《The Artist & The Q.B.》Ch.8


"I'm not getting on a plane that small! Are you out of your mind?" I ask, looking at Truex. I'm seconds away from getting hysterical as he starts to push me forward.

"It'll be fine." He says, shoving me lightly. I back up not going anywhere near that staircase. His arms go around me and I yelp in surprise as I'm tosses me onto his shoulder.

"No, Truex! I'm not going!" I yell, as he climbs the stairs. At the top he lowers me off of him, before forcing me to walk forward as he dunks under the door opening.

"I ordered you a shot." Mya, states holding up a cup. I walk to where she's sitting and sit across from her, taking the cup and slamming it back.

I almost choke on the tequila, "That was a double." I tell her.

"You need it. Look at you, so nervous." She smiles.

"I wouldn't be nervous if this were a real plane and not a toy." I remark, loudly.

She laughs. "Its so much better than commercial. Trust me."

I scoff and ask for another shot from the pretty flight attendant. I take my second and third shot just before the plane starts to move down the runway. I close my eyes and grab Truex's hand as the sensation of lift-off hits me. Once we're in the air I open my eyes to see Mya and Truex share a look.

"If you're making fun of me, I swear you'll regret it." I threaten.

He smirks but doesn't say anything, Mya just raises one pompous eyebrow.

"What?" I ask, irritated. "You're afraid of clowns, Mya and Truex, you kill spiders with a vacuum. So, both of you can suck it." I say, listening to Truex laugh beside me.

The stewardess comes to serve us a fruit, veggie and meat tray. She offers me a plate and I take my fingers from Truex's hand, not realizing I still had a hold of it. I glare at Mya as she watches the whole thing, her offensive eyebrow still raised.

I instantly love New York. What a whole new experience. I could people watch for hours, so many stories and lives passing by. I want to look at everything, frustrating Mya who wants to shop. I drag behind with Truex as she races on ahead. As we pass a street vendor I see Truex on the cover of a men's health magazine. "Oh, wow! Another one! You need to share this stuff with me." I insist, picking it up excitedly.


The man recognizes Truex and lets me take the magazine for free, much to the dismay of Truex. I open the pages to find his article. What I see makes my eyes go big. "Whoa, you're naked!" I accuse. "I can almost see all of your butt! Your mom is gonna have something to say about this one." I remark, happily fanning myself with it.

"Do you have to comment on it?" He asks, avoiding eye contact with me.

I look up at him. "Absolutely! You're not embarrassed are you? With your cute little bubble butt showing?" I tease.

He groans, making me laugh. "Stop."

"I would if I could, but I can't look away!" I yell, studying the picture even closer. He snatches the magazine from me and puts it inside his coat.

"Problem solved." He gloats.

"Is it though? I've already committed it to memory. All I have to do is concentrate-" I close my eyes "...Yup, I can still see you naked." I state, triumphantly.

"When do I get to see you naked?"

I laugh, "Why would you want to see me naked? I don't look anything like that." I tell him, pointing to his coat.

He nods. "That'd be the point."

"I'd ruin you for all other women, I can't do that. I've destroyed many lives that way." I reply, smugly.

"That confident?" He smiles, amused.

"Oh, yeah." I reply, walking ahead of him swaying my hips. I look over my shoulder. "See?" I ask, jokingly.

"Consider me ruined." He smirks.

"And you didn't even have to see me naked." I shake my head sadly. "Sometimes I forget how powerful I am."

After going store to store with Mya, I collapse on my hotel bed. A knock on my door, has me growling as I open the door. Truex walks past me carrying his luggage and sets it in the closet.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Mom is coming today and she just informed me she's bringing her boyfriend."

"And that effects me how?" I question, annoyed.

"She was supposed to stay with Mya, but now she needs her own room with her boyfriend."

"His name is Ed." I remind him. "So, I have to sleep with Mya?"


"Nope, Mya called Tate upset about something and now he's flying out here."

"What the hell is she upset about?" I ask, concerned.

"I don't know. All I know is she was crying and he called to tell me he was getting on a plane." He shrugs, nonchalantly.

"You didn't even check on her?" I yell.

"Its none of my business." He states.

I punch his arm before I leave the room, going to see Mya. I knock on the door and she answers her eyes puffy from crying. "Whats wrong?" I ask, worried.

She starts to sob and I walk us back to her bed. I wait until she is composed enough to talk. "I'm having second thoughts." She admits.

Shocked, I don't know now to respond for several seconds. "Okay, what happened to make you feel this way?" She shrugs, not responding. "Mya, Tate's on his way here. He's going to want an explanation." I tell her, honestly.

"I just keep seeing these couples and I think to myself, why don't we look that happy?"

"Its a stressful time, Mya." I remind her.

"I know but look at you and my brother. You have nothing in common. Yet, you joke around and laugh. Tate and I, we like the same things, we have similar personalities, and we still don't connect like you two. I'm terrified I'm making a mistake because I see the excitement and challenge between you and Truex. I don't want to settle on someone just because on paper we're perfect together." She looks at me begging me to understand.

I nod, "Okay, I hear what you're saying but Truex and I are just now starting to get along, that took a lot of effort on both our parts. I don't think you realize we're only becoming friends, not developing a serious relationship." I clarify, not understanding how she could possible compare our relationships.

She scoffs. "You can lie to yourself, but not to anyone around you. Can you really not see it? Are you that stupid?"

"Hey, turd burglar. Enough of the name calling." I yell, frustrated. "If I don't see anything it's because its not there." I argue.

"He literally almost kicked Mike's ass for talking about you, then carries you off because he freighted you. He bought you a new bed because you told him the other one sucked. He flirts with you, he laughs...my brother laughs with you! He doesn't laugh with anyone." She empathize's by raising her arms and waving them.

I start to think about what shes saying, the bed, kicking Mikes ass, the paintings, asking me to his awards thingy. "How-" I pause. "When did this happen?" I ask, not Mya in particular but just out load.

Mya takes it upon herself to answer my rhetorical question, "I noticed when he wouldn't let you run outside in your bra and shorts. Then the fact that he made it his mission to go to your studio to make sure you were safe while meeting that gallery guy. Trust me, I didn't know about that, or the fact that you were moving in."

"Well, this is gonna be awkward. Now, he's in my room. Planning to sleep in my bed, with me." I point out.

"Its up to you if you want to confront him. I'm staying out of it." She states, shaking her head.

I'm starting to think "" or "" should be the Marshall family motto. If we did some digging I'm sure we'd find one, if not both on the family crest.

"I had to tell you so you could understand where I'm coming from. Its different from what Tate and I have, I hate to admit it but I'm jealous. I want laughter and fighting. We never fight, that can't be a good thing can it?"

"Actually, I think thats supposed to be good. But I don't know, do you really want to fight? Trues and I fight about everything."

"Yes! At the very least so we can make up." She cries. This long day got even longer, I think to myself patting her back trying to comfort her. I wish I could think of something to say, I just don't know. I've never swam in these waters before.

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