《Boss's Order's》Chapter 20


I wake up feeling like shît, and realise quickly that I'm in the hospital again. It's night time when I look out the window, and I vaguely wonder how long I've been here this time.

Looking around, I spot Xavier asleep in a chair beside my bed. Seeing him brings back everything and i start shaking badly, as violent sobs go through me.

Xavier jumps up looking alarmed, and rushes over to me, just as the door slams open and two nurses rush in, looking panicked.

"Miss Stewart? We need you to calm yourself down, right now! Your baby's heart rate has risen drastically, and we need you to help him calm down. Please dear, or we'll have to take you down for an emergency C-section." The older nurse shouts at me, gaining my attention immediately.

I take a deep breath in, and try desperately to stop crying. After a tense few minutes it seems to be working, and they leave me again after taking my blood pressure.

I stare at Xavier devastated. I'd never even gave him the chance to explain himself, and never in a million years, would I have guessed that he had an identical twin brother. I felt like such a bîtch, why didn't I stay and let him explain?

"Cara, how do you feel?" He asks me gently.

"Like shît." I reply hoarsely.

He nods, and comes over to me, grabbing my hand firmly.

"I'm sorry I never told you about Xander before now," he mumbles softly, "maybe it would have saved us both so much pain if I had. Xander has agreed to go to the press and straighten everything out for us both, and maybe they'll stop bugging you as much then. I'm glad you know the truth now tesoro, I've missed you so much." He replies crying, and making my heart break.


He leans over, and pulls me into a hug, holding me tightly and sobs into my shoulder.

"I searched everywhere for you Arianna, I just couldn't find you. And your asshôle of a brother Marcus, refused to tell me anything, even after I explained to him the truth. I was going mad, until you contacted me. I'm so glad you're home baby, so very glad." He murmurs against my neck.

I'm still holding him close as the door opens and Mel comes in looking worried, seeing me awake she squeaks loudly, startling Xavier and herself, making me giggle stupidly.

"Your awake! Oh thank God. I'm so sorry Aria, for not telling you, but I didn't think you'd believe me if I tried explaining it to you first. Are you okay? The baby?" She rambles out.

"It's fine Mel, I'm so glad you did what you did. And I think so, I haven't seen the Doctor yet, just some nurses that came in when I got upset." I assure her.

She nods and leaves the room; knowing her, she's gone looking for the Doctor herself.

Xavier gets up, and drys his eyes against the sleeve of the jumper he's wearing. He's staring at me, but it no longer bugs me.

"Can you forgive me, cara?" He asks me, leaving me confused.

"Forgive what? You didn't do anything. It's me that should be sorry, I left before you could explain. I was just so hurt, and heart broken after seeing those pictures. I never even stopped to think of a logical explanation to explain them. I'm so sorry for not trusting you, Xavier." I reply crying softly.

"There's nothing to forgive, cara. Those pictures were pretty convincing. Just say you'll take me back, I love you so much Arianna, please?" He asks me sounding broken.


"Ti amo, Xavier." I reply kissing him.

He responds hungrily, and pulls me towards him.

We break away panting, when someone clears their throat loudly behind us. Looking up, I see a familiar face, and can't help the grin that makes its way across my face.

"Ah, it's my favourite Doctor." I reply dryly.

He enters into the room further and scowls at me, obviously remembering me.

"Miss Stewart, what a pleasure it is to have you back here, annoying me again," The doctor replies, making Mel laugh loudly.

"I've looked over your chart, and it seems like you're okay to go. You need to make up a follow up appointment tomorrow with your baby Doctor, but everything looks okay. You just need to rest, and when I say rest, that means in bed, or sat down. Not walking about tiring yourself, okay?" The Doctor asks me sternly.

"Sure Doc, whatever you say." I grudgingly agree.

He eyes me, as if to check if I'm lying or not, but my baby's health is more important than annoying Doctor's. There's always plenty of time to do that, when jb is here.

I smile sweetly at him, and he gives me a purely skeptical look, before signing my discharge papers.

Handing them to me, I put them into my bag safely.

"Congratulations on the baby Miss Stewart, I wish you the best of luck, and hope to never have to see you again." The Doctor says as he leaves the room.

I grin widely at his retreating back, and hear Xavier clear his throat. Turning to him, I smile sweetly at him, but he just raises an eyebrow at me.

"He was my Doctor when I was treated after saving John. He hates me because I never listened to anything he told me to do." I reply grinning.

Mel shakes her head at me, while Xavier leans back over, capturing my lips again.

"You never answered my question before, mio amore?" He asks me.

"Yes, if you'll have me Xavier, then I'd love to."

"Good. Come on, let's get out of here. I want to get you home. Where you both belong." He replies, helping me out of bed carefully.

I'm thankfully still dressed in my clothes, I'm only missing my sandals and Mel puts them on for me so I don't have to bend over. I smile at her gratefully, and Xavier hands me my bag.

We slowly make our way to the parking lot, and I notice that Xavier's signature black car is here. He helps me into the back seat, surprising me by getting in beside me, and handing the keys over to Mel.

"You drive tonight Mel, I want to spend some time with, mio amore." He replies huskily, causing Mel to fake gag at us both.

Driving home in Xavier's arms, I finally fully relax for the first time in month's, and fall to sleep feeling whole again.

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