" хэмээн энгийн харцаар л ажин дэвтэртээ ямар нэг зүйл бичээд эргэн дэвтрээ хаан ширээн дээр тавьсаар
"Өнөөдрийн дотор өгсөн даалгаврыг минь биелүүлж, маргааш 12 цагт ирээрэй" гэх нь тэр.
"Хараал идсэн! Түүний зөв байж!" Жонгүг гартаа байх шингэнийг харсаар хэлээд угаалгын өрөө зүглэх аж.
One in the Chamber [Discontinued]
Isaac is a child of a United States General in a time of Massive resource wars, but it all goes wrong when the mainland is attacked from foreign powers and domestic powers. In the end, nuclear bombs wipe away the land, and Isaac is thrown into a different world through a magical rift. Now he must survive using his weapons, and magical store, in a world rife with war and monsters.
What if magic were real, how would our world be like? How would the biology of organisms be like? What would be our priorities? Would our values change? How would magic possibly work? How powerful would magic be? Is there a limit to the power that magic can give? Could the issue of equality and fairness be finally solved? Would our society be better for it?This book attempts to solve these questions and many others. It does not boast to have found the answers but you will not be left wanting in the great and magical world that has been envisioned. It is a world with a grand system of multiple universes.In a world with Gods, Demons, and Titans. Born as a high elf with arguably the highest affinity to mana in High Heaven Realm, Gehald, our MC isn't satisfied. With his inner demons awakened, he set out to achieve perfection. Gehald is power-hungry and ruthless, cold and calculating, determined and unwavering no matter the obstacles. But the world isn't so simple, the world wasn't made just for him, numerous others are have taken the same path as him, sometimes they would collaborate but most times they would clash. Even two demon kings cannot share the same level of the abyss, after all, the path of power is narrow, you could get pushed off by another and pay the price of defeat with your life. Gehald isn't a hero, and the world doesn't just hand things over to him.Why is his world the way it is? What could come from the unique fusion of the powers of Gods, Demons, and Titans in a single vessel? Follow Gehald on his thirst for power, alongside some other characters through their joys, tribulations, sorrows, and hard-won success. You might just find one or two answers.
8 79Seraphim
Lumia – the city of the futureHere skyscrapers rise and Inventors strideMarching to an unseen drumRuhum – nation of fire and windHere angels live as mortals mightAs their youngest comes to BloomThe seed of their ruin slept in such a small thingA single stolen book. Published here and on amazon. Please check my stories if you like them, or want to read ahead.
8 233Song of Phoenix - Ordeal: Part 1
Kin and Nami set off from home to begin their people's coming of age Ordeal. Along the way they stumble upon a sinister plot and must set aside their own plans for the good of their people.
8 167[Archive] Legend of the Nameless Hero
A WhiteSamurai original Web Novel There are always the mysterious tales of heroes, those who fight against the Demons, who fight for justice and those who head mighty quests against tyranny. Heroes that are born to destiny, Heroes that are forged through tragedy, and Heroes that are brought to the world in times of great peril and strife. Not all true Heroes are wanted or beloved, but all life understands, that throughout all time and space, for those who truly stand as Heroes, they never need to be called one. The sands of time are the only true judge for those who journey upon the true path, the only one they will ever need. This is the tale, no, the Legend, the Legend of the one who throughout all time, would forever be, the First Hero. This is Their story, a story of true hardship, of a sorrow greater than any other that would stand as a symbol of inspiration no matter the test of time. A tale of darkness, a true curse, an impending evil hidden beyond the horizons that threatened the very future of existence. This is the tale, of one of the few great figures, who, in the face of true evil, continued to stand. . . . _______________________________________________________________ :Disclaimer: _______________________________________________________________ . . . All Chapters are subject to sudden revision, scrapping, or complete removal from the canonical storyline. The author of "Legend of the Nameless Hero" uses RoyalRoad as a method of experimentation with genre's and writing styles for Fantasy-style works for the sake of eventual publication. The end result isn't to release perfect chapters on RoyalRoadl, but eventually develop the story as intended using the best material to produce the highest quality work. The best mentality when reading works from WhiteSamurai is to see it as the ability to read and review pre-release transcripts or "Rough Copies" before publication. Viewer discretion and maturity are both requested and required. . . . _______________________________________________________________ :About: _______________________________________________________________ . . . This story follows direct character point of views along with an intentional third person narrative to explain to the readers what the characters won't. (I don't use my characters to go give extensive explanations for every last thing like EVERYTHING DOES) This tale shall encompass the life of the Hero from the moment she is summoned into the Kingdom of Kremor, to the Legendary Final Clash. This isn't your run of the mill hack and slash raise an army and conquer, I don't follow that bandwagon. Real life holds politics, intrigue, economics, structure, populations, civil opinions, history, psychology, heart, suffering, wonder, advancement, curiosity, ambition, and so many more things that would lead to me hitting some character limit. I refuse to take the same route that others use by simply ignoring these factors, my worlds, my stories, are as real as they get. There's no plot armor here, if someone screws up, they've screwed up and there's no magical sword in a well for them. I write in 'Seasons' not 'Books' as many often do, these are generally, not always, hundreds of chapters long, though as I have yet to finish a season, the average length is in the air. I go by an ideal of what I call 'Universal Lore' which includes the policy that things that exist within the story don't follow the rule where the Protagonist needs to be there so that it will happen. There will be some things that will happen, and the hero, and sometimes the reader, won't know happened until they enter a place, or news gets to them. A person needs to be in the right place at the right time, I hate plot holes and meta characters above all else... For my works, comments are practically demanded as reactions, thoughts, and various viewpoints are like sweet fuel to my writing spirit. Reviews are highly accepted and appreciated, BUT ONLY IF THEY ARE EDUCATED AND THOROUGHLY EXPLAINED. Those that throw down a low rating ARE HIGHLY REQUESTED to extensively detail and explain their viewpoints on the work. They should also be willing to come back to the work at a later date if messaged by the Author, Me, due to issues they mentioned being taken care of. I'm never against scrapping a chapter or rewriting several paragraphs if there are character or story discrepancies. I want the highest quality work possible, and every comment, every review, are tools for me to use to further that goal. . . . Enjoy the work. ~White Status: (Ongoing)
8 67Full Moon {A Sesshomaru x Reader} ^w^
You are a full blooded dog demon. A female one at that. You have two swords. Shi is the blade of Death, while your other sword, Ha is the blade of darkness. They can be combined to make a naginata and can be used as one. The Naginata is called Shinha also known as Death blade. You are powerful and you travel alone. That is until little Rin finds herself in trouble and begs someone to let you come along. Who is this someone? Find out in this wonderful Book.(Description of you)Hair: Long and silverDress Attire: Blue short Kimono with a tanish brown obi and ankle length boots (like sesshomaru) Swords: Shi and HaLikes: Children, Traveling, ignoring Jaken, protecting Rin, hitting Jaken, Sesshomaru, and annoying Inuyasha.Dislikes: When Jaken calls her names, Kagura with Sesshomaru, other demons, humans, emotions.Alwight let's get this party started! Start readin now!
8 98