《The Jewels of Mahavhar: The Great Stone of Grigori.》Chapter XXIV: Hunted
“You won’t be needing us for now. We’re heading back son.” Zion stated. “Find us when you’re done. We will be waiting for you. There are things you have to learn still.”
“Wait what? Hold on!” Haruth tried to step ahead towards his father but he was briskly snatched by the smoke and he was back at Massin’s cave.
The bodies of Massin, Silverfang were brought back as well, but nothing was left where Olum's body lied but ash. Her body didn’t make it and she was forever lost in the gap between the two worlds, lifeless and shapeless. He looked at his hands and the blue veins weren’t there anymore.
“Whatever that was, I need to figure it out.” He said to himself.
Haruth rushed towards Massin. The summoner's corpse was cold and pale, with a bloody smile drawn on her face.
“I am terribly sorry.” Haruth hugged her. “You fulfilled your destiny and I shall fulfill mine.”
He then approached Silverfang who was still unconscious, crouched and opened his mouth. “Sometimes fashion saves your life.” He said while looking at the silver tooth in Helein's mouth. “Massin must have had some Süll to wake you up.” He said to the unconscious man. The wizard stood up to look into Massin's belongings.
“What... what happened here?” Asked Krog who came inside in slow steps, terrified of the sight in front of him.
“Krog! I’m glad you weren’t dragged in this mess! Is everyone outside safe?” Asked Haruth while looking still for a medicine to wake Silverfang.
“Yes... the witch is bleeding!” He exclaimed.
“Massin is dead... so is Olum.” Haruth answered dreadfully.
“What happened Haruth?!” Krog was growing impatient.
“Found it!” Haruth grabbed a pouch from a chest, inside it was a mixture of herbs called Sül. The wizard pulled head Silverfang’s up. “Help me Krog. Open his mouth.”
“What...” Krog stood up still, still in shock.
“Krog! Quick! I’ll explain everything after we wake him up!” Haruth raised his voice at the dumbstruck man.
“I told them not to come in. I tried to stop them...” Krog said while opening Silverfang’s mouth. “She was in labour... did her child survive?” Krog asked while aware of the answer.
“No... no mortal survives a trespassing. He did by sheer luck. His tooth saved him.” Explained Haruth while pushing the Sül inside Silverfang’s throat. “This will help wake him up. Help me now with Massin... we need to bury her.”
“Wait! Wait! You’re way too calm for this! What the fuck happened Haruth! Tell me now!” Screamed Krog at the wizard while grabbing him by the arms.
“Galenhaim dragged us to his room when he felt what Masssin and I were about to do. Silverfang and Olum weren’t supposed to be here. Olum died when we trespassed, Massin knocked Silverfang down because he was interfering with our mission and she died fighting Galenhaim. Now help me carry her outside. She deserves a proper burial.” Said Haruth.
“What the fuck happened here!?” Harvick asked who came inside the cave in silent and cautious steps. “HELEIN!” He yelled and rushed towards his friend.
Behind him walked Poli followed by Rudolph and Manyar. They were all stricken by sudden fear and grief.
“What happened!?” Asked Harvick.
Krog looked at him with a wounded heart, still clenching his fists on Haruth’s arms. He let go when the wizard tried to pull himself free. None answered Harvick. “ANSWER ME!” The man cried loud but it didn’t faze Haruth who kept silent, but suddenly Silverfang coughed and gasped heavily.
“Olum...” Silverfang mumbled.
“Heavens be blessed he is alive!” Declared Harvick happily before realizing he hasn’t seen Olum and a heavy weight fell on his heart once more. “Where is she?” He asked.
“Dead... she’s dead...” Told him Krog.
Silverfang tried to pull himself up with the help of Harvick.
“Grab him a cushion! Let him sit down!” Said Harvick and Rudolph was quick to answer. He grabbed some pillows and pilled them to help Helein sit comfortably.
“I don’t want to sit down...” Said Silverfang, pulling himself from the helping arms of Harvick. “You! Where is she?” He stepped forward, hardly straight and unbalanced, pointing at Haruth.
“I am sorry Helein. She didn’t make it.” Haruth simply said.
“LIAR!” The man yelled, losing his balance and falling to one knee. When Krog tried to help him up, Silverfang pushed him away and struggled on his own to stand on both legs.
“If she didn’t make it... why did I? If she didn’t make it... where the hell is she?!” He said.
“You made it because you had silver in your mouth. She is irretrievable. She is somewhere only God knows and her body is ash.” Explained Haruth with a calm voice.
“LIAR!” Silverfang screamed at the wizard once more, walking towards Haruth with an ominous look.
“Silverfang calm down...” Krog said, trying to hold him back but the look Silverfang gave him stayed Krog’s hands and he stepped back.
“What have you done with her?!” Asked Silverfang, who got closer to Haruth. “That bitch knocked me off when I asked you to help Olum! Only the two of you remained with that THING! What have you done with my wife and child?!”
“Helein you do not think straight. You should rest.” Haruth dismissed the man’s questions.
“Rest? Rest?” Silverfang broke in a hysterical laughter. “I should rest. I should rest when you tell me WHAT HAVE YOU FUCKING DONE WITH MY WIFE!” He yelled at the top of his lungs, all shrunk in fear except Haruth who in the middle of it all kept his calm.
“Nothing. Your wife died there’s no depth to it. She was of no use. You weren’t supposed to come inside. My orders were clear.” Replied Haruth firmly and it did not please Silverfang who jumped to the wizards collar and grabbed him tight.
“I asked you to help her! I begged you to help her! Orders? You don’t get to give us orders! She was in labour! She needed help and you killed her!” Silverfang said, face to face with Haruth.
“You killed her. By getting her inside the cave when I told you not to come in. It was because of you that she died. Not me, not Massin. You.” Haruth said calmly.
Silverfang’s anger grew and Haruth’s words fuelled it like wildfire. He punched the wizard on the face and Haruth did nothing to stop him. The flesh swelled up instantly where the heavy fist hit him, and Silverfang showered the wizard with more punches and no one interfered to stop him.
“Enough!” Cried Poli but her voice was unheard for the man was blinded by grief and denial.
Alright now you had your moment, that’s enough. Thought Haruth before stopping Silverfang’s next blow.
“You should go rest and grief in peace. I will not fight you.” The wizard said, setting himself effortlessly free from the strong grip of Silverfang and pushed him aside. He then kneeled to carry the body of Massin, but Silverfang approached him again and put his foot on Massin’s face.
“I am not done with you wizard!” He yelled.
“Get your foot off of her.” Haruth ordered him in an angry tone.
“Fuck you.” Said Silverfang spitting at the dead witch.
Haruth’s hand rushed towards Silverfang’s face, grabbed him and nailed him to the ground. Blood sprouted out of Silverfang’s mouth and made him gag.
“Disrespect her again and I will kill you.” Haruth whispered in Silverfang's ear, his hand still crushing the man's face.
“GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF HIM!” Harvick pulled his axe and charged at the wizard. Haruth pushed himself upside down, hands one on the floor and the other one still on the Silverfang’s face and kicked Harvick with his left leg and sent him crushing on the cave's walls and Massin's belongings. When Haruth let go of Silverfang more blood gushed out of his mouth and he was unconscious again.
The wizard carried Massin in his arms and left the cave, his face was badly swollen but he paid it no mind. Rudolph, Manyar and Poli stood still, frightened to make any move, but Krog followed the wizard.
“Don’t follow me Krog. Go help them. I am sorry for the mess.” Haruth said when he heard the man’s footsteps behind him.
“Why did you let him beat you?” Krog asked but Haruth did not answer. So he walked back inside to find Harvick helping Silverfang stand on his feet.
“You should rest Silverfang.” Krog tried to land a helping hand to the two but he was shunned.
“Fuck off.” Cursed Silverfang. “I will kill that wizard, with or without your help.”
“Come on now, you don’t really think he killed her do you?” Rudolph asked.
“Let’s go Harvick. We have no business here.” Silverfang mumbled with his mouth bleeding.
“Where are you going?” Asked them Krog.
“They said they’re heading back to town.” Answered Poli.
“Are you insane? You’re in no shape to walk!” Objected Krog but once again his remarks were unheard.
Silverfang limped outside with Harvick for a crutch, they saw Haruth digging and they stopped for a moment. Krog and the others came rushing outside, hoping no heat was rising again.
“You will pay for this wizard. Trust me. Heavens be my witness.” Silverfang swore.
“Sit down a moment Helein, I’ll go get our stuff and the mar.” Said Harvick.
“I didn’t kill your wife Silverfang, don’t push your guilt on me.” Answered Haruth without giving the man a look.
"Whoever wants to leave is free to go.” He added.
Harvick carried his bag and Silverfang’s on his own back to let his friend ride the mar. He helped him mount and gave him the reign of the mar.
“You’re welcome to go back with us.” Silverfang said to the remaining four, Krog, Rudolph, Manyar and Poli. None of them replied for they didn’t have time to think about it. “Just know that if you stay with him, you’ll lose friendship with me.” He said.
“What? Hey come on! That’s horseshit don’t give us ultimatums. We have a quest.” Krog proclaimed.
“We all know this quest was nonsense. Your brother wanted to get rid of me Krog, I knew that. I only wanted to see the disappointment in his face when I come back.” Silverfang spit the blood. “In a way, that fat fuck got what he wanted... I know you’ll stay with the wizard Krog, I hope our paths don’t meet in the future for we part as enemies, and I’m defeated for now but expect my revenge.”
“You’re our of your tree Helein. Go if you wish, maybe time will help you see reason from madness.” Krog declared.
“What about you?” Harvick asked the others.
“I’m staying.” Replied Poli.
“Birds of a feather flock together. You’re as much as a freak as the wizard. Olum knew it...” Silverfang commented.
“You’re crossing a line there Helein.” Krog snapped at him and Silverfang didn’t say anything.
“We’re staying too.” Said Manyar, speaking for Rudolph as well who quietly agreed.
“So be it. May hell consume us all. Let’s go Harvick.” Clicking his tongue, Silverfang gave a light kick to the mar to move.
“You side with a wizard and forsake your kin. Disgraceful.” Said Harvick. “Death comes tomorrow.” He declared before following Silverfang. The two followed the east road and disappeared into the bushes.
“The sun is rising...” Observed Poli after a long tiring silence where only the shovel was to be heard.
“We should help him.” Whispered Rudolph to Krog.
“No. Let him have this moment. Let’s just clean her cave at least.” He replied.
The four walked inside the cave and started cleaning it. Putting back all the vials and books Harvick dropped in his collision, Krog put Olum's ash in a vase he found and put it big chest. Haruth was outside covering the body of his mentor.
He proceeded silently, his face still swollen and sweating incessantly, huffing and puffing. When he was done, he stood there for a while looking at the grave before going inside the cave.
They were already done by the time and sitting in the main room in the cave with their thoughts. When they saw him come they all stood up at once.
“Oh so you stayed...” He said.
“Yes. Silverfang is hurt he just needs some time... frankly we all do. Olum was a nice woman...” Krog said.
“No doubt.” Haruth said with a sad tone. “I had no choice... they should’ve stayed outside. I couldn’t help her... I couldn’t help Massin either. We didn’t have time. I am sorry.” He added his voice shaking in anger.
“You should wash your face and rest.” Said Poli who approached the wizard and grabbed his hand. It was also swollen from all the digging.
“I’m fine thank you.” Haruth replied pulling his hand away briskly.“I have to finish something...” He made one step ahead but his legs failed him and he fell backwards. He had reached his limit and his body collapsed.
“Carry him to his bed.” The wizard heard Krog's voice say. His visions blurred and his eyes closed slowly.
“What do we do now?” Manyar asked Krog when they put Haruth in his bed and left him to his sleep.
“We wait for him to recover his strength and we’ll see.” He replied.
“Alright, we'll go make breakfast then.” Said Rudolph.
Krog stayed in the main room with Poli, her dog was whining at her feet, licking at her fingers in compassion.
“How are you feeling?” He asked her.
“I don’t know... I still can’t believe it. It happened so quickly. The two were alive moments ago...” She replied.
“I shouldn’t have let them in.” Krog said holding his head.
“You couldn’t stop Silverfang. Olum's death is not of your making.” Said Poli to reassure the man.
“Haruth made it clear to us all not to come inside... but she was in pain. Poor woman. Silverfang was right, this quest will bring us no good. You should’ve left with them.” Commented Krog.
“My place is with you and Haruth. You two saved my life. Only death will do us apart now.” She admitted.
“You don’t owe us anything. You would have saved me or any of us if we needed help. Common sense nothing more.” He explained.
“You did it willingly while you weren’t obliged to, you risked your life for me, let me at least do the same.” She objected putting her hand on his shoulder. “I will go check on him.” She added and left to see Haruth. On her way she grabbed a towel and a bucket of water.
The wizard’s face was still swollen from the beating. She soaked the towel in the water and tried to clean his face as gently as possible to not wake him up. But Haruth was in a deep slumber and he didn’t flinch.
He is very strong. She thought remembering how he singlehandedly threw Silverfang off his feet and sent Harvick flying. You let him do this to you... you blame yourself. You look slightly better. She smiled and cleaned the towel in the bucket and wringed it to clean the wizard’s hands.
“To dig a friend's grave must be hurtful...” She whispered before grabbing his right hand. It’s so cold! She thought at the touch of his skin. She turned it over, his palm had bristled from the friction and it bled as well. Suddenly she felt a strange and alarming warmth growing in Haruth’s hand, but she didn’t let go, no, she couldn’t let go. She then heard whispers, and she turned around, thinking it was one of her companions, but there was no one.
“Wake him up! They’re coming for you!” She heard a voice whisper. “Wake him up! You should leave now!”
“Who is it?” She said out loud.
“Wake him up! They’re coming! You should run!” The voice insisted.
“Who’s coming? He is tired...” She replied calmly.
“They’re close! WAKE HIM UP!” The voice screamed inside her head and she jumped in fright.
“Haruth! Haruth! Wake up!” She pushed the wizard’s arm.
“What are you doing?” Asked her Krog who just showed up.
“We should leave! Someone is coming after us!” She replied.
“What? Who?” He asked confusingly.
“I don’t know! But we should leave! Haruth wake up!” She insisted but the wizard wasn’t responsive.
“Stop it Poli! Let him rest! No one is coming-"
“Krog! Troops coming from the northwest!” Rudolph came running inside the cave, interrupting Krog.
“It can’t be!” Said Krog looking at Poli.
“I heard them when I went looking for firewood!” Argued Manyar who joined them inside as well.
“We should leave then.” Declared Krog.
“Do you think it’s Silverfang’s doing?” Asked Rudolph.
“Impossible. Word couldn’t have reached the town this fast.” Answered Manyar.
“Plus they’re coming from the north... I don’t know who they are but we can’t risk meeting with anyone.” Added Krog.
“Who could they be?” Asked Rudolph.
“Ministry of magic...” Mumbled Haruth who just woke up. “We should go...” He tried to stand up but his body was still weak.
“You can’t walk!” Observed Poli while helping him sit.
“I’ll carry him.” Declared Krog. “Rud, Manyar pack up quickly! You too Poli.”
“I can walk!” Protested Haruth who was in fact in no shape yet to walk.
“You will slow us down.” Argued Krog.
“I have to pack some stuff as well then!” Said Haruth.
“Poli will take care of it. Right?” Krog asked the woman kindly but firmly.
“Of course!” She agreed. “But what kind of stuff?” She asked.
“Help me stand up, I’ll show you.” Haruth said, Krog and Poli pulled him up and took him to the main room.
“The guembri must be packed gently please.” He pointed at his new instrument. “You will also find a bag next to the big chest. Massin packed it for me, I just want you to put some other stuff in it. The coins on the table there, all the vials in the cabinet, empty or full just throw them inside we might need some of them.”
"Is that all?” Poli did as Haruth told her.
“Yes thank you. You can help yourself with her belongings too if you need anything.” The wizard said.
“This is not the time to be shopping!” Krog yelled at him.
“Shut up Krog. Help yourself Poli.” Haruth nodded at her.
In fact, something had caught her attention when she was packing and Haruth had noticed. It was a sword that hung in the wall, it was meticulously carved and shiny. She grabbed it hesitantly and looked at it in wonder for a moment.
“Let’s go!” Yelled Rudolph from outside the cave.
“Hop on!” Krog kneeled next to Haruth who was sitting on a chair.
Shamefully Haruth hopped on the man’s back. “This is embarrassing.” He said.
“Not as much as it is for me! Shut up now and let’s go!” Krog stood up effortlessly. “At least you’re not as heavy as I thought you might be.” He added.
- In Serial26 Chapters
Peerless Hegemon [OLD]
He traversed two paths in total and left them with an empty heart. He traversed the third path and felt a void in his soul. He let others imprison him so he could seek answers and then recreate the Universe. The Answer was found, yet he was left unsatisfied. Led by the Beast that watched the Universe till its destruction, he found new meaning. In the new life he created, he began walking a path of blood. He choked a Prince with one hand and beheaded a King with the other. He killed a General ten kilometers away with an arrow and even dragged a Continent in order to get what he wanted. Yet beyond the never-ending river of blood, the core of his heart blossomed as he found himself a reason to live other than glory. Under the bleak life of chaos, blood flowed to nurture a flower, that bloomed to represent himself. Instead of Emptiness, he found life from death, and as he looked back at the path he had walked, he smiled as blood coated his lips. This is him, trying to find a place where he can gain humanity. == This story focuses on the world and the characters; there would be genocide, fights, and some bloody encounters. This is not Harem, sorry for Harem lovers, but that’s just how it is. The art for the cover isn’t mine. The credits go to its original creator.
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I Will Be Recognized
~~~~~~~~~~ On present day Earth, a university student was run over by a truck.When he awoke, he had discovered himself to be in a completely different world filled with magic. Not just that, he was also synchronized with a system.Daniel: a normal person; friend of the hero, possessor of the system. He was an anomaly.Watch how the protagonist interacts with the new world and how his existence starts to change the world. In this world, he will forge a new path unbeknownst to the gods.~~~~~~~~~~By: SilentPain Webnovel, RoyalRoad Every other day or so, 4-8 pm est
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Quinn is the most disliked human and necromancer in all of Cinder. Or at least it feels that way when she's pushed so far north she has to make a living hunting the animals in the mysterious and feared North Forest. When bounty hunters force her to cross the border into Rainon she meets Meyron the Black, the definitely insane former professor of necromancy from the Academy of Mages. But she's been pushed out too, and together they're going to look for the five rejected necromancer applicants she fished out of the headmaster's wastebin. Together they will build the foundation of the Black Fortress Academy.
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Stories Of Indlu
“… to grow, for opportunity, for adventure, to be free. Join the colony ship Nao Vittoria. Be the first to live amongst the stars.” It was obvious from the literature that the NextStar corporation wanted the young, the adventurous and the brilliant. So why were the super rich fighting over seats? Why were AI’s trying to stow away? Did this signify a premature end to human/AI civilisation? Why had some questions directed to NextStar been aggressively sidelined? Why did the colonist inflight entertainment trial produce fatalities? In fact, why colonists at all? Those and many other questions, however, boiled down to a single central question. Why was the world’s most advanced AI dumped with a hundred year babysitting job for 50 million people speeding towards an uninhabitable planet? It made such little sense. The only sure way to get answers, catch a ride on the Nao Vittoria and play the inflight entertainment game, Pax Domini. I joined, and this is my story. Well, I feature. OK, I’m more of a spectator. Actually, I’m completely irrelevant I was just there. I’m only the storyteller. But what a story to tell. --------- Hi All, Content will be published weekly usually Saturday and typical posts will be 25oo to 4ooo words per post. Though for some reason the Royal Road word count does not include the content of tables so some posts may not appear to meet this criteria. Currently I have written sufficient unedited content to keep this schedule for the next 12 months (half way through the first story arc). My current productivity would indicate that I can maintain this schedule for well into the second story arch. This also allows for the additional content that will be posed exclusively on Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/StoriesOfIndlu). This additional content follows minor characters, peripheral events, maps and other content that does not take away from the main story. I would love to accelerate the post schedule but to meet this I need the assistance of more beta readers than I currently have. So please let me know if you are interested. - Andy ©2022 Andy Leauter. All rights reserved. This story is also being published on Patreon.
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