《Bad Intentions》Twelve


We stood there for what felt like forever, but it was technically less than thirty seconds. Kayla's eyes shifted between us with her jaw unhinged. The expression on her face was priceless, it was a mixture between shocked, happiness and wondering what the hell is going on.

"Kayla." I said cautiously. I felt like I was on the verge of disarming a bomb, that I had to be careful with every word, every step and every action. Because if I don't take that precaution Kayla would literally explode.

"I'm just gonna go look around." Jace whispered into my ear. When I heard retreating footsteps, I focused my attention towards Kayla once more. This time she wore a smug expression.

"You litt-" She started , a playful smile on her face.

"Kay." I warned.

"What?" She asked innocently. "I was gonna say you little angel."

"Right." I have her a pointed look.

"Would you like to fill your best friend, who you have been hiding secrets from, on what the hell is going on?" Kayla asked with hands on her hips.

"Not here." I told her looking around at the crowded mall. I couldn't risk exposing our relationship.

"Okay, fine. But I want the full explanation and details soon." She said with narrowed eyes. "Or I will burn your secret secret stash of chocolate."

My eyes widened. "How do you know about that?" Yes, I have stashes of chocolate. A girl gotta have her chocolate, what can I say? But, I specifically hid another stash of chocolate away from Kayla cause she always eats away at the other one. Greedy.

Her smile transformed into a devious one. "I have my ways."

I gave her look that said 'you better have not ate my chocolate' and she just continued to grin.

"So where you really with him last night?" She asked suddenly.

I choked on the gummy bear I had popped into my mouth. "Uh, kind of." I told her after recovering.

She squealed. "You dirty litt-"

"Kay!" I yelled cutting her off once more. "It's not like that."

"So you're telling me that you want me to believe that you spent the night with Jace Emerson, one of the hottest guys in our school if not the hottest, and nothing happened?"

"Uh, yes." I told her deadpanned.

She gave me that smug look once more causing me to glare at her.

"What are you even doing here?" I asked trying to change the topic. "I thought you hate coming to this place on the weekend."

"Didn't your mom tell you?" Kayla asked.

"Tell me what?" I questioned.

"Well if you had went home last night like you were suppose to, she would have told you that we're having dinner with Nate and his family tonight."

"What?" I exclaimed. Tonight? With Nate and his family? Crap.

Kayla nodded her head. "That's why I'm here looking for an outfit." I finally glanced down to see her holding a few bags in her hands.


"What time is the dinner?" I asked frantically. My mom would kill me if I missed this dinner. It was the first one since the Rylans moved back and she would have my head on a platter if I didn't show.

Kayla glanced down at her phone and her eyes widened. "In two hours."

"Shit. We need to go!" I said grabbing her arm and literally running out the mall. Kayla fumbled her steps at the sudden movement, but followed soon after.

"Why didn't you text me?" I asked her when were finally seated in her car.

"I did!" She exclaimed as she pulled out of parking space and floored the gas pedal. "I texted, I called and you didn't pick up." I pulled my phone out to see all the missed calls and texts from Kayla. Well, crap.

Kayla pulled into her driveway in record time. We got out of the car and grabbed the bags she had. "You are so lucky you have a best friend like me. I even bought you an outfit after you ditched and ignored me."

"Not the time, Kay." I told her as we entered her house.

An hour and half later and Kayla and I were fully dressed and ready for this dinner. Kayla is literally a savior. The dress she bought for me was perfect for this dinner. It was an off-the-shoulder burgundy dress with a high low design. It was a little fancy for a dinner, but the Rylans were known for throwing extravagant dinners and parties. Kayla placed my dark hair in curls and did my make up making sure to match my lipstick to my dress.

Kayla picked a blush colored dress that fell just at her knees. It was fitted at the waist and flared out at the skirt with a sweetheart neckline. Her dark blonde hair was pin straight and she looked absolutely gorgeous.

My mother had texted me telling me that she will meet me and Kayla at the Rylan's house. Sitting in Kayla's car during the drive I could feel my nervousness at an all time high.

"You okay?" Kayla asked glancing at me as if she can sense my nervousness.

"I guess." I told her. "It will be the first time I'll see Nate's parents since they moved." Adding emphasis on moved.

"You mean since Nate rejected you." She said bluntly focusing back on the road.

"Geez, thanks." I said shooting her a glare.

"You know I meant that nicely. Mrs. Rylan has always ship the two of you since kindergarten." She said.

It's true. Ever since kindergarten Nate's mom has always made it known that she would like us together. Whenever there was an event that involved pairs, she always put Nate and I together. She even left not so subtle hints towards wanting us together as we got older.

"I know. That's why I'm worried, she doesn't know what happened between Nate and I and if she did it would break her heart." I told her fiddling with cell phone in my hands. If only she knew Nate lack of interest in me, this dinner wouldn't be as hard.


Kayla pulled up in front of the Rylans' house, technically it was a mansion from its grand size. I already saw my mother's car and Kayla's parents' car in the driveway.

Cutting the engine, Kayla gave me a supportive smile before exiting the car. I followed soon after.

Taking a deep breath, I rang the door bell. Not even ten seconds later the door swung open revealing a certain light brown hair man.

My breath caught in my throat when I caught sight of Nate and I couldn't help my eyes from scanning him.

He was dressed in black jeans and a crisp white button up shirt. The shirt was tight enough to see the outline of his muscles. His light brown hair was up in its usual form, slightly tousled.

I looked back up to see his eyes doing the same. Is he checking me out?

His dark blue eyes finally snapped back to mine and they were darker than usual. Someone cleared their throat from behind him and I peered over his shoulder to see who it was.

"Leah, Kayla! Please come in." Mrs. Rylan said. Brushing passed Nate to enter the house, I couldn't help, but feel his intense stare.

Mrs. Rylan stood there with a bright smile on her lips. Her light brown hair was pinned up in an elegant bun. Her green eyes were elated with happiness. She was dressed in a black chiffon dress that fell to her knees and a sliver crystal filled collar wrapped around the neck of the dress.

She pulled Kayla and I into bone crushing hugs. "Girls! It's been to long." She said. "I missed see your beautiful faces."

"We missed you too, Mrs. Rylan." I told her with a genuine smile. She was literally my second mom while growing up. Her and Kayla's mom constantly fought for that spot.

"How many times do I have to tell you girls it's Linda?" She scolded.

"Okay, Linda?" Kayla said awkwardly.

"Perfect! Come, come. Everyone is waiting." She said pulling us in the grand dinning room.

"Girls! I'm so happy to see you." Mr. Rylan said standing up from his seat at the head of the table. He was the spitting older image of Nate, only he had blonde hair instead of the light brown that Nate inherited from his mother.

We exchanged greetings and took our seats at the table. I took my seat next to my mother who had her dark locks down in their usual curls, her dark brown eyes followed my movement.

"Where have you been?" She whispered to me once I was seated.

"With Kayla." I half lied. I don't think I should tell her I technically spend the night with a guy. I kinda like my life.

She just nodded and turned her attention back the conversation at the table. Nate finally entered the room and took his seat directly across from me.

Dinner was served and the conversation was kept on catching up over the past two years. I stayed silent for most of it, only answering when a question was directed towards me. Every once in a while I would feel Nate's gaze on me which would cause me to shift uncomfortably in my seat.

The conversation continued when I felt my phone vibrate on the table signaling a new message. I pulled it onto my lap and unlocked my phone seeing an unknown number sent the message.

My brows furrowed as I read the message and my phone vibrated again.

Then it hit me.


I freaking left Jace at the mall alone. I literally sprinted out of there and never thought back.

Guilt coarse through me as I read the message again. I added his name to my phone.


I rolled my eyes at the message. Really? All he's concerned about is his candy?


I stifled a laugh at his message. How ironic does this sound?


I felt a chill run down my back as I read the message. Good or bad? I have no clue.


I was so engrossed in the text message conversation that I didn't notice when the conversation in the room turned toward me.

I looked up to see all eyes on me. "I'm sorry?" I asked.

"We asked how is school going?" Mr. Rylan asked once more.

"Great so far." I answered politely.

"Any boys?" Mrs. Rylan asked excitedly. I felt Nate's gaze on me once more.

"Uh." Was all that came out my mouth as my mind flashed to Jace.

"There's definitely someone in Leah's life at the moment." Kayla spoke up, a smirk grace her lips. My eyes widened at her words. I wasn't planning on revealing my fake relationship with Jace to everyone.

"I haven't heard of anyone." My mom said confused.

Everyone was watching me with curious eyes. The pressure was on. "Well, uh, there is someone. But it's fairly new and we're just getting to know each other." I finally said awkwardly.

No one pressed further, but I could see disappointment on Mrs. Rylan's face. The conversation turned back to the adults.

"So it's true?" I heard Nate asked from across the table. His voice hard and cold, his eyes held the same.

"What is?" I asked not sure what he meant.

"You and the asshole." He spat.

I narrowed my eyes at him not liking his tone. "Yes." I said confidently.

Nate cut his gaze away from me, his jaw clenched tightly, his hand curled into tight fist. He then stood up from the table excusing himself and stalked out of the room. Leaving everyone, including myself confused.

What the hell was that?


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