《Storm Drains (pennywise love fan-fic) *completed*》Chapter 34
I woke up from a horrendous nightmare once again. The last couple of days I had been jolted awake from terrible images flashing in my mind. I looked around and realized I was no longer in the Neibolt house but instead in my bed. It was dark out but my room was dimly lit by a candle. A candle I never lit up.
I slowly made my way off the bed, my body aching in pain. I felt sticky and gross and I just wanted to get in the shower.
I stumbled into my bathroom, turning the tub faucet on slowly. I kept looking behind me to check if Penny was there. I was on edge the whole time.
I slowly sat in the warm water, my aching body relaxing a bit. I gripped onto the side of the tub as I winced in pain. I felt useless and vulnerable. I looked straight ahead, letting my body be soaked into the foamy water.
My eyes widened as I heard a shuffling sound come from my bedroom. I swallowed hard, not trying to make a single sound.
I almost cried at the sight of Penny standing in the doorway. I looked away, tears threatening to spill as I squinted and bit my lip in agitation.
"No more.. please" I said softly as I held tightly onto the tub. I could hear his bells jingle, a sound I used to be fond of, as he made his way to me.
I flinched hard when his gloved hand made contact with my face. He began to stroke my cheek softly, purrs emerging from within him.
I looked at him with sadness in my eyes, silent. He wasn't meeting his eyes to mine. We let the silence surround us. It wasn't uncomfortable or tense, it was just simple silence.
I brushed the water in front of me, causing ripples to flow all the way to the end of the tub, where my feet touched.
Penny continued to look at me as I felt his gaze burning on me. I slowly turned to look at him, with a completely blank face.
"Why are you here?" I asked quietly as water droplets fell from my fingertips and onto the marbled floor.
Penny didn't answer, instead he stood up and began walking over to the door. He looked at me one last time before walking out, disappearing completely.
I was enveloped in complete silence once again but I didn't mind it. I wanted to be far from him. Very far. Or so I thought...
I slowly closed my apartment door, almost scared that I wasn't allowed to go out like a normal human being and run errands, but Penny hadn't stopped me so I left.
I walked down the street, trying to act as if everything was normal and I hadn't been kept hostage by an evil child eating monster for days. I held tightly onto my purse as I walked into the store.
I walked around the small and silent store as I held onto the things I was going to buy.
"Shampoo, check" I said to myself as I held the familiar white bottle in my hand. I heard the door ring as someone walked in. I didn't pay mind to it and continued to shop around.
I felt a large hand grab me roughly, engulfing me in a hug. The scent on the person was very familiar. A little too familiar.
"Omg" I whimpered as I tried squeezing myself out of their hold.
I looked up into those familiar grey eyes.
"Jordan" I croaked. He quickly grabbed my shoulders, guiding me towards a more secluded area in the store. I left my basket of errands behind, completely distracted by the situation.
"You need to get out of here!" I said as I tried pushing him out of the store.
"No, no no, you don't have to worry anymore!" He said with a big smile on his face. I looked at him confused before shaking my head.
"Go! If he sees you here, he'll kill you and me!" I said trying to walk away from him as fast as I could.
"He can't, not after everything is done" he said making me stop dead in my tracks.
I turned around with an angry and confused face.
"What do you mean?" I asked slowly as I made my way over to him.
"He's being stopped as we speak, he'll no longer harm you or me or anyone!" He said trying to make it sound like good news.
"What did you do?" I asked as I began to back up towards the entrance of the small store.
Jordan looked puzzled at my reaction. I guess he expected me to jump in excitement and run away with him and hell I thought so too, but something in my gut didn't feel right.
"Jordan, what. did. you. do?" I asked stopping after every word. Jordan looked at me angry and hurt.
"I sent people after him.. they're probably done by now" he said looking down at the floor in shame and confusion, but that soon turned into anger.
"But I did it for you! You were in danger. WE were in danger! " he said raising his voice. I shook my head slowly as I felt my heart beat against my chest like a drum.
"Oh god" I said as I turned around and ran out into the street. The town was empty today, as a storm was going to roll in any moment. The people of Derry knew better than being out and about in the town, hours before a storm.
I ran down the street, snapping my head in every direction, not knowing exactly what I was looking for but my mind told me to search.
I looked down as I felt a burning sensation in my chest. I touched the hot skin, fearing. Something wasn't right. Penny wasn't right.
"Lola!" I heard Jordan's voice boom behind me. I wanted to ignore him but I knew he was my only chance to get to Penny. I turned around quickly before yelling at him.
"WHERE IS HE?!" I screamed as Jordan jogged towards me.
"He's done Lola, you're safe now, don't you get it?!" He said as he flared his arms out into the air in frustration.
"Jordan, you don't under-" I said before getting cut off.
"I understand you're damn insane for feeling pity for such monster!" He said pointing at my chest. I closed my eyes trying not to cry in front of him.
"Take me there" I said quietly, trying to cut the argument short.
"You're fucking crazy" Jordan said as he shook his head with a fake smile on his face.
"I always fall for the crazy ones" he snapped as he backed up, preparing to take off.
"It's been dealt with, I hope you were able to say your final goodbyes" he said raising his eyebrows with a chuckle. I looked back at him angrily, tears in my eyes as I watched him leave.
I don't know if it was my instinct or if I really was crazy but I decided to follow Jordan because I had a feeling he was going exactly where I needed to go. I let him walk some distance between us before I began to follow his footsteps.
He continued to walk through the lonely town, obvious he wasn't familiar with the corners and streets.
It took him 25 minutes to get to the same alley Penny had attacked me in, by the train station. The gravel under my shoes felt like fireworks from how loud they sounded against the quiet atmosphere.
Jordan's black leather jacket shifted on his toned body as he continued to take long steps. I began to grow more and more desperate to get too penny every passing minute. I almost cried of relief when I saw Jordan make the last turn, taking us into the familiar alley way.
"He's going to break loose!!" I heard a strangers voice boom against the walls, followed by many others. The sound of chains rattling was loud compared to the silence of the town.
I slowly made my way around the corner, clammy hands and pale skin, trying to match the voices to the people. I held my breath as I saw about 10 grown men surrounding something. I wasn't able to see what it was as Jordan stood right in front of me, still oblivious to my presence.
"How do we kill it?" One man asked with fear on his face. I felt myself began to panic as the worst came to mind.
We're they talking about Penny? No, no no no, there's no way Penny would be able to be weak enough to get caught. Right? That wasn't possible! Penny would have ripped them to shreds already! It couldn't be him! It couldn't...
"Who's the lady?" Another buff man asked. My eyes widened as I realized he was referring to me. Jordan quickly turned around with the same shocked and widened eyes, expect his were filled with anger.
"What the hell are-" he began to say but the moment my eyes landed onto Penny, everything in my world went silent.
My eyes were cemented onto my worst fear. My legs felt as if they were about to give in and all I could hear was my heart pumping in my chest.
Penny laid there, on his knees, surrounded. His hands were attached to large chains, held by the men. His face was bleeding and his suit was so disheveled, it was obvious he has put up a fight.
"NOOO" I screamed as all my senses came back. I felt my body lunge instinctively towards Penny. I needed to save him, to get him out of here.
"STOP STOP PLEASE STOP!" I begged as I felt Jordan pull me back. I fought against his hold as I thrashed about. I didn't care how I looked or who I hurt, I just needed to get to Penny.
I saw penny's head snap up, his golden eyes meeting mine. I hadn't even noticed I was sobbing. Jordan and two other guys continued to pull me back, trying to get me out of there. I fought harshly against them, not knowing where all my strength I had was coming from.
Penny growled and lunged at the men holding me back. Even in his most vulnerable state, he didn't fail in trying to protect me.
Everything felt like it went in slow motion, the way my hair flew around my face, the way the tears spilled from my eyes, the way Penny looked at me as he tried reaching for me.
"OFF!" He growled at the men as they continued their tight hold on me, the chains rattling as he moved his arms.
"Jordan please! Please let him go!" I pleaded as I looked back at Jordan, still fighting to get to Penny, still fighting against their deadly grip.
"YOU'RE HURTING HIM! YOU'RE HURTING ME!" I yelled as I felt one of the men grab my legs, in an attempt to carry me away from the situation. I saw pity flash in Jordan's eyes before one of his companions pulled Jordan's face to meet his. The guy looked intently into Jordan's eyes, concentration on his face.
"We need to do this" the guy said as Jordan looked at him blankly before nodding his head slowly.
"NO JORDAN PLEASE! LET HIM GO! ALL OF YOU STOP! PLEASE" I screamed against the wind, feeling so hopeless. I continued to fight against the strangers grip but to no avail.
I saw another man purposely kick Penny in the stomach, just to get a reaction out of the other men. I sobbed loudly as I heard Penny growl in pain.
"Please Penny, please don't let them take you away from me" I said quietly as I felt my face drenched in tears and sweat, but I knew he had heard me by the way he looked into my eyes.
I reached out for Penny in one last attempt, looking at Jordan with pain in my eyes before the man turned the corner, still holding me over his shoulder.
The guy put me down and held me tightly against the wall.
"You wouldn't want to see that anyways" he said with concerning eyes. I continued to cry as my body fell limp.
"Please" I croaked as I closed my eyes. I couldn't stop crying and it only got worse as I heard the men continue to attack Penny. I slid down the wall in agony as the sounds became louder and more continuous.
"God no" I whispered as I held onto my chest tightly. I felt like a mother who was losing her child or a wife losing her husband, so much grief. I was going to faint from the amount of panic and emotional pain I was enduring. I wanted to keep fighting but my body wouldn't cooperate. I knew I didn't stand a chance but my heart insisted I did, because it was for Penny. My body filled with sorrow as I realized I would no longer have Penny. I couldn't believe I had betrayed him to save Jordan. He was the reason for this and the moment I was able to hurt him, I would cause him the most physical and emotional pain I could endure on him. I was going to revenge Penny. Even if it killed me.
Suddenly the mans head snapped towards the alley.
"SHIT!" I heard a man yell as the sound of chains rattling became stronger. I looked towards the alley trying to listen.
The man looked at the alley and me in a back and forth motion as he bit his lip in hesitance.
"Stay here" he said before he ran around the corner and into the graveled alley as the sounds of screaming men grew louder. I shot up immediately and ran after him. This was the only time I was glad I was as stubborn as I was.
My eyes widened and I stopped dead in my tracks as I looked at all the blood and bodies on the floor and walls. I covered my mouth in shock, looking around.
I could see Jordan in the far end corner, whimpering in pain as he held his wounded stomach. The man who had carried me, slowly began to back up, shocked at the sight.
Jordan reached out towards the guy for help. The man stood still, looking directly in front of him.
Suddenly, all we could hear was the sound of flesh tearing and screams filled with pain. The man fell onto his knees limply, before falling onto his face flat, blood pooling underneath him. Jordan looked away with his eyes shut, disgusted and horrified by the mans death scene.
I slowly looked up and was met with amber eyes. Penny stood still, covered in blood and god knows what. His breathing was hard and rapid as his chest raised and fell. The chains on his arms were broken loose, only fragments of metal still hanging on. I felt my lips part open in shock and relief that he was still alive.
"Lola" I heard Jordan croak from the corner. I looked back at him, anger in my eyes.
"You did this to yourself" I said through gritted teeth.
"I told you to leave and never come back" I said slowly, but angrily. Penny took this as his cue.
He walked towards Jordan, claws out, dripping in blood from his previous victims. Jordan looked at Penny and back at me multiple times.
"No no no no no no no" he said shaking his head as he held his arm out in defense. He closed his eyes as Penny grew closer. I could hear Penny's deep growls of hunger the closer he got.
I stood there, completely still as the sounds of flesh being torn and blood being spilled filled the silent and bloody alleyway. Jordan's screams were so loud they were almost indescribable, but there I stood, with a straight face and not an ounce of sympathy or remorse in my body.
I didn't wince or close my eyes as I usually did. This time I forced myself to see Penny take his revenge, even if revenge wasn't what he deserved in the first place. He had planned to kill Jordan first, but I had saved Jordan once, and I wasn't going to do it again not after what he had attempted.
After the screams of agony grew silent, penny continued to face the wall, his back to me. I saw his body take in deep breaths. I was no longer filled with sadness or pain, but instead happiness and lust.
I saw Penny drop Jordan's limp body onto the ground, along with the many others. He slowly turned to face me, anger no longer in his golden eyes but instead replaced with the same emotion, lust.
I smiled at him, as he looked at me with his evil expression, his chest still rising and falling from his deep breaths. The air grew thick and silent as it was no longer occupied by nobody else but Penny and I.
"Doll" Penny whispered as he smiled evilly.
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