《Storm Drains (pennywise love fan-fic) *completed*》Chapter 23


I swallowed hard at penny's words. He sounded really upset, almost dangerous. I sat still where I was as penny's growls echoed through the room.

"Penny, you need to calm down" I said trying to negotiate with him. He didn't answer me and instead continued to stare me down. What did I expect? He was a monster with territorial and possessive tendencies. He didn't like his things being messed with. They were his and they were to stay his. It was in his nature to be like that and I couldn't blame him.

"Please" I pleaded with him as I saw his hands clench and unclench in anger. Although he was thoroughly upset, I couldn't help but notice how attractive and dangerous he looked. But maybe I was getting a little too cocky on the idea of him not killing me no matter what I did.

"Come here" I said as I beckoned him to come over. I knew he wouldn't comply with my orders but it was worth a shot.

"You'll both pay" he snarled before walking away, disappearing right after.

I sat dazed and confused at what had just happened. I felt chills run down my spine as I kept repeating penny's last words in my head. You'll both pay.


"Ouch!" I yelped as my finger brushed past the hot pan. I had decided to make myself dinner in order to

comfort my nerves from earlier.

The kitchen was steamy as the water continued to boil. I opened the pantry, humming to no song in particular as I looked for the pasta. Once my eyes landed on it, I grabbed the box and took it out of the shelve.

I closed the pantry and turned around to return to my cooking. My heart stopped beating and the box of pasta fell from my hands as I saw Penny standing in the middle of the living room. He was drenched in fresh blood, from a recent kill. He still had the same angry expression on his face and my knees weakened the sight.

"You're back" I said nervously as I picked up the box from the floor, not taking my eyes off of him. I shut the stove off as I knew I wouldn't get back to cooking in a while.

"Yes doll" he said in a raspy voice as his chest rises and fell from his heavy breathing.

"It was a fighter" I said referring to his kill that had obviously left Penny out of breath.

"He was indeed" he said followed by a dark chuckle.

"Male, again?" I asked trying to ease the tension between us. I wanted to start a conversation to make him forget about being angry.

"Oh he had it coming for him" Penny said with a wave of his hand. He looked so happy and proud of his recent hunt.

"You have a blacklist?" I chuckled nervously as I was catching on to what he meant. I just needed to hear him say it.

After a moment of silence I spoke up again.

"Did he at least taste ok?"

I said with a disgusted face. I felt my hands become clammy and nervousness crept its way up my body.

"Derek wasn't all too bad" he said as his sinister smile began to creep itself onto his face.

My face fell immediately at his words.

"How could you?" I asked quietly as Penny began to growl at my disapproval.

"I warned you, doll" he snapped and that's when I realized his sharp teeth and claws were still very visible and prominent on his body.


"He was my friend" I whispered as I fought back tears. I didn't want to cry over Derek in front of Penny because I knew that would only make him grow angrier.

"You're mine!" He snarled as he made his way towards me. His gloved hand wrapped itself around my throat, hoisting me up into the air, causing me to drop the box of pasta yet once again. Penny then slammed me against the wall and I whimpered at the sudden contact. I was dangling 2 feet in the air and penny's grip continued to tighten, making it difficult to breathe.

"Pe-Penny" I choked out as my hands desperately tried untangling his hand around my neck. This only made him tighten it even more, low growls coming from within him. His eyes were so orange, they started to become red.

"You're getting a little too comfortable" he said in a deep almost demonic voice.

"You seem to forget that you belong to me" he continued.

"And I'm going to remind you who you belong to" he growled. He then picked me up, still holding my neck and carried me to the bedroom. I felt myself fighting for air the whole way there. I could see stars forming in the corner of my eyes from the lack

of oxygen.

Once in the room, Penny slammed me onto the bed roughly making me scoot away instantly. The blood on his suit had now become somewhat dry but still moist to the touch. I looked at him with a scared and worried face.

"Maybe I should do the same to you" he snarled, showing his fangs. I fought back a scream as he lunged at me. He grabbed my hair and pulled it back harshly, forcing me to look at him.

"You're scaring me" I whispered shakily.

"That's the point" he laughed as he parted my legs with his knees. His eyes continued to bore into mine as he dug his hips into mine. I let out a small groan of pleasure, causing him to chuckle.

"So weak" he chuckled quietly.

Drool began to slide down onto my shirt, soaking it immediately. He looked down before wiping his mouth clean. With one swift movement he tore the shirt off my body. I could see my chest rise and fall from my rapid breathing. I looked back at him with averted eyes, his lips turned into a frown. He looked back down at my body and tore off my jeans as well, leaving me in my bralette and underwear only.

"Mine" he said before picking me up and placing me onto his chest. I looked down at him in shock at his sudden submissive behavior. He wanted me to pleasure him. To show my love for him. He wanted to make sure I was still his and what best way to do that than to make me do the work. His eyes were clouded with lust and that only caused me to yearn for him more. I lowered myself onto his crotch and began to grind against him. A low growl emerged from his lips and that signaled me that he was enjoying it. I could see my thighs had became lightly stained with blood from his gloves. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind, trying to enjoy the moment we were sharing.

I slowly unbuttoned the bottom portion of his suit, setting him free. I looked back up at him and he nodded in approval for me to continue. I removed the rest of my clothing in front of him, slowly. He looked at me with an angry and pleasured face.


Choose an emotion Penny I thought to myself.

I gently placed myself above him before setting my hips down. I felt him enter me, stretching me out a bit in the process. He was abnormally big and I don't think my body would ever get used to that. I cried out in pain and pleasure as he continued to fill me. Once he was all in, I tilted my head back in bliss and began to rock my hips, creating a rhythm, but he immediately stopped me.

I looked down at him in confusion. My hands laid flatly on the bed on either side of him. He arched his hands back, grabbing both my wrists in the process. He lifted my hands and held them tightly in the air. My arms were stretched out directly in front of me, and directly above him. He had a tight grip on them but it was a bearable pressure.

Without warning he shoved himself into me, and I moaned out loudly in response.

"Fuck" I groaned as I looked at my pinned arms. It was an awkward position we were in and I didn't feel like I had balance but it felt too good to stop.

He continued to thrust into me, not letting me rock against him. He had decided he wanted to do all the work now. His free hand began to trail down my body, tickling the soft skin. He cupped one of my breasts and he closed his eyes in pleasure. It looked like it was all too much for him but he didn't stop. I didn't want him to stop.

"More" I moaned, growing confident. He growled in response but it didn't seem from pleasure. I looked down at him and realized his face was turned into an unhappy scowl. His hips, however, didn't stop shoving against me.

"Wha-what's wrong" I said in between deep moans. I could barely speak from the intense pleasure he was giving me down there.

Without saying anything, Penny got up, carrying me with him. I looked around, behind me, as I tried figuring out where he was taking me.

My eyes widened as I realized he was walking towards the balcony.

"What are you doing?" I asked with concern as he slid the glass door open. He walked outside into the cold air and my body instantly began to shake.

He didn't say anything as he sat me on the railing of the balcony. I looked down and realized we were pretty high up. I looked back at him with fear in my eyes but he didn't seem to care.

"You wanted more" he said with an evil smile but he still looked thoroughly upset. Derek had really

gotten to him, even after he was dead.

The cold metal against my bottom stung my bare skin. It was the middle of December and here I was outside in the snowy winter, getting railed by a clown on top of a rail. Ironic.

I grabbed tightly onto penny's arm in fear of falling. His hand reached at the back of my neck, holding me in place. I didn't feel completely safe, but I knew I wouldn't fall either. Both my hands grabbed onto the railing under me as Penny placed himself in between my legs. His grip on the back of my neck was tight, he was making sure I didn't fall.

He entered me slowly and I closed my eyes as moans slipped from my lips. He suddenly began to thrust harshly into me and I could feel my body moving back and forth from the harsh contact.

"Penny" I moaned as I felt him continue to pound into me. My body stopped shaking from the cold. My skin felt hot to the touch now.

Penny raised his free hand up to my face before inserting two of his fingers into my mouth. He pulled the bottom of my jaw down, causing my whole mouth to open. My jaw ached as he continued to play with my mouth.

Without warning, I began to suck onto his fingers and lightly bite down on them. Penny growled under the touch, he was enjoying it.

He shoved his fingers in my mouth a bit deeper and I fought back the urge to gag. I felt my drool began to pool around my lips. Penny removed his fingers and replaced them with his tongue all while continuing to fuck me.

I felt his long tongue explore the inside of my mouth. I kissed back aggressively, heated in the moment. I was really glad nobody could see us from this angle. I didn't want to have to hear various concerned questions from neighbors. My moans became weak and raspy as I felt myself growing closer. I felt my body jolt back dangerously at every thrust. Penny's hand behind my neck was the only thing stopping me from falling over the rail and into sudden death. The danger from the whole situation only made me more aroused. The fact that I was depending my life on him with just the grip of his hand behind my neck was insane. My legs wrapped around him, trying to get him in deeper but I knew my body wouldn't be able to handle that.

My whole body felt as if it was on fire.

As I was nearing my climax, I decided to do something I hadn't done before.

I looked right into Penny's eyes as my orgasm took over my whole body. I bit my lip suppressing the loud moans that threatened to flood out. He looked back at me intensely. I didn't break eye contact with him throughout my whole orgasm and that was enough to send him over the edge. I bit my lip so hard as my body continued to ride it's high, I could taste blood. My moans slammed against the inside of my throat and they sounded like deep groans.

Penny growled ferociously as he climaxed. I felt him fill me up with his seed as growls slipped from his mouth shamelessly.

His grip on the back of my neck loosened and I gasped as I grabbed onto his arm. I looked down and immediately regretted it as I felt I could fall at any moment now. I looked back at Penny, signaling him to pull me off the rail and onto the safety of the balcony floor, but it seemed like he had another idea.

"Do you trust me?" He asked with a low and raspy voice, both of us calm now from our highs. I nodded my head slowly with wide eyes.

He then suddenly tilted my whole body back. More than half of my body was now dangling off the balcony rail, with only his hand grabbing at the back of my neck to stop me from falling. I looked up at him with confusion and fear but he didn't seem bothered. He then tilted his own body over mine as his face hovered above me. Both our bodies were now dangling over the railing with Penny's legs being the only thing holding us in place.

I looked deeply into his golden eyes, losing myself in them. The trance I was in was so strong, I had almost completely forgotten I was dangling in mid air. My legs wrapped tightly around his waist. His free hand made its way to my lips. He parted them slightly as he gave me a loving look.

It was a look he had never given me before.

His lips then crashed onto mine and we fell into a deep and passionate kiss. One of my hands wrapped around his neck while the other grasped at his amber hair. I felt my body erupt into warm butterflies at Penny's touch.

We broke the kiss as I softly gasped for air. He continued to stare into my eyes. His face was blank yet filled with many emotions. We were still dangling in the air but I didn't feel in danger anymore, completely dazed by the whole situation. I had also completely forgotten about the whole Derek situation itself.

Penny softly caressed my face, taking in all of my features as if it was his first time seeing me.

"Precious little thing" he said.

"My precious little thing" he repeated, whispering to himself.

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