《Viking Tribute》Chapter 21: Evasion


My heart beat wildly and my mind churned while I waited. I had serious doubts about my plan but it was my only chance, I had to take it. The summer was ending and there might not be other boats leaving after that. Affronting the Northern seas in winter was too great a risk for the heavy ships. And if there was another one, she would most likely be headed to some pagan land.

Then there was the risk that the man would sell me as he said. But he didn’t know I was Anglish and a thane’s daughter. I was confident that, after I revealed it to him, he would help me.

I wondered how my captor would react. Rage surely. He was quite easy to anger. And hurt. Maybe. At least I hoped he would. My pride wanted him to mourn my loss as I had mourned the loss of my family. He would have to find another bride. I pitied that woman. It had to be why my chest tightened at the idea.

As time passed, fear rooted in me. What if I was taken back? Would I be flailed, again? Would I be executed? Escaping one’s master was a crime.

A cold hand seemed to grip my innards and I panicked. I had made a mistake, I couldn’t do this.

Fumbling with the blankets, I managed to pushed them apart enough to peek at the shore. I had to get out before they could see me.

I had made up my mind too late. The crew was already on the path. Too close. I didn’t have time to jump off.

I curled up in my wooly burrow, pulling the fabric back in place, around and over me. Roughly weaved for slave use, it was undyed and its color matched the surrounding fleeces. I hoped they wouldn’t notice it, and they didn’t.


Heavy feet stomped on the planks. The ship creaked and shook, pushed on the sand and into the shallows. More footsteps. The oars came into place and plunged in the clear waters of the fjord. Soon, the knarr was on her merry way to England, a fresh wind in her sail.

My usual reaction to the motion of a boat was sea sickness, and this time was no different. I had stolen ginger roots from the reserve and chewed on one, wishing I had taken enough for the trip.

After what seemed like an eternity, although it might not have been more than a few hours, the rolling increased and I guessed we were nearing the end of the fjord and reaching the ocean.

Suddenly the crew started running.

“Bring down the sail and pull the oars in!”

I froze, my breath caught in my chest. Why were we stopping?

Something hit the hull and there were shouts. I tensed, biting my fist in anguish. Could it be?

“Where is she?” a scary voice bellowed.

I swallowed a whimper. It was him. Lord Einarr. He had come for me.

“Whom are you talking about, my Lord? There is no female aboard this ship,” the trader answered, fear lacing his tone.

“My slave, the one you wanted to buy, she is on board. You took her,” he added menacingly.

I could tell the man was terrified as he protested.

“I assure you I didn’t, my Lord. It would be madness to steal your property! Pray search my boat, she isn’t there!”

“That’s what I intend to do, and when I’ll find her, I will make you suffer for it!”

More warriors jumped on board and began to rummage through the cargo. It was only a matter of time before they reached me.

I had to fight my body to get up. My joint refused to obey, my muscles didn’t support me. I was terrified. Shaking, I stood, the blankets dropping to the floor.


“I am here, my Lord. Pray don’t punish this man, he knew nothing of it.”

My head rang and swung back. I touched my sore cheek, staring at the merchant in disbelief. He was red with anger, big veins pulsing at his neck.

“You little bitch! You would have got me killed!”

His hand rose again and was caught in the air by Lord Einarr.

“Enough! I’ll take care of this!”

His face didn’t bode well. There was the hurt on it, for an instant. And then there was nothing, just a hard, blank mask.

“She says the truth, Godi.” One of the warriors brandished my basket and the blankets as proof of my deception. I bit my lips, eyes on the planks under my feet.

“Leave the food here as a compensation and get this treacherous thief onto our ship.”

I paled at his words. Too late, Aidan’s warning came back to me: “Never ever consider escaping, for your own sake. Jarl Einarr doesn’t understand mercy.”

My arms were seized from behind, none too gently. I was dragged forward and thrown onto the bridge of the longship. My hands and feet were tied with rope, tight enough that it would bite in my flesh. I didn’t protest. I was devastated. But the most painful wasn’t their rough treatment of my body. It was the look in my captor’s eyes.

He carried me over his shoulder and dropped me carelessly in the middle of the hall. I landed on my shoulder and pain exploded in it. I yelped, half in surprise; I didn’t expect Lord Einarr to hurt me. All the servants were there, and Hrefna smirked at me. My fall was her triumph. I guessed she might have something to do with it.

They stood in a circle around me in heavy silence. Lady Disaelfr gave me a murderous glance.

I lay in a heap on the floor, my hair hiding my face. Lord Einarr caught it, pulling my head up.

“I have been very generous with you, slave, and this is how you repay me. You are not worth my time. I will honor my oath to your father, he might buy you back in a year. But you are banned from my bed and my favor.”

He let go of me and raised his voice.

“Cut her hair short and lock her in a shieling, alone, with bread and water. I’ll decide what to do with her when I’ll come back.”

I remained prostrate, knowing that no amount of begging would change his mind.

I was lifted again and placed on a smelly pallet, in a small, round stone house. My ties were cut, a couple of blankets landed on me and I was locked in.

I tried to take on my surroundings. It was dark, the only light coming from the gaps around and under the door. There was no furniture, just a bucket and a jug of water. A cold draft swirled inside, prompting me to wrap tightly into the rough fabric.

The door opened again, letting in Hrefna. She held a pair of scissors and was closely followed by a guard. I pressed my back against the hard stones, willing to disappear. Of course it didn’t happen. He held me still while she chopped lock after lock, grinning as she did it. My head felt light afterwards, my shoulders and back naked. I didn’t even notice when they left.

I sat knees up against the wall, too shocked to cry as I came to terms with the extent of my disgrace. I was doomed.

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